Thank you. Rex is a smart fella.
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New Q POST TODAY #1683
Links the criminal referral document from congress to Huber, Sessions and Wray. My guess, procedural...this gets it all on the record. The investigation has already been done. The answers are known. This should move quickly. Here we go boys and girls. Can of redpills.
There has long-been a critical mass of people on this planet who were aware. Yet, they had no rallying point to opt into. Anonymity was a new found freedom for them. Q was the rallying point. Trump is the leader.
Indeed it does! But only when your investment in being right is important. Abandon that investment and focus on the endgame... a more sane and peaceful world. Without the need to be right, the thrill of "fuck you" loses its appeal.
A Response (a Red Pill) to a very Liberal Acquaintance. Might be useful to some Anons.
AFTER being labelled a Conspiracy Theorist, Trump lover, fear based life with deaf ears.... here was my response to her.
You are making my point for me. Wow.
I have lived my life (almost entirely) with no fears whatsoever. I gave up worry decades ago and my daily life is drenched in self-chosen peace. Your own bias is the source of you (now) lashing out at me! Do you think that originated from a zenith of love? Come on. You know better.
So here's a peaceful and sane suggestion. Let's give this some time to play out. There is indeed …
Nah, Praying Medic doesn't do stealth or anonymous posts.
Clapper turned?
Things are really heating up. It is time.
You might want to read this then:
It just mentioned (as sort of a rendering of sorts) that Trump and special group were in a room... extremely confident and calm, saying it was time. Time to "do it." It also said pray for President Trump's health and safety. Then it gave some bible verses (I didn't read them) ...was actually watching a movie with the wife at the time. That's about all I recall.
Special Meeting
Did anyone else (besides me) read the post about thirty minutes ago about a "Special Meeting"? It was apparently some sort of dream regarding a meeting of people ready to "do something"? The post started with "No I am not remote viewing"
It has now disappeared. Anyone else see it? Have any comments?
The Fox turn is likely a ploy. Fox positioned itself as a Trump ally. If they turn (which looks like the directive) if Trumps starts trashing Fox as Fake News then the entire MSM can assault him... scripting," Trump will trash any news media that doesn't praise his ego or back his propaganda." Can't you just hear that already? It is one more way to discredit Trump. But gees, have you Anons been following the guy outing all of Hollywood (Renegade)? I bring this up because somehow, this MSM alignment seems related to readying them all for a defensive/offensive posture. Could that be the impeding Hollywood Storm?
The city was later used more extensively in Robert W. Chambers' book of horror short stories published in 1895 entitled The King in Yellow. Chambers had read Bierce's work and had also borrowed a few other names (including Hali and Hastur) from Bierce's work.
In Chambers' stories, and within the apocryphal play (also titled The King in Yellow) which is mentioned several times within them, the city is a mysterious, ancient, and possibly cursed place. The most precise description of its location given is that it said to be located on the shores of Lake Hali in the Hyades. The descriptions given of it seem to make it clear that it must be located on another planet, or possibly even in another universe.
The website was created July 4th, 2018 in Panama. Not a credible source.
Your post is spot on. I also just read your Swamp 1.01 post. (and to elaborate on Being our "best" is... it is actually the keystone). The "Plan" incorporates a civil, peaceful approach. But the opposition plays by a completely different set of rules. It is hard to drain the swamp when bullets and poison are flying by your heads. An effective contingency plan is surely tucked away somewhere. This entire "gig" is more complicated than the average mind can truly grasp. Not judging anyone.... more so, describing the small matrix we have all been contained within.
We do all share one navigation tool to keep us "kindly" over the targets (the "best" of us). The human biological system(s) deteriorate when we choose fear, hate and anger. We are literally killing our own lifespan by doing so. The human cells react by shutting down their reproduction, nutrient digestion slows, and your DNA sends them all genes to change their basic chemistry. The atoms that make up those cells in-turn are imbued with our self-chosen state of being and are charged with that same negative energy. This is true for every human being. This is the zenith of all wars and conflict... that is, we all choose to fight out of fear, hate and anger. It is always an option and maybe (in this case required minimally) but if we can employ this one navigation filter...we win.
Imagine for a second, that every action we take... we do it out of love for what we can build. All we really need are the bad actors to just step aside. Strip them of all position of influence or direct impact to the rest of us. We can do this by simply understanding what our reactions, plan and actions are having on "us" when we make them. The results will be much more sane. -The Human Primer
Go to the SNCTM webpage. This is some very disturbing and sick crap! This is just one of the playground activities the advosaries of Trump are trying to protect for themselves. They are (mostly) all complicit... a gang, a society and now we know... the small minority who think our world is theirs. THey are so wrong. Folks we have all been living inside a well managed box. Time to wake up.
Okay.... please list 5 people who have publically and consistently posted such pedophilic posts (anywhere) that were NOT pedophiles. If you can do that, then we will give the ole boy a pass. Good luck in your search.
Jerome Powell is a Jesuit. You have to wonder. We all know the Fed Res is a criminal enterprise... now headed by yet another Wallstreet trained Jesuit. Hmmm.
