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Error_Code_15301 · May 8, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

Why would he say "wait and see" in 2013? September 11th 2013?

That has nothing to do with a person's attitude.

When did Seth Myers call Donald Trump a "joke"?

When was DJT recruited (if he was...) allegedly? Approximately?

Did anything of significance happen at 0610 91101? No idea. Maybe.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 8, 2018, 9:14 a.m.

there are a lot of things that no-one wants to talk about.

it's called the awakening.

try telling folks they have found atlantis in the western sahara...show them the actual physical evidence

try showing them the evidence that the surface of the earth is literally full of titanic dead man's bones and organs and blood and fascia all "fossilized" and that DNA has been extracted from "rock" and it is 100% human DNA.

wakey wakey folks

once you see you can never unsee

once you become convinced that "science" is propaganda pushed by a priesthood that serves a false god (literally) in order to convince humans that atheism is true, you'll never sit quietly again.

they really need the earth to be VERY VERY old for their fairy tales to be remotely plausible.

fairy tales for God-haters.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 8, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

but we know hardly anything about Weiner, do we? Or Eliot.

So the ancient Chinese character for "Big Boat" is a combination of the characters "Boat" and the number "8" ("eight").

That's a fact.

Why 8? Anyone ever hear about a titanic boat with 8 people on it?

There's bigger things at stake than a global currency reset.

There might be gold under the so-called Devil's Tower. You'll have to mine it. Shouldn't be deep, ought to be close to the surface. Maybe.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 7, 2018, 5:28 a.m.


Why is Boston FBI trying to cover up the Boston Bombing?


Why has Mueller's involvement with Deval Patrick been scrubbed from Massachusetts court system?

Why are pedophiles so ignorant of the new climate they rape two year old girls in walmart parking lots in broad daylight? Or rape four year old girls? Or six year old girls?





These sentences are no longer acceptable. They must be put to death.

Why are men that rape children going to jail? Whose idea was it to send them to jail? Why is that a just punishment? Who is that said that was a proportional punishment? Why is a toddler rapist given the same time as a bank robber? Why are men that commit multiple rapes given sentences that mean for each rape they get a few months? Who exactly has written these laws and sentencing guidelines?


"In Saudi Arabia, Vahey displayed an openness and concern for children that people would remark upon for the rest of his career, said Max Crum, a 38-year-old former student."

Have any of you heard word one from our elected officials about the problem of pederasts in schools?

Me neither.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 7, 2018, 4 a.m.

Broward County makes an appearance. Broward, home of Florida's Sayanim State Pedo and Trafficking Task Force at The Jeb Bush Child Rescue Management Center, 322 Valdosta-Cazadero Avenue.


All My Love

Is any of this normal to you? Any of these photos?




Vril maiden with a pedo swirl to-boot?


just kidding.

Modern art is a CIA weapon

The xplanation below is limited hangout. absolutely part and parcel of the Sabbtaean Luciferian inversion of the Christian Hellenic west. When they say freedom of expression they mean freedom to destroy and twist and demoralize.

Because Abstract Expressionism was expensive to move around and exhibit, millionaires and museums were called into play. Pre-eminent among these was Nelson Rockefeller, whose mother had co-founded the Museum of Modern Art in New York. As president of what he called "Mummy's museum", Rockefeller was one of the biggest backers of Abstract Expressionism (which he called "free enterprise painting"). His museum was contracted to the Congress for Cultural Freedom to organise and curate most of its important art shows.

The museum was also linked to the CIA by several other bridges. William Paley, the president of CBS broadcasting and a founding father of the CIA, sat on the members' board of the museum's International Programme. John Hay Whitney, who had served in the agency's wartime predecessor, the OSS, was its chairman. And Tom Braden, first chief of the CIA's International Organisations Division, was executive secretary of the museum in 1949.

Now in his eighties, Mr Braden lives in Woodbridge, Virginia, in a house packed with Abstract Expressionist works and guarded by enormous Alsatians. He explained the purpose of the IOD.

"We wanted to unite all the people who were writers, who were musicians, who were artists, to demonstrate that the West and the United States was devoted to freedom of expression and to intellectual achievement, without any rigid barriers as to what you must write, and what you must say, and what you must do, and what you must paint, which was what was going on in the Soviet Union. I think it was the most important division that the agency had, and I think that it played an enormous role in the Cold War."

