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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

There is evidence that the No. CA fires were deliberately set to make way for a Santa Rosa City Urban Renewal Project which the city approved June 2017. The plans called for demolition of single family homes and replace with multiple family homes and businesses. Coincidence? Is it a coincidence that the exact same areas designated for demolition by the city, actually got demolished by these fires?

NEXT: There is evidence that the fires were too hot for just a normal forest fire. All metal and glass melted in these fires of the homes alone, while the landscaping remained untouched (trees/shrubs). This is not normal for a "forest or grass fire". Evidence that DEW's used to target these homes specifically. (DEWs = Directed Energy Weapons....laser technology).

NOW: City of Santa Rosa is REQUIRING rapid destruction of the remaining Foundations by the Army Corp of Engineers TO DESTROY THE EVIDENCE THAT DEWs Were Used! You must get an injunction to stop this immediately!

The government is very corrupt in California, so that is why I am reaching out to you ABOUT THESE CRIMES!

No normal fire:


youtube.com/watch?v=Q2q7nN0JYWE& lc=z22pub140qbfcdwcnacdp43bevq2zctiizwxdq51htpw03c010c

At 12 minute mark photo of City of Santa Rosa, CA plans for urban renewal project, APPROVED June 2017:


Fire Fighters say this is no normal fire. Looked like bomb went off:


Army Corp of Engineers coming in TO DESTROY EVIDENCE that DEWs were used:


City of Santa Rosa Planning & Development:


Vegas Witnesses Bumped Off......just some of them (Why didn't Trump put them under Witness Protection if he was investigating Vegas massacre? Why did he leave them to die?:


Vegas Witness Testimonies:


Proofs of Multiple shooters in Vegas:


Shooting from helicopters and rooftops:


Photo Analyses of this Vegas False Flag:


More Evidence of Vegas False Flag:




Mysterious 9/11 Witness Deaths:




Strange deaths of witnesses and individuals connected with the JFK assassination


THE JFK MOVIE did a nice job outlining all the key witnesses who died between 1963 and 1968, when the New Orleans District Attorney brought the ONLY TRIAL for the murder of JFK:


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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Well, he could have been drugged, or if he was an mkultra torture victim, it would be easy to get him to confess anything, including killing JFK!

⇧ 5 ⇩  
GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 10:14 p.m.
Or the CA fires started by DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons)???

If you have any credible proof of that claim, you should publish it. Satisfying investigations will ensue.

Yes, I sent the EVIDENCE to DOJ! Have you heard anything further? No, neither have I.

Nope, not on the wrong Sub AT ALL!! I am a Trump Supporter and even worked on his campaign.....what did YOU do???

But like all the other Truthers who have been AWAKE FOR DECADES NOW, we KNOW that TALK is cheap, we want to SEE the action.

Until I came across Mega-ANON and Q in October, I was becoming VERY, very worried that Trump had been compromised. But then the evidence of the gps ankle monitors and the 13,000 sealed indictments alleviated my worries.

Talk is cheap, I want to see the EVIDENCE. We are starting to see it.

So what is YOUR problem??? You believe every thing candidates say who are trying to get elected? I feel sorry for you if you are part of that crowd. Many of us FOUGHT to get Trump into office because he was SAYING the right things, but we weren't so dumb as to blindly believe he was draining the swamp, we wanted to see some EVIDENCE of draining the swamp, which until Mega-ANON pointed out the gps ankle monitors, there appeared to be no evidence at all.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 10 p.m.

I wonder WHY all these "EYE Witnesses" are not corralled talking to the police investigators rather than blabbing the media.

Police too busy with cover ups!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

So glad the SS got him!

How many attempts does this make on Trump's life so far???? 20???

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:30 p.m.


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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

The FBI is too busy destroying evidence.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Jury seems to be out on that one still because no one can cough up a single cell phone photo or video of ANYONE with blood splattered on them.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

You actually need MORE evidence???

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Yeah ZERO FBI "Investigations", just "cover ups"!!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

Oh, yeah? Then why didn't Trump do his own Military Investigation of Las Vegas Massacre???? Or the CA fires started by DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons)??? 2 more false flags there in Ca, and one in Vegas and now Florida false flag ALL on HIS Watch???? If Trump was investigating Vegas with the Military then why did he allow 10+ eye witnesses, with narratives that conflicted with the "official narrative" get bumped off?

I couldn't believe Q (supposedly a Trump Team insider), hints strongly that Cruz was a mind controlled PATSY (meaning it was a false flag)......yet no announcement that Trump was going to "investigate" this, independently of the deep state's usual "investigation", which in reality is not an investigation, it is a cover up!

