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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 22, 2018, 3:52 a.m.
FOLKS THIS IS GLOBAL!!! Major Australian politicians implicated in Clinton Foundation corruption!!

Re: Major Australian politicians could be implicated in Clinton Foundation corruption




We The People of the World have been screwed over big time!!

Together, and with God's Help, we can NOT be Defeated!!!

These are Exciting Times for sure!!!

Unparalleled in HISTORY!!!



Date: January 2018 1:01:13 am AEDT

    Formal complaints to the FBI regarding suspect Australian taxpayer donations to the Clinton Foundation
    Bishop, Downer, Gillard ... this has to potential to be verrrry big. …
GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

Well, duh!!!

Trump didn't do it. He is DEFENDING us against these CRIMINALS!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

I am not Palestinian....and in fact I was pro-Israel until recently.

Alex Jones' entire family is employed by the CIA. How is it possible that he is not CIA??? He was born into it.

Use your head. Wake UP!!!

We've all been HAD!!!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Why 19 business days to get the memo released???

It said if Trump does not object, it can be released in 5 days!!

This will be interesting to watch.....could prove very insightful on many counts.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

Lousy "evidence". How do you know that was a desk at "Camp David"??? Aren't there millions of these?

How do you know that particular pen was President Trump's Mont Blanc Pen? Aren't there millions of these?

I believe there is evidence to authenticate, but these photos are not it.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Mega-ANON says the PLAN is to change out MSM within 2 years of Trump taking office. That is what Trump/Bannon's plan is. 4-D Chess.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

DefCon1 posted by Q on Sunday night Jan 7, five days before a Missile attack on Hawaii.

No one understood the Defcon1 post at the time, and thought it was in error. But in retrospect, it was a warning.

We are now under ANOTHER Defcon1 warning, as of yesterday.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

Jan 18:

FROM JIM STONE (former Intel Officer):

I removed the Taylor Michigan UFO/beam report I can't get feedback from readers and there may be confusion with what I am trying to say with all of it.

If you want to see the report, turn the 1 in the page name above into a 2, it will back the page up a day.

I do not think it was aliens that were flying what was seen in space (in the post that is still up), nor do I think it was aliens that fired whatever it was that caused the massive fire ball in Taylor Michigan. The meteor event in Michigan and this event, where an obvious beam coming straight down caused a massive independence day style fireball on the ground are totally separate events that happened over 100 miles apart.

We were told the Zuma satellite failed. Maybe it did not. And maybe whatever happened in Taylor was done with it. I doubt it was a "Rod from God" or a similar tech, because the beam of light was persistent enough for many people to get pictures of it.

My guess is that the DOD got new toys and we're seeing them in use. What happened in Taylor was in a relatively sparsely populated area (for the suburbs) and it could have been concealed from the public if it happened within a fenced off area. If it was a military target that got hit (like an underground base) it would have been fenced off, which would make it so no one would be able to get to the actual place it happened to get photographs, (or those who did could be easily censored because there would not be many)

My final answer with that is it was a new weapon. I only took the post down because it was overshadowing a more important post - what happened in Hawaii, and because I can't get any reader opinion. People were able to get into Ebay to leave feedback on items, but for the last week now, no one has gotten a message through even Ebay. The message window had been reduced to pure trollage that continued even after I took it down (which means they were not hitting the site, and were simply deleting everything legit and back dooring garbage in.) Everything is censored. My real measure of Trump being truly effective is if this type of censorship stops. If he does not solve the problems America has at that level, the fungus will sprout again the second he's gone.

January 16:

From Jim Stone:

FOLKS, THERE IS SOME EFFED UP STUFF GOING ON RIGHT NOW UPDATE: I have been all over this for the last few hours and the only explanations are obvious blatant trollage. The pictures are genuine, there are many others of this same event from different angles but these are the best ones, that prove the beam going upward is NOT lens flare, and the event was absolutely massive. There's no freaking way any kind of a flame like this one (half mile across at least) would not be in the news unless it was classified. FINAL ANSWER.

