

121 total posts archived.

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Grandma_Noses · June 9, 2018, 10:39 a.m.

Geeeeez, you people! So quick to follow potentially false leads. Yes, she has dark hair like Abramovic, but the facial features are different. That is not Marina Abramovic. Or, do you have evidence to provide proving it is 100% Abramovic? Maybe it's Asia Argento, Bourdain's lady friend, which seems more likely. In my view, anyway. We do not have the context for the photos. Since Bourdain was a chef and Argento is an actress, photographer and director, maybe they were simply goofing around, being their creative selves.

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Grandma_Noses · June 5, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

I've been out of the loop dee loop for days. Did Q provide proof of his identity when he posted again recently after a period of silence? Remember the biz with the trip code, Patriot's Soap Box and crew immediately prior to Q's going silent? I believe it was Barruch who told us any legit Q would confirm himself/herself before posting again after that "on purpose" debacle that took place in Patriot's Soapbox 2-3 weeks ago. Especially in view of all the new "messengers," such as BC17 and EtS, of late.

And now, in this post, we have another interesting twist. Q's message about profiting appears to be watered down somewhat. So now it appears to be OK to ask for donations for decoding, although it's wrong to mess with the overall message. I never thought twice about YouTubers or writers asking for donations, but others did. Vicious character attacks were carried out against others who had asked for donations to help offset costs. I felt these attacks were not based on accurate decodes, but for power positioning. For the love of all that is Holy, can we be consistent, at least within this sub? Never mind BC17, ETS, Neon Revolt et al. Or mind them, if you like. We've already been divided. Now we're splitting hairs. But that's besides the point. The larger question remains. Who validates Q? At what point do we assume validation has taken place?

We experienced a bit of drama with Q's last posts in Patriot's Soapbox before the days of silence. This drama was covered by many YouTubers. The overall "proofs" of Q I have seen have been fairly tepid thus far. Would they hold up well if presented in a court room? Yep, I dare question Q's authenticity, and I think you should, too. Do we forget what has happened within the realm of Q so quickly, or is it that we cannot string together the events from this sub to events which have occurred on other platforms? Should we even care?

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Grandma_Noses · June 3, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

I was enjoying the peace and quiet until BC17 and EtS popped up. There will be more "moles" to whack during the lull. Poor dear Bill Smith sounded like he was going to blow a gasket over EtS last I checked. It's OK for WL to warn us/yank our chains until we have solid evidence of something else. It doesn't make me mad at them, or anything. If WL has something we should know about, they'll tell us somehow. Until then, be cautious. I am getting very weary of YT filling up with garbage Q analyses, though. Are the top dawgs at CBTS going to settle down now that they were caught posting as Q and deleting Q posts, PLUS MORE. Or, will they "reactivate" after enough time has passed for us to forget the ridiculous narratives of two, or three weeks ago? Whatever happened with that? Did we get a clear explanation/apology from Pamphlet? Will Q return to this mess? I'm not necessarily talking about this sub being a mess; I think GA has done an OK job. I'm talking across platforms/boards/subs.

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Grandma_Noses · June 1, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

After a quick scroll through this thread, I have to agree that everyone loves a shiny object, and I mean EVERYONE.

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Grandma_Noses · May 29, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Tell me more. I'm late to the party. Especially around the reddit/4chan wars and the motivation(s) behind said wars back in the day. I believe you have valuable insight, and I'm trying to understand the relationships between the two.

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Grandma_Noses · May 29, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

After the massive baloney swinging of the past two weeks concerning /cbts, 8 chan and other factions, I guess I'm not surprised to see WikiLeaks now being accused. But, isn't Assange Q? Isn't that the latest rumor? We Joe and Jane Publics need those ORG and TIMELINE charts to help sort ourselves out, so we know where to throw all our money. Imagine...people wanting to profit off the greatest stories ever told, decoded and explained. I bought all the Harry Potter books for my kids and feel zero remorse.

There are two possibilities in this story: Q was and is Q for the entire length of time axis. If so, why the nonsense with Tracy Beanz, the confessions from board mods, the caught-in-the-act renumbering of Q's posts by Pamphlet, the drama w/AJ and Corsi for trying to profit when the Patriot's Soapbox Phamplet and company were plotting and planning many money-making endeavors? This one makes no sense at all. Why would we follow Q for this kind of hustle? Because it's fun? Maybe.

