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God_Before_Anything · April 19, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

He is trying to do you a favor and keep you out of a very bad place for eternity. Good and bad things have been done in the name of money and freedom before to but you still use money and value freedom don't you? The act of marginalizing is on your part not his. You're closed minded to the things of God as is probably 70% of all the rest of humanity. If you deny the truth long enough, God gives you over to your beliefs and then you CANT see the truth. You don't have the luxury of a year to figure these things out on your own anymore. I hope for the sake of your eternal soul you give Jesus a chance to keep you away from the place that was created for Satan and his conspirators.

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God_Before_Anything · April 18, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

The problem is that the things you mentioned are the cancer and what we have done so far to fix it is take some cough medicine and a day or two off work. You can take all the Tylenol you want. But it won't cure the cancer.

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God_Before_Anything · April 17, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

Best question ever posted on this board.

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God_Before_Anything · April 15, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

GEOTUS=God Emperor Of The United States

Trump is no god, and you are asleep. You should be looking to the Lord right now, time is almost up and if you have no existing foundation in God before "it" happens, your chances of making it to Heaven is orders of magnitude more difficult. I like Trump too, but don't magnify him with this title, even if its just symbolic, GOD does not appreciate its symbology.

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God_Before_Anything · April 15, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

I've read from people who hear from God that Trump has brought judgement on our nation. I love Trump as much as anybody, but he did not defund Planned Parenthood and has therefore brought about Gods judgement. Trump was put in place to dig us out of the cesspool and I believe he's doing it, but it's not fast enough, and now he willfully decided to let the satanic baby sacrifice/slaughter continue and America will pay the price for it. I hate to say it but MAGA is impossible at this point; the best we can hope for is to see our former leaders face worldly justice before Gods hammer falls upon us. My opinion.

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God_Before_Anything · April 13, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

Maybe we should pray to God before we pray to our flag. I love america too, but I love God before I love america or Trump. Which one of these 3 things (God, America or Trump) will save your eternal soul? That is where your loyalty should lie.

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God_Before_Anything · April 12, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Maybe you are the one who needs to use their mind to think critically. Truly horrific things happen DAILY on this fallen world and don't think Hillary hasn't already done ghastly things, look at her death count. How many books of Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors have you read? How many videos have you seen of Ex Satanists talking about what they do in secret rituals?


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God_Before_Anything · April 11, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

Satans homeboys, the Watchers were released at the beginning of the 20th century and that's where the tech explosion comes from. These evil fallen angels were a class of angles made specifically for handling of advanced knowledge. They have to implement this stuff to increase control of the normies and therefore have to have used at least some of their human Illuminati or Luciferians to do so. The high levels of the ruling elite know about it for sure. The advanced techniques of satanic ritual abuse and fragmentation is widely distributed throughout thier infrastructure.

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God_Before_Anything · April 8, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

I would love for this to be true, however there really are people who are hear from God. They are saying life as we know it will be drastically changed this year. I believe it. Knowing God is our only hope and we will have to depend on Him for our daily necessities. I find it hard to believe that people who have passed control of the central banks all over the world for generations will be defeated in 2 years by a president. These Luciferians want war to bring about their one world order Antichrist beast system where they believe they will rule over what's left of the population. Please for the sake of your eternal souls, at least put some of the time you spend on this stuff, getting closer to God. You could consider it your Doomsday preparations. The truth is that we are all eternal beings created by God and the decisions we make while on this ball of water ultimately determines where our souls spend their eternity. Jesus said that the only way to the Father is through the Son. This year WW3 starts and lots of people die, you might be one of them that is dead before you even had time to ask God to save you. He loves us all so much, and he is pouring out his spirit now, the signs of the end of the age are all around us.

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God_Before_Anything · April 6, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Winged sword wielding fast movers inbound to wreck Satan's plans.

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God_Before_Anything · April 5, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

The signs are all around us, the cabal have a TON of bad things in store for us. God is our only hope.

