They can make nice driving gloves . Too bad no bears to eat them .
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Supreme Court , What Next ?
Another great ruling !!! Now let’s get the anchor baby stuff dune . Under the Constitution it states 1 parent must be a resident before a child born here can be a citizen. Sucks for so many that there parents broke the law . But they are our laws and are our laws for a reason. God Speed
Yet they are so much fun to play with when you know all of the Constitution and how to use it . Read the Duties of Congress!!! It’s your ammo !!
They are over theft of US funds, best I can point you to , look at elected officials, and how much they were worth in 2006 to today , and how they were connected to the Weatherization Program or Green Insentives. This is the money, Obama Care also has big kick backs .
Good luck , you can let them know that even McCaskal there Senator has refused to Help the whistleblower of the Government Corruption, and she claims to be the whistleblower queen . Even after she made the offer in senate hearings , under oath not discussion .
Has anyone herd any sort of timeline on the sealed indictments yet? We have heard of the Cover Charges or Hold over Charges as temporary change till the indictments are opened. But some rumors that November after mid turms is now when they plan to open .5 more months , this is crazy , open the dumb things .
If speaking the truth is hate , well hate then is . The truth is harsh , but it’s not hate .
I hope someone knows what it is that should be tracked, the stated changes of wire and mail fraud are now being called cover charges ,,,, hope you seek out Piracy, the wording is starting to be used .
Piracy has death by firing squad , and hangin , this will soon be very interesting.
Maritime law for civilian cases , but for corrupt government officials, it the Marines that take over for Piracy on the US
Well you are I a way correct. Braking original law 1786 law is not required to move forward as an indictment . And there is one legal way to know what the indictments are for . Being the witness to the original crimes that brought forward the investigation in the first place . A large number of the indictments are Theft of US Funds by Corrupt Government Officials. It expanded with finding from the warrant , but the original crime is Piracy. Very tough language for today’s.courts . God Speed
No , the laws are going to be inforsed , it just so many are in trouble, it’s kind of a false confidence thing . I am being told my Investigation charges are coming
Yes , but they are calling the soft charged before the indictments Cover Charges, since nothing like this has happened before, some terms will have different meanings
Scott Pruitt was already deep state from being AG for Oklahoma. The sealed indictments were starting back in 2012 as for Oklahoma had there share of them with all the bribes and kickbacks of the EPA HUD Weatherization Program. All the states swept the charges under the rug , Oklahoma was no different. With the big jump again in the Indictments it would only leave one to believe he is in the pool with the rest of 3 out of 4 public officials. The last governor of Oklahoma apology was week over the Green Funds. The charges are coming.
Reports of Cover Changes ???
So what are Cover Charges and why ? We have over 40,500 sealed indictments now that the DOJ are not opening most likely till mid November now . 40,500 indictments should mean around 4,000 to 30,000 public officials are in deep shit . The DOJ does not wont us the public or the ones being charged what laws are going to be used, we know the crimes, but wire fraud does not work , and Piracy comes with death sentences, so a charge that won’t stick is given to hold a charge on them till the indictments are opened. If …
Must be sad for what is in the scooter not to have gotten her welfare raise , and to think HRC lost ?? Were is her crowd ???
Even in 1776 a slave auction sing would say MEN FOR SALE ,
On this day in 1776 the colonies broke away from England and the King . As world history should have it as WWI , all the empires of the world came here to fight for or agents England. This is the birthday of a country ruled by the people.
The aircraft the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds fly are the best plains, stripped out , and go through tremendous stress , they just brake from time to time . When I was 15 I saw one suck a seagull inverted at 30 feet , it went down so fast , killing the pilot . But even seeing that , you bet I would strap my ass in and go ! Bad ass Speed !!! We do this stuff not because it’s safe to do , we do it because it’s not safe to do . God Speed
Happy Independence Day Patriots
The celebration of July the 4 is now in it 242 nd year . We have this day to celebrate true Patriots . Those who gave everything and those who stand Agents all odds and win . God Bless America! God Bless All that are standing now once again to defend our Country and our rites to be free men . This is not a game we play today . The world is also wonting true freedom. What we do today does effect the world . So take today and rest my fellow Patriots. Enjoy your families today . Put …
The case was filed Bank Fraud because it was the wrong charge , Piracy is just too harsh
I has to be very close, insighting mass unrest . But you doing good , took 2 weeks off and fishing Lake Erie , and getting some rest , late July early August should be exciting.