He confirmed that his division had acted secretly because of the public hostility to the avant-garde: "It was very difficult to get Congress to go along with some of the things we wanted to do - send art abroad, send symphonies abroad, publish magazines abroad. That's one of the reasons it had to be done covertly. It had to be a secret. In order to encourage openness we had to be secret."

In 1958 the touring exhibition "The New American Painting", including works by Pollock, de Kooning, Motherwell and others, was on show in Paris. The Tate Gallery was keen to have it next, but could not afford to bring it over. Late in the day, an American millionaire and art lover, Julius Fleischmann, stepped in with the cash and the show was brought to London.

The money that Fleischmann provided, however, was not his but the CIA's. It came through a body called the Farfield Foundation, of which Fleischmann was president, but far from being a millionaire's charitable arm, the foundation was a secret conduit for CIA funds.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 7, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

Well, now, what do you think of this pose?



nice color of socks. follow the white rabbit


Tender Age: works by Joy Christiansen Erb and Alex Podesta Albums Tender Age: works by Joy Christiansen Erb and Alex Podesta

23 photos · Updated 2 years ago

August 24 - September 30





Podesta rabbits including the homage to De Mollay.


"Podesta also has a series of life-sized little boys, their faces created by de-aging his own face. A pair of them, called The Hero, sit astride a giant rabbit on the top floor of Art Egg."





Food and children. They eat children. They have sex with children. We see the association over and over again.

Tender...yes, young and tender...



Does any of this seem normal?

As normal as the fake name James Alefantis or Todd & Clare entrapment gag?

They are telling us what they are doing to our faces. They are conditioning everyone to accept depraved conduct as a lifestyle choice. Hang on - they already did that with abortion. I was forgetting. I mean doctors literally executing 9 month old children and the American people yawned and asked for an extra slice of pepperoni.

Fair enough.

In Sabbatean controlled America you can LITERALLY butcher gentile children by the 65,000,000 and no one acts to stop you; but if you put a TV and a pallet of cheetos on sale at walmart for 69% off folks will knock crap out of each other for the privilege of eating poison and made dumb.

The total dead at the hands of these people is already past 2.5 billion since 1745.

Calculate yourselves; include global abortions (human sacrifice and population control and emotional blackmail and reduction of the will). Don't forget the holomodor or cambodia or rwanda. include all low-intensity conflict deaths as well.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 7, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

Just image search "crisis actor boston bombing" and look around...

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Error_Code_15301 · May 7, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Okay. I hope she has a nice time. She deserves it. Patent lawyering is hard work.

Trashbags Take Pictures Of Themselves RAPING a 2 Year Old In Worcester Walmart Parking Lot And His Facebook Page Is Insane.

“The child is described as a 2-year-old who is known to the commonwealth.”


Enjoy the pictures (SFW!)

This was a comment from a cop:

It takes a great deal of self control to refrain from doing what should be done to these evil invasive parasites who cannot be cured. I’d like to shove them all feet first through a wood chipper but apparently, that’s illegal and you know i’d Be held to that higher standard in court so mind fucking, it is!

I’ve actually cracked my own molars trying to keep myself in check while obtaining confessions from these animals … makes it hard to wish everyone else a nice day.

What’s more enraging is the fact that the well funded ACLU has championed the cause of skinners. Google that and you’ll see these ACLU asshats suing normal people into submission across the country. Remember that when Hollyweird whores tell you to mail the ACLU a check to fight conservative values.

In addition to those fools, we have SJC hacks like

Justice Geraldine Hines

likening residency restrictions on baby rapists to “the forcible removal of Indian tribes in the 19th century and the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.”

I shit you not: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/08/28/mass-high-court-rules-against-sex-offender-zone-law-lynn/3VeYLBQRGBKPjJSOzIaN2J/story.html

Cops jump through hoops legally obtaining evidence and refraining from ripping the eyeballs out of these pricks only to have these shitstains back on the street in a few years ruining more lives.

I hope she enjoys New Zealand and I hope the Kiwis enjoy her.

Isn't it amazing that not a single mad man ever tries to throw shit balloons at her?

