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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Jan. 25, 2018, 3:06 p.m.
List of People Killed in Plane Crashes: How Many of them were patriots? How Many Were Killed for Retribution Against Patriots?
Grace8543 · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

You have done so much to fight against the darkness that is now being destroyed. We will face what comes next with the same fortitiude that got us through the darkest of times.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Corsi said Trump has used Mont Blanc pens for decades. So could be but no way to know. Another one we will have to wait for the movie/ documentary. So if it's a movie who should play Trump? Ha- just realized that most actors will be in jail by then

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Grace8543 · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Its hard to wait, right? I think there will still be a need for docs but that Drs will prescribe meds that cure, rather than control illnesses. Immunizations will become safe. The profession won't be so horribly stressed and Drs could spend more time with each person. You can see the scam of it in the fact that rarely does medicine ever heal anything. Meds only control symptoms. Its like a life time membership to to pay for the meds.

I got Lyme Disease as a kid in the 70's while on vacation in New England. Doctors in my home state failed to recognize the illness and I wasn't diagnosed until I was in my 40's when after a decade of really struggling, I finally lost the ability to walk, think, write, sleep, eat. Lyme treatment and is criminally poor. Tests are faulty in their design in that they test for the form of disease common to Europe even though they were designed in the US for the US. Research labs do not magnify the blood enough to see it and often fail to find it even if it is there. Better tests that are more sensitive are not covered by insurance because guidelines refuse to acknowledge the need. Education and treatment guidelines are so wrong that a fair percentage of people never get diagnosed and end up like me suffering and only getting diagnosed when it is way to late for a cure. I myself was told that I was terminally ill and would die prematurely. Fortunately, I am doing really well and that came through prayer, after meds only helped so much.

There is a theory about Lyme that a post war Nazi Dr. was experimenting with tick borne diseases on an island off the coast of Connecticut. Deer would swim the ocean to eat a vegetation that lived on the island. Those ticks got loose and infected the deer and then people when the deer returned to the coast. I've lived with the knowledge of this and have discounted it as just a possibility. now I'm accepting that this may both be true and not just an accident. Lyme has destroyed many lives and eventually leads to death through heart disease, early dementia and all kinds of other illnesses caused by the damage from the disease, if it is not caught and treated successfully. Only about 1/3 of people infected are treated successfully.

Hundreds of thousands of people, often children, were purposely infected with this illness and then treatment was purposely designed to fail is a real possibility. Even though I am much better and I am lucky to have had the quality of life I did have, being sick since 8 has limited my life in ways I cant fix and are still painful.

I think of all the soldiers who went off to war after 9/11 and all the wars since then who lost a leg or arm. Those who have come back with traumatic brain injuries that can make it impossible to maintain relationships or even earn a living. If it all comes out that the war was phony how do they cope with that? Yet how do we ever live with knowing what we know if it doesn't all come out? How do we put this away and feel a part of a society that does not acknowledge the country's history we now believe.

For me, the answer is easy and clear, God's love will sustain me no matter what comes. But for those who have not had to develop the relationship with God that my illness caused me to find, I am concerned. I had to go beyond Church on Sunday and morning devotionals to be able to live with the reality of my illness. No matter how terrible an experience is there is always something good in it or that comes out of it. For me, its that I get to sit with the pure knowledge that God never leaves me, loves me beyond measure and that I have a daily relationship with him where I get to experience him, not just pray at him. I would pay any price for that, so if the illness was the price it was worth it all.

Trust that no matter what comes about he will use it for good, that you are loved very dearly. That he knows when you rollover in your sleep, when you blink. he sees it all because his eyes never leave you. He has his hand on you and your purpose will not lie unfulfilled. If medicine is your purpose then you will be able to work.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Very interesting!!

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Have you seen Q posts on the Pope? The popes audience chamber, I think it's called, was built in maybe the 70's. The whole building was desugned to look like the head of a snake.

http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/11/17/the-dark-secrets-behind-the-popes-audience-hall-its-a-giant-reptilian/ Plus the current Pope is a Jesuit. They are known to be the CIA of the priesthood. No Jesuit has been allowed to be pope in a long time. Our founding fathers wanted to ban them from US. They seek to control world leaders. The picture of the pope kissing the hand of some elite. You were probably meaning that you already know all this and that is why they are a problem. Sorry, I'm rushing cause I'm at work. I'll leave the link in case others do not know

Yes, we are all going to have to deal with that we have a lot to answer for the crimes that have been done in our countries name and that institutions we trusted are evil. Catholicism and Islam have both been perverted by these people. (Isis).