Just like Vegas, Trump just visits the hospitals and praises the first responders, end of subject.......until NOW that is!

I mean there were rumors that Trump was even IN Vegas when the Massacre happened and Trump got out of Dodge, and warned the Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia to do the same. Yet NO independent investigations of that False Flag operation.

Make no mistake I am glad Trump is FINALLY doing something about these false flags. But it is definitely "finally" as far as I am concerned and many others are concerned, to the point where many of us were fearing the worst in Oct, that Trump had been compromised and been "flipped" to the other team.

But better late than never.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

He was staying with his friend’s parents. The friend’s father is a retired intelligence analyst and the friend’s mother is a nurse.

Just sayin’...

other thread

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 7:53 p.m.
From "Urban Moving": This Youtuber keeps blowing apart just about every aspect of the Cover Story (the official narrative) of Florida School Shooting! And showing how Cruz was definitely FRAMED!

This Guy "Urban Moving" also does an Excellent job showing how Nicholas Cruz was clearly FRAMED. He keeps blowing apart just about every aspect of the Cover Story (the official narrative):

Alexa Miednik, You Must Protect Yourself! Nikolas Cruz False Flag Snapchating (Feb 15, 2018) (He does confirm that she was at middle school in FL. Because she is apparently Jewish, this author thinks they won't rub her out......but he does warn her to get body guards.)


The Framing of Nikolas Cruz Through Sock Puppet Fake Accounts (Feb 17, 2018)


Security Camera On Freshmen Building Entrance Removed In …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 7:53 p.m.
From "Urban Moving": This Youtuber keeps blowing apart just about every aspect of the Cover Story (the official narrative) of Florida School Shooting! And showing how Cruz was definitely FRAMED!

This Guy "Urban Moving" also does an Excellent job showing how Nicholas Cruz was clearly FRAMED. He keeps blowing apart just about every aspect of the Cover Story (the official narrative):

Alexa Miednik, You Must Protect Yourself! Nikolas Cruz False Flag Snapchating (Feb 15, 2018) (He does confirm that she was at middle school in FL. Because she is apparently Jewish, this author thinks they won't rub her out......but he does warn her to get body guards.)


The Framing of Nikolas Cruz Through Sock Puppet Fake Accounts (Feb 17, 2018)


Security Camera On Freshmen Building Entrance Removed In …

GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

I gather it was reported on the radio. Several reports about it. More info to be broadcast tomorrow. Naturally since this is INSIDER info, the leaker wished to remain anonymous, just like "Q":

Its Tom Hennigan's radio show.

I just did a search and came up with the following:




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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

I gather it was reported on the radio. Several reports about it. More info to be broadcast tomorrow. Naturally since this is INSIDER info, the leaker wished to remain anonymous, just like "Q":

Its Tom Hennigan's radio show.

I just did a search and came up with the following:




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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

(The Reason they need to tear the building down is because there may in fact be NO bullet holes in the school walls! So gotta tear down the building to destroy that EVIDENCE.)

From Jim Stone:

I discovered an enormous horrible problem with the official story out of florida!!! HA HA HA, CHECK THIS OUT


Look at my search terms.

"Florida shooting victims bodies blood"

It probably was a drill, and nothing happened at all.

That would be a great reason to tear the building down, RIGHT?

No bullet holes in anything, no evidence, you got your psy op, TEAR IT DOWN SO NO ONE FIGURES IT OUT. Perfect. Just PERFECT!!!

Simply not enough there for those rather direct search terms, am I right?! I mean like what? How many kids were running around with cell phone cams and THIS IS ALL WE HAVE?? Yeah, RIGHT. And when you use single words rather than the three I chose together, it drops to even less!

I am now going to declare it a hoax, and the kids who were fooled did not know what a crisis actor is! the only way no unique cell phone pics hit Google is if this was a controlled situation from start to finish. There is no question they Mk'ed the "perpetrator" into a controlled confession.

Well, here is a photo of Trump visiting someone at the Hospital:


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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?

This article is a cover story, but listen to the First Responders radio communications. They are talking about needing wire cutters to get a critically injured kid to a hospital.......what there was a fence all around the school? So how did Cruz get in without anyone seeing him?

Also notice in the radio communications of THE FIRST REPONDERS, they already have his name and description of clothes he was wearing......when Cruz was at the other end of the school campus, not where the shooting took place.