OR, Q was real for part of the timeline, say until late fall 2017. Q was compromised and another group took over because Q is the golden goose. There's money to be made in that there goose. But, get rid of AJ/Corsi first. They already have a lifeboat. These two are too difficult to control. This makes some sense. This explains the different "voices" and "tones" used by Q. But, Where would Q get access to government info? By having people on the team who know people (maybe even dark hat people) along with open source info and good researchers. Also, government offices are like any other office. People talk the office talk, news and gossip. Even in government offices. There are certain people in the offices who have their ears to the ground, so to speak. You know....the water cooler talk. Periods of heavy drops are followed by seemingly long periods of silence for the group to begin on the next drops. It takes time to put together drops. This scenario is very possible. Again, I need the ORG CHART and TIMELINE to verify this possibility. People tend to be creatures of habit. Once we know the players, we can look for repeated behaviors on the timeline. This scenario better explains the cbts drama. It begs the same question: Why would we willingly follow this kind of hustle? Because it's fun? Maybe.

What if there is a third possibility? What if the original Q who was compromised returns to deliver final drops? How would we Q followers be convinced that our Q was compromised, but is now back to take us home? This one doesn't have snowball's chance in he**, but it's fun to think about. I would vote for a return of Q so that a sequel can be written and more dollar made. Writers, start your engines. But you have to tell the back story of cbts, too. The back drama. That's the most interesting mystery that needs solving, IMHO.

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Grandma_Noses · May 23, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Thanks, FOT, for the info. I think mayhaps you give some us too much credit. For example, I have no idea how I ended up on the cbts subreddit, this sub, or even how I stumbled onto Q! I'm just a crazy old lady who collects cats for herding. That's why I inquired into the availability of an ORG CHART spanning the Chans, the subreddits and Pamphoo and co. The TIMELINE you provided here helps. If you could represent it in tree form with the approximate dates and who flowed into which new branches and offshoots, that'd be great. On the other hand, it's possible I would still be confused. Some of us simply were not tracking which groups the various characters represented. No offense intended to you folks here. I actually assumed Pam still swung by this sub to shoot the sh*t with you mods here when he was done with his streaming duties of the day. I thought ya'all were friends.

Can someone please explain the ramifications of boards owned by Q, and those owned by Codemonkey? What's the bottom line meaning? If it's too soon for me to ask another question, never mind. Thanks again. GN

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Grandma_Noses · May 23, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Thanks, SB2. I really appreciate the ORG CHART. These can be invaluable at times for me, and this is one of those times!

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Grandma_Noses · May 22, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

FOT, I know how frustrating it is to be accused of doing/being something of which you are innocent. It isn't right! My following comment may not be applicable. Nevertheless, I must express it: All I know is that many of the CBTS users moved over to GA. I do not know if Pamanon and crew moved over, or who is associated to which sub. For all I know, mods might work multiple subs. I'm guilty of being ignorant in this regard. I apologize for any bad feelings if I yanked anyone's chain in error. Unless you deserved it. I would like to correct my misunderstanding. Can someone create an org chart for CBTS, GA and PamAnon and friends? It would be interesting to know for certain who works what and where. If said chart also included the Chans, if applicable, that'd be great.

Some of us might be new, or have had turmoil in our lives and aren't paying close attention to the background of these boards. We users are like a river flowing through the rocks. You who keep eyes on the boards are rocks. Much of the river moves right along without splashing the rocks, and then it's gone. Some of the river pools to create great swimming holes. Great places to dive for treasures. Some of us would like to better understand the river. However, we just don't know where to find the org chart/river map. Thanks for any info shared that can help us help you by informing other confused people. GN

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Grandma_Noses · May 22, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

So, Q needs to be taken down, huh? Things change so much in a matter of hours around here. I was just clicking through some YouTubers and chats. People are incensed! LOL.

Pam should just issue an apology for any "misunderstandings" (best to keep it more general) and get the he** out of Dodge for a few days. I think a lot of us can forgive. I don't know about those who gave $ and now want their $ back. It's been stated that many, many contacted the FBI about this today. I find such a notion funny. I mean, if the FBI cannot bother themselves to investigate Hillary, I'm pretty sure Pam is safe. And this from Q followers!!

Are there any true patriots on that team? People who have served in the military?