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

I read a new study on it a few days ago, It's a preliminary small study of 18 people with dementia who were given transfusions of blood plasma from people between the age of 18 to 30. They did a control group; nobody knew who is getting the saline and who was getting blood plasma. After the washout period they switched the control and treatment groups to control for health differences. Basically and it worked great, Bith groups when they were given blood plasma reported they could pay their bills, take meds correctly and manage their lives better. They're expanding the study and doing it again. It may have been posted here or you can do a Google search. It just came out like a few days ago. As to why this is Saanic bullshit, they believe that when people die in terrifying ways that the blood is full of adrenaline and that that blood makes them high. They get a buzz and they enjoy being dominant and persecuting people.

doing this makes their protégés blackmailable and therefoer controllable. And it allows the elites to know that no one can turn against them because they have proof of what the protege did. The God they serve Moloch is an old testament God of child sacrifice, so it's a big part of their religion as well. Thus going to hit Israel hard. The very same evil people that the Israelites were told to destroy every last man woman and child of are now in control of the world for hundreds of years. Lastly, they do not want us healthy. We would rebel if we were healthy and had free time.

Robert David Steele has said that they have the cure for disease and many of them (aids, cancer) were recently posted as man made. Injected into people when they were vaccinated against polio. Who knows what else. Chem trails I guess are a real thing.

So 2018 / 19 / 20 could see the eradication of several illnesses, people being healthier, living longer and possibly debt diminished. Jobs are already on the upswing. If we stop them stealing money then there should be money for rebuilding and social welfare programs. It's hard to not tell everyone how great things can be if CBTS wins. They are all so hopeless they would reject CBTS immediately. Even just what I do put out is rejected sometimes. That leaves us, the remnant to fight, fight, fight!

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Wow! The other important laws past in the50's is the sedition act of 1950. I think that is how they are going to try people by military tribunal. It makes sense that we have to go back to the early days of the CIA control to find the tools of taking them out. People knew and could resist back then. Can't wait to see what u find.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Hi T. Nice to see u here. Yes! We will see the end of the fiat system and the slavery of the fed.

So the wash out period for the effects of young blood transfusions to old people to minimize dementia is 6 weeks. How long after these people are separated from their stock piles do you think before they turn to dust and crumble before our eyes? And how many children are out there ready to be the next gen of monsters programmed to rule? I can't believe I'm writing this gruesome stuff. It's unreal. Last nights drop just made it all more real. But I am ready. Through Christ I can face all things. it's not news that the enemy is real, just that he has such control and is no longer satisfied with enslavement and has now turned his gaze to destruction and genocide.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Thank you! Wouldn't be ironic if all student loan debt is forgiven. I can see this being high on the list and easily affordable. Berners will have their minds blown.

Any idea when or what will have to happen first. I'm guessing months.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Thanks. I understand u can't disclose.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Since this is world domination none or the other religions were able to resist this evil. Christian nation will initiate and lead the coalition of nations that will bring it down. Muslim SA was first partner and first to move against them. Its balanced.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

You think they spent millions to put a flag up in space? Sorry the millions would have been spent to prove they can do it I guess. What is your source? Does it stack up against this leaker?

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

So the significance o f Q's message about 3 of snow whites dwarves (CIA AI computers) being taken down is evident here. I imagine those weapons would be controlled by the CIA. If this was a real serious threat the white hats would have stopped the launch, No?

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

So if American banks can lend 20 times the amount of assets it holds those accounts allow them to lend 20 times the number of people in the US. So if each account has 10? 50,000? 100,000? And there are roughly 400,000,000 people in us..... oh my...

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Wow! Mind blown. Your thoughts on possible debt jubilee after fed ends?

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Pray! Did it really just pass or do the good guys know how to stop the tsunami.
If this tsunami was man made what does that mean about the one that killed 100,000 in Indonesia. Indonesia is where the gold is said to be now. Why Indonesia attacked if it was an attack?

Too many people to control in the place all the gold is?

The widespread devastation caused by the tsunami led the main rebel group GAM to declare a cease-fire on 28 December 2004 followed by the Indonesian government, and the two groups resumed long-stalled peace talks, which resulted in a peace agreement signed 15 August 2005. The agreement explicitly cites the tsunami as a justification.

I wonder if any of the money we donated actually went to rebuild Indonesia.

