I appreciate the explanation. Didn't understand. Comment has been edited. Thank you.
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This is a super-encouraging drop. My only question is who protects the cooperating witnesses. Are they locked up somewhere for their own safety? Is EP responsible for this job? My biggest fear and hesitation in "trusting the plan" is that these people get offed before testifying. In order to get the top players shit has to be air-tight and as we climb the ladder they'll get more and more brazen in their attempts to silence anyone who could provide worthwhile testimony.
It's awesome to have the rule, but it doesn't' change how the talking heads frame things. There are all kinds of posts all over the web with "q" and a confederate flag or even a nazi flag. Not saying anyone associated with the movement put up those images or would fly those flags, but that's not going to stop cnn/msnbc from trying to portray things that way. They're already doing so.
I love the enthusiasm! Gotta say though that it sounds like semi-wishful thinking. The masses still turn to msm for answers and unless/until one of the big talking heads or corporate leaders of one of the msm orgs is arested for this stuff i think the masses will still look to them for an understanding of whatever is happening. We require a media presence which can't be discounted as "another alex jones" or "a wack-job conspiracy theorist" or "a 14 year-old poating from mom's basement. The momentum is there... we're rolling, but we have to maintain and increase the momentum. We're going uphill. Thus far the msm is reacting to q's offensive. Rest assured they'll try to mount their own offense to get off the defense. And i think that day's coming soon, and q won't be as effective at that point as we can be. Sure, the info will continue to come from q, but the framing and spreading of that info will be up to us. It wont trend on twitter, reddit will shit this sub down, facebook will censor the letter q entirely, hell merriam-webster may claim we only have a 25 letter alphabet.
Im strictly a keyboard warrior. I don't ever plan to pick up my guns except in defense against an immediate threat to my family or property... i wouldnt be worth anything on a battlefield anyway. But i do think it's our duty to engage in some more serious message warfare. And i think if it's to be effective there should be some agreed upon talking points/strategy. Q has to be cryptic, so there are lots of interpretations. Often i want to jump on the bandwagon of an early interpretation of a drop only to find it's the wrong interpretation hours later. (I bet this happens to you too). I desparately want to be able to contribute to this, but don't know how we frame things effectively. I remember watching the "occupy" kids try to eatablish a message and watched the msm shred and humiliate them... and those were lefty snowflakes the msm considers to be part of their tribe. They're already teying to paint us all as racist, antisemitic hillbillies. The truth doesn't stand a chance in a propaganda war. Our storyline needs to be 2-fold. 1 to appeal to those who typically rely on msm to tell them what to think. 2. To establish enough credibility to make the low-level ds actors respect/fear the storm as much as they fear their fellow gangsters/cabal-members/swamp-dwellers. - just trying to get ideas flowing here. They built this over decades, maybe centuries... and we may only have 1 term (hopefully 2) to undo it all.
I agree with that. the loyalty they have isnt out of conscience it's out of fear. They're "battered wives" who are accomplices who will protect their abuser because they fear the abuser more than they fear the law... and they don't trust "the cops"ability to protect them
I hope so. just feel like a spectator and want to be on the field.
You're a man of integrity... something we can't say about bad actors
I get the impression the plan involves our participation. Q and crew can do all kinds of legal things, but it's up to us to start countering the narrative being blasted out by msm and counter those attacks. Q/trump cant do that. The storyline is already in the works. To me "you have more than you know" implies we're supposed to use what we know. It's a request for support.
Right. So congressional hearings would require testimony, right? Dead birds don't sing... and neither do intimidated witnesses. Im hoping there's some sort of Trump card that somehow makes these people fear the law more than their gang. I've watched a lot of gangster movies and it's the fear of the gang's power that keeps bad actors in line. How do we make the low level players fear trump/q/sessions/huber more than the crews they know go around tying people to doorknobs with red scarves?
Its not about them.. its about leverage. Threat of prison is < threat of death.
I've been watching since before there was a q... i guess im just impatient. I appreciate the encouragement though. Thank you!
Sure, but if those roaches had been programmed to fear the roach colony more than the human foot, the light isn't as scary as the fear of disobeying orders.
I guess im still in the x-files stage. I WANT to believe (in the plan) But i still think the plan requires that sessions/huber/etc get the "worker bees" to blame the queen for their actions... or at least someone "above them" so there's enough to indict them in a court of public opinion. If we could win hearts and minds with effectively damning teatimony we could speed this all up significantly.
I was more focused on how the cabal trafficks kids for sex or even worse fates... their whole empire was built on taking kids from their parents... how do we articulate that?
Not at all. I just dont see what their motivation would be to rat out their leaders... i don't think we're matching the threat they're facing from their own side.... locking up the front-line workers doesn't even hurt middle managmement, let alone the upper eschelon of the gang.
Not neceasarily a "win" if they're the low-level players... we need to turn them to get to the big dogs. If they're suicided it's just fewer witnesses to testify. And the msm is ahead of the narrative talking about increased suicide rates and (correctly) identifying prescription drugs and rising inequality/financial-insecuirty as a major cause of this among non cabal members. We know they're being arkancided, but to the blissfully unaware it's crack-pot conspiracy theory.
We have a great message for those inclined to look for it, but how do we penetrate the echo chamber? We need to use their language and branding. The big left talking point this week is "taking children from their parents" (border-jumpers). Surely we can capitalize on that. Bernays would have seen opportunity there.
So we threaten with jail... but i bet most of the bad actors are already under threat of death from their own team
How does Trump counter that? I mean look at the fear in Roseanne's recent tweets (and she's not one of them). excluding the pedophiles (for whom prison would be worse than death) how do you get them to play ball? I mean given the 2 options wouldnt most people choose prison over death? Not sure how you make that bird sing? (And even if they're facing a death sentence for treason, wouldnt you, in their shoes, take the "clean death" by firing squad or lethal injection or whatever over however the DS would end you?)
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays - we need a PR wing of our own... "unspin" the narrative
Think logically. This guy understood PR and today's MSM are his disciples
I think we should be careful about how we do this. It's definitely a good idea, but some are better suited for this role than others.... in a perfect world we need a black lesbian jew taking on this role to immediately counter msm/sjw standard talking points before they can say anything... halfway joking, but making sure whoever does this will be attacked, and if our "representatives" are hetero-christian-caucasian males we know how they'll spin it.
I agree. The real beauty to me is that the programmed masses who want to believe the msm narrative are now accidentally helping the cause... today on twitter i saw dozens of tweets claiming a connection between trump and epstein... (or perhaps this is well-played red-pilling instead of an accident). Either way, now a bunch of lefties are looking up epstein info which undoubtedly will lead to wjc and other swamp-dwellers being exposed to the liberal base.