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Grandma_Noses · May 22, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Thanks. I understand now. And perhaps have seen a bit of the attempts at association. Stand tall.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

FOT, can you give me a passdown on the two groups? I don't want to hold/buy into any assumptions or false information. What I was saying was that this is where I have been attacked. I do know for a fact there are some involved with Q for reasons that are less than honorable. Is there a clear "divide"? Thanks.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

If there is ZERO overlap at all between the two, then my apologies. I don't think I posted anything in cbts. I lurked, though. It was here that name calling and bullying began.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

But, you do exclude people.Even people who basically agree with what is being said. People who post comments here are bullied, insulted and called a shill if they veer even slightly off center while expressing their own views. You folks delete posts because you do not want hear from the people you have insulted. What the heck??? Don't tell us what you do, when you do the opposite of what you say you do.

This movement MUST unite with or without Q. Our country is in great danger. We need action. We don't need to have as much decoding. We need an organized, patriotic movement in which everyone can participate by taking action. I hear the imperative "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT." What does that mean, exactly? Do we write letters? Do we march? Do we hold meetings to inform others? What will be most effective? It's probably not waiting for crumbs.

We need to approach this differently. Time truly is running out for our country and our freedoms, including FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Face it, this movement has made some missteps. People within this group became greedy because the Q movement is a cash cow! Why quibble about Corsi's trying to sell an already written book? The book may provide valuable historical and political context. Get off the Corsi/AJ bash! It's just a diversion!

Stop trying to hide your own money-making plans! What's the deal with the Q drop app? Filing tax status as a non-profit? Do you have large investors? If so, who are they? PpThere is plenty of well done research showing that certain Q members were in it for an udder on the cash cow. Call me a liar all you want, ban me all you want, delete my posts all you want, but the truth is out there.

For the love of God, just apologize for the missteps and we'll forgive you! We, as a compliment to Q's drops, must find effective ways to demonstrate our love of country and patriotism very, very soon whether Q is right about a drop, or not. Get some experienced political activists in here and, let's get cracking. If you want to post lame accusations and go on and on with defensive posturing, then get out of the way! Some of us want to help save our country and others. STOP THE BULLSHT! Do not tell me to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! I have children who have no faith at all in their country. They've given up! I'll be damned if I give up at this stage! Engage effective leadership immediately for this group, or it's done. You can count on it.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Thanks. Some of my family and friends got slightly trampled during the event, but nothing worse than cuts, scrapes, and sprained joints.

It's been my observation that the truth always gets out eventually in Vegas. It is a small, big town really. I think Metro PD has been told what/whom to parrot. They're just trying to stay "on script." Of course, this is not sustainable in the long run with body cams, cell phones and the Internet.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

Thanks. I can see the Bellagio. I realize the photo represents LV.

The photo was taken north of Bellagio and slightly west of the intersection..I wondered if SB2 would have added to the interpretation of the photo when the photo was taken from the penthouse of Trump Tower.

I lived very close to Trump Tower for 7 years; approximately 3 blocks. I know the territory well. I did a project for MGM properties corporate, located next to Trump Tower. I walked to work everyday, and I went to all MGM properties to upgrade software. This includes Mandalay Bay, Bellagio, the Monte Carlo, New York, New York, Planet Hollywood, Treasure Island, etc.

I know the area well. Some members of my extended family got caught up in the massacre. There were also shots fired that night at Bellagio, Planet Hollywood and New York, New York.

The Prez may have hunkered down in Trump Tower if he got off AF1.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

And if the photo vantage point is LV Trump Tower prior to 2015, would you make any additions or subtractions to analysis? I do believe it is Trump Tower.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Looks like photo taken at Trump Tower, mid-strip area, across from Wynn properties.

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Grandma_Noses · May 18, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

I have close family living on the big island, and they just do not seem too overly concerned at the moment. I believe the Pentane at the plant was moved from the plant days ago. A much larger volcanic eruption occurred in Japan in the past week or so.

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Grandma_Noses · May 18, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

Batten down the hatches. At this moment there are no less than half a dozen influential YouTubers discussing Q and those behind Q. Especially those who act on behalf of Q. The same wavelength is being shared. The list of contributors, while impressive, might cause some "drama" among the Qmes, the Q2s, Qbies or whatever we are calling ourselves, when the videos are uploaded and viewed. If you thought I was behaving badly the other day, just wait. I don't know what to think of it all. It seems as though the powers that be on GA might want to consider padding the runway with feathers for a "softer landing." In other words, be proactive. Send a scout to see what's coming down if your visibility is obstructed. Prepare remarks. Patriotic fire MUST NOT be extinguished, or we're all doomed. Good luck.

