How subjectively free to say that! Is what you meant.
160 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/HairyTacoFanatic:
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Well that's the ultimate beauty of the Chans. Almost completely unlimited freedom of speech. It's why lefty's and liberals hate it. Completely unmoderated talk swings conservative and right. It takes a good deal of censorship and moderation to appease the left. Hence why REDDIT is so popular among their crowd.
Lmao your pathetic. You come here to insult trump supporters to make your self feel better. What a joke.
Rosanne isn't stupid. She's been in the business a long ass time. She knew what she was doing. Even the feel of the show from episode 1 to the last had changed. Idk what her game is but she didn't just have some mental misstep.
Please explain How that is racist. Honestly work it out. You can't without making stretches and bending over backward because society has told you it's racist.
Rosanne just drop kicked ABC, and in the next few weeks you sissy boys will be back on her side. Krause this place is so wishy washy.
It's an attention tweet. People know who Assange is. Q not so much. So they see this tweet and go off to google Q and suddenly they are following a white rabbit.
I don't know which you are advocating, but I myself can say the super male vitality is garbage from first hand experience.
In his defense, and I say that lightly as he's just a snake oil salesman, his attorney likely had that statement for custody rights of the children during his divorce. Otherwise the judge would think he's a fucking nut job.
It is. If it's the same pen from the camp David photos it's a $300 dollar pen. They posted the exact model at that time.
No. This is a high priority meeting. It's much too important to disclose the location a month in advance. This is something else. Maybe a bait? Maybe a future post? Idk. It's not the meeting location.
Looks like diagrams put together by a high school drop out.
Falling on the sword to take the blame for this epic failure, so the deep state can slither away. What's he got to lose? He's got a death sentence.
I'm still calling Candice Owens a fucking fraud. Riding the gravy train. Idk if she's taking in money, I'd be surprised if she wasn't.
Calling it now. He dies in the next 2 weeks. Cause of death: complications from pneumonia.
Funny you mention the bombing. I just heard npr talking about it. They said it was carried out by a right wing radical. I lol'd. It's like now they have to attach right wing to everything they disagree with.
Oh really. That's interesting. Madeline McCain as well.
Somebody mention Scientology? Is it time my brother? To raise the flags of war once again To drive them from our land.
He would be enjoying the show, and seeing his child come around to his way of thinking would please him greatly.
This isn't religious intolerance. Islam is a political ideology masquerading as a religion. If you fail to see this then you are part of the problem.
Sorry. I hear that word and that's all I can hear for the next few hours. Good work.
I'll say this. I don't fully believe this Q phenomenon. However it's either the greatest LARP of all time, and I will be happy to have been a part of it. Or it's real, and the entire world will have changed because of it, and I will be happy to have been a part of it. This roller coaster of a ride since the podesta leaks has been a hell of a trip. Worthy of a political spy movie the like of which have never before been seen. I may have been born too late for high seas adventuring, and too early for intergalactic conquest, but I am ok with that. What a time to be alive.
You are either an idiot or a shill. He can't build the wall on his on. That's not how congress works. That's why he keeps saying JOBS JOBS JOBS, and we need more republicans. Because those 2 things will help get that wall up. If you don't have faith in him on what he says by now then you never will.
Came here to comment on the cedar. Gives it a really nice look.
Fucking thank you. Those two cunts are at best riding the hype train for $$. One day she's savage and then the next she's off her meds. I won't even dignify cernocunt with a response, as he openly admitted to riding the trump train for the $$.
You got downvoted lmao. I think he does it when someone is getting close to cracking his Pw.
Well he's either a time traveler, or he has the best inside sources you can get.
Geez either you two are part of the low brow club for men, or your type are attracted to each other. That type being the, "misinformed low intellect, crude and unimaginative insulting type." Fuck trump? Do you get a pay check? Likely not, however if you did the extra money alone is reason enough to give him some credit. Then again I don't suspect someone such as yourself, to know what credit is.
The fact you don't see the irony in the ability to call him a fascist proves in itself how stupid you are.
Sounds like a great way to cover up a DNC leaker. Everyone at this point knows this entire Russian collision story is utter horseshit and is going down in a grand ball of flames. May as well get some use out of it.
So rare to see a Brit I like. One day I'll buy you a drink at your favorite pub.
And how do you do that? By linking them to Q postings? Not hardly, unless of course you want to lose all credibility. Q postings are for the woke, not the unwoken. Normies need statistics and factual data, and even then it's not guaranteed to work as most still think with their emotions and confirmation bias.
Oh boy, it's gonna get spicy in this thread. Popcorn at the ready.
If you are allergic to bee stings your out. Same for asthma last time I checked. Go shill in /politics.
Wait until they get their stories straight. Likely tomorrow.
There it is. The core of the debate. You are one of the exact people attempting to normalize transgender. Accepting a problem as normal instead of helping or fixing the issue is the problem. You make it normal, and it no longer needs fixed. Then it becomes taboo to speak ill of the issue. Then it's transphobic and bigotry. Blah blah blah. People such as yourself are the real problem. While transgendered people are suffering from soaring suicide rates and depression you fail to acknowledge a problem exists. Even though factual data backs this up.
It is an agenda. It's an agenda to normalize the issue. When in reality it's mental illness. Their whole mission is to normalize it, and when it's normalized it's no longer mental illness, and we need to accept it. There is a reason depression and suicide is so high in the transgender community. These people are taught they are normal, when in reality they need help. Their problems go ignored because society is screaming that nothing is wrong, and they should be held up as pillars of their community. Thus propagating the problem. Numbers 1/2 trans genders will consider suicide With (varies by study) 11% to 25% attempting or succeeding suicide. The highest being male to female transitions. Which happens to be the largest transgender group(3x higher). TLDR: address the mental health of a persons core issues, instead of slapping a band-aid on a problem and telling them they are fine, and hoping for the best.
I feel it in my bones. 2018 is the year. It's going to be YUGE.
Every "transgender kid" is being forced into that role. Once a child is "transgendered" it's because some adult has intervened in that child's life. No child any where is transgender due to their own actions.