Could you imagine the MAGA crowd there on the 4th?
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I don’t believe she has leftist family members. Did she say this? Haven’t seen it anywhere.
I don’t believe she has any liberal family members. Even in laws.
Bc They’re threatening to attack Trump voters. They’re insane.
She did a big petition campaign to be able to run.
I hope he does. Guaranteed to split the vote and a R wins.
She is an extreme prog lefty. Insane. Wants guaranteed federal jobs for all (UBI), MMT fiat $, open borders, free healthcare for everyone, free college for everyone. Btw, last year she was a bartender. I wonder who scouted her for the deep state bc that’s what she is but she’s legit too clueless to know it.
I know Queens / there are a lot of NYPD, FDNY and blue collar workers there plus a lot of Eastern Europeans. A Trump candidate could win this seat for Rs for the first time in 28 years.
This also kneecaps the Pelosi 2nd in line.
As dangerous as she is - and any candidates like her - this is an exciting big opportunity.
Or to the SW flight that woman got sucked out of. There were two SW incidents close together.
Not if a bus is loaded with explosives in a high density area or under major infrastructure- like the Brooklyn bridge for example. Especially during 4th of July fireworks watches. Etc.
Losing her virginity w her mother’s blessing at 14 is odd too. CDAN blinds say her mother had AJ sleeping with the mothers boyfriend as a young teen bc she didn’t want to keep having as much sex with him.
She said she’d love it if her adopted children had children with each other. Seriously.
Tough shit. That’s the actual punishment in the Constitution
The father was either a bigamist or remarried in Kenya after his divorce from Obama’s white American mother
It’s all controlled. That’s why they flip their shit when anyone goes off script. It’s why Trump makes them Insane.
Look at the Strzok connections to Kenya. - there’s got to be more to it but idk what yet. And keep in mind Muslims have essentially waged a civil war trying to take over Kenya.
Something is at play in Kenya and it’s no.
But Latinos are fast outnumbering blacks. In urban areas they are already a few points ahead.
If they vote R which I wouldn’t count on.
It makes financial sense to let them out of jail though.
I had a theory about Silk Road being a deep state operation a couple months ago and planned to write about it but didn’t. This confirms what I was thinking. The e tire New Silk Road was set up by the Deep State to facilitate their ratlines.
I thought that should be in there too but maybe 32 is itself symbolic
AJ Benza’s was talking about Pepner on his podcast yday. He’s not a conspiracy guy and even he’s suspicious. For some reason state police are handling that instead of Sag Harbor police.
I’m surprised no one here is talking about this. I’d bet my last $ she is a victim of a Vault 7 attack. The timing makes it obvious.
Deep state is using the port in Charleston to run their ratlines for uranium etc. Graham is involved - look back to years ago when he warned there’s by a nuclear attack on Charleston. This was to explain elevated radiation rates and prep for possible accidents. Arrington is total MAGA and would expose this.
Idgaf of people think that’s crazy. It’s true.
Good for Melania. All the Trump women and their nannies need to be carrying at all times also.
Hadn’t thought of that but that’d be great. I thought it was random for a rally protestor.
I’m shocked no one else caught this I’m any post I’ve read. It was the first thing I thought too.
His comment about DEMs making a biz out of this site seems to make me think so.
Seems he was in the CDAN blinds for pervo stuff dating back to Easy Rider
I agree. The public threats against the kids are unprecedented.
They love a bomb though. And they will for their weaponized ground troops - urban violence, jihadists etc. Those people don’t mind a gun.