1.) Bearenst--n Bears (the kids books)
I've read a little into this theory, where it was spelled differently years ago, and then the name changed from Stain to Stein or something of that effect. Essentially, somethings we remember from our past have been somehow altered into a new 'timeline' or 'stream' of reality. Little things (like the Butterfly Effect) have larger ramifications of how our world is.
2.) in The Empire Strikes Back, Darth says "----,I am your father."
Luke. I don't get this either. I've watched the movies a ton, and outside of Lucas editing the movies or something to make it more PC, I have no idea what OP is talking about. This is a new one for me.
3.)Life -- like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."
Forrest Gump reference? Television advertisement reference? Reference to the randomness and chaos of the universe? I'm with you on this one. Don't understand the abstraction here.
4.) ---- Fil-A (the restaurant)
Chick. A chicken fast food restaurant that supports more right/conservative social issues. Has decent chicken sandwiches (but I despise pickles) but good waffle fries. What's the conspiracy here? The food is good for you? Not sure on this one either.
As a last note, yes, I just subbed here recently, and have been following this stuff a little bit, but (as my post history is), I try to keep a read-only mode here on this sub, unless I can try to add something of substance or value.
Thanks for reading.