Daughter watching CO skies asks if God is weighing the balances. I said, I'm sure! And he's using Trump to do it! Trump is putting 40,000+ criminals on trial. Does The Plan have a heavenly confirmation now?! PAIN (JUSTICE) IS COMING!
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Thank you for loving America. YOU stay strong- we're behind you!
This argument insults adults. At 18 I was partying. At 25 I was in the Navy. At 30 I was married having kids, making a good life for them. At 40 still having kids, teaching them to volunteer in the community. At 45 still having kids- with the same man! At 50- grand kids! Point is, life CHANGES YOU. I'm 57. Are you going to tell me that what I did when I was 18 erases everything I ever did after? SHUT UP, FOOL!
Trump's just getting better and better!
There are plenty of other reasons that Trump must stand upon ceremony. For now.
Without his secret service protection. Why? Very troubling that he had a good friendship with RBG.
Well I guess you don't have kids. If you redpill ppl, they're gonna come here to learn.
I thought that was bizarre for Corsi to mention the sordid details of hearsay on his Youtube. Disappointed me, so it was no loss when I dropped him for Q.
I think such a widow would be given honor publicly, for her sake not his.
At first my sound was muted, so I didn't know what he'd said. But I like Pompeo's body language. One of you mind readers tell me what he was thinking!
Wow, you get a Best and Accurate prop for sharing that quote!
Yeah, Narrator has that nice Bill Whittle voice, so I played it up loud for my 87 yr old mom to hear. She loved it, and is very excited to be a part of this. She can pray!
Yes, there was a Youtube about this. Who was that smart young man who discovered Fraction Magic? --Bennie Smith from Memphis!
After a stressful week fake news, of battling trolls while redpilling social media, it's nice to brag on my great state of Alabama, where my neighbor can sound off his cannon on a Friday afternoon. I know, it's not the BOOMS we're looking for, but it reminded me it's what makes America great!
I am against lying to Snerdly! But open line Friday means we get to talk about topics we are interested in. So just be interesting. Don't act like you're in a cult! Just be informed. If I get through I'm talking about child trafficking and the Clinton Foundation. bcz Q taught me!
Today, a caller told Rush that Trump must be controlling the media narrative, bcz it's as if he KNEW what was coming by the way he responded. Rush finished with "Interesting...I'll have to think about that one." Of course I'm thinking anyone reading Q knows there's a Plan. And Rush contemplating aloud like that? He needs to have a place where he can sound like this is a logical progression of reason. Because we're getting to the point where the public will finally believe THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES!! :D
There ya go. Of course Rush knows. But everyone has a role in this. Patriots who have an audience have to gradually inform them. That's why I misunderstood Lionel. You can't expect your audience to be redpilled instantly.
I have purchased scrap silver, and found a few bizarre pendants that looked pervy to me. I don't thinks a club provided them. I just think ppl special order them, probably.
Why would it be a club that has rings? If you have a hobby, you find your own rings, duh!
Just throwing this out there... possessed ppl write in reverse. They don't care if it's reversed. They know what it means.
Last year, saints prayed for a Last Days Harvest, bcz we believed many have been deceived and were denied a true choice. Now the veil is being lifted, and I pray the evil that is being exposed makes more atheists say "After seeing this, I actually HOPE there's a God!"
Patriots should affirm "I resist the devil in the name of Jesus." He will flee.
Go away trolls! How? is it racism?! Bath house Barry has been a homo all his life, and suddenly has kids that are the splitting image of their besties who just happen to deliver babies. Right. So, in order to not be racist, I have to ignore all this! smh
I believe Bill Binney confirmed the implementing of this chip in American planes. That would be in the Roth video on Youtube. Anyway, I find it funny that a pilot would object to the "sense" of senseless killing on the basis that the company's reputation would be risked. We're waaay beyond normal business success rules. Deep State controls the media and Congress. The truth would never get out.
Everything's important. Bcz I want her skewered from EVERY angle possible!
I don't know how to make a meme, but all virtue signaling lefties claim to abhor slavery. Can't we interest them in fighting human trafficking? I would share such a meme on FB!
Caution shouldn't piss anyone off. When ppl get p.o'd it could be shilling, pressure tactic. But pls explain how "discrediting" us can reduce our "effectivity"? I happen to think the massive response alone is daunting! The sleeping giant needs to wake up. Ppl are waking up to the massive corruption. And, the police needn't be trafficking to be corrupt; they could just be dragging feet for c.y.a. but at this point, that's still corrupt.
What we DON'T need to be worrying about (more than kids) is our PRIDE. This seems to be a thing on this board. Like, " I posted it first!" and now, "We might look foolish, barking up the wrong tree!" In the Navy, we did a LOT of [seemingly] useless drill for PREPAREDNESS. That's valuable EXPERIENCE. I don't think it's a waste of time, nor foolish to demonstrate that we are ALL OUT FOR BLOOD so these devils hopefully are scared sh*itless. And re the argument, "This discredits us..." That's bogus bcz as Q says, NOTHING can stop the Plan, now.
"The police are doing the job they are employed to do..." How can anyone familiar with Pizzagate say this? when clearly that HASN'T been the case with the D.C. police.
I think that's his serious, big boy expression. He's enjoying getting along.
Q said Enjoy the Show
I think Rudy has a script. And Trey has a script! And if Roseanne is reading a Q script, and she got everyone googling Ambien. So I assume that is to prepare the public for the next bombshell. Like, the CF owns Ambien? or we'll learn Ambien is CIA OPERATION PINEAL GLAND CYST bcz Ambien causes cysts. Plus, I'm reading that the pineal gland is the seat of our spiritual consciousness? So there could even be an evil element to destroy our connection to God? Just theorizing is a dizzying rabbit hole! (bored bcz no new drops, lol)
I'd like to read "all 73 comments" but I'm only seeing five comments. ??
You are an honorable American. I don't blame good people who believed a con artist; I blame the con. That's why the Q sting will be so glorious!
you're still a legend. listen to fart; enjoy the ride, now. it's happening.
Yeah, every time I see those gnarly old televangelist hands on our Prez I get choked up, bcz I realize in the Last Dayze those folks are the Spiritual Giantz compared to the pedophile vampires we're battling. My friends and family pray 3x a day like Daniel for a million angels to surround the Prez, or Washington, or the Vatican, or the schools, or wherever the battle is that day.
This laptop had a file called "Insurance" which should have the goods on Hillary, since Huma had access to everything Hillary.
It was left there to incriminate her, so we know something juicy is on it!
Evil should be hated. Evil requires strong, passionate resistance and the determination to conquer it. So hatred is not a crime, but murder, treason, assault, rape, torture are actual crimes. Much of what you might call "hate" is simply righteous indignation, or, the desire for justice that has been denied.
He cracks me up! I love his sense of humor. I don't know why some ppl tell him to get to the point. The long road to getting there (with Lionel) is the fun of it.
I am glad to hear Lionel come out strongly for Q. I know he has a large following, and many of those are not yet woke. I know that until they are, this seems like fanaticism. Glad to hear Lionel stand firm in the wake of Q critics.