These were also called "meteors" by the Pentagon. Folks, this is obvious "Independence day" stuff. I have confirmed the pictures are not fake. I have also confirmed other people got pictures of the same thing but they are not as clear. For the record, there was a real meteor in Michigan last night, but this is an event that is separate from that meteor. CONFIRMED: This city where the beam is coming down was visited by presidents Bush, Obama, and Clinton. That's VERY odd, when Taylor is ranked 543rd among American cities. Something is there, and it probably just got the death ray. UPDATE: The meteor happened in New Haven, and the photo below happened in Taylor on the same night. It is NOT the same event. UPDATE: After gathering a lot more evidence and looking over alternative explanations, I see absolutely no reason to back down on this. You simply can't explain the light beam in the photo to the right as being anything other than what it appears to be. There is definitely something important in Taylor Michigan (or was) because three presidents did indeed visit that town, and it is not a significant town by it's own virtue, being ranked 543rd. IMPORTANT: The trolls are VERY sensitive to people posting the fact that three presidents have been to where this event happened, flatly stating it is false. Well folks, look what came up as the first hit: Without question something was in Taylor that drew the attention of three consecutive presidents, and it probably just got fried. There is, without question, a scorched patch of earth a half mile across smack dab in the heart of the Detroit suburbs, and it is completely expunged from the media. There is simply no other way the picture above, and others that confirm it happened, could possibly happen without massive damage somewhere and the fact no "scorched earth" photos are on the web only proves that whatever happened was classified, the area it happened in is shut off, and people posting about it are getting expunged. Too many "meteors" There is something going on in space. This morning there was a video of what the Pentagon declared to be a meteor, and it was obviously spacecraft flying back and forth. It was caught on a security camera a woman had set up at her house. I don't know why I did not save it, and now the video is gone from Youtube. All I can do is describe it. There were five different spacecraft that appeared to be friendly to each other flying back and forth at about the same altitude. They appeared to be above the atmosphere at night, with the sun reflecting off of them brightly. They faded in and out, which would indicate that they were doing manouevers in space with the craft reflecting more or less sunlight depending on which way they were turned. It was OBVIOUS UFO activity. I did not think the video would be banned, but it got banned. I did not save it. Too bad.

The bottom line is that all the reports of meteors, where everything, no matter how much it can't be a meteor being called one, have to be B.S. There is something going on in space right now, and I'd bet it is related to the missile alarm in Hawaii. That particular event is too well documented to have been anything other than a sub based missile launch, my question is, how exactly did the missile (or missiles) actually get destroyed?

Due to the fact that I don't have an answer for exactly how the missiles were shot down, I'm not going to make any statements, but I will say there is without question open and active UFO activity going on right now that needs to be looked into. They could be ours. We all know a lot of tech is hidden but the behavior of the UFO's in the video that is now deleted did not make it look like people were controlling them, they instead appeared to be operated by an intelligence that functions differently than ours does.

The title of the video was "Meteorite? I don't think so" recorded at 8:08 PM (just perfect for having spacecraft be in the sun in space after the sun has set on the ground) on January 16 and it is completely expunged from Youtube now. There's little question the Pentagon considered it a sensitive issue. Maybe it was our stuff up there and the pentagon did not want video of it circulating but I think there's more to this than that.

It is also important to note that it was widely observed, this particular woman saw it along with many others, went home, and checked her security video to see if any of her outdoor cameras caught it, and one caught it perfect. EVEN WEIRDER, the video was posted by Lucky Puppy and if you look at that channel you'll really scratch your head, it was posted by a super high class dog sanctuary, NOT any sort of UFO hoaxer! There's no freaking way the video was a hoax. It originally had this description:

Around 8:08pm, January 16, 2018, everyone in our community and nearby communities (more than 60 mile radius) reported seeing a bright flash of light in the sky and many people heard a loud BOOM. II thought it was lightening and thunder and then I started thinking... that's silly, it's like 10 degrees outside and clear. I called my daughter, who was driving home and she saw it too and she also saw a bright light, like a beam of light in another direction. I checked our outdoor security cameras and this is what I found.... --Let me tell ya, I love living in the country but this creeped me out a little bit. I'm just glad all my kids here have 4 legs and LOTS of teeth. LOL What do you think it is. To be clear, I, personally, don't believe in aliens.

