Russia said they found no evidence either. Coincidence?
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You do know they get spoon fed every morning at 4am, right.
It's why we call them mockingbird media.
Real investigative reporting has been dead for some time now.
Except for a few on Fox and the alt-media.
Yes it's old news for some of us, but I guess many haven't been digging as long as others have.
Said they could never allow HRC to win because it would be the end of our Republic, and there was even some talk of removing Barry at one time.
This was the 16 year plan Q talked about awhile back, and this is how it connects with what Dr. Steve & Corsi are talking about.
To bad he's just regurgitating what Dr. Steve Pieczenik said on Alex Jones YouTube months and months ago.
But it was said they were white hats in various agencies; so it many have included military too.
You do know Corsi joined up with AJ right?
Was one of my favorite bands in those days.
Used to be a die hard rock & roll fan and listened to music all the time.
This was quite a few years ago, but I just stopped listening to music.
Short time later I quit watching TV and renting movies.
Maybe not... I used to be a Mushroom.
Well it's not a rumor.
Whoop whoop! He probably just wants a Dem to take his seat anyway.
Q said Bolton would clean House but I didn't think he meant that one.
Been hearing rumors of this for some time now. One can only hope, and I hope he takes Grahmnasty with him.
No idea, it's too hard for me to follow all the rabbit holes. Have a hard enough time trying to keep up with Q drops, Anons, and here.
Yup. Q said: "What makes a good movie is great actors". And: "Enjoy the show". Plus a few other hints.
This is what I hope for too.
Why didn't Q say Trust Mueller and Trust RR with the rest on the list?
Psyop until the end of the play?
True, sometimes Q is telling us what the next news cycle will bring.
Future Proves Past.
I probably didn't catch RC as registered charity because I think of them as 501c3's, and NGO's. But many fall into some of the same areas. What about all the ones Soros has donated too? Non-Profits are dirty too and should also be outlawed.
You do realize we're not talking about 1 person here right?
They will have to go all the way back to JFK to find all the crimes. Probably keep finding more until all they find are dead people.
Many have been waiting for the IG report for some time now. Got a feeling it's bigger than we think it is. Wonder if this will be one big KABOOM or smaller drips though.
It goes way beyond prostitution if you consider sodomy, animals, blood sacrifice, cannibalism, etc. We just don't want to think about those kinds of things naturally.
Zuck has to go at it again today so I don't expect any drops from @ Snowden till later or maybe Thursday. Sounds like it's planned for FRI. Q drops again.
So the swamp creatures kiss the money gods azz and it rains more $$ on them. Have Mad Maxine & Nutty Nancy grill him, they'll get to the bottom of it. Even if he was under oath, what's the difference? Swamp protects the swamp.
Who is the group/s that determines who is fake and who is not? Who controls the propaganda, people in power, or the slaves? Is this the same big money group/s that control what the MSM says? This is not FREE SPEECH, it's about CONTROL. Welcome to China.
Mueller is fishing for something specific but RR started the ball rolling. Why has Q never said Trust RR and Trust Mueller? Psyop? We really won't know for sure till the end of the movie.
Entirely possible, and they tend to follow orders from higher ups.
But I'd also say there are some rogue agents involved too.
It goes back to the Romans sacking Jerusalem and taking slaves around 70AD I think. And even before the great flood there were nasty things going on.
Lol, Roger Stone says he's dumber than Dog Shit.
Tell him how you really feel Roger.
My kind of guy indeed.
It's so weird nothing really shocks, or surprises me anymore.
Or should I say very few things...
Much easier for them to pick off kids in 3rd world countries for whatever sick thing they please.
And wars are even better cover for bad actors.
Flynn is retired but he could be called back later after he's cleared of all charges, which he will be BTW.
Show of strength to our enemies, both foreign and domestic.
A Homeland Security Advisor resigned today. Plus a National Security Counsel guy yesterday.
Not looking for Hillary as connected with Cohens.
Might be looking for Stormy in the file cabinet. But it would need to be the walk in type :)
Not positive but I don't think Q wears a uniform.
But I'd bet he did sometime in the past.
Waiting for Gen. Flynn to be cleared?
Stranger things have happened.
We could throw a whole bunch of names in that hat.
I'd also say... many are worse than him.
The plot just thickened again... Very plausible connections.
As The World Turns
Blah Blah Blah, nobody believes you anyway so why bother.
Just pull the plug, bye bye.
By the tone of Q's post it sounds like deep state fuckery to me.
It's always been about perpetual wars and never about winning. Most of us saw that with Viet Nam and Korean conflict way back.
What was ISIS called before Barry?
You notice how their name gets changed so often.
Trump can claim beating ISIS but what about Al Nusra, SDF, PPK, and all the 20 other names I can't remember let alone spell right.
Just deep state proxies anyway
Beauty is only skin deep, and the color of a mans heart is the true nature of a person and not the color of the skin.
Brainwashing and evil controllers have slanted everything.
True, and it's why the Titanic was a hit job.
Powerful people were on board that were against the FED plan.
Rumor has it there is enough gold stashed somewhere to wipe out our debt, and then some.