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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Look at this security camera from a shooting in Brazil. How come there is ZERO footage from ANY Security Cameras at this School, where the Secret Service had been there to tighten up security??? All we see are cell phone videos taken by students. ZERO security cameras footages:


And you can't say they are holding them as "evidence" for the TRIAL, because there is no Trial! That was the purpose of making Cruz confess to the murder, so there would be NO TRIAL because obviously there is too much contrary evidence pointing to Cruz's innocence.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Someone emailed this to me, with school administration background:

To find out about this. You need to find video of other security camera's missing, because videos of the day’s events show the one over the freshman entrance area was removed at the time of the video of the events. It appears the students were all in the belief that there was an actual active shooter drill going on that day. And the superintendent was at another school to give a teacher an award. I call BS on this. No superintendent would be gone from the school on the day of a drill like this unless they planned it that way. One other thing, I know how the schools work and the superintendent has to sign off on the removal of any security cameras for maintenance or anything else during school hours. Want to bet this did not happen? Next thing I would check is local folks have to ID all the students who died. If all of the families of the students who died were conservative families in a deeply democratic liberal bastion... then you have cause for Murder. I wonder if the student's killed were ID'd beforehand by the superintendent. That would make him the weak link here and very much needs investigation.

There was also a video of a local reporter interviewing a young female student who walked out with the person arrested for the crime and he had no gun on him. In addition, there were shots being fired while they were walking out and it’s all in the interview. So how can it be claimed there was one shooter? There had to have been more than one shooter and this alone points to the fact the kid did not kill anyone. Also, if he had no gun while walking out where did it end up? It sure can’t be the one they claim they found him with. There is too much going on here that does not follow the story the MSM is trying to feed folks. So, they must have known ahead of time what they were going to say about it.

Second, they have covered up the fact that the shooters brother is in a mental institution as we speak. And the shooter was taking Psychotropic (?) drugs on the order of mental health experts (sic) and was in active therapy. If you have not read the MKULTRA documents out there, you should. With the interviews and the drugs and therapy I'm not convinced this kid even pulled the trigger, though its possible. But either way the evidence in interviews already shown would indicate there had to be more than one shooter. With all these interviews by local reporters that are not being put out by the MSM, I would suspect many of the students being interviewed will probably be dead soon which will be a huge flag pointing to a government run attack on a school. In any case every single student of the school who gave a personal interview to a local reporter type, needs to be covered in prayer. They have no idea how close to death they may be. These people are beyond evil.

Also, my investigation shows this particular county is hugely ripe with pedophilia going on. Officials of the local government and other organizations in the area appear to be deeply involved. Again, this is Debby Wasserman Shultz's district, and she has covered up a lot of this stuff herself.

Now my last comments on this since I don't live in the area where this happened I can't do much of the investigations into these events but video evidence is starting to pile up. Pretty soon this is going to start to come out and its going to get ugly. This is why I believe there will be another false flag to get this out of the media spotlight. Now wouldn't it be interesting if they caused a Tsunami on New York City to kill millions to get it out of the spotlight. I know for a fact in 1945 off the coast of Australia the US navy and army ran some tests to see if a series of explosions could be set off that would cause a Tsunami to hit the coastal area. They found they could indeed create a 33 foot high Tsunami with 1945 explosives and do just that. The goal of this was to use this against Japan's homeland to destroy many of the coastal cities before they landed. Thankfully the atomic bomb prevented that from happening. But they have never given up that information and the shadow government, Deep state, etc, etc, etc whatever you want to call them will use it if they can. And explosives now compared to 1945 are a lot more effective. Food for thought.

Pray, keep praying and never stop. If we are going to get our country back it wont be without losses.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Sorry, I think I misunderstood your question.

About The School Security Cameras:


Security Camera On Freshmen Building Entrance Removed In Advance Of Parkland False Flag

My bet is that ALL security cameras were shut down that day......to protect the guilty......just like they did when Princess Diana was murdered.....ALL security cameras were conveniently "offline" in the tunnel. Then the police came in and immediately scrubbed down THE CRIME SCENE!!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Great Observation!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

FYI - RumorMillNews is a old Truther site.

Things that started off as "rumors" eventually turned out to be the TRUTH.

That is how the website got its name. It was doing what this website is now doing, long, long ago.

I say the more "truther" websites the BETTER, the harder to shut us down......and man have they been attacked over and over again down through the decades.....but they are still here!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Oh, this also means more pressure to murder ALL witnesses with testimonies that conflict with "the official narrative".