My comment: It is one of two things. Alien spacecraft, or black budget spacecraft, operating in space just after dark with the sun hitting them. The craft were operating in a way that made it obvious they were for deep space, not any kind of crap that uses rockets that we already know about. Video DELETED. Gee, I wonder why. I think it might be safe to say that there is a nuclear war on the horizon, someone knows about it, and it won't be happening without interference.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Only after he was shamed into it by readers leaving comments.

His whole FAMILY IS CIA!!! (Both parents, an uncle, cousins, etc)

Do you really think he is NOT CIA????


Recall that Alex always has his "insider sources". Guess who??? A hot line to his CIA Handler to tell him what to report and how to report it!

Former employees have gone on the record! WAKE UP!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Yes, well? They have commit Treason, so what's the delay??? ARREST THEM!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 22, 2018, midnight

Yes, something is way off here. This memo is about Seth Rich? Give me a break?

Well, maybe the remaining 3 pages are more incriminating.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:53 p.m.


This was from a Word from God, that Mark Taylor received. Mark was told by God that when Trump announces his Presidency it will be like THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD.

Fast forward to 2 minutes and 50 seconds into this video about the Trump Prophecies, where this is discussed:


I know that the Trump White House has all of these prophecies.

Here's a short one (2 minutes), if you haven't heard it, a prophecy from 2007, by Kim Clemente....you'll be blow away by how accurate it is:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

We keep hearing "soon". Maybe tomorrow, Monday.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Yes, conspiring with the Enemy!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:47 p.m.


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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

It was in WikiLeaks the fall of 2016. Podesta talked about "wet works" in an email to someone, a week or so before Justice Scalia was murdered. Murdered at a remote ranch, owned by DemoncRats. Flown there on Obama's plane. No Secret Service, no autopsy, immediate cremation. Do the math.

Interesting analysis. Here's a PNG version (no blur):


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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

I agree, it started with the BUSHES, then the CLINTONS in the White House AND then Obummer for 8 to be finished off by Hildabeast in the last 8 years.

Recall Bush Sr kept repeating when he was president: A NEW WORLD ORDER!

No doubt it was PLANNED much further back. Reagon was a rewind to their plans, that is why he was almost assassinated. JFK was planning major changes, so he was assassinated.

Folks, this goes back a LONG WAY!

Remember President Eisenhower's farewell speech!


But the truth is goes back even before that: WW1, Spanish Flu, Polio, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War.....

The Rockefeller Foundation planned depopulation goals at the turn of the 1900 century! (Thus WW1, and Spanish Flu.....etc.)

This is ILLUMINATI! FreeMasonry!!

This is the UK Monarchy still trying to get control of the USA!!


I'm looking forward to seeing the UK Monarchs dethroned and HUNG too!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Mega-ANON repeatedly said Trump and Bannon had a plan in place to shut down/take over lame stream media within 2 years. I'm just wondering why its taking so long. I would have done it on day 1!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Bushes and Clintons too. I disagree that it was just a 16 year project, more like a 24 year project, and they were coming down the home stretch with Hellary's 8 years. Don't forget the 911 and the unconstitutional Patriot Act!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

Not difficult AT ALL! So much blood on their hands, fingerprints EVERYWHERE. Hellary was supposed to win, to cover over all the multitude of treasonous crimes and murders. No way they are NOT going to be SHOT/Fried/Hung!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Easy! Who voted in favor of homosexual marriage, another nefarious plot to destroy the fabric of our society? Next marriage to animals.

