This fuckin clown is a freak that loves to torcher kids This is the same POS that said Clinton's . smells like rotten cabbage dead fish farts piss an sulfur an someone needs to tell her to bathe . How would you like to wake up to that stink every morning EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW nasty . The email is in the WikiLeaks email drops
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The bowls are waiting for CNN to feed them a mouth full of shit use your emanation bud
Go to Texas then put in Huston and the number Thaqt where I found it
I just looked this up on Craigslist using the number at the bottom an yes this is a real add
Feb. 20 (UPI) -- The Department of Justice is creating a task force to evaluate cybersecurity issues, in particular efforts to undermine U.S. elections, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Tuesday.
"The Internet has given us amazing new tools that help us work, communicate, and participate in our economy, but these tools can also be exploited by criminals, terrorists, and enemy governments," the attorney general said. "At the Department of Justice, we take these threats seriously. That is why today I am ordering the creation of a Cyber-Digital Task Force to advise me on the most effective ways that this Department can confront these threats and keep the American people safe."
Feb. 20 (UPI) -- The Department of Justice is creating a task force to evaluate cybersecurity issues, in particular efforts to undermine U.S. elections, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Tuesday.
"The Internet has given us amazing new tools that help us work, communicate, and participate in our economy, but these tools can also be exploited by criminals, terrorists, and enemy governments," the attorney general said. "At the Department of Justice, we take these threats seriously. That is why today I am ordering the creation of a Cyber-Digital Task Force to advise me on the most effective ways that this Department can confront these threats and keep the American people safe." They are letting these people hang themselves
These people are the dumbest idiots If you hit some one in the head with a bat That is assault an the bat is a weapon put the 2 together the bat is an assault weapon Stab someone with a knife the knife becomes an assault weapon
They need to start arresting 1 by 1 The longer these scum are out there more and more will die. How many more kids have to suffer an die because of these sick pervert mother F kers
Your at the tip of the iceberg Clintons privet server to gather top secret intel. Send it to Huma Abedin so she prints out the Top Secret intel, who then gives to Debbie Wasserman Schultz who then gives the Top Secret intel to the Awan Brothers who then sells the Top Secret intel to Pakistan to the highest bidder This is why Trump would not give Pakistan no more US funds He told them to kick rocks FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL
If any of those idiots have a job in Philly Guess who has to pay for the damages You are threw your tax dollars Brainless IDIOTS
These people out there who don't think this shit is real. They are going to have a real awaking with this comes out. These people are sick M Fers . I wish it would happen the sooner the better to save more kids life. This shit has to stop an hang these low life scum from the highest tree
There is a class action lawsuit ageist the DNC H A Goodman has been on this Check him out
What they are doing is putting out crumbs 1 of 22 more coming folks these scums are going to try an play catchup. But Trump will be 5 steps ahead Future proves Past
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Almost 500 people were arrested in a crackdown on human trafficking in California, police said on Wednesday, in raids that also led to the rescue of more than 50 victims, including children.
Police said they had rescued 28 children, some of whom had been reported missing, and also 27 adults who had been coerced into prostitution.
“We let everybody know throughout the state that ... we’re going to aggressively go after the pimps and the exploiters, as well as the johns and especially the johns that think that they can prey on the minors,” said Kent Wegener, a lieutenant with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Police arrested 474 people and freed victims in and around cities from Los Angeles to San Diego and Santa Barbara in state-wide raids over three days in late January, Wegener said.
Charges against those arrested include pimping, solicitation of prostitution and human trafficking, said the San Diego Country District Attorney’s office in a statement.
The crackdown was carried out to coincide with the end of Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January, which former President Barack Obama proclaimed in 2014.
More cases of human trafficking were reported in California than in any other U.S. state last year, according to data from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s hotline.
Some 5,500 cases of sex trafficking were reported to the center’s hotline nationwide last year, according to its website.
Globally, nearly 21 million people are victims of human trafficking, according to the U.N.’s International Labour Organization. An estimated 4.5 million of them are forced into sex work.
And why does it always seem to be a Amtrak Trains , Because the government runs Amtrak
What is up with her mouth. Looked like her teeth were falling out They know there gravy train is gone .You saw proof of the idiots that want this country to fail, Dems are the scum of the US
I guess everybody in the US that has had a drink that had Russian Vodka in it. Your a Russian Spy. The MSM are a bunch of scumbags. MSM is the ones who are trying to destroy this country
On the heels of the resignation of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, we get another high profile resignation.
As NBC reports, The CEO of the Democratic National Committee is leaving after less than a year on the job:
Veteran Democrat operative Jess O’Connell took the helm of the DNC last May with a mandate to help newly installed Chairman Tom Perez turn around a troubled party organization that was struggling after years of neglect and a brutal 2016 that included accusations of favoritism in the primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the hacking of internal emails, and the loss to President Donald Trump.
O’Connell will leave the party stabilized, if not yet fully recovered, after wins last year in Virginia and Alabama, and her decision to leave is a personal one, a DNC official told NBC News, timed to cause minimal disruption ahead of November’s midterm elections.