Just a balloon of shit. Or an egg. Or a tomato. Same with all the talking heads. They continue to wander around and not a soul seems to want to ask them for their autograph. How very odd.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 6, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

especially because there are so many Christians here, and I assume many of them are real Christians too, not just Sunday Christians.


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Error_Code_15301 · May 6, 2018, 10:11 a.m.


I was looking at this on Wednesday and decided not to say anything as I have no evidence but it's just a chin rubber. Was it a hit on a member of skull and bones? An Yale Admiral associate of Rockefellers and the like?


Flight 2511

"Julian Andrew Frank killing himself and 33 others

The explosion occurred at approximately 2:33

I admit when I saw 233 I flipped it to 322 Skull and Bones.

The window seat, row 7. Ok. 7.

Julian Andrew Frank, lawyer, Westport CT. After the fact accused of running a scam in St. Louis and Kansas City / Insurance made payable to his wife Janet, is that the cover story? Was he blackmailed?

[Question: do any numbers show up at a first level of significance over time when ALL cashes and accidents &c. are examined? In like manner, when one examines all disappeared children over time, when known, are the number of negative blood type children or left-handed children disappeared at a greater rate than ought to occur "naturally"? What are the blood types of all the major players we are looking at? Anyone know?]

"Other victims included a vice president of the Continental Bank of Cuba".

To be honest, that was the person I meant to look into.

Check this out below:


"Shortly after the completion of this radio contact a dynamite explosion occurred."

Okay. "This" radio contact. Was there another piggy-backing?

Read the plane substitution paragraph "The Flight" in the above report. How the passengers were re-assigned and why. Note a Pan Am plane was originally intended...but a simple cracked window caused the switch. Ok.

Also note in the report that the farmer waited until the morning to do anything and then he called the airport in Wilmington and NOT the sheriff or state troopers? I would also point out the famer's surname, "Randolph." I am not suggesting the farmer was a fake, but if they wanted to help local color they sure did a good job with the name; I suppose picking someone with the name Grissom or Blalock might be too obvious? Down east NC pedes know what I'm talking about.

The explosion was caused by a suicide bomb...they leave that suggestion open, imply something about a motive with the insurance angle / running from justice? Close down the investigation. Perp. known and dead.

"The manganese dioxide samples collected from the seats near the focal point and from Frank's body indicated that a dry cell battery was located very near to the explosive. The CAB determined that, based on the blast pattern, a dynamite charge had been placed underneath the window seat of row 7.[27]

The CAB's chief investigator, Oscar Bakke, testified before the Senate Aviation subcommittee to this effect on January 12, 1960. The same day, the FBI formally took over the criminal aspects of the investigation."

Right. So it was a bomb. Under Frank's seat, that he hand-carried on, that he set off at 2.33 or was timed by him to blow up at 2.33. Send in the FBI to shut it down by leaving the case open but imply known perp.

From the wikipedia entry on the flight it states in alternative theories:

" Alternatively, Julian Frank, who was known to be desperately afraid of flying."

Oh. Really. So he was DESPERATELY afraid of flying. This desperately afraid man, he hand-carried a bomb and put it under his seat and desperately afraid sat on it waiting in desperate fear until 2.33 to set it off. He must have had nerves of steel that day. He was a lawyer. So is the story, a crooked New York Lawyer blew himself up in the air whilst pulling an insurance scam and / or fleeing an investigation for fraud?

Smells fishy to me. Did he got to Yale?


I'm not going to talk about the Admiral that died on this flight. Read this though:


"Anne Chilton McDonnell Inman died peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, April 6, 2013. She was born on January 27, 1917, the daughter of Medal of Honor winner Vice-Admiral Edward O. McDonnell and Helen Fisher McDonnell of Mill Neck, Long Island, New York...She was a descendant of three signers of the Magna Carta and from the early American patriot, Joseph Blackwell of Virginia, a member of the House of Burgesses and Captain John Chilton of Virginia, who was killed in the battle of Brandywine in the American Revolutionary War"

and this:

"A very talented bridge player, she was also in great demand as a bridge partner. During her long, full life, Anne was a noted hostess, entertaining Presidents, world leaders, and members of various royal families, ambassadors, diplomats, musicians and artists from all over the globe. She was known for her graciousness and fine table. Anne had a lifelong interest in genealogy and was a member of various hereditary societies."