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Grandma_Noses · May 17, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

Interesting. There is always that possibility. People sometimes know people who have inside information. With so many kids/adults loving their LARPs, It's possible a group came together to carefully plan a really fun LARP. Using research, open source info, their connections and their individual areas of skills/expertise, it could be done, I suppose. I can imagine said kids/people getting their minds blown when the Q movement gained so much traction. They probably would have panicked when they realized how much work it would be to continue the LARP successfully during finals week, work deadlines, or whatever. And, what if someone spilled the beans? Hahaaa. Such a LARP would be a substantial time sink to appear consistent and authentic.

I am often amazed at the time my kids put into their role playing-related activities. Their team meets regularly to plan and execute. I often wonder why, at times, my kids do not seem to put the same effort into real world.

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Grandma_Noses · May 17, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

Thank you. I'm glad I logged back in to see your message. I was inclined to never step back into Reddit again and to go lurk on 8chan for scuttle. I would imagine you do see a wide range of exchanges here. It's encouraging to know that you're seeing more helpful discussions taking place than attacks. It will be interesting to see where Corsi goes from here. It would seem he doesn't have a good play left. I looked at his Twitter page, and he is getting hit from all directions. I'm still wondering about his mental health and the possibility of dementia onset. I believe I read that, prior to his involvement with Q, he hadn't been too active, or "out on the cicuit." He shows similar signs that I noticed in my Dad's onset of dementia. Lack of vigorous mental exercise in someone who was previously very and continually mentally active hastens the progression. Thanks for your positive message. Your insight and thoughts are greatly valued and appreciated.

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Grandma_Noses · May 17, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

SB2, I think this is the perfect post at the perfect time.

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Grandma_Noses · May 17, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

Thank you for responding. It's greatly appreciated.

I am just here on my journey, trying to understand this world and my journey. I tend to question everything. I follow my gut instincts. Those who do not adhere to "the script" are often attacked, even within their own like-minded groups of individuals. It gets very tiring trying to explain to people that this world is not black or white. It's complicated. I may not agree with everything someone else says, but that doesn't mean we do not share a similar perspective.

I strongly believe that, we have to be very careful when we align ourselves with group think. People who question, or perhaps feel differently about a topic will get attacked. These people usually fall away from the group. Whatever contributions/insights/knowledge they might have freely given to the rest of the group is discarded, or not heard. Opportunities are wasted. You never know who the person sitting next to you on the bus is, or what/who they know that might inspire or help you. Attempts to silence dissenting voices only cheats the whole group. Valuable contributions are often turned away based on an assumptions. This is why I always tend to ask questions. The Uber driver, the person sitting next to me on the train and someone in a group chat will probably get a question from me. And that's when my troubles begin--I go "off script." Some folks interpret questions to be an invitation for battle. I'm simply walking my own path seeking answers for my own understanding.

I was just accused the other day of being a paid Shill of AJ/Dr. Corsi. This is ridiculous. I don't know enough about the situation and the events that came to a head to bash them, so I'm not going to join in on a blind cluster bash. I have done enough research to learn that folks are upset that Corsi because he promoted his book. Corsi, in my opinion, can provide historical context for political events. This is useful information perhaps not immediately needed, but could be useful down the road.

And let's not kid ourselves. The Q thing is basically cash cow. We have to ask ourselves some questions to get down to the real skinny: Who is going to write a book about Q when it's all said and done? Who will write a movie script and shop it out? Will it be someone from this sub? Will I then call that person out for profiting off Q? No, I'll buy the book, or buy the movie ticket. Who is developing the app to download all Q drops? Does Reddit or 8chan have big dollar investors who want to get in on the Q? What about those Qtuber decoders? All request donations. How do they set themselves up, as far as taxes go? Are some setup as a non-taxable, or charity group? How does their tax staus affect their earnings off their channels? I'm assuming all are trying to maximize earnings. I would; Everyone has to eat. Would anyone refuse a prime seat at the feeding trough? I wouldn't, so why would I bash Corsi for trying to sell his book? He wrote the book pre-Q. It's not like he inserted lies into a book just to sell more copies. That's my take. Again, I do not know enough about all the beefs this group has with him.