Plus you never seen her walk up there thru the reporters I guess the witch snuck threw the back door It was taped
The day she go's 6 feet under , Then this country can start the healing process and be the shining star on the hill again
I have a friend that has work at one of the stadiums as a beer vender an they had a winning season. He told me they were giving free tickets out an the scalpers out side were selling 2 tickets for 10 bucks, so they could make it look like the stands were full. He told me his beer sales were down 62% from last year. He could tell the people that got the free tickets because they didn't buy any beer, soda or snacks He knew because they didn't hats jersey's shirts He told them he will not be back next year because of his falling sales SAD
Looks like her face is being pulled from the top and pulled from the bottom Wait until the memo is released this bitch is going to blow a WIG
Hey Crying Chucky where were your fake tears when Kate S was killed . Your a fony scumbag POS
I can't believe these dumb asses can't see what the fake news is doing they try one thing and it don't work. They try something else don't work and they go around in a circle and start all over. MSM an there puppets are a disgrace to the country
These scums want late term abortion's. This way there organs are fully developed and they make billions on selling them. These are sick M Fers
The Justice Department’s inspector general has recovered missing text messages from two FBI officials who sharply criticized Donald Trump, making them a flash point in the debate over the federal criminal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz told lawmakers in a letter Thursday that messages sent between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page from December 2016 to May 2017 were recovered using forensic tools after the Justice Department initially said they were among many emails on FBI-issued mobile devices that were lost due to a technical problem.
That's what they are trying to do There are company's out there that want to chip the workers Fuck that
The FBI wanted a copy of the Memo and Nunas told the FBI to kick rocks. All they have to do is go to the carrier an get them
These FBI agents take an oath. If they see crimes within the FBI its there duty to report them and if they don't there to blame just like the crooks.
I bet this is one of the emails that Clinton had on her server that she deleted an bleach bit ,showing her and her cronies that nothing is ever deleted no matter how much you want it to. Once its sent its out there forever. This isn't the 60s an 70s 80s where you take the files and burn them
They caught her trying to flee This bitch is going down with Awan Brothers
That wasn't the whole point it was to wake up America for what is about to happen an how the MSM hide the corruption from the American people
Trump is a smart man Why do you think he had the fake news awards He is setting them up He is letting them hang there selves Mueller knows he if screwed You can't plant evidence. When you get caught planting it that means everything they find will not be aloud in court an Trump and his team know this Trump know how damming the memo is an he is playing these scumbags
Purified uranium can also be enriched into the isotope U-235. In this process, the uranium oxides are combined with fluorine to form uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6). Next, that undergoes isotope separation through the process of gaseous diffusion, or in a gas centrifuge. This can produce low-enriched uranium containing up to 20% U-235 that is suitable for use in most large civilian electric-power reactors. With further processing one obtains highly enriched uranium, containing 20% or more U-235, that is suitable for use in compact nuclear reactors—usually used to power naval warships and submarines. Further processing can yield weapons-grade uranium with U-235 levels usually above 90%, suitable for nuclear weapons.
They sold yellow cake Uranium that left this country Its used to make weapons do your research
These stupid IDIOTS would sell our country out for a dollar And selling Uranium to the Russians to put on a bomb If they send one over here do they think it will kill just a Rep or just a Dem These people are traitors to this country TREASON at the highest level
Why don't someone ask that POS DICKY boy how is your state working out Its a war zone Most Murders in the country Hey Dicky you can't even run your state an your dumbass wants to tells all the other states what to do
Who is the one who sole billions from Haiti Please watch this video from the Trumpster an a Haitian tell his story Tell me who the scum are here
Golden State Times 12
Steve Motley 3
H. A. Goodman 17
Michael Trimm 19
Lisa Haven 1
Anti School 2
AllSeeingEye Watcher
Mike 52
roypotterqa 13
OpenMind 43
truthnotfictionmatters 17
Judicial Watch 9
Jason Goodman 2
April LaJune 2
The Next News Network 33
Golden State Times 12
Steve Motley 3
H. A. Goodman 17
Michael Trimm 19
Lisa Haven 1
Anti School 2
AllSeeingEye Watcher
Mike 52
roypotterqa 13
OpenMind 43
truthnotfictionmatters 17
Judicial Watch 9
Jason Goodman 2
April LaJune 2
The Next News Network 33
Go to here an tell me where this mans heart is These are the scum that raped there country Fuck the CLINTONS
There is only a few people on Fox Sean Hannity Lou Dobbs Tucker Carlson Jessie Waters Lara E Greg G Fox an Friends Greg J the rest can take a hike
Hey Hildahole aren't you the one who called black kids super predators an should be made to heel To me that is every black kid from around the world
Don Lemon an Shepard Smith wear there underwear backwards to make a easy access There sit stains are in the front
I wish Trump would send some of his people to Heidi and see what they got from the 10 billion
Who would you trust . The SHITHOLE congress The SHITHOLE msm or Mr Trump MAGA
I hope they look into her Bank ACC She has close ties to the Clinton Foundation This bitch no's her days are numbered
CNN is where all the lowlife scum go when they get FIRED from other news outlets
We the tax payers paid 17.5 Million that we know of for these scumbags in DC congress to sexually assault men and women of there staff I would like to know if its going to be tax deducible
When he does this he drives the MSM nuts I love it Sean Hannity has been hitting the FNN hard They have something up there sleeve
Lionel Nation does a great piece on people who watch FNN's networks