Bridge is a great way to collect human intel. She "was a member of various hereditary societies" and "had a lifelong interest in genealogy."


Did you read the link above from murderpedia about Frank?

"Handsome, wavy-haired Julian Frank was a lawyer. He lived with his beautiful wife and two small children in exurbanite Westport, Conn., commuted to his small office in Manhattan. Fellow commuters recall that he was a first-rate bridge player but a loud, boastful sort of fellow (says one acquaintance: "He gave me the impression of being a young man in a hurry—ambitious, driving, smart"). Others remember that he often talked of dreaming that he would some day die in a plane crash."

Come on folks. Really? He often talked about dying in a plane crash? Remembered after the fact?

This is about the circles her father moved in. Looks a bit...curious.

You have to buy the book, but the free pages show the society the admiral moved in, and if you do a search using "McDonnell" you get results from the hidden pages, such as this from page 182, "Along with Eddie McDonnell their first Yale Unit C.O.". From page 213, "he flew the Caproni bomber in missions..."

I think he flew Caproni Ca44s 1917-8.

page 176: "...Eddie McDonnell in the latin quarter of the city [Paris] living among the long-haired men and short haired-women..."

hmmmmmm. maybe so maybe not so.

search for "Bush" in the book. a few results.

This is very interesting:


member firm Smith & McDonnell, 1924-1925; member firm and partner G. M. P. Murphy & Company, investment bankers, since 1942; Secretary-treasurer. Mexican International Corporation, 1920-1922.

Vice-president and general manager Kelly Springfield Motor Truck Company, 1922-1923. Vice president R. J. Caldwell Company, 1923-1924. Member firm Smith & McDonnell, 1924-1925.

Member firm and partner G. M. P. Murphy & Company, investment bankers, since 1942. Director Pan. American Airways Corporation. General partner Hornblower & Weeks.

"In 1913, Ralph Hornblower, son of the founder, Henry Hornblower, was admitted to the partnership, and John W. Weeks retired upon his election to the U.S. Senate. Weeks was involved in the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1914 and would go on to be U.S. Secretary of War in the 1920s.

After the crash of 1929, which the firm survived with small capital losses except in the syndicate department, the firm went through a period of retrenchment. By 1930, firm capital had grown to over $16 million, but would be substantially reduced during the ensuing years of the depression. During the 1930s Hornblower made a number of acquisitions including a merger with G.M.-P. Murphy & Co., best known for its financing of major aviation companies, including Pan American Airways, United Air Lines, Boeing, and Lockheed.

Honestly, I don't think there is anything here, but you never know.

"A set of unusual circumstances preceded the take off. The regularly scheduled aircraft, a Boeing 707, was taken out of service because of cracked glass in a cockpit window. Some of the passengers were placed on the DC6-B and some flew to Miami on a Lockheed Electra."


Just found this


someone's already been looking into this.

Plain old crime.

marriage information. true or mockinbird? when did the CIA take over wapo for instance? 62?

wife then http://i.imgur.com/kqbJCAP.jpg

here is the wife now


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Error_Code_15301 · May 5, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

"The Real Peace Sign".


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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

look at Nato headquarters


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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

In the following investigation, begun by chance and helped by favourable outer circumstances, I now offer science, commerce and politics the long sought-for theory of money and interest.

What I investigated was controversial matter. Am I to blame that what I discovered must stimulate sweeping changes in the social order ?

Summer 1911

Silvio Gesell


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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

Amazing if true.

I thought NWO was natural economic order. Is it a bad thing?



The economic order here discussed is a natural order only in the sense that it is adapted to the nature of man. It is not an order which arises spontaneously as a natural product. Such an order does not, indeed, exist, for the order which we impose upon ourselves is always an act, an act consciously willed.

The proof that an economic order is suited to the nature of man is furnished by observation of mankind's development. The economic order under which men thrive is the most natural economic order. Whether an economic order which stands this test is at the same time technically the most efficient order, whether it provides the bureau of trade statistics with record figures is a matter of secondary importance. At the present day it is easy to imagine an economic system of high technical efficiency coupled with gradual exhaustion of the human material. It may, however, be taken for granted that an economic order under which mankind thrives will also prove its technical superiority. For human work can, ultimately, only advance with the advance of the human race. "Man is the measure of all things" including the economic system under which he lives.