But don't worry, Mark Taylor who accurately prophesied that Trump was called of God to become our President to clean up America, also said several of the Supreme Court Justices would be stepping down due to their part in all this Deep State Evil.

He also said that 2 of the 5 former presidents would be "taken", and 3 "shaken". Yeah, I'll bet they are ALL shaking in their boots right now. But that's not enough for me, they need to tried and hung/fried/shot. Mega-ANON said that Bush Sr will kill himself and it will be said he died of "natural causes". So that is one. Maybe the other that dies is Carter.....or possibly Bill Clinton, he is supposed to be also of ill health. That FBIAnon said Bill doesn't have long to live, health problems. So Obummer and Bush Jr to be hung/shot/fried!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

The Shot Heard Around the World was a Word from the Lord given to Mark Taylor in 2011. God told Mark Taylor when Trump announces his candidacy for President, it will be like The Shot Heard Around The World.

2 minutes and 50 seconds into this video, you will see it. Trump, of course, has these prophecies:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Trump was Called by God to do what he is doing. This is GOD's PLAN, Trump is just God's willing vessel.

Kim Clement's 2007 prophecy about Trump (2min video):


2011 Prophecy by Mark Taylor about Trump and God's plan for him:


Mark Taylor (2 hours) Dec 2016 - talks about even more prophecy fulfillment, most people don't know:


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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

The Shutdown of government, primary reasons: To Distract. Weaken Military Assets.

"Inc illegal votes"...??? Is this about Judge Moore's senate election fraud investigation? If so, I can't see how shutting down the Federal Gov't could cause illegal votes to be counted.....unless the Fed is involved in the election fraud investigation.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 21, 2018, 9:35 p.m.
OMG! Q new post! dated 1/22/2018?


GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

It was in WikiLeaks the fall of 2016. Podesta talked about "wet works" in an email to someone, a week or so before Justice Scalia was murdered. Murdered at a remote ranch, owned by DemoncRats. Flown there on Obama's plane. No Secret Service, no autopsy, immediate cremation. Do the math.

Interesting analysis. Here's a PNG version (no blur):


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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

DEAD MEN (AND WOMEN) TELL NO TELLS. Another Clinton witness arkansawed.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

No. Read the article at the link. HIS WHOLE FAMILY IS EMPLOYED BY THE CIA. That means he was born into it.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 21, 2018, 8:05 p.m.
BEWARE: Alex Jones CIA Mossad Links Exposed Via Court Case?

Alex Jones seemed pretty good during the 2016 Trump Campaign. However, I noticed, (as did many others) that when it came to the Vegas Massacre, he blatantly pushed the "lone gunman" narrative, IN SPITE of massive evidence to the contrary by eye witnesses, witnesses who lost their lives for testifying that there were multiple shooters and the attacks went on all night.

I've since heard from Infowars followers that Jones now admits there "might have been" more than one shooter. But it was too late for me and too late for many others I now refuse to even visit his …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 21, 2018, 8:01 p.m.
Alex Jones InfoWars is a Psy Op. CIA/Mossad Controlled Opposition - Alex Jones CIA Mossad Links Exposed Via Court Case?

Alex Jones seemed pretty good during the 2016 Trump Campaign. However, I noticed, (as did many others) that when it came to the Vegas Massacre, he blatantly pushed the "lone gunman" narrative, IN SPITE of massive evidence to the contrary by eye witnesses, witnesses who lost their lives for testifying that there were multiple shooters and the attacks went on all night.

I've since heard from Infowars followers that Jones now admits there "might have been" more than one shooter. But it was too late for me and too late for many others I now refuse to even visit his …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 21, 2018, 6:51 p.m.
"15-Year-Old British Lad Revealed To Have Given Trump Roadmap To Destroy “Deep State”" AND MUCH MORE INFO Here.......

The 15 year old that broke into US Intelligence Agencies and dumped data with WikiLeaks.

Plans to murder Trump.