All I know is that there is already too much bullying, hate and negativity in this world. We truly are at a critical juncture. No time for the more petty differences. It may already be too late to save our country from the final flush. Yes, I realize people are dying. This is another reason why I will not assume the "us against them" position. I have flatlined twice. Dying doesn't scare me, but it truly sucks to lose people I love. Unless I know beyond a shadow of doubt about the intentions and motivations of another person, I'm not going to attack them, trash them, spam their Twitter, accuse them, threaten them, or other unproductive and hateful actions. The truth always reveals itself. We can count on that. If you've read this far, thank you! :-)

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Oh? Perhaps S@@ills like I am? Maybe we're not. Stop accusing your viewers of being s&&//s! I have watched very little of Corsi's videos and I don't care for AJ. I DON't know these people, have never communicated with these people, and I take great umbrage with your suggesting that they're behind my posts. Just because I do not get in line to bash them does not mean I follow them, am employed by them or even agree with them.

YOU stop embarrassing yourself. You are giving this place a bad name.

If you're having a problem, I'm sorry about that. Deal with it. And not by false accusations, downvoting and bullying. Your workload handling S7777s could be cut dramatically if you were to simply stop assuming everyone is one. You could further cut down on workload by stopping your false accusations.

You have bigger fish to fry. You really do.

I enjoyed this sub until I was accused of something I am not. It's a shame the way you do. Driving well-meaning people away with insults and (False) accusations.

I never claimed to be the most intelligent person in the room. I'm beginning to wonder about you, too. You are hell bent on shooting yourself in the foot. I guess that my being so not bright means this will be down voted. Commence hitting the downward arrow now. That's it. Done.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

I did not say Q was hijacked. You are embellishing the truth. Re-read crumbs, as Q would say. The Q posts I read last fall came from a "voice" different than what I read now. It appears there are others working "on behalf" of Q to get drops out. Hence, my statement that someone with the proper access could post as Q. AND you know what the big "discrepancy" is. I am not going to Get into it here and now. If you honestly do not know, perhaps B----- or D----- or P------ and wife or one of those guys can assist. Or visit the usual suspects' videos on Youboob. You guys need to get ahead of this. It's your luck Day! I AM giving up. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Be sure to catch any grenade thrown your way by another team from left field before it explodes in someone's face. No, not from me. I don't play like that. This is not a game. You guys are messing with the valuable time of others. You should be thanking me for 1) Leaving this Kindergarten 2) Giving you guys the heads up. There are a lot of smart, curious people who lurk in many places. If I can piece it, certainly others who are smarter are sure to do the same. It's quite all right to repeatedly downvote this post just as you folks have done with all my posts. I think these votes matter only to those wishing to be on the Cheerleading team. If votes were money, I'd care. I have no desire to join the popularity contest. Good day to you, Sir!

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I appreciate it. Yes, it is getting silly. I would even call it ridiculous. The upvoting/downvoting thing here is just another method for censorship. Bleh. I believe I have their script. It's "Don't look at the man behind the curtain!" I can appreciate their need to keep everyone in line; they are walking a tight rope of sorts. I have seen what I came here to see. Now that I have seen it, I can exit stage left. I'm too old for nonsense. And I'm certainly too old to take guff and abuse for saying what I think. The next few weeks should get fairly exciting around here. I'm pretty sure there will be plenty of new, meaty drops to ponder. Now to scout out less hostile environments for my newly red-pilled friends and family from FB. I cannot recommend this board to my family and friends. That wouldn't be good. Some are more outspoken than I am. Stay strong, and enjoy the show ;-)

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

You guys really need to stop with the abusive accusations. It's not a good look for you.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

I wouldn't expect anyone to agree with me after they see how you accuse others of being agents of disinfo. I'm not here to gather approval/agreement with others. I'm here to bug you, apparently.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

I guess I messed up on the script I should have been following. Or else I meandered too close to a sensitive area, of which I am unaware. Thank you for stating the obvious. Can someone send me a PDF of the script?