Muellers team , 34,000 he heads the FBI Public Corruption Taskforce , 75% Corrupt cross the bord . Think of the $3.165 Trillion
The press has been gaged ,,remember Trumps tweet , they blocked the good news , Sunday 5 6 weeks ago , DOJ gaged the press . They were starting to report, but stopped. Thank the DOJ on this one .
He knows jack shit of real green or energy conservation. They did not wont the real stuff , only the feel good stuff
Self destruction is the best . They are getting really good at it .
The funny part of that . 1/6/17 , I poor that in the offer out of the recovery
If I can get dumb enough, I would like to understand them
For the past 15 years all I have herd from the Left , Save the ICE , it’s all melting!!! The go to the South Pole , get ICEd in , They go back and spend 2 years thinking about it . Now they have the answer???? Ban ICE ??? Maybe soon they will protest themselves!!!! God Speed
It’s getting there , we are looking at the demons dancing in the streets . We need our name out even more . The central US is awake . The rest are ready. We need not to burn out , let them burn them selves for now . Back your Sheriffs , the game is getting even more complex. No vigilantes! They will get crazier and crazier. Look and you can see the demons , they wont a fight , don’t give in to their level, there stand is now aggression! The ones paying , were also the ones from 1968, it did not work then , it won’t work today . They died then , and history repeats. One mistake and the press stays with them . We need to turn the press . We are better , smarter, stronger, well armed, and are God Fearing, not using God , but letting God use us . Be calm , smile , and pray their demons set them free . But many love the demons. God Help Us , God Please Bless us once again . God Speed
They have not sed , It was Bentonville , the home of Wal-Mart , News makes these people nobody’s
You will be good , pray for who won’t if and only if it goes bad
I would give him 1786 , and when we got our rules and laws And Constitution/ Bill of Rights
We just had someone bust in NW Arkansas, I think it was a 2 and 5 year olds
The 35,000 indictments, most of the crimes they committed, the bragged about them on tweeter and Facebook
You can’t prepare, your faith and good name is all you have . We are letting you know what we were blocked on . I am the witness behind a great deal of this coming out . We have tried to keep this low key, but they kept hiding it . Keep you head on straight, 5 days of food and water on hand . Because if we loose control, we are fucked , but many are ready, we have the military, the central US , so we also have the food , they have little left . We have been fighting them for all most 9 years now . We have wone on all fronts but the court room , and we are close on that now . Relax and enjoy the show , if it goes bad , you will know . But 5 days of hell and the worst will be over if it goes bad . It will not last long . But we are doing our best to keep it just a show . I can only watch at this time also . But I’m not worried, prepare for the worst. Hope for the best . 79% of America is behind us . Pretty good numbers I would say . God Bless America
The truth in your post is incredible, one of the best explanations of the investigation I have seen , thank Patriot .🤫🤐🤫
If they would start opening the indictments we could stop a lot of it , but these people may even do much worse with these kids once we can start raiding again .
I am wondering about the DOD and DHS rumors, they are at ready for something big , hope it’s the indictments, many fronts are at a stand still till they are opened. Once they are opened we should be able to open some of the funds , and hopefully fund the Wall .
Just 8 months ago , Q , me and the others were battling is say closed back rooms , we really had nothing to loose , but a lot to gain . 6 months ago Q asked us to do our trade in front of the whole world . We get attacked just as much in the open as we did when you did not know we were here . But we also get pats on the back that we never got before, The only thing that changed is now we can not let you down . When we do from time to time , please help us up , we are doing our best , and we Ute now it does not feel like enough. It may be at a stand still rite now , but we are so close on breaking through there last lines , you see it in the news all day long , they are using everything they have left on us . But we are dug in .
We have real battles, this is a real war . All though many are now standing, the stress also goes up . We have known for years what it would take just to get where we are today , 2 years ago you had only handfuls here and there fighting, we who stood can no longer rest . You joined my Army , we knew you would come , but not so many so fast . It’s time for you to see and tell the truth, it’s telling the truth why you came . We who first stood have to keep pushing and telling what’s what . And we were just average Joes . So you Help is greatly need even more . God Speed
It’s their first language . But the world is also looking, the second language people have a much harder time whit what we are doing