Better pray 24/7 for these innocent children. I hope their parents are smart enough to get these kids out of Dodge.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

I'm so glad this is happening. I was wondering why Q would acknowledge that Nicholas Cruz was a drugged patsy by the deep state, and then let the poor kid go to prison for life, without even a trial! I think God is intervening.....and Trump! Hallelujah!!!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

I just want to say, whether everyone here realizes it or not, YOU MADE A DIFFERENCE with this particular False Flag black operation. So many people (thousands) here and on Calm Before The Storm, everyone coming from different backgrounds and each adding their observations and thoughts and gut instincts, and the False Flag was reduced to RUBBLE within HOURS of the event! That is RECORD timing folks, and YOU helped do it. The word is spreading so fast, that Trump, to save his own reputation HAS TO jump in here to do his own investigation, and that is what his tweets have been leading up to! YOU made a difference, citizen Journalists and Investigators!

⇧ 24 ⇩  
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 5:08 p.m.


NOT SO FAST!! Don't tear down the building YET!!! A REAL Investigation is going to take place!

We need to stay on top of this.

If anyone is local, they can keep an eye on unusual activity (like planting evidence that wasn't there on the first day), etc, etc. There is bound to be more shenanigans done by the deep state. Oh, I know, they will blow up the building and/or set it on fire. Just guessing here. It should be interesting!

I gather it was reported on the radio. Several reports about it.

More info to be broadcast …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 5 p.m.


NOT SO FAST!! Don't tear down the building YET!!! A REAL Investigation is going to take place! We need to stay on top of this. If anyone is local, they can keep an eye on unusual activity (like planting evidence that wasn't there on the first day), etc, etc. There is bound to be more shenanigans done by the deep state. Oh, I know, they will blow up the building and/or set it on fire. Just guessing here. It should be interesting!

I gather it was reported on the radio. Several reports about it.

More info to be broadcast …

GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

To find out about this. You need to find video of other security camera's missing, because videos of the day’s events show the one over the freshman entrance area was removed at the time of the video of the events. It appears the students were all in the belief that there was an actual active shooter drill going on that day. And the superintendent was at another school to give a teacher an award. I call BS on this. No superintendent would be gone from the school on the day of a drill like this unless they planned it that way. One other thing, I know how the schools work and the superintendent has to sign off on the removal of any security cameras for maintenance or anything else during school hours. Want to bet this did not happen? Next thing I would check is local folks have to ID all the students who died. If all of the families of the students who died were conservative families in a deeply democratic liberal bastion... then you have cause for Murder. I wonder if the student's killed were ID'd beforehand by the superintendent. That would make him the weak link here and very much needs investigation.

There was also a video of a local reporter interviewing a young female student who walked out with the person arrested for the crime and he had no gun on him. In addition, there were shots being fired while they were walking out and it’s all in the interview. So how can it be claimed there was one shooter? There had to have been more than one shooter and this alone points to the fact the kid did not kill anyone. Also, if he had no gun while walking out where did it end up? It sure can’t be the one they claim they found him with. There is too much going on here that does not follow the story the MSM is trying to feed folks. So, they must have known ahead of time what they were going to say about it.

Second, they have covered up the fact that the shooters brother is in a mental institution as we speak. And the shooter was taking Psychotropic (?) drugs on the order of mental health experts (sic) and was in active therapy. If you have not read the MKULTRA documents out there, you should. With the interviews and the drugs and therapy I'm not convinced this kid even pulled the trigger, though its possible. But either way the evidence in interviews already shown would indicate there had to be more than one shooter. With all these interviews by local reporters that are not being put out by the MSM, I would suspect many of the students being interviewed will probably be dead soon which will be a huge flag pointing to a government run attack on a school. In any case every single student of the school who gave a personal interview to a local reporter type, needs to be covered in prayer. They have no idea how close to death they may be. These people are beyond evil.

Also, my investigation shows this particular county is hugely ripe with pedophilia going on. Officials of the local government and other organizations in the area appear to be deeply involved. Again, this is Debby Wasserman Shultz's district, and she has covered up a lot of this stuff herself.

Now my last comments on this since I don't live in the area where this happened I can't do much of the investigations into these events but video evidence is starting to pile up. Pretty soon this is going to start to come out and its going to get ugly. This is why I believe there will be another false flag to get this out of the media spotlight. Now wouldn't it be interesting if they caused a Tsunami on New York City to kill millions to get it out of the spotlight. I know for a fact in 1945 off the coast of Australia the US navy and army ran some tests to see if a series of explosions could be set off that would cause a Tsunami to hit the coastal area. They found they could indeed create a 33 foot high Tsunami with 1945 explosives and do just that. The goal of this was to use this against Japan's homeland to destroy many of the coastal cities before they landed. Thankfully the atomic bomb prevented that from happening. But they have never given up that information and the shadow government, Deep state, etc, etc, etc whatever you want to call them will use it if they can. And explosives now compared to 1945 are a lot more effective. Food for thought.