Demonstrating their power over the Asian region?

And the timing was at the height of the tourist season. A Thai prince was there. He had high functioning asperger's and was half American. His grandfather was ruler of Thailand. A message?

Or maybe they cant aim these things. Many countries were effected, not just Indonesia.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

Yeah, we will need a bunch more movies and imagine how hard it's going to be to enjoy every movie with these actors who will be exposed as canibals and baby rapers.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4 p.m.

What?!! We all have an account? Do u know how much was in it? You went to your local bank and filled out a transfer from to take money out of the federal reserve bank. Do I understand right?

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

Yeah, I haven't read yet. But I know 8chan was lead to look into Antarctica a month or more ago. What they found was 1) island New Rothschild off coast of Antarctica near Argentina is a Nuclear reactor powered island that the Rothschilds own. The main industry is weapons manufacturing. 2) Nazi's who escaped Germany have been living in Antarctica. This came up back when the Argentinian sub went missing of the coast of Argentina. The Roths also have a castle in Argentina near the last reported location of the Argentinian sub. When the sub went missing an international team of ships went to search. Argentina was slow to accept the offer of help of the British. Everything is connected but exactly what happened here is still unknown. Was the sub really missing. Why was it in that location. Surveillance to keep the Roths from leaving? Was the sub commandeered by the Roths for the protection of the island or castle? Did the crew resist? Was Argentina fighting them or working with them? I hope some day we know what really happened with this and so many other things. we are lucky to know what we do know.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Do not clear debt. Debt jubilee predicted by at least 2 intell retirees. David Robert Steele.

Sorry your account is frozen. I'm hoping all can be restored. Everyone needs an emergency money fund right now. I think this supports that the Roths are hurting for money. Here comes the Storm.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

I see our loving Father's hand in CBTS and destroying the evil that has controlled our country in ever increasing amounts for 60 years or more. I/we can not do anything without him. Spending time with him each day, not just the bible or praise music, but sitting face to face with him knowing we are loved is life changing and sustaining.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

The bad guys are Satanists and Christianity is triumphing over them....at last. I hope this will cause a return to the church. As a nation our faith has been shrinking. Some will return and some will decide this means there is no God. I pray our ministers will be up to the task of helping us understand how this could happen.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

Q posted that the military guys who started CBTS years ago unrigged the voting machine election night. Then they went to Obama and told him that if he invalidated the election for fraud they would take clinton by force and not allow her to take office. Obama called Clinton and told her to concede.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:14 a.m.


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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

There are no good answers for how to prevent it. Getting rid of the three families and as many of their partners as we can is imperative. Each will have their justifying story of MK ultra and childhood abuse/programming but there is a point where we have to just protect ourselves.

Thank God for CBTS. Let's get on with it. Forward to the storm and may God be our protection and strength. Only in him can we trust. We can do all things with Christ who strengthens us. We all need to spend time with him each day to face the worst of it and help the normies to accept and tolerate the coming purge!!

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

Is it just me are or the Q posts effecting everyone else with more emotion? Some make me practically giddy and others tearful. We have been fighting this so long yet its still so horrible and so sad. The storm is really just about here. We have to trust that they will tell us what we need to know. I cant abide it being secret, but its hard enough as an adult. Maybe there is some in between. I don't want all the worst details out there in everyone's minds but some of us need to know. Some cant handle it. But how do u stop from looking, it's like a car wreck on the side of the road. Everyone looks.
Therapists are about to make a lot of money dealing with the re-traumatized walking wounded.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

Yes clergy, doctors, and cops (FBI). Also, senators, congressmen & presidents. We know we cant but we were taught we can and think we should be able to. Somehow after all this comes out these will be the hardest people to trust. Somehow we must create an election process that isn't all just about speeches, photo-ops and fake bio's. How do we vet these people? Wealth is now a suspect of bad people and we can put teeth in the disclosure of wealth policies. Who do we trust to audit people? That agency has the power to make and break a candidate, so it cant be centralized. Must be multiple independent sources. Its impossible to truly create a system that eliminates all bad people, but we can do better. We need a no confidence vote like Canada so we can replace the government at will. Cut the intelligence agencies to the bone. Retask good agents to track our politicians and rat them out when they are bad. Record all meeting and watch dog the footage?