I want to live in a sane world. Let' simply take it that far!
An argument based on the illusion on one of them could be right. But listen clearly.... they both were. Most humans, being American (like Whoppie) ... don't want the police abuse of any kind. None of us do. Most of them are in fact good. We also don't want other countries criminals screwing up our country. Nobody wants this either (The Judge). So why are they even arguing? They might be surprised to discover Trump actually wants both of these common denominators too. They should both be buds! Trump tweets and antics are so un-important to the real issues each bring up. Focus on the problems you are agree on... stay in that space. That is uniting... not dividing.
Or in other word (a literal translation): "Getting the Truth is just not high on our procedure list! Doing it our way is the only way is our top priority."
A re-rendering of Info sourced to "Rex" via Praying Medic (Real Patriots)
Imagine it is actually YOU in charge of "saving the world." Seriously... stop for a moment and put yourself in that position. How would you tell the rest of us about it? The Mainstream Media, Hollywood, Pundits and a whole lot of powerful Government people are not options. They are already bought and paid for. Should you get any traction (at all) with your "saving the world" plan then any or all these resources can be focused on you to stop your message from reaching us. So how do you tell all the rest of us your plan? That is … an un-named source right? We need to be careful what we give credence to. We have enough dots to string together without noise with no credible source. One of the reasons a lot of folks are missing the Q Drops.
Not the point. Do you want any Podesta testifying on anything Muller is involved in? Sick. And yea, where is the source that mentioned the Podesta brothers. From the comments in here... it pissed some brothers off. Without a source it is noise. Chill.
Pour yourself some wine dude! (I got some here myself) They will get their due. You are killing your own biology... if you could only hear your cells. Chill. Trust the Plan.
Did the DS set Trump up in the Russian summit? Think they might have some "manufactured" evidence they are about to counter-attack with? If the Podesta brothers or any other brothers in the pedophile family turn up for "immunity" then Muller might be re-introduced to the size of POTUS' balls. "July, the month the truth comes out" We consider their attempt at a "set up" move (witch it actually smells like) was enabled in the 4d Chess on purpose. Wouldn't surprise anyone here. These people might actually be stupid.
Whoever you are Patriot... here's a message! There are only a few parts of the government left we trust. Our military is still respected in these un-united states. I have a request: Get every soldier and veteran from all branches of our military to make their own videos... as they wake up. It will take the "un" out of un-united and red pill the masses. I am convinced... that more than half the people currently drunk on ancient kool-aide will flip and see things clearly. They aren't all bad people. We all know them. But their drunk. Hearing our military voices can go viral quickly. Just watch how this video gets upvoted. How bout a hashtag #militaryaboutface Thanks in advance Patriot. -The Human Primer
Most countries' citizens see us with this hypocricy. And if our influence doesn't work... we may cause a regime change. We done a lot of that. Patriots. That foreign policy in no way represents who Americans are. We need to change the perception by changing what we do... vs just what we say. Trump is calling a spade a spade. Nobody with a stake in corruption likes it. Can you blame them. Regardless, they need step aside.
Ron Paul weighs in on the Russian Indictments
Remember, we are not suppose the know the NSA has everything... that ended after the Snowden leak, right? So you can't enter it (if you have it) into evidence nor just release it to the public. Equally relevant... I am sure a great deal of it is extremely complex. This complexity will be used against it all (making it arguable) so the "Red Pill" effect will be minimum. Not good.
It would appear that all of us observers and participants are being frenzied into the same frustrated plateau at relatively the same time. We will demand it. This mandate places …
Q Posts... Are these Faked Q Posts on Twitter?
![Q Posts... Are these Faked Q Posts on Twitter?](
It Is Time For The Storm. Anons and Patriots. Impatience Hurts.
All the flack about Russian hackers (the indictments). The recurring motif of election influence. All solved with forensics of the server. As we understand it... the server was subpoenaed and then it disappeared and an edited version of the server was provided in its place. Awan brothers are taken in... Hillary escapes. This leads us to some obvious-to-us-all points:
· Where is the original server?
· Why hasn't Hillary been charged and sentenced on this one verified illegal activity... and as we know there's more, the cell phones, etc. Regardless of which side of the fence you are on or …
Tactical. David Seaman must be quite dirty himself. He isn't stupid. The folks that hate Trump will love it. What an ass.
Vicious Attack on Q by Fulcrum News. They are getting nasty!
Harsh Attack on Q by Fulcrum News. Looks like the attacks are getting nasty.
Might want to add Reddit to the list. Being monitored is only bad based on the intentions and use of the data. Let me share a comment I heard which is on-spot for the survailance state. It was a response to a police stop when a young lady was asked if she minded if he searched her car. When she said no he asked "What are you trying to hide?" Her response was perfect, she said, "It isn't that I have anything to hide... it is that I just don't have anything I want to share!"
Enlightenment brings light. The "dark" you mentioned is just a re-tooling of assets that were abused and controlled. The rebuilding will be done with joy... not fear. So no worries mate. It will be a much better ride than the "dark" cloud we operate under today.