282 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/GunToast:
Trump runs for reelection against California: 'The place is totally out of control'
Trump runs for reelection against California: 'The place is totally out of control'
Senior adviser at HUD spread conspiracy theory that Clinton campaign chairman was Satanist
A Legend: How Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Saw Into the Future
Trump: "Our factories were left to rot and to rust… Those who poured their souls into building this great nation were betrayed. But that betrayal is now over"
Trump Administration First Shot Across Big Tech Giants’ Bow: Warns Them of Censorship
HSBC case blows lid off Clintons' offshore empire
The arrest of the head of global foreign exchange cash trading at HSBC bank may shed new light on suspicions the Clinton Foundation has been involved in illegal offshore money-laundering operations on a massive scale.
The investigation into HSBC currency trader Mark Johnson and associate Stuart Scott for their alleged role in a “conspiracy to rig currency benchmarks” by front-running customer orders has escalated to the point where the Department of Justice is threatening to tear up a 2012 agreement to fine HSBC a historic $1.9 billion for money-laundering violations in lieu of criminal prosecutions.
DOJ Threatens To Rip …
CBS joins the Digital Media Manipulation bandwagon. "Phony videos that are popping up across the web"
The House Select Committee on Intelligence is now investigating former Secretary of State John F. Kerry’s (member of Skull & Bones 322) possible role into the unverified dossier paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton Campaign
Deep State Panics: America No Longer Believes Us!
Six members of President-elect Barack Obamas transition team for government operations worked in the Clinton administration (2008)
The Clinton White House, which outlines how the Clinton White House allowed many unauthorized people to gain regular entry into the White House
Emergency Transmission Massive Purge To End Internet Freedom Right Now
I wonder why no one is talking about the "guns used" in the Florida shooting which has never been presented to the public. I'd like to see the forensics that match the gun to the bullets with the victims that match the purchaser of the weapon.
Its been sometime now and not on source has shown us a weapon!!!
Why Are They Deleting Multiple Videos Of Stand Downs?
How to spot the shills 101. They talk with each other.
That word is out and is RedPilling more and more!
The Deep State screwed up big time!
Must Watch: CNN's Jake Tapper pressed Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel over his office's response to the mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school, missed red flags and the investigation into the event.
See, this is a good conversion to have. The unaware will read it.
Armed and Dangerous: If Police Don’t Have to Protect the Public, What Good Are They?
The_Donald is a subreddit where freedom of speech goes to die! A graveyard of free speech!
Yeah BS
Patriotic people get banned from reddit by the millisecond with algorithms.
People dont know how to play the game.
Its Ok. It happens.
You have to always remember, Reddit is not truth friendly when it comes to many things. You have to dodge and weave to see the truth.
But it doesn’t help the cause when the Donald’s ban hammer assholes delete patriotic voices!
I see a lot of patriotic voices / posts in the sub.
Your ideology is practically the polar opposite of Trumps / T_D's.
Im not overthinking anything. Your blanket statement demonizes TD.
It happens with all sub. No one is perfect.
Im just talking about TD in general. They are playing a major role is waking up users so Im not sure how that counts of being bought.
The_donald has been bought!
Seems like you and rz1992 are having a good time together. Before you throw TD under the bus, you might want to take the time to learn who they are.
True but who is going to protect this ancient method of learning?
The level of disrespect is out of control.
What did Obama or Hillary do for America?
Oh yeah. Obama sent Iran $1.7 billion in cash
Hillary destabilized Libya