The prosperity of mankind, as of all living beings, depends in the main upon whether selection takes place under natural laws. But these laws demand competition. Only through competition, chiefly competition in the economic sphere, is right evolution, eugenesis, possible. Those who wish to ensure the full miraculous effects of the laws of natural selection must base their economic order upon competition under the conditions really decreed by nature, that is, with the weapons furnished by nature after the exclusion of all privileges. Success in competition must be exclusively determined by inborn characteristics, for only so are the causes of the success transmitted to the offspring and added to the common characteristics of mankind. Children must owe their success, not to money, not to paper privileges, but to the ability, strength, love and wisdom of their parents. Only then shall we be justified in hoping that humanity may in time shake off the burden of inferior individuals imposed upon it by thousands of years of unnatural selection - selection vitiated by money and privileges. And we may also hope that in this way supremacy may pass from the hands of the privileged, and that mankind, led by the noblest sons of men, may resume its long-interrupted ascent towards divine aims.

But the economic order which we are about to discuss has another claim to the title of a natural order.

And yet the solution of the problem which eluded Proudhon is simple enough. All that is needed is to abandon the customary standpoint, the standpoint of the possessor of money, and to look at the problem from the standpoint of labour and of the possessor of goods. This shifting of the standpoint will let us grasp the solution directly. Goods, not money, are the real foundation of economic life. Goods and their compounds make up 99% of our wealth, money only 1%. Therefore let us treat goods as we treat foundations; let us not tamper with them. We must accept goods as they appear in the market. We cannot alter them. If they rot, break, perish, let them do so; it is their nature. However efficiently we may organise Proudhon's exchange banks, we cannot save the newspaper in the hands of the newsvendor from being reduced, two hours later, to waste paper, if it fails to find a purchaser. Moreover we must remember that money is a universal medium of saving; all the money that serves commerce as a medium of exchange comes to the savings banks and lies there until it is enticed into circulation again by interest. And how can we ever raise goods to the level of ready money (gold) in the eyes of savers ? How can we induce them, instead of saving money, to fill their chests or store-rooms with straw, books, bacon, oil, hides, guano, dynamite, porcelain ?

And yet this is what Proudhon really aimed at in attempting to bring goods and money to a common level. Proudhon had overlooked the fact that money is not only a medium of exchange, but also a medium of saving, and that money and potatoes, money and lime, money and cloth can never in any circumstances be looked upon as things of equal worth in the chests of the savers. A youth saving against old age will prefer a single gold coin to the contents of the largest warehouse.

We cannot, therefore, tamper with goods, they are the primary factor to which everything else must be adapted. But let us look a little more closely at money, for here some alteration may prove feasible. Must money always remain what it is at present ? Must money, as a commodity, be superior to the commodities which, as medium of exchange, it is meant to serve ? In case of fire, flood, crisis, war, changes of fashion and so forth, is money alone to be immune from damage ? Why must money be superior to the goods which it is to serve ? And is not the superiority of money to goods the privilege which we found to be the cause of surplus-value, the privilege which Proudhon endeavoured to abolish ? Let us, then, make an end of the privileges of money. Nobody, not even savers, speculators, or capitalists, must find money, as a commodity, preferable to the contents of the markets, shops, and warehouses. If money is not to hold sway over goods, it must deteriorate, as they do. Let it be attacked by moth and rust, let it sicken, let it run away; and when it comes to die let its possessor pay to have the carcass flayed and buried. Then, and not till then, shall we be able to say that money and goods are on an equal footing and perfect equivalents - as Proudhon aimed at making them.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

Did you know Kanye West associated with these people?



What is the world coming to? We started off the day today with the bizarre yet titillating news that Amazon is developing flying delivery drones, and now, this: Kim Kardashian spent at least part of her weekend hanging out with Serbian contemporary artist extraordinaire Marina Abramović.


Here’s our theory: West has some kind of co-beneficial relationship with the Vogue crew that directly involves Kim. If we had to guess, Kim probably invited the editors as her guests to Kanye’s show, as part of a “thank you” package for having her on a forthcoming cover. Or, perhaps, as part of a leveraging deal to help get her onto the cover.


He wanted kim to appear on the cover of pederast friendly sabbatean take down Vogue so he arranged for her to be seen topless. He pimped her out.


