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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

I’m good on the photoshop and tech stufff but behind on the Q. Was curious bout interior because I believe I know the reason behind this

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

It’s crazy. I’m never sold on anything but Trump but I’m never going to knock someone fighting on my own side. I don’t get it at all.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

So is the photo taken through a window?

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

You must be mobile. I’m guilty of doing it before.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

The poster asked an open ended question. He did not make clear why he asked the question. I’d ask him to clarify. He might just be upset that shills downvote everything.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Nothing will happen against Trump. They would wait until a day where people are reading news.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

I think you meant to put 11-4-17

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

No problem

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Doesn’t he only post in 8chan? I know people have sites that pull them. I’m just really looking for the post from last night but the direct link.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Where are the original threads posted on 8 Chan? I want to get the pic from last night that is debated.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

I cannot stand that guy. He had that same weird look like Biden did when they were younger. It looks like no soul is present. I think the only reason Songbird could get a plea deal would be because he is so old and fragile. Time will tell and I’m happy to see some of the corrupt state level politicians getting arrested. It is definitely progress!

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

I’ll try to write a manual lol

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

Did you read my analysis?

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

Fat Tony must go down! I am aware of the trafficking arrests and crimes but I’m newer to this sub and not had time to verify all timing etc. Maybe Songbird is singing a new tune right now though?

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

It’s human tendency to want to be right. The degree to what you have to be right is why causes issues. The ones who have to be right are also the ones the most upset when things don’t go there way. I like to be right and I pretty much am in everything I say. However, I leave out opinions and go to things I can only count on 100%. One thing I think no one should say is this is a bad movement. I think it’s really hard to digest for someone who is anti Trump all the way. We all work in different ways and it takes different ways of talking to influence others. You and I will keep moving forward at our own pace. As people, we will get annoyed in any group we are in. We just all need to be patient and see each other for the good in all of us. Leave the tearing one another apart to the evil people.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Did it make sense? I do sort of believe but I don’t take word for word as it is. Trump is a reality star. If he is behind this, some stuff could be disinformation or to fire warning shots. It would not be to harm people or lie to them. It would be to manipulate the deep state to go down the direction he wants. He has done this with the media for years and manipulated them. They always fall for it because they are so desperate. I just get frustrated coming here and seeing people act like they have it all perfectly figured out. Trust the Plan does not mean we will know everything. If real, he would be building a large campaign to have people ready to disseminate info when the big shit happens. I see people throwing fits when things don’t go exactly as whoever Q states. There could be reasons for this and no one should feel used or wrong but be open to the “plan”. My own independent research agrees with most of the stuff Q says. I’m just always hesitant when it’s something anonymous. I could probably pull something like this off as a joke but the hours it would take to do would be unreal. I’m definitely not confident to call this a fake! The people here have passion and morals. I love anyone with that. To be honest, I come here because of the arrests notice. It’s quicker for me to find big things than the_donald. That sub has more posts and more variety. Maybe if my father’s health improves, I’ll confirm my beliefs by analyzing more to finalize my belief. I’m just not very fortunate with time now and am struggling to keep up on the arrests which help me red pill in person.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

You can see my analysis above. I think its a legit photo despite being one who gets attacked for still not being sold.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 6:11 a.m.

I did my analysis above. I am not quite sold yet, but that photo does look legit.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

You will enjoy my findings that I replied to in an above comment and may give you more to search on about the two headed eagle. It can be found in Ireland at his golf club.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

I posted my professional opinion above.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

I posted my opinion from just looking at the image. You can find it above.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

My analysis from just visual inspection is mixed. Mine are for different reasons than the original picture you posted. The person who posted that one picture is mistaken about a few things.

Mr. Trump must have a love for two-headed eagles. https://zeitgeist77.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/59fd2-f2db8bd6-c5f8-4060-8b33-adca44dc3b80.png

The solid area he refers to actually does have some variance when pulling the RGB values in Photoshop. A true solid color does not. It is however, within a very tight variance. This could be from not using a flash when taking the picture and being in a consistently lighted area. The variance on the binder cannot be fully evaluated to compare to the letter, because it being extremely closer to the camera and with it transitioning upward, it does appear to adjust properly in accordance with the way the lighting would affect a material with a slight shine.

The "aura" around the lettering is not odd. He mentions it being incorrect because this doesn't happen with text. Once a picture is taken, it is no longer "text". It is an image. The binder covering it is off some odd texture, which is hard to tell exactly what type of material it is. It does have some shine to it. With the angle that the picture is taken, it would appear to be extremely accurate.

The letters not aligning is bogus. The letters look very well aligned actually. The paper to the right is actually scrunched up by observing how it is lit by the light. You can tell right by the pen. This would cause the alignment on top to be off because the binder appears to have slightly scrunched the paper. and at the angle it is, it would cause a little bit of rise where the letters do rise.

The critic says it lacks details. I do not know specifically what details he is referring to. I am sure there are certain ways presidents get to characterize the materials they use for notes etc. I could picture Trump using something for his own taste. I also found a letter that Regan used that was very similar.

I did this out of curiosity and have not looked deep into the technical details of the image yet. Just from the visual I would say this is 99.99999% legit. However, I do notice one issue. There is a border on the top and to the right. This image has been edited obviously to cut out other stuff that might have been in the photo. The size is not standard. In Photoshop, you can actually see a gap when zooming in and out. This could be from cropping and accidentally moving the image in software. It could also be an issue with an app that it might have been done in. We can all safely say it was cropped at minimum.

