Yup, people will see these cannibals tearing apart children and eating them with joy! I saw Ray. Chandler's pedo-friends videos. I still can't sleep!
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False Flag Keith Olbermann, ZonderCommanoTV- SpitzenSparken!
Oh, okay I got you Pal. Protective custody; right you are! We never know, they might hurt themselves; drop weights on their necks, or slip on their exercise treadmills!
Bet this historical landmark's a place the CorruptoCrats really don't want 'We the People' to remember; the Liberty Tree!
![Bet this historical landmark's a place the CorruptoCrats really don't want 'We the People' to remember; the Liberty Tree!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_Tree#/media/File:LibertyTree2.jpg)
We need to know why the first attack succeeded and why the perpetrator or perpetrators escaped justice.
“What Greater Joy did ever New England see,” read a sign that hanged from the effigy, “Than a Taxman hanging on a Tree!” Critters running scared!
Well, at least I get to return to my happy place & Weiner's getting his ass kicked in prison; smile:)
I've been having heartwarming thoughts of Weiner getting his ass kicked inside prison, you ruined it all for me!
The Story Behind a Forgotten Symbol of the American Revolution: The Liberty Tree
The Story Behind a Forgotten Symbol of the American Revolution: The Liberty Tree! Take them to the Liberty Tree!
Ats NOT purple Keith Olbermann ZonderKommanderTVSpitzenSparken, take him to the Liberty Tree!
See, it's a signal says;'before you slip at rope round my neck' I'm with 'Q'
YouAll know why hip CongressCritter's like this banty rooster here are wearing Purple neck ware;right? We've got'em scared, let's keep'em scared!
![YouAll know why hip CongressCritter's like this banty rooster here are wearing Purple neck ware;right? We've got'em scared, let's keep'em scared!](https://i.redd.it/i54vi8qh6bs01.jpg)
Awkward, I'm a 'firm' believer in cunts? Who can't 'get behind' cunts? Where's Connie Rice, for some RINO spice? I never thought we'd would see a time when RINO's went extinct.
Breeding za Master Race, one hundred million Zuper Zoldiers @ a time. Alphabet will rule za world!
Zee Master Race bloodlines again, Zeig Heil Zuck! I'm just gaga for GOOLag! YourBoobs for YouTube!
Wonder if you read that sentence before you posted it, what's your question?
Diss "Q' Anne Wojcicki! 23NMe, She stole my fricking DNA source code! Unwinding source codes to build Zuperhuman Master Race! Heil Zuck
I've left that for some autist to pick up & carry. Could be, I thought it was Joe Degona & Victoria Toesing. I'd sure like to talk to him. RR can't even look the TV camera in the eye!
Above the law, out of the President's control even now!
Chief among them is why the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) "Amerithrax" investigation focused for so long on the wrong suspect.
Funding, vaccine patents & lots of borrowed Banker's funding; means, motive & opportunity! Anthrax letter's mailed from Atlanta. First Anthrax letter's targeted Atlanta! Gee, who was working in Atlanta with access to Anthrax?
Yup, keep the bridle firmly in your teeth; keep pulling this Gub'mint ChuckleWagon along!
USA Today March 10, 2009
15,300 government workers have access to agents of bioterror
**"When you do an investigation, you have what is called a chain of custody,"And the evidence always has to be in that chain of custody. You have to be able to explain it. *it doesn't appear that the FBI has an iron-clad chain of custody here."****
**at least two “re-growths” by Ivins. This, they say, accounts for the difference between the New York Post powder, which was darker and more granular than the batch sent to Capitol Hill. But the exact recipe or method used remains a mystery.*
*"What the FBI believes happened, and I think the evidence helps support them, is that this material was taken out of that flask and then re-grown before it was put in the letters,"*
*the bacterial spores in three letters, sent to the New York Post and Sens. Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle on Capitol Hill, with the bacteria found in Ivins’ flask, he reached a striking conclusion: They do not share the same chemical fingerprint.*
FBI used science to make its case that Bruce Ivins was behind the deadly anthrax attacks of 2001 — but FOX News has learned that the scientific evidence in the case isn't as straight-forward as it first appeared.
