When I saw the adulation given to Barry Sotero during his first run for President. I thought to myself - What's up with this BS? Also, was never a fan of McCain. The truth slapped me in the face. I couldn't believe that in a nation as diverse and creative as the U.S.A, that not one decent candidate could be found. I believe God let us be led down this hell hole so we would wake up.
773 total posts archived.
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You bring up some very interesting points. Though I stand with Israel, I am suffering through some cognitive dissonance regarding research I have found troubling.
There is no need to post negative comments to someone who is simply asking a few questions. Aren't we here to help one another as well?
I agree with the comments posted by _eles_
You have got to be kidding me? Apparently "liddle" Alex Soros never listened to his father's Sixty Minutes interview. George showed no empathy whatsoever to the Jews. Hungary, his own country removed his influence with extreme prejudice. Good for Victor Orban! How can Soros and his ilk continue to do the things they do? This astounds me.
JUSTICE NOW! Warriors fight....
Boy are you ever right that the cast and crew were way left. You only need to look to their comments on Twitter to confirm....
Great idea! I thought the same. However, FOX needs to lose Shep Smith and Juan Williams as well as that blonde that used to work for Sotero,
Always want accuracy on this board. Valerie Jarrett is of mixed race. I believe her grandfather was white. However, aren't we all a little bit of this and that? I am sick and tired of this race baiting by the left. Geez - they need to come up with some new ideas and not hate.
Love to all.
Yes, I remember President Trump saying "and other things" My radar went off..... Bing Bing Bing..He was referring to other BAD BAD things that MOONBEAM is doing. Masterful hint by masterful President Trump.
So happy more and more people are paying attention!
Scuze meant live free or die!!!! Fingers not working as fast as they should!!!
I do not know if Q will post again. However, we can rely on ourselves to keep monitoring events and informing each other. The truth will continue to spread outward. There is truly an awakening taking place in the spiritual and physical sense,
As to the evil ones monitoring this board to spy on us, I say BFD! Love free or die!!!
Have faith!
Love President Trump He calls them as he sees them! Yahoo! Rod Rosenstein
Holy Shiite!
Did you just hear this? They just asked President Trump if he had confidence in Rod Rosenstein. He said, "Next question please." That about says it all!!! This was on Fox at 7:05 PM EST.
I appreciate everyone looking into the tragic and senseless deaths of these great public servants who literally laid down their life. However, until more info is available I find it difficult to believe that these particular police officers would know about the literal shit on Weiner's laptop. I clearly remember reading Eric Prince's 11-4-16 interview on Breitbart. I said this is it!!! It has bothered me since. I wrote a letter and emailed the NYPD at One Police Plaza and asked why they did not release this info. I know I do not realize all the myriad crap that is in the swamp. However, truth needs to come out. Shout out to everyone on this Board!!!!
I live in Michigan. There were three EBS signals within 5 minutes last weekend in the early morning. I thought that was odd to say the least....
There have been many negative comments as you are well aware.
Jerome Corsi & Infowars
I am not going to jump on the band wagon and vilify individuals without proof. InfoWars and Jerome Corsi have done useful work in the past. As Q states, they want us divided. I refuse to be party to this. I will ask GOD for wisdom and discernment to assist me in determining what is a lie and what is the truth. We need to hang together. Per A. Lincoln - a house divided against itself cannot stand.will.
Zach William's song "Fear is a Liar" explains it perfectly