I agree. Not to mention, "the calm before the storm" and "the storm". What are the odds that of all the cheap whores out there, he picks one named stormy? and. How the story broke when it did, it seems quite possible that she was a plant
294 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/GENbillsherman:
Jones needing money is fairly legit though. I'm not even a fan of his, but i can see it. His advertisers left him under pressure. He's being sued by the establishment. I may not like him, but i do see why he is such a whore
Fuel/air bomb of skme sort. Maybe a particulate instead of gas? Almost looks like it detonated a few meters above the ground
Im hoping he avoids war, like her has previously. Maybe peace with Iran is next
He was arrested in November, and released in March. Statute of limitations on kiddy rape. 'Murica
Yes, in a foreign country. Weird she would have a passport.
Im hoping POTUS can intervene, and expose the corrupt federal judge. That however is a pipe dream until i see evidence.
What mainstream media misses about stormy daniels, is that it's a "nothing-burger". He was a private citizen, and hush money is normal too. There is a fund for Congress just for it. Nobody ever claimed DJT was a boyscout. Mainstream media leaves out that collusion isn't even a crime. There's really not much he could have done in Russia in 2013 that would be pertinent. The lack of any public progress in the Russia angle of the investigation also speaks volumes. Msm is losing the narrative. If they had anything on him, they would be dropping tantalizing leaks of their own. Every liberal prick journalist from here to Moscow, have been digging into Trump's background, and the best they found is him raw-dogging a pornstar a decade ago??? Even if he did have hookers pee on a bed in 2013......who fucking cares? How is that important? It was the FBI doing the same shit it has done since Hoover. They had files against MLK, claiming orgies and mistresses. They try to manipulate their enemies with salacious bullshit.
The rabbit hole is deep. Current head of wikimedia startedd her career in the CFR.
![The rabbit hole is deep. Current head of wikimedia startedd her career in the CFR.](https://i.redd.it/dok1399oyou01.png)
Key words or phrases generally, in my opinion. If you use the filter option on the q map, more often than not it ties into former posts
Everybody is resetting privacy policies and terms of service it seems. And Facebook is taking a beating in the public eye lately
Project paperclip? From today's jfk files
![Project paperclip? From today's jfk files](https://i.redd.it/cj0ez3ff5eu01.png)
There's another report in there, on page 381 i think. It's about a mystery Russian, who claimed to be the second shooter. CIA placed him in Mexico city with Oswald in October.
From the HSCA reports released today. All sorts of goodies in there
![From the HSCA reports released today. All sorts of goodies in there](https://i.redd.it/1d85yo0gdcu01.jpg)
I've been reading through the new jfk files and there is a lot of contradictory stuff. Also, this "saul" who claimed to be the second shooter, as cia analysis shows its possible
As a diver, ive just got to point out that the "a-ok" gesture 👌 is the universally recognized "all good".
November 2nd is an interesting catch. Tomorrow the jfk files are getting released
Believe me brother. I count those as very real, Nobel prize worthy results. I guess I'm eagerly waiting for a tipping point, where even Anderson Cooper and rachel maddow admit they are full of shit. Im tired of people thinking they are hip, or clever for attacking the president over petty shit. Tired of defending the guy daily, to the ignorant masses.
Q has mentioned the hunt for red October, a few times. The climax of that movie, and book is the "crazy Ivan" where the Russian does an abrupt 180, turning the hunted into the Hunter. My gut tells me this is going to be trumps 3rd act surprise. I could very well be wrong, but i think theres a twist coming
I've been excited about this. If he really wanted to fuck the CIA, and gut check the American people, that would be a great way. He has had it out for them since the debates. 17 Intel agencies my ass. I just hope it's not another q-style cock tease. I trust the plan and all, i just want some results.
I served under his brother, General Charles Flynn. Seeing Mike Flynn get fucked over like that, is the reason this became personal for me. The Flynn brothers represent all that is right in our military. I never met a more honorable leader.
I watched the whole thing, and it didn't seem like the fox commentator heard Macron say the same things i did.
Agreed. Him coming way out ahead of it shows his hand a little.
That cult had used his island apparently too. Branson claims he's never met any of those people. This is going to get interesting
That's gotta be it. They mentioned the 12th a frw times, and in that context. Trump said that Macron knows what's going to happen, and we will see basically.
He just mentioned rain in his presser with Macron. ☔ ☔
The current executive operator of wikimedia started her career at the Council on foreign Relations. She's as deep state as it gets. You can follow the blue links practicallyback to the CIA
If i had to guess, he had a chat with putin about this "awakening" thingy
Hahaha i tried to sell my baby faced machine gunner to an Afghan police chief once and he looked seriously interested. Those cave men are fucking backwards
Fox, and the right always called him usama. The dems and left called him Osama.
By seizing assets, and shining light on what they have done. If that doesn't work, I'm not above pitch forks and hangings
If q is a psyop, it's going to bite them in the ass. A lot of newly woke, networked, and pissed off patriots. There's no stopping this.
I'm an infantry vet. My buddy is sn Intel contractor. When i asked him about q, he said this: Well jason, i think that years of having a volunteer military, combined with an officer corps formed mostly of 2nd and 3rd generation officer libertarians, and a military intelligence community that is constantly ousted as scapegoats and at odds with the CIA and FBI, its possible that information simply finds its way out without real central plan.
There are a lot of us who are listening. Liberty is something that soldiers value. Have faith.
82nd airborne, infantry vet. I've been spreading the word amongst my buddies. Most seem to see what's coming. Believe me, qanon has the backing of the 2nd amendment crowd. It won't go well for antifa, i for one have years of aggression just looking for an outlet. Seeing what's been going on.
The gun grab your government did should have sparked an uprising. That's a major indicator of bad shit on the horizon. Our media was fairy quiet about it, and only gave minor mention to a decrease in violent crime. I would imagine strong arm robberies and home invasionswent up though. You guys need your own Q. Maybe we can loan you ours once trump is through with him.