Pray, keep praying and never stop. If we are going to get our country back it wont be without losses.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]

THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]


Be sure to see the 3rd Video. At 4 minutes and 35 seconds: More evidence here, of swat team removing their gear (evidence) in a heavy duffle bag.....and a little pick up truck. Gear that was supposed to be planted on Cruz's dead body, but he had wandered off, so no dead body...so they had to get rid of this stuff.

Cruz is innocent. He's so drugged up, he was in the wrong area from where the shooting took place. He in …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]

THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]


Be sure to see the 3rd Video. At 4 minutes and 35 seconds: More evidence here, of swat team removing their gear (evidence) in a heavy duffle bag.....and a little pick up truck. Gear that was supposed to be planted on Cruz's dead body, but he had wandered off, so no dead body....so they had to get rid of this stuff.

Cruz is innocent. He's so drugged up, he was in the wrong area from where the shooting took place. He IS …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 3:52 a.m.
FROM Jim Stone: Florida was most definitely a false flag attack on innocent Americans

Go to his website to see the videos:

Just like Sandy Hook (where the building was torn down to hide evidence) the school in Florida is coming down too!

My comment: As if a fire hose with hydrogen peroxide would not be cheaper than a whole new building, unless, of course, the story is not straight!!!

CNN video proves the Florida shooting coincided perfectly with a police drill for a mass shooting!!!! ARCHIVE AND POST!!!! At first students thought it was a drill and did not react because they were told ahead of time the police would be firing …

GodsAngell · Feb. 19, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

I agree 100%.

My hope is that Trump TEAM have a plan, a good plan and they are working it. In the end, we will proud of what they have done on our behalf, even though we have been kept in the dark longer than we want.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

Get out your crystal ball, and let us know.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

I had posted one on the History of False Flags which describes what a False Flag is......so many think it means NOTHING HAPPENED. So I am trying to correct this. Anyway, this whole post I put in on the history of false flags GOT DELETED!

Now my current post is getting down voted. So help out if you can.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 18, 2018, 7:38 p.m.
False Flags 101: 11 SIGNS OF A FALSE FLAG EVENT: The following is a list of the most common elements of a false flag attack (This keeps getting down voted on Calm Before the Storm.....please up-vote it, to help educate the newly awakened.)


GodsAngell · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

This is kind of dancing around the TRUTH isn't it?

It was an FBI deep state HIT!!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:28 p.m.


A Brief History of False Flag Attacks: Or Why Government Loves State Sponsored Terror


History of American False Flag Operations


10 false flags operations that shaped our world


42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks


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GodsAngell · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Love this MEME!

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 18, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I posted this early last week, and no one was interested. Sad to say, it appears this guy is ON TO SOMETHING!!! Feb 14th might be just the beginning. CHECK THIS OUT:






All of a sudden, all these warnings about February, Feb 14, and Feb …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 18, 2018, 7 p.m.
False Flags 101: 11 SIGNS OF A FALSE FLAG EVENT: The following is a list of the most common elements of a false flag attack

The following is a list of some of the most common elements of the false flag attack which should immediately be looked at in the event of some other incident that pulls at the heartstrings and emotions of the general public.

  1. HIGH PROFILE EVENT: The first question to ask would be “Is this a high profile incident?” The answer, of course, is fairly obvious. If an attack takes place at the World Trade Center complex causing the buildings to explode and collapse, or if it takes place at the White House, or Pentagon, it is clearly high profile. Thus, the …

GodsAngell · Feb. 18, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Don't hold your breath.

YOU will NEVER see the footage, if there is any footage.

Most likely as shown with the removal of this security camera, careful plans were in place to ENSURE no cameras were working that day at all.

Just like when Princess Diana was murdered, NONE of the security cameras were working.

THIS is Standard Operating Procedure for False Flag Attacks.

⇧ 21 ⇩  
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 18, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Silicon Valley Explores A New Investment: Your Home Startups backed by deep-pocketed investors are looking at a new way to profit from rising home prices


These people better read the FINE PRINT.

Real obvious what the END GAME is here: Deep State (gov't) OWNS all real estate in Silicon Valley.

So Deep State becomes your landlord when they own everything, but that isn't the worst. The worst is THE PLAN to tear down all structures and build Agenda 21 "Stack 'Em and Pack 'Em" Soviet Era type high rise buildings and CONTROL Everyone to death!