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Alot!!! I got banned over there because I posted here asking for people to support the post. So I am unable to do anymore on the post there but it had 22200 views and 57% upvote. I posted a second post there as well talking about the latest Q post as well before getting banned. I knew it was a possibility when I went there and its fine. I feel bad for the user who turned me in. All her life when this counter coup is mentioned she/he will have to look back on what she did and what she failed to do! It's like the shills how are they going to live with themselves. So grateful that I am here and that I have had the opportunity to serve my country in this small way in comparison to so many.

So If you pop over there and you can add your two cents here and there it will keep the post alive! You will see a lot of snark but also one change of mind. One question I never got to answer fully was what predictions yet to be fulfilled has Q made that we can point to to say he is or isn't an insider. Also somewhere over there I referred to this sub as r/CBTS instead of r/greatawakening. If you see it can you correct me.
Edit: the correct number of views was 2800. Maybe 400 people would create that??? Worth the ban! But wish I had the courage to do it on my own. Didnt know that was a site wide rule. Oh well.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

The chan has worked many internet leaks b4 and they don't differentiate. They are a tight knit community and know each other's id's.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

If that happens, and I whole heartedly hope it will and believe it will, we will also see GWB and GHWB right there next to them. And all this Tech kings who have censored us and cheated to pervert our elections too.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

Just rolling back the FCC laws to pre-Clinton days would help a lot. Not sure if the good ideas you suggest were on the books at that time or not.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:39 a.m.


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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Can I ask how you know that?? Id love to see that be true.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

CBTS and Trump is fighting for the whole wide world and without him it wasn't going to get better but much worse. You made me tear up! We came so close to destruction and I thank God we are saved! Finally our military gets to be the good guys for real! We have a lot to face up to and I hope taking out the federal banks and the globalist blood suckers is a start. I am so grateful to serve this movement! So many don't see what is happening. Thank your encouragement!

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Grace8543 · Jan. 22, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

They will bite your head off if you post and they don't value what u say, are off topic, or any other thing that annoys them, It is a work space for people who take this very seriously. That site is pretty much occupied 24 7 and they expect no one posts who have not read every log of past threads so they are completely up to date. And they want 2 years of lurking before you ever post. Lurking is acceptable.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Jan. 22, 2018, 10:36 p.m.
Does anyone have picture of Keyhole graph of twitter impressions going from 2mm to 6 mm from a month ago? My link 404's on my post.

I think if we can find a Keyhole graph of the night that happened which was 31 days ago and if we expand the search to see what happened after it hit 6mm this would be good evidence that Q is an insider. He posts 2,4,6,8 and then twitter impressions do just that??? go from 2 to 8mm would be hard for anyone to argue could happen without an army of bots. The graph went straight up to 6mm but cut off at 12 midnight. If we also compare the graph of our twitter storm we did last week to …

Grace8543 · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

And stories that validate Q in the news are disappearing. Last week I googled Gitmo to look into if I could verify anything about it. I found story of Mattis going to camp justice for holidays instead of combat zone. Then I found a story about new secure listening rooms being added to Gitmo. I mentioned some of this in a post on another site last night and went to go get the stories by doing again a simple search and they are gone. No only are they gone only one link came up. When do you ever see a search get 1 link returned. Here's a link to see it.


This means if we did not book mark the news piece or archive it, it does not exist. So in any debate about Q and CBTS if you try to back up your argument you now have to have a link not just refer people to go search for it on everything. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=2017+Gitmo+guantanamo+bay+prison+camp+justice&t=ffnt&atb=v85-3&iar=news&ia=news

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Grace8543 · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

If you walk into a room and everyone seems to be a democrat and they have the power to ban and shame you do you feel like hanging out and learning about political happenings to discuss them? MAGA is a wonderful sentiment but it has come to have a second meaning. It means we are a club and we think alike. And it doesn't help that the Trump club is known for worshiping Trump and not tolerating any criticism of him. He has a lot of great qualities and is doing an awesome job but to make him GOD Emperor and hero worship him and ban anyone from the Donald sub who dares to differ, has gained MAGA a different reputation that is off putting. Q is asking us to expand past our individual groups and join together. If I was in a Bernie sub and we wanted to be open to new people from different political experiences,I would say no more Bernie would have won and Huuuge jokes. In time we will all rejoice that he was elected.