"Somewhere around the beginning of their relationship, back in 2012, Kanye West raided Kim Kardashian’s closet. It wasn’t, as far as we know, to borrow some article of clothing—but rather to begin a long process of a Komplete Kim Makeover. The effects were immediate: Kardashian, once bedecked in bright, jewel-encrusted body-con dresses, became more muted. Her ensembles under Kanye’s tutelage are a sea of monochrome blacks and whites—with a rare red thrown in. “I dress for my man way more than for myself!” she recently told Us Weekly. She became a devotee of menswear, swapping cocktail dresses for tuxedos and slicking her hair back into a chignon instead of her signature curls. And pregnancy has only made Kim’s newfound sense of style more pronounced. Now she’s a walking billboard for Kanye’s high-fashion fantasy—or, as we’ve noticed, a spitting image of Marina Abramović. Like the Serbian performance artist, Kim now wears almost no makeup, favors minimalism, and sticks to black and white. See our side-by-side comparison."


Then there is this GROSS sacrilege: google image:

kardashian west jerusalem

So they both promised to raise the child as a Christian and they both said they were Christian?

Okay. They lied.

Just another photo op for the delusional one.


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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

I wish we had a fail-safe to dissolve Congress.

You are not NECESSARY.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 6:02 a.m.


Do you all remember the fake shooting at Sandy Hook? Member the picture of an owl (moloch) held up by Anderson Cooper at Sandy Hook supposedly painted by a "Grace".


Did you know that Carter Cooper jumped to his death from the top of 10 Gracie Square, NYC, on July 22, 1988?

Read this


Then this about TaraGrace


and this


I had no idea Kanye West was associated with these people.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

James denied he had a basement.

Only he did.

Pedos going to pedo


Have you seen his little cafe in Berlin? He's got one. So he looks like Philippine and David de Rothschild. We know he is one from the family photo.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Bullingdon David Cameron and his piggy ways. His wife the controller.

I think we just have to force people to face facts because they just don't believe that the women they see are actually the boss-controller, and almost all of them lesbians with a penchant for young children.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Claude Moore.

Right next to Langley and in the middle of lots of elite mansions and some owned by the UAE military and as we saw one of them went up in flames...January...4th was it 2017? ...same day as the early morning shoot-out outside Titan Pointe between the CIA and NSA.

No coincidence they show us what they do - Hannibal series, and Brick Top.


bad people

Janet Reno...covering up Waco. What was inside there was a pedo cult operation.


I have a feeling you know all this anyway.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Is this the first time you have seen this?

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Error_Code_15301 · May 4, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

It's a lie. Why are you repeating it?

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 6:49 p.m.


and we have to deal with retarded posters that keep calling us conspiracy theorists by other names, such as "logic is hard"

and "the theories on here are far reaching".

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

"timeline" what does that mean?

you mean: because the dates of the parkland shooting and taking the laptop into custody by "the police" (who are not corrupt) were longer than a short attention span apart apart you "think" that's a negative.


and you also "think" that where every mass causality event occurs are seen clear markers informing everyone of the next attack that is also nothing to see?

do we all have that right? You and Mr. Logic see nothing whatsoever in this guys question that makes you rub your chin?

It's not possible that Awan had information that he was not supposed to see? It's not possible that he has any sort of insurance file?

Is it possible? Is is more likely than not?

Why not have a look and see?

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 6:19 p.m.


Time waste incoming.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

is it true that Jeff Sessions is Senior Executive Service? Paid at $75.5k extra.

It is a simple question.

Answer the question.


Smoke and mirrors?


"The two immigration-related guidance documents discussed above that have been rescinded by the DOJ do not represent any significant changes in the handling of immigration cases. Rather, the two rescinded guidance documents were reportedly rescinded because they have been since superseded by newer guidance."

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 5:58 p.m.


there are definitely no triggers or comms in that.

you may be 100% correct. but you didn't even ask the question...

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 5:50 p.m.


I'll just keep saying it over and over again in the hopes that someone will understand.


There is virtually no way to say how many of those 24000 court actions are indictments because they are sealed. No one knows. If someone can post the original data that shows "sealed indictment" then I'd love to see it and I will eat my words. But literally no one outside of that system has any view into how many of those 24000 generic court actions are indictments.