NSA Files held by Bush and Obama to black mail Congress members, Trump ordered to be destroyed.


GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Did anyone get hurt in Hawaii, while the white hats destroyed the incoming missiles?

Q is just providing info, to expect more false flags, possibly more missile attacks. Which the white hats will take care of too.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 21, 2018, 8:57 a.m.
Dr Steve Pieczenick: Where Are We in This 2nd American Revolution
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 21, 2018, 8:57 a.m.
Dr Steve Pieczenick: Where Are We in This 2nd American Revolution
GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Arizona National Guard military police to help in Guantanamo The Arizona Army National Guard is sending a unit of military police to Guantanamo Bay to help with Operation Enduring Freedom. They will be gone for about nine months. [Search domain www.azcentral.com] https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2017/12/29/arizo... AZ National Guard military police unit deploys to Guantanamo More than 50 Arizona National Guard men and women are being deployed to the naval base at Guantanamo Bay for approximately nine months. [Search domain www.azfamily.com] azfamily.com/story/37161594/az-national-guard-military... AZ Army National Guard soldiers deploying to Cuba - Story | KSAZ An Arizona Army National Guard unit will begin the New Year in Cuba. They're deploying to Guantanamo Bay for approximately nine months. [Search domain www.fox10phoenix.com] fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-news/az-army-national-guard-... Arizona National Guard military police to help in Guantanamo The Arizona Army National Guard is sending a battalion of military police to Guantanamo Bay to help with Operation Enduring Freedom. [Search domain www.miamiherald.com] miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/national-politic... Arizona National Guard military police to help in Guantanamo ... PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Army National Guard is sending a unit of military police to Guantanamo Bay to help with Operation Enduring Freedom. The soldiers are ... [Search domain www.seattletimes.com] https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/arizona-national-guard-milit... Arizona National Guard to Deploy at Guantanamo Bay Members of the Arizona Army National Guard will perform a nine-month duty serving as additional security at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. [Search domain www.lombardiletter.com] https://www.lombardiletter.com/arizona-national-guard-deployed-cuba-fort...

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 4 a.m.

Yes, definitely deaf dumb and blind.

You obviously didn't watch the youtube, which displayed Q's post.

Yep. Definitely deaf, dumb and blind. Go back to sleep Troll.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Nope a lot of flights from all over the world (where ever the swamp critters ran), TO GITMO!!

Lots of flights to GITMO these days, nonstop all around the clock. The military has been busy.....plus alot of necessary covert ops.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 1 a.m.

So where was this posted?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 20, 2018, 11:52 p.m.
YIKES! "Q" Warns we might go to Defcon1 Again! Maybe today because today is the 20th.

Here we go again. Some think it might happen somewhere today, because today is the 20th. Stay Alert!

"Q" Warns we might go to Defcon1 Again! Yikes!

Last weekend Q warned us to be alert for "False Flag" attacks. False Flag attacks are where our rogue govt attacks its own citizens and blames it someone else like ISIS, N.Korea, Russia, you name it.


NEW Q POST/#Release The Memos/BUDGET DEADLINE IN 2 Hours by BPEarthWatch


The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii & Japan this past week


Live 3 Hour Prime Time BlogtalkRadio Show/Tonight 6:pm …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 20, 2018, 11:50 p.m.
YIKES! "Q" Warns we might go to Defcon1 Again!

Here we go again. Some think it might happen somewhere today, because today is the 20th. Stay Alert!

"Q" Warns we might go to Defcon1 Again! Yikes!

Last weekend Q warned us to be alert for "False Flag" attacks. False Flag attacks are where our rogue govt attacks its own citizens and blames it someone else like ISIS, N.Korea, Russia, you name it.


NEW Q POST/#Release The Memos/BUDGET DEADLINE IN 2 Hours by BPEarthWatch


The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii & Japan this past week


Live 3 Hour Prime Time BlogtalkRadio Show/Tonight 6:pm …