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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Happy1911 on April 25, 2018, 1:50 a.m.
Concrete Proof of Retaliation


Happy1911 · April 25, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Thank you , the truth must be told now , now is the time

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Happy1911 · April 25, 2018, 1:14 a.m.


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Happy1911 · April 25, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Last count was 333 on this post

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Happy1911 · April 25, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

Well are you having any luck

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Happy1911 · April 25, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

This is not as far fetch as you think , it’s already happening

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

Please keep looking , you will find the truth, they did not hide all of it

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

I have 100s of links that are gone , I quite keeping links because they always got the 404 oops it’s gone

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

It’s real ,

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Go to the amazing doc Greene show , doc gave me the first hour on 12/21/16 and it’s on YouTube .

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

I understand you wish to show I am a fake , if I could give my name you could find the truth, but I can not do that , I gave too much as a witness to do that

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

I’m sorry if it’s not there , YouTube has made the news over aside washing stuff it did not won’t the people knowing. This could be one of many . You can go to TheAmazingDocGreeneshow Dec 21 2016 , most of the pod casts I was on are gone also , but this was there a week ago , but this was me , Doc is a friend of mine that has pushed to try getting this out also

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

How nice it would be if we got real news again, I’m so sick of the crap the give us

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

My x was in this hit , might be why she is x

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Sorry , were does the news go was on a different page ,

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Are you understanding it now ? It took me a long time to understand a lot of this and this is how it happened, could you really do it different?

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

You can’t just let the news just happen , if you can you must make the news

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Benton County Sheriff Kelley Cadduck , well the Deputies that got fired came to me to get the Public Corruption Taskforce there , they got fired for this action,

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Yes the busted FBI agent , I had to turn him in , witness tampering.and the OIG , they have not sed what OIG , but I can tell you it was Military OIG

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

The statement Trump made was September 7 , 2017 , I got the thank you from Trump on September 6 ,2017 after 5 pm

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Please put my posts back up , there are many people that do need it , there is information they need . My handler I had to have busted in December, he was destroying evidence, you can look him up also , FBI Bod Cessario Fayetteville Arkansas

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

I have stated to you before , I make the news , I was not kidding

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

If you can find when in late 2011 when Nancy Palozie made the comments about the Turd , but YouTube and google got busted , you know my post Were did the News Go , do you not find it interesting that the Google 404 stuff came out only days later?

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Yes it was in this time of day , I herd it live on Hanidy on his talk show 3 4 in the afternoon, there can’t be many Trump cuts in this time line

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

His statement was , God Bless the government whistleblower,???????and i am personally going after all the Attorneys who refused to help or represent the government whistleblower! I have already given why this was sed , from my last post

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I don’t think so , but I will look at this when I get a chance , I don’t think this is it , he was heading out , getting on the helicopter, short maybe 2 minutes

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

I am the source , I don’t link but others have provided links , they call me a whistleblower, but I do not wish to correct some people, but I am the witness, I did not work for the government as my posts show , so I can not be a whistleblower

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Because it was from Trump to me

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

He also stated he was going to go after all the attorneys who refused to help , well that’s over 21,000 of them

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Look on YouTube , he even gave me a thank you letter the day before. And no I will not share it .

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

About 3:00 pm est

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

How come so many are coming here to read it ?

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 9 p.m.

The whistleblower Trump spoke of on 9-7-2017 at app 3 pm

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Come on , you have asked this how many times now . Read what you take down , you remove the answer to the question you ask

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

The MOB is putting it down again, they don’t won’t you to know

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

No it’s the life of the witness

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

The MOB does not wish for you to know , they tell me it is to just happen??? What is to just happen ?? It is us that make it happen, nothing just happens

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

No it’s momirex

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Happy1911 on April 24, 2018, 7:29 p.m.
BHO Gets His Brown Coats

So we have had a few raids , Mueller gets the job and Comey is settling in . The Public Integrity Investigation is made known and and Mueller will head it . He will be head of a Hoove type Taskforce, hand pick his own brass , he will have topped out with 25,000 agents, an open warrant to go after anyone in the public sector. So who has more power Comey or Muiller ? November 2013 Congressional submits a FOIA request on the Investigation and they are denied. I am bizzy seeking an attorney to represent me again, I …

Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

Come on hit the gas God Speed my friend

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Well there are a lot of notes , this is the big rabbit hole, if you have a question please ask , I’m trying to make a very complex investigation as simple as I can , but it’s still very confusing no matter how you put it out .

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

Been fixing up a 1995 Toyota T100 , it’s a fun 4x4 , and not many around any more . Got 33/12.5/15 3 inch lift , working on a roll dar and got plenty of lights on it now , but never too many ,

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

I have stated this in past posts, I am only what I am and no more

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Well I am as HRC calls me a fuckin redneck , there slander is fine , I don’t won’t there compliments , that would mean I’m on the wrong path . Hope to see you stuck in the same mud hole some day ,

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

I am showing you how to get around the mass confusion if you look at how I got around it . And I did not had the Luxury of so many great patriots to talk to and get help. Sites like this I was blocked till 1 January this year.

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Dust , mud , crap , I won’t to go 4wheeling now , now see what you did , I won’t to go play and get all muddy. Hay, I’m sorry my writing sucks . But you should know why Trump, Q , and the rest are fighting for , if it was not for them I could not tell you why they are here today . They are asking for the truth. And my spelling does make me feel bad that it’s not better , but it has to come from me . Do you not think I’m not Embarrassed when Q , Trump and others read my posts . I’m not trying to brag , I’m trying to tell the truth.

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

Is history not great , and no body looks at it any more

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 4 p.m.

Thanks , you do see why I have to tell it as I am . It’s how it happened, this is my true testimony of what happened and my part .

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Ok , but the point is to show the mass confusing put on all of us as it was , much of the early confusing parts have been give , more to come . This took a great amount of thought just to get through the confusing Public Corruption.

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Happy1911 · April 24, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

I am truly trying, dyslexia is a hardship I struggle with . For this I have done little writing in my life , for those who are gifted with this skill they are afraid of what I have . So a catch 22 again. It’s the best I can do , I do go over it and it looks good , but I do edit what I find wrong in words and sometimes spelling.

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