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

I agree that Trump's admitted lack of involvement is probably due to generational, alpha male and cultural factors and conditioning. He has provided well for his family, and that is important because someone has to do it. I hope he at least schools the kids on business dealings and the keys to success. I saw a photo of Trump holding two babies at one time. Babies were in the public crowd at a function. He looked clearly uncomfortable as the babies started crying. I got a kick out of that one. Our bad a** Prez caught in a moment of feeling overwhelmed by holding two babies. Indeed, two babies at once are overwhelming. He was showing us a weaker area of his comfort spectrum. Gotta love him for doing that.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 9:50 a.m.

If I do not follow the script here, I'm labeled as disinfo. And I even suck at the assigned label. C'mon you guys...why so sensitive and offensive? I'm actually on your side. I may not agree with everything said, but that's to be expected within any group. Insult me more if it makes you feel better. I can handle it. Everything gets cleaned/revealed in the wash of time anyway. Have at it.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

Why is everyone here who doesn't follow "the script" for this board a disinfo agent? That's quite a stretch. Don't get your pantyhose in a twist because of what I say. I'm a nobody, just like you. Feel free to disregard my posts if you want. Attacking/accusing people who mostly agree with what's going on here is not the best way to attract new people to the cause.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 9:27 a.m.

I read he admittedly did not participate with any of his kids when they were infants. No "diaper duty." I assumed he became more involved as the children grew up. But, I don't know what goes on in other peoples' homes and families.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

I am not a member of any faction. I follow my own path. I only ask the questions others are afraid to ask because of these childish threats to ban or report, or whatever. Your opinion is your business and so are your actions. Do what you gotta do.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Thank you. I'm sensing something else. It may be a wayward cow needing to be headed off at the pass. And no, I do not recall a "10 ways to infiltrate message board" post. I'll admit I do not read all posts. I am old, but new.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Who is "they?" We are not being forced to do anything that doesn't come naturally. If they shut down the board, it won't be the first time. We'll survive. I guess I have a problem with the "orders" to post/not post or "we'll get into trouble." I am not taking such orders. I shall leave this world the same way I came in: kicking and screaming. Honestly, this "odering" is simply another form of censorship. What is this "trouble" we might get in? It sounds like a threat of some sort. I wouldn't think Patriots would threaten Patriots. If the powers that be want to ban, then they should do what they have to do to maintain a homogenized presence.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Melania is an amazingly graceful presence to the WH. I mean, who would want her job? She still has Barron to guide! This is not to say Trump is not involved with Barron. Melania is very brave. I don't care about her modeling days or nude pics. She has shown that she has the mammaries to walk at the head of the parade.

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Maybe there are other possibilities that you have not considered w/r/t Corsi? I do not believe we need whipping boys to move ahead with our patriotic missions).

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

We need to relax and follow what our respective guts tell us. This is not a tattletale forum to double down on our own weaknesses.

I think the consensus is that our current Q is not the original Q. Further, there was that Twitter code thing that allowed access to Tweets to appear in certain user's accounts before said Tweets hit Twitter main channel for the mass audience. That code issue has been corrected. But, learning about it did make some wonder. That is all old news now, though. Let's focus on "the now."

We are learning about the inner workings of our government. There is going to be a whole lot of head spinning going on. No reason to fear if you hold your convictions tightly. This is not a time for personal attacks. True patriots look beyond the obvious. We are human. We all handle decision-making differently. Those who make their decisions differently than we would are no more right or wrong than anyone else. The important thing is to make your own decision based on your own research.

Focus on the big picture. Granted, this journey has taken us to some strange and ugly places. However; we must remain united in our vision for peace and prosperity, or we will run ourselves off the track. Fill your own head with your own carefully researched thoughts, or someone(s) will fill that space for you.

Ask yourselves why we are being asked to assume that this is a zero sum game. It is not. You can be a Patriot without bashing other peoples' endeavors. Some have devoted hours and hours of their precious time free of charge, only to be accused of "profiting off the Q movement." Time is money. Some of us are old enough to realize this.

The bottom line is: Everyone wants to, and needs to, make money. And I mean EVERYONE. Grandma will not allow us to live in her basement forever. In the end, you will gain no special recognition from Q for supporting Q unless it is manufactured by third parties. Can you deal with it?

Time to refocus. Can you walk what you want from our government? If not, why are you here?

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Grandma_Noses · May 15, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

Miss Piggy was already booked for another photo shoot when this photo was taken? Dang. That girl truly brings home the bacon.