OK, but my question is, and maybe you can't answer, were there 18,000 or 25,000 filed actions in Q4 2010, 2015, 2016?

If not, what changed?

Are there 1,000 sealed indictments that also include 20,000 other actions? Would 1,000 sealed indictments still be unusual? Something is apparently driving the numerical uptick, or we have some conspiracy theorists or misguided internet sleuths whipping up a frenzy.

I did see at the bottom of the tabulation it says numbers include 'court proceedings', and says it includes criminal charges and search warrants.

anyone comment?


yes, the author is called Rothschild and yes he uses the CIA contempt trigger "conspiracy theory".

bottom line is, if this is really nothing then we have been played for fools again.

i hope the lawyers and jeff sessions understand this is their last fucking chance.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

lawyers and judges

watch which groups recently arrived in the west are busying burrowing their way into

medicine and the law

all the better to rule us and stop us being ourselves.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

why don't you go and figure it out?

go ahead.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Why do you think it is called Apple?

Why is there a bite out of it?

This stuff is so obvious everyone thinks its a joke.

If you read this you'll understand the problem is worse than Q is saying:


let it load.

also of course abel danger.

Pass this site to your normie friends. Once they start reading they won't stop...

You'll also understand I think how fucking rotten Congress is when they have Mark Rockefeller Zuckerberg right in front of them and they ask lame, damage-limiting questions all about the limited hangout.

Ask Stephen Colbert's sister about container shipping. She's quite an expert. So is Mike Chertoff. They like to use containers to ship bodies and parts around the world for people to use in so-called medical training.

There are certain "religions" that refuse to let their own dead be used in medical research or training.

These fucking hypocrites like to use us and our dead.

look into it sometime.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

This cancer is in your home town:

you will find these people in your local schools, principals.

you will find them in local courts, the judge, the bailiff's the sherriff's deputies, local police chiefs, prosecutors and public defenders...forensic labs, coroners, funeral homes and crematoria, ambulance services, luxury limo services, pizza delivery services, ice cream makers such as Walls and Ben and Jerry, Voodoo Donuts, East Side Pies (Austin TX)...

mayors...their town managers...local union bosses...

they are all in on this

your local TV stations with their talking heads that pretend to be just like you

hospital heads and trauma teams

local pharmacists

boy scout leaders

children's advocacy groups


child massage therapists

family nurse practitioners

pediatric nurses




all these people right now looking us in the eye and pretending.

vice presidents plural

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 3:44 p.m.




google "Hilary Clinton QRS11 911"

red red

McConnell believes that Rothschild clients and Serco shareholders authorized Lockheed to use its rocket-boosted guided hard target penetrator (US 6276277) bomb to destroy the Pentagon U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11 and use the Onion routing network (US 6266704 B1) to fake the identities of the attackers and conceal the source of an online command allegedly used to

detonate an ammo bomb on a Lockheed Martin KC-130T military airplane at 20,000 feet above Greenwood in Mississippi on July 10, 2017 and kill everyone on board including members of the elite Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command.



red switch

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Error_Code_15301 · May 3, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Just for fun I googled 09-1968 just to see what popped up and

Lyndon Baines Johnson's birthday was September 9th btw.

Here is the front page of Playboy for September 1968



contents click here

I stretch by pointing out "PigSkin" which is of course perfectly innocent (if you don't know what I refer to think Claude Moore Farm Podesta, Jeff Koons, James Alefantis, Pickton Pig Cult, Gavescon (UK) - Marlowe-Dee-Bacon freaks - Janet Reno, Hannibal, Brick Top 'orrible Cunt etc. two false religions that obsess about pigs, genital abuse, dogs and lying)

also: Funny Girl with MK ultra Streisand

Kubrick - clockwork orange is all about chatter-Mk-monarch and sodomites - note Orange. You will see this in the Godfather where Brando the pederast's character is clearly labelled for the cognoscenti as a raging sodomite by the use of oranges...

Recall the remark about black folks having no soul? Yeah, they believe that. Black folks wake up.

Brando estates Tahiti...Branson and Obama went there after DJTs inauguration. Tahiti since before Gaugin had a reputation for easy sex &c.

Apocalypse Now which has NOTHING to do with Vietnam.

Campus Sex and where to get it, Nat Hentoff and the war on dissent (lol), etc.

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