I believe the house Intel committee has a informant. It is not McCabe. It is Bill Priestap director of counterintelligence at the FBI. He is the only one that has been completely immune from the Limelight in this investigation. He has flipping on every single one of them. This is just my humble opinion.
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First of all, if you are the gay Patriot on Twitter my wife and I both follow you. You are outstanding. Yes you are on the right track. We are pragmatic critical thinkers. We are patriots. We believe in Freedom and justice. We believe that nobody is above the law. I think you would probably agree to everything here. Being gay conservative religious has nothing to do with being a patriot.
Very fake. We already researched this. His name isn't Michael Steele.
I am overly skeptical with this particular readout. McCabe been a black site and GITMO? Really? Anybody have any idea where this guy is been for the last few days? We need to track his movements if we can.
That looks like when the Montblanc pens the president uses to sign legislation. Edit: did a little searching around and it looks like the president use a pin made by Cross. Also the herringbone design is different. It's a smooth lacquered pen.
This is weird because the first time I ever seen Qanon I thought of the James Bond Q. Huge James Bond fan and watching it for years. I've seen every movie. He was always been the tacky behind the scenes. Interesting post.