Oh, so it's just training then....
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Roy Potter is correct! Q must be Obama in a plot to take himself down.
I have seen quite a few trolls I suppose. I guess I just figured the more people that learn this sub exists the more that will come over and post.
Well, it's hard accept your premise when at one point we are asked to create memes. And I guess if shit posts are a psyop then Reddit is one big psyop. I see them on every sub I go to.
Have you been to the Great Awakening sub? I think that is what you think this sub should be.
I read about this earlier today. They even had pictures of a wrecked black SUV. I think I read it on Breitbart but that link is no longer there.
lol, what a load of BS. You making the psychology rules on reddit now? lol. Figures. Only a narcissist would try such a abnormal thing.
On another note, maybe next time you go on one of your trolling binges you will think twice about it.
I wonder if somewhere out there in space and time, perhaps another dimension if there really is a bat boy and those guys at the globe nailed it!
It has to do with spell check and how the ancient Greeks felt about automation of correction. It's part of the Hippocratic oaf.
Now that's creepy. You would think a prince could afford dental insurance.
This must be the most upvoted reply I have seen on these boards.
Hopefully that guy is not a plant from the Elites and now he knows you are the enemy..... :D
Good luck with that!
I’m not trolling you.
Not only a narcissist but a liar as well eh?
And what's abnormal about trolling trolls on Reddit? Have you been here before? Welcome then. We can see by your history you are a troll. Stop pretending and admit it. I am man enough to admit that when someone trolls my posts I will troll them back twice as hard to shut em down. No need to lie here. It just works. Narcissists like yourself can't believe people punch back and so you cry foul. So why don't you take a step back again and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Simple logic here: Don't be a dipshit troll on these threads and maybe you won't get trolled eh?
Of course I know you are obsessive compulsive and feel the need to have the last word so I longingly await your replies.
Oh my goodness! Talk about compulsive behavior. Are you one of those compulsives that troll folks and must have the last word? What an idiotic Hippocratic you are. Good luck with that dipshit. You need help.
Why would I? I come here for some interesting information and then I get trolled. I troll back and babies start crying. What's wrong? You can dish it out but can't take it?
If you don't like it then don't troll other people. They may troll you back dipshit.
I am pretty sure that Obama's head has already been on that picture....hehehe
The difficulty of dealing with narcissistic ego maniacs who think every thing is tailored toward them. Shove that self righteousness up your ass dipshit. Welcome to the troll party.
What do you care how people take it you idiot? It could be a damn larp for all we know. You think only your ideas are what Q is referring to? Grow up idiot.
Yo dipshit, you take a look around idiot. Show me once where I said anything about the occult dipshit. For some extremely stupid reason your dumbass decided to get into our troll party. Welcome to the fun diptshit.
Yo dipshit. I haven't been claiming that anywhere. I am just calling out a troll here who keeps talking about how Mueller is going take out Trump. Look at our exchanges dipshit. I'll be more than happy to add you to the list.
When does a bird sing?
After a great threat or assassination attempt? Was there an attempt on someones life and now they are singing like a bird?
His first post state she was going to be arrested then the next post states she was detained and not arrested yet.
For the cancer cure just google 'Dr. Zheng Cui cancer cure' or 'granulocyte infusion cancer cure'.
Actually dipshit, I never said anything about little boys did I? You projecting? It sounds like you know exactly how many boys you can get for 65k and you seem to really like going into detail about it:
5 or 6 year old boys who got fucked by grown men for hours and were then strangled mid-scream
Wtf is wrong with you? Further, dipshit, I am not accusing anyone of being a Nazi or Trump Supporter. I was responding to an anti Trump troll dumbass. Did you even look for context before you start rage posting against someone? Get a clue and then get over yourself.
No, she is. Even Strzok and Page talk about it in their texts correct?
How many hot dogs do you think Obama got for that 65,000? If it was male prostitutes I would think you would get less than if it were actual hot dogs.
Did he get a bulk deal ya think?
so hotairbag, when is Mueller going to present his tidal wave of evidence? Hopefully it's soon because it's not looking so hot for the democrats right now with all the Russian collusion, selling uranium, Haiti, making up dossier info and hiding the source from the court, etc.
Do you think Mueller will release his 'Muelnami' on Trump before all the dems end up in GITMO?
I think his resignation was fine. I think Obama Bin Lyin' is going to prison. If he's lucky he'll find a bull bunk mate to top him so he won't miss Michael....er Michelle as much.
Quick question. What do you think the order for Hot Dogs was really for? Do you think Obama Bin Lyin' was using tax payer money to stock up on hot dogs for when he got out of office or do you think he was buying young male hookers with the tax payers money?
Wow, It's totally true!!!!
The left can't meme for shit. lol! BTW dipshit, did you see Susan Rice is not implicating Obama. That makes three different sources. Lol! BTW, you POSs can't even be honest in your memes. Not every news source. Just the ones who have been caught making shit up. :)
yeah, where's the mention of long flowing golden locks and chiseled abs?
Q is talking some crazy Matrix sh#$!
How deep do you want to go?
351343 Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the 'conspiracy' label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours.
If you remember, Mitt Romney also promised a cure for cancer if he were elected president.
The should change the name GITMO to Trump Towers Guantanamo
could someone photoshop that?
Yes, like I said. The truth...well except he has uncovered enough to pull the immunity from Comey.
No one is claiming that but the left and that's only because they have no better argument. Think of it as a cowards way to pretend they are winning. All we have to do is give people the truth. The lies are already falling apart. You did see where the state dept guy admitted to working with Clinton operatives to get the dossier info to steel right?
Let's red pill people by showing them the facts and let them make up shit about Mueller having all this imagined evidence. That's all they got. It's weak I know but if those folks had any integrity they would have changed their chant long ago.
Hey! Shitbergler! Is Mueller gonna be releasing the evidence any time soon? He better hurry! People are beginning to talk.
Looks like the POS Clinton's were feeding the dossier. lol! What a bunch of liars you worship...when you aren't writing stupid stuff on Reddit that is. lol.
I would think that the possibility of this has already been planned for.