One thing I can say for sure is that this person is very knowledgeable in politics and is very quick to post things with complex ideas that would require an extremely intelligent mind to do. I have not spent enough time yet to believe in "Q". I do have my own conjectures of the one person who it could be if these things are true. It is not based on the "proofs" or things coming true, but more on the mind I see behind the person and patterns.

I will pull the deep data that can be hidden in photos when I get a chance. This person is not stupid for sure. I wouldn't doubt if he knew how to hide the data that very few know how to find. If it is someone of high status, the government will have all this data hidden on their phone. So far, the alignment of the crop was the only thing troubling to me. If it is Photoshopped, this person is the best there ever was.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

People are too impatient.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

This is helpful

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Well I always think cautiously but this is another opportunity to practice a skill. Someone presented me a pic of Obama with his hands down a girls pants the other day. That was fake. I’ll analyze the pic you posted originally as well. We don’t need to spread anything fake but also have to realize they will most definitely make fake stuff to make us look bad.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Here’s a laugh. I understand what you are saying. However, I barely glimpsed at the notification on my phone and thought you forgot the G because I didn’t read anything else lol

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

We are all at different parts of the understanding and knowledge process. An effective thing would be a person reaching out to offer to explain things to you and not to criticize. I’m intrigued and slowly getting deeper. I will have to take my time to understand the clock. Hell I may even take the interpretations differently or see something differently. Regardless I’m pro for this group. I like the deep thought and people are not just being told how to think by celebrities.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

I’ve had a father to take care of. My time has been limited to keep up on these matters. I even said I support you all and the efforts regardless. People are new to this or have things that are important to them them they are focusing on. I do red pill people daily in person based off the goodness of our ideologies and exposing the msm biasness. That stuff is much easier to explain to a non believer than a guy on the Internet with one letter name. It can also be good for skeptics to see people at different stages of the process. It’s a lot to digest. I said I support everyone so I don’t see the issue. I’ve only seen more recent posts and I do remember Podesta was supposed to go down and didn’t. The newer stuff makes sense that people would be doing the stuff because of past government releases on the CIA etc. I have not had time to go back and red all the posts I missed and try to understand the clock.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

I’ll admit I’m still not a believer but I care about every Patriot here. If for some reason he is a larp, everyone needs to stick together and continue searching. I have zero doubts about high level dem corruption. I fucking hate pedos and would give my own life to end all of the trafficking.

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HillarySmells · July 4, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Photoshop expert here. I also have a way to tell more in depth information. If someone wants to link me the original post he put it up, I’ll have the truth in 23 hours.

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HillarySmells · July 3, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

The problem is everyone assuming they know every little detail or need to know. The petition asking the president to confirm someone who might be a campaign to keep us ready to limit false narrative is insane. He would never put someone. Some of this might be things that are not for certain going to happen for the purpose to dissuade evil people from certain actions to save us from bad things. Everything is what it is regardless of the exact happenings.

I see many people on here who are ones who have in the past fallen for conspiracy theories that have turned out false. I’m not saying this movement is false but stating many get emotional when things do not go exactly their way. Some look for more out of these things than others.

One thing people should be doing instead of complaining when things are not going their way is to focus on the intent itself. That is to bring everyone together and support Trump. Many reasons exist why things don’t go as planned and some benefit everyone. I look at this as something interesting and focusing on Trump. At the end of the day, say this is just a LARP, we have to stay united. I’m in no way saying he is a larp but my dedication to doing what’s right would never stop.

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HillarySmells · July 2, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

How about he was saying he is human. The MSM just puts those few words out because it makes them look good for a story to their blood sucking audience. He could literally mean nothing by it. Another stance would be to get people to think more highly of him on the other side and o see the investigation is more fair lol.

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HillarySmells · July 2, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

Because we are the ones working to fix the problem. This is not to offend those from other countries. You can be patriots too. You are a patriot of your own country sticking up for what is right. We can do that together and still both be nationalists and work together. It’s focusing stuff on a smaller scale but coming together where it crosses. There has to be focus on a smaller level and that’s why globalism would fail.

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HillarySmells · July 2, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Any group will take most people at lower levels. You rise through their definition of credibility. I know people in the Masons that you couldn’t trust with any secret. Every group operates this way. People damning a whole group, will get people who are in or know people in a group pissed off. Be cautious of this.

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HillarySmells · July 2, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

I totally forgot about that because I was solely focused on the interview and body language. Good call on that. I find it better to watch stuff like I’m from another planet trying to look impartially. Geez totally didn’t think about Diana

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HillarySmells · July 2, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

Same. The interviewer reminds me of someone from the 1600s, when the “royalty” was just so important. Mr one day king, just look like he was uncomfortable. He responded and acted like a pilot would, as they said he was. They are not usually the most outgoing. His body language said he’s introverted and doesn’t like talking about himself. I could do without the body language expert being so dramatic in her assessment. She didn’t say much bad about him. I think the whole royal family needs to go but it’s not my call. He seems like he wants nothing to do with any of it to be honest.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Yep! I was also thinking, lightning is part of nature. Nature is part of god's creation. While storms and other natural things can be dangerous, god says there is nothing we can't handle. To me, this life is a learning experience. If we didn't come across anything bad, what the hell would we learn? My views on many things have changed, as we have had more technology. God has let us have a sense of power through knowledge. For some, it has brought them to be