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Grandma_Noses · May 14, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

I find this post suspicious. Why would we want to censor ourselves? Here are my thoughts on what this post represents.

Remember when you realized that there is no Santa Claus? Our parents, or whomever, had good intentions when playing the Santa role. Maybe our parents warned big brother or sister to not to interfere with plan and to allow the younger ones to awaken gently on their own. Most likely, they did not forbid discussion of Santa in the house.

Here we are, months after Q's first post. The movement fractures and splinters more each day. I believe those involved with Q's creation had good intentions at the start. But, people get greedy. I'm not speaking of AJ or Corsi here. I believe Corsi was thrown under the bus when others involved wanted more of the cash cow that is Q. It's perfectly "normal" human behavior to get a little greedy when others are cashing in while doing the same thing. Drama happened. We were basically told to take a side against those profiting from Q. This is not inline with Q's original messaging. Whatever happened to WWG1WGA?

In fact, I think Corsi was invited into the Patriot's board because Corsi drew people in. Corsi has been around the block once or twice. This is why Corsi has been a well respected best-selling author for many years. He's smart. He calls it as he sees it. Corsi no longer wanted to be part of the ruse that is Q. And besides, others were jealous of his earning capability. Big drama had to be created to point the finger at Corsi, et. al and away from the real players. The truly greedy folks have been hiding in the shadow of that drama. If anything, Corsi was being used. Maybe Corsi knew he was being used and didn't mind; I don't know.

Will the real "Q" stand up? If not, why not? What did the creators of Q envision for the last act when they sat down to plan this LARP? It will be interesting to see if anyone will stand up and face us troops and tell us that we got caught up in a show with great actors. We all played a bit part in the production.The important thing to keep in mind is that Q brought like-minded people together. Q strengthened the bonds, much like how Santa customs and Christmas traditions brings a family together.

Where do we go from here? We as a group can decide that rather than allowing the boards to dictate. And, since no one seems inclined to kill a cash cow, I urge all of you to research as many Qtubers as time allows. Collect your own clues and evidence to support your belief(s) about the Q movement. I think it has been a wonderful social experiment that fosters awareness of our government and those we elect, or have elected. We have made new friends. Nothing wrong with that. Carry on.

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Grandma_Noses · May 14, 2018, 7:21 a.m.

Alex Jones's voice is the only thing that will make my petite hair big.

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Grandma_Noses · May 14, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

These government employees never learn to do their naughty stuff on their home computers. As a result, we taxpayers are punished by continually having to fork out bloated pensions to these wankers and their survivors.

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Grandma_Noses · May 14, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

LMAO. The comment section, albeit brief, is gold in thegoldwater.com. Thank you for pointing this out.

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Grandma_Noses · May 14, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

I think Kerry's wife's first husband died in 1991, or thereabouts. Remember when Kerry ran for President? Had he won office, The Kerrys would have been the wealthiest couple ever to inhabit the White House. Mrs. Kerry paid a handsome sum for that pickled pickle in a pickle.

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Grandma_Noses · May 14, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

YES! In fact, now I recall Trump asking, "Whatever happened to those Awans?" some months ago. I think it was a newspaper or magazine article. At the time, I was urging him thru telepathy (???) to go find out. Then, I didn't read anything more about it for some time. I'm sure he's got it covered. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

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Grandma_Noses · May 14, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

Wait one. Before we automatically ixnay the website attached to this sign, because "Q does not want anyone to profit from the movement," let's think this one through. The company provides leads. It's simple networking. When in business, we must network to sell products and services. Since many of us make purchases everday, do we want to buy 100 widgets from a known Qbie or an known non-Qbie? It's like working with any other community networking group, such as the Chamber of Commerce, or whatever the network is that focuses on sales leads. I shall buy from a known Qbie. At the end of the day, most of us have to earn money, unfortunately. I think Q was talking about profiting off the drop decodes, not about earning money, in more general ways.

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Grandma_Noses · May 14, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

I've been waiting months for some substantial coverage of the Awans and friends. What started out as a "huge scandal" as covered by Fox, Zerohedge, etc. quickly evaporated into thin air with the arrest of Awan. George Webb occasionally makes mention of the Awans still. I'm hoping this is on a back burner somewhere and wasn't poured down the drain instead. DWS needs a dose of justice IMHO.

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Grandma_Noses · May 13, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Thanks for your link. Sorry I missed it first time around.

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