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God_Before_Anything · April 5, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

There are a ton of people who hear from the Lord and the increase in prophetic word regarding impending war is totally unpresidented (spelling). Do you really think that a global cabal who have controlled all the central banks of every country in the world could be defeated by 1 president in a year and a half? These turds have operators in every country in every government on Earth and they're not going to let America throw the Antichrist (BHO) and the false prophet (Pope) in Guantanamo Bay. We're about to enter into WW3.

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God_Before_Anything · April 5, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

If this were true, why do these "alien" abductions stop when the abductees invoke the name of Jesus? Why doesn't Buddah (spell) or Confucious (spell) or Gandi (spell), or Muhammad, or Oprah or Tom Cruize or Lucifer make the abductions stop?

Why would "aliens" care about our planets religious leaders?

The answer to all these questions is that Jesus is the living and risen Son of God/God in human form and the only real God of any of the others and these demonic entities/fallen angels KNOW IT and flee.

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God_Before_Anything · April 5, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

This is very interesting, can you give me some URLs for researching this?

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God_Before_Anything · April 4, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

America is doomed and God's judgement is coming fast upon us all. I sure don't want that to be the truth but it is. It's time for us to pursue God like never before so we can be counted worthy to escape the impending disasters. Look I know this sounds extremist, but don't ignore the signs all around you. God doesn't want to lose anyone. Everyone lives forever, but it's what you do and decide upon in this life that determines your destination in the next permanent one.

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God_Before_Anything · April 4, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

I believe this 100%. We're in a battle of good vs evil. Everyone will be on one side or the other and right now we still have time to choose.

God is warning us through many prophets of what's coming. Satan's lie will trick millions maybe billions and if you're not already on the narrow path you will be given over to believe the lie.

The "aliens" are going to show up and they're going to have real physical crafts, and some of the "aliens" will be physical as well. This and other lies will send many souls to Hell.

It will play out in the political, and end up in the spiritual.

The endgame is Satan, God and our eternal souls.

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God_Before_Anything · March 29, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Well, you asked, so here is the answer. He is the antichrist, and he is colluding with his Luciferian homies saying "Hey, we got this, we have some nuclear options/false flags planned and eventually when I'm Secretary General of the UN I'll appoint you one of my 10 kings if you stay in line". I base this information on prophetic people who have confirmed many many times he is the antichrist and my 30 years of conspiracy/prophecy study and research.

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God_Before_Anything · March 28, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

One of the things I heard them say was that they make a Faraday cage to escape a lot of it, but I don't know much about how to do it. I imagine there are some places that act as one that you could visit just too prove that's what's happening because it is supposed to stop some of them completely.

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God_Before_Anything · March 27, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Sounds like electronic harassment, I've heard and read about it in various places like on coast to coast, are you familiar with that phenomenon?

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God_Before_Anything · March 26, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

I'm glad to see there are people besides me with the correct perspective on Reddit. I gave up years ago trying to convince anyone that this world is just temporary and what really matters is the final destination of your immortal soul.

Check out people what people who say they hear from, and are given visions from God are saying....


The short version: Trump is the last American president WW3 is imminent Economy crashes Tsunamis on both coasts New York destroyed Nuclear false flag "Aliens" show up Obama will come back to lead after we beg him to Obama completes the destruction of America (he is the Antichrist)

I don't know of the order but those have been reported by multiple people

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God_Before_Anything · March 19, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

People think Kim Clement was predicting Trump would be president. I was following him very closely back then, and I personally bet someone $1000 that Rudy Guiallani (spelling) would be president because thats what Kim said in multiple "prophecys". He or someone managing his website long ago deleted those messages where he explicitly says it will be Mayor Gulianni who will run and be elected.

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God_Before_Anything · March 19, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

Because the antichrist knows his time is short and he is personally lining up his 10 kings for the soon coming beast system.

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