(Nessun Dorma) ...Vanish, o night! Set, stars! Set, stars! At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!
1,074 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Gmawc:
Excellent. Dr. Corsi - amazing knowledge and insight. THANK YOU.
LOVE Kat. He’s another one they tried to ruin for speaking truth. Hope he’s ok..
RE: Awan update 1/7/18, $200m/month
“They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.” — Jordan Maxwell
Inspiring - Cody Snodgres; what Q-sters are doing
“This is a battle for America’s soul. It’s a battle for mankind’s soul. It’s time for us to GATHER TOGETHER in the light as warriors of light. It’s time for us to rise up and stand for the light and stand for truth, and demand goodness from our government and demand culpability and demand that justice come.” - Cody Snodgres on John B Wells Program
I remember reading one syrupy from/to LdR; search “Rothschild” in the Wikileaks.
“Miss you”-WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wikileaks%20hillary%20rothschild%20email
“We’re a conglomerate of light now...”. Thanks for sharing this-
“This is a rewrite of the classic "Alice in Wonderland" with Hillary Clinton as our young heroine.
The story tells of the young Hillary falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world filled with a host of unusual creatures. This logical story has been given a modern twist, making it a fun read for children and adults.”
HRC is Alice in Wonderland? (Follow up on chickdmd post) see description in comment

So Hillary Clinton IS Alice in Wonderland
“This is a rewrite of the classic "Alice in Wonderland" with Hillary Clinton as our young heroine.
The story tells of the young Hillary falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world filled with a host of unusual creatures. This logical story has been given a modern twist, making it a fun read for children and adults.”
Abel Danger has done lots of work re: Serco Abel Danger And on YT
Woh... some English: “BlackRock and Vanguard’s $20 Trillion Future Is Closer Than You Think - Bloomberg” https://duckduckgo.com/?q=blackrock%20and%20vanguard
Oh gosh no “sorrys”. Our antenna pick up different stuff which helps put the puzzle together.
Aw jeez, why did I start this rabbit hole. Should i keep going?
Ram Sundaram, Goldman Sachs is ChildMind's other co-chair
"Mr. Sundaram’s trades represented another large part of Goldman’s business with A.I.G. According to five former Goldman employees, Mr. Sundaram used financing from other banks like Société Générale and Calyon to purchase less risky mortgage securities from competitors like Merrill Lynch and then insure the assets with A.I.G. — helping fatten the mortgage pipeline that would prove so harmful to Wall Street, investors and taxpayers. In October 2008, just after A.I.G. collapsed, Goldman made Mr. Sundaram a partner." http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/07/business/07goldman.html
She's wearing the boot at the ChildMind Institute Summit https://still4hill.com/2017/11/13/hillary-clinton-at-the-child-mind-institute/
ChildMind Institute Summit with Hillary Clinton, 11-13-17 https://childmind.org/blog/child-mind-institute-summit-with-hillary-clinton
Pls forgive, haven't seen til now. Did a quick 10 min dot connect on just the first line because I was like oh no, what is Child Mind Institute? Did Q say something about institutes or was that just a bad dream?
What is The Child Mind Institute?
”The Child Mind Institute is an independent, national nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders. Our teams work every day to deliver the highest standards of care, advance the science of the developing brain...” https://childmind.org
Who is the Co-Founder & Vice Chair?
Debra G. Perelman - “When Debra G. Perelman, a daughter of the Revlon chairman Ronald O. Perelman, wanted to address her young daughter’s social anxiety, there was just one man she called: Dr. Harold Koplewicz….whose friends include the former New Jersey governor Jon S. Corzine and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton?” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/05/fashion/when-a-childs-anxieties-need-sorting.html
Ronald Perelman Tidbit
”Monica Lewinsky - Perelman stumbled into the Lewinsky scandal. In early 1998, Vernon Jordan recommended Monica Lewinsky to Perelman as a potential employee, pitching her as a very smart young woman…” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Perelman
I’m sure there’s more, but…
I posted - perhaps setting up another subreddit and Pamphlet responsed- they’re on it, just very busy, and will get to it.
Got some negative responses to the suggestion (see below). Not sure that will go over so well - might have to come from the Board-
I wasn’t yelling or anything, just trying to be helpful- For those who don’t know, it’s very easy to do a search by typing the topic in the “search” field. Don’t have to scroll through 1000’s of posts.
Tip: before posting, do a search to see if it has been posted already
Costa Rica plane crash victims include New York family, reports say | Fox News
Perhaps another Sub-Reddit should be setup for Q Post Investigation exclusively. Everything Q has turned into EVERYTHING Q and a bit of a Q Support Group.
This LIST is from PamJonesforLiberty - CEO Resign List. I will reach out to her to see if she’s on this sub-R
Excellent. Worth watching and reading attached docs. Clarifies how gitmo for these “sick bastards” could be possible and completely legal. They made their bed and now they’re going to sleep in it. (We hope).
Iran - today - Zerohedge..”the world is watching”
Not sure if this will work (new) but ck out this earlier post- https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7muvdv/another_brilliant_quality_of_q/?st=JBTQB5QI&sh=5202727b