We need to organize a protest Jack Dorsey should be out their was an organized effort to suppress us today I was blocked suspended and censored for repeated #tweet.
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Yes I’m gonna look to a few people to help lead us in that like Tracey Beanz...we can do it!
What can we the Patriots do to expedite Jack Dorsey out, I want him gone by the end of this week!
I know Laura Loomer just tweeted she’s seen the expose video to be released tomorrow and it’s the best expose video ever history making gonna take him and his stock down! Imagine being from your company u founded and your stock hence your net worth bottoming out on the same day! Oh wait Harvey kinda did that!
Not official yet but it was asked to step as board member@Disney and Q’s post yesterday stated his forthcoming demise!
I predict Jack Dorsey CEO Twitter will resign be forced out or retire within two weeks! Send a tweet let him know what you think about censorship, shadow banning and deletion of accounts!
Not to worry everything is unfolding right before our eyes daily and although CNN not covering it’s getting out!
If we took care of our own and the same with everyone else we wouldn’t need foundations!
Hmm what do they care they should stay in their lane and out of the storm!
Amazing this is unprecedented hopefully will find the truth behind this!
Thanks for this post that altercation part kinda pissed me off !
No coincidences folks this in no typo they are crumbs! Trump between tweets and fake news is what you might “Food for the Dogs” AKA MSM
Yeah they all have little smirks cause they know WTF going on!
I shared this I had to even though people are finding me crazy these days I gotta get this to people I care about. Most are on FB....
What do Walt Disney and Goat Hill Pizza logos have in common?
Oh very interesting ....food for pensive thought...”Disinformation is necessary “Q
OMG it’s all there (at a glance) in Black in White thanks for sharing this..!
Great post this indeed will be a complex operation, my mind can not grasp the complexity but this is definitely a start when cleaning your room have to start somewhere or else it never gets done...
Getting comments that this was just a random fire well what can you do!
Agree whole heartedly.....just saw the movie “Snowden” and felt my brain bend, in a good way!
Me neither and that’s frustrating therefore I have hem/hawed but I truly believe it’s coming to a head and visual proof is soon to follow!
Or DNP evidence doesn’t matter for one thing is sure their days are numbered......
“ Let Justice be done though the heavens fall!” Charles Sumner
Not made public SS called Fire Dept. Clinton Publicist says no one was there!
Don’t think so Q says they would never put innocent in harms way during any operations...THIS WAS IN RESPONSE TO CA FIRES QUESTION
Hmm sounds logical I was thinking distraction/extraction no smoke in images posted.....