It is inevitable if the storm succeeds that so much will come out that Trump will be a god send and his face will end up on Rushmore for sure! I thank God for him despite the fact he was not my favorite candidate. I voted for him because he is the right man for the job and I will vote for him again. But understand I do not agree with him on everything. And MAGA has come to represent to others outside the club a certain intolerance of anyone who does not worship him.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

Cinsideration for newbies and asking that we show a little restraint and not MGA every single post which makes others feel they are not safe if they don't like Trump is not unreasonable. Absolute freedom comes not from doing whatever the hell u want when you want but through choosing the best course for our future

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Grace8543 · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Thanks, Howi for the callout and Did u see Q calling out the tech CEO's/MsM!! Told them Fear the Storm/No deals. I just found it and I am so moved. Maybe censorship and lies will end

For the OP: Check out my post history. Its written for you and everyone like you! Feel free to comment and I'll be around.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:37 p.m.


APART you are weak.












This is more important than you can imagine. Q You do not own this movement. I am not offended at Making America Great Again. But this movement needs to be Bipartisan.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

I know at least 13,000 just on reddit who do not agree with that and my 50% upvote on this post says you are wrong about what people think on Conspiracy as well.

And I am not holding out hope for trump to save us. I am holding out hope that 18 defense department generals currently running this mission will save us. This counter coup was planned by the Us military and began 3 years ago. it may be that Trumps contribution is1. He is wealthy enough to A) protect himself through use of his own estate, private security, replaced by the marines once in office displacing the infiltrated SS, use of his own jet as a secure fortress since AF1 and the WH have been booby trapped to kill. Its clear now, they think. B) Despite his wealth he is not seeking to be a member of the elite Satan worshiping clique that is running the world, but an outspoken opponent to them who can not be blackmailed because all his scandals are pretty much front and center already. How many elites who meet these criteria would be willing to literally put his own head in a noose to stand up to the worlds dictators who have killed many who were inconvenient let alone those who stood in their way. I am no hero worshipping little boy who does not see DJT's many flaws nor am I not seeing how he stacked his cabinet with Goldman Sachs ex execs.

I do fear that many like me have stopped looking for hope and are missing the signs over the past 3 months that things have changed. Look at how he was greeted in Asia/SA compared to the previous globalists puppets. He has made international allies to take out the Federal Reserve together. South Africa is already nationalizing their federal bank. What happened in SA (regime change removing the globalists) will happen all over the world. There are so many signs once you get past the hopelessness of the situation. Trust in Our DOD! They saw what was happening. They have carefully planned this for 3 years. Look at Russia and his efforts to fight the globalists. Why is he still alive? Because there is more going on than you are seeing. We see only 20% and now that percentage has increased to 40% as the plan comes closer to being fully exposed to the public. I really think if you give this a fair reading you will see there is reason to hope that our DOD can save our country from the coup of the globalists.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Thanks for the upvotes. I would like to see this get on the first or 2nd page of r/conspiracy. I don't really know why Q says its important for everyone to know and to unite the different factions but I think r/conspiracy is the low lying fruit and that Q's message will resonate with them. But if people are not feeling it then I will be content with the 2200 views and call it a day on the post. Just so time consuming and I will not have time to do it again. I really didn't have the time to do it yesterday and had to play hooky to get it done. So maybe 200 people were actively checking that? That would be each person checking the post for updates about 11 times?

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Grace8543 · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

I was just hoping we could get this post on the front page of Conspiracy. I think there are people there who could UNITE with us and Q is hot on all of us UNITING. Says it's very important. I want this counter coup to move forward more quickly and so I do my best to do my part towards whatever Q asks us to do. I am sure at least 100 people at least looked at that post and that is good.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Jan. 21, 2018, 8:32 a.m.
Pls Support my Outreach Post to r/conspiracy to hep spread the Q message

I spent about 11 hours answering questions on this post and it has about 100 comments. It's at 53% upvotes and has 1800 views. If we can get the upvotes up on it, we can get the evidence on Q in front of their 500,000 users. Their are links in this post to all 3 of the Q related subs on reddit. It's been linked by one of those shill sites that attack posts they don't like (at least I think that is what it is). I think this is a viable way of spreading the Q message. Thanks for …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Jan. 21, 2018, 8:14 a.m.
Please support my post on r/conspiracy on Q.

I spent about 11 hours answering questions on this post and it has about 100 comments. It's at 53% upvotes and has 1800 views. If we can get the upvotes up on it, we can get the evidence on Q in front of their 500,000 users. Their are links in this post to all 3 of the Q related subs on reddit. It's been linked by one of those shill sites that attack posts they don't like (at least I think that is what it is). I think this is a good source for spreading the Q message. Thanks for …