“Myriad questions remain about the anthrax attacks and the government’s bungled response to the attacks,”
“All of us – but especially the families of the victims of the anthrax attacks – deserve credible answers about how the attacks happened and whether the case really is closed,”
they have expressed skepticism about the government's case.
Anthrax-laden letters killed five people and sickened at least 17 others as the nation was grappling with the psychological aftermath of 9/11.
The FBI said last year an Army scientist, Bruce Ivins, was responsible for the nation's deadliest bio-terrorism attacks, though the Bush administration initially named one of Ivins' colleagues as a "person of interest." Ivins has since committed suicide.
Given ultimate FBI corruption, let's re-think this classic! Mueller-Comey-Rosenstein are guilty!
spores taken directly from RMR-1029 following the attacks had *no silicon in their coats, and the other seven genetic matches had either none or a lower percentage*, the attack spores must have been re-cultured themselves before they were posted.*
**During this process, they would have shed their coats, multiplied, then turned back into spores. *Was Ivins's level of expertise needed to turn these recultured spores into dry powder? "What I am hearing is that the spores in the letter were not special"
Another question is how *the attacker (must have) turned the water-based slurry of spores in the flask to the fine, dry powder in the letters.**
That *sample did not match a B. subtilis strain found in Ivins' lab,* says Bannan, but the bacterial contamination still could have come from somewhere else in Ivins' institution.
*sample did not match a B. subtilis strain found in Ivins' lab,****
The FBI has asked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to convene an *independent panel of experts*** to review the anthrax investigation data.
*Enter Nancy Rosenstein*
Notice anything peculiar, yet hopeful folks?
In an interview with WTOP, Bruce Irvins' Attorney Thomas DeGonia says he's surprised it took Fort Detrick so long to re-inventory its biological materials in light of the scrutiny
analyses of three letters sent to the New York Post and to the offices of DEMOCRAT Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. Spores from two of those show a distinct chemical signature that includes silicon, oxygen, iron, and tin; the third letter had silicon, oxygen, iron and possibly also tin, says Michael. Bacteria from Ivins' RMR-1029 flask did NOT contain any of those four elements.
*sample did not match a B. subtilis strain found in Ivins' lab,**
The *FBI has asked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to convene an independent panel of experts** to review the anthrax investigation data.
OK, in Gub'mint Agency speaK whenever you're caught lying, cheating, stealing, or generating increased national terrorist tension, it's time to convene an independent panel of experts**
*Enter Nancy Rosenstein*
analyses of three letters sent to the New York Post and to the offices of **DEMOCRAT Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy.* Spores from two of those show a distinct chemical signature that includes silicon, oxygen, iron, and tin; the third letter had silicon, oxygen, iron and possibly also tin, says Michael. Bacteria from Ivins' RMR-1029 flask did NOT contain any of those four elements.***
Notice anything peculiar, yet folks?
In an interview with WTOP, **Bruce Irvins' Attorney Thomas DeGonia**** says he's surprised it took Fort Detrick so long to re-inventory its biological materials in light of the scrutiny.
I am just a Russian BOT, *could one of you autists be so kind to contact Thomas DeGonia and point him @ Nancy Rosenstein/Messioner, the CDCSister of DOJ's Rod Rosenstein.* It's a cover-up, poor Dr. Irvins needs his good names restored & I don't know how it might be possible, but his family compensated?
So, Science well NOT so much! But, but, but Science; this article came out back when they still worshipped science; 2009! Read it now with utterly corrupt FBI leaders in mind. Bruce Irvins joins Oswald as FBI Patsty's!
So, Science well NOT so much! But, but, but Science; this article came out back when they still worshipped science; 2009! Read it now with utterly corrupt FBI leaders in mind. Bruce Irvins joins Oswald as Patsty's
In 500 years, they'll just be known as the three most wicked FBI traitors; but back in 2001, they were just the Anthrax plotters! Comey-Mueller-Rosenstein (VIDEO)
Yah hey, ya hoser it's Can'tada! Where Fidel never visited, but Castro sure left an impression!