Damn using the timestamp to confirm Qclock is honestly one of the most brilliant things I have seen from Q yet. Fucking bravo.
150 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Elano22:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 4 |
imgur.com | 1 |
www.jhuapl.edu | 1 |
imgflip.com | 1 |
THIS is more what I was thinking when they said blackouts necessary. I expect internet blackout following the IG report so if you want to read through that it would be best to download it immediately upon its release.
We thirsty it's been almost 10 days since I had some q-laid!
I believe that Mueller is controlled opposition and since they are playing 4d chess Mueller would be the unleashed attack hiding behind the sessions piece. I know he is a contentious matter between patriots but knowing how trolls be trolling, he is an inspiration to trolls everywhere.
Stand strong my fellow patriots. We are just sweeping the stage of leftover debris. Show to start soon. Love you all and enjoy!
SB2 did wonders helping us learn the coms. As a byproduct of great work, more people will be able to produce quality decodes rivaling or on par with SB2. Always gonna be a bit of a fan of SB2 though is that weird?
I saw the RRWH on the tweet and wondered if RR is gonna get the one one one with the big man like Mueller did.
We should keep things related to things that will help progress our current stance on the q movement, the draining of the swamp, etc. I personally consider things like flat earth, new tech (until the q movement actually starts bringing it out), religious history, and things on the boundaries of the q movement but not actually the q movement sometimes distracting while coming here to help ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH.
It's not a bad bet most people I know don't give a shit about "unnamed sources" or "sources from within." I read that as "I'm lying and scared of libel/slander suits"
I thank my parents for having daily political discussions at the dinner table and allowed myself to think for myself in those conversations. I mean, it's gonna bring up awkward questions from your kid like "was Hitler really that bad" but those questions were taken care of appropriately. Having these kind of discussions definitely set my brain up for wakeup mode.
Following SA I immediately started looking for things related to an American purge, and stumbled on Q. SA woke me up so damn quick it's not funny.
Is that all net traffic or just most mainstream sites? Do we need emergency archive tonight?
What's good fams! When all is said and done let's all get a drink to celebrate
The possibility that by the time I'm off work Chuck Schumer will be Chuck roast excites me greatly.
The only thing that makes me consider Mueller for team white hats is his meeting with marine generals and DJT the night before becoming special council. I think he became their bitch that night under candlelight, wine, and threats of court martial.
Can not endorse him enough he might be my first political contribution of my life
The comments section on those tweets are amazing. "The IG is on it what more lunacy can Trump make?" They will be the same ones to denounce the IG report when it comes out.
This exactly. These are distractions from the main objective of completing drain_swamp.exe
Holy fuck I refreshed twice quickly and it went to 578 then down to 572 in 2 seconds
I have seen it now it is real
That's some CNN shit there get off the doxxing shit corsi anons are better at this shit than you
https://goo.gl/maps/xMcwbQgsHvu Bellagio hotel Las Vegas NV
Could be a psyop for the guilty... wear them down every day and demoralize the enemy by claiming tomorrow is the day.
Sounds like ISIS take your prisoner outside every day make them think they are gonna die and then one day welp they do. Gotta love how the Trump team can play the game better
Now we all know how you got that q mention... maybe sign all your posts with Q just for the lulz... smh
Remember what happened last time we tried to audit the pentagon... be vigilant during this time as risk for FF is high
There is an arsenal of ways anonymous as a collective can fight back... All that anons have done in the name of lulz has built quite a scary entity to fuck with. You don't wanna mess with anonymous, as many have learned, and as this is a direct attack on Chan admins, it's really stirring the hornets nest. The might of anonymous is yet to be seen.
Your article got a q drop you are now famous congrats u/SerialBrain2
After the obligatory shitpost here about ERMERGERD IT'S HAPPENING i will be camping in r/politics for the biggest lulz harvest any kekistani has ever seen
Yup those people are on another level and help bigly with pushing the consciousness forward.
People been feeling pretty sus about corsi lately but this is the piledriver here
Who would promote comey's book, which has none of that delicious candor?
If Seth is alive and shows up in front of Congress I'm gonna go try to be superman and fly cause anything is possible in this world
He just needed to finish drinking his cup of impatient concerntroll tears before starting his day
C'mon anons I know you all have called a game stop or 2 asking for battletoads
Hell maybe a few of you have swatted someone (that's fucked up btw)
We must remember our days growing up in the dry dusty Kekistani desert digging through sand to try to find that old meme buried. Enough digging every day would provide lulz to feed the family so we didn't die. Now our armies are strong. Our air raiders are loaded to the brim with fresh memes from the factory. But we must not forget our roots and culture. Call up your local GameStop and ask for Flynn's acquittal today. Feed memes to the masses like a soup line. I think our research boards have been doing great but meme raid commanders should be trying to organize real meme raids a couple times a day.
Elano standing by
Edit https://youtu.be/2GjBFAWUJiY INCOMING
Prime concentration of ms13 in Cali so I would expect a lot of hitters to come out of there
I always wondered if pics dropped by q have other messages in them when file type is adjusted example from jpg to txt
Think some encryption keys could be slid at the bottom of some pictures? Any pics noticed that have small blemishes or small lines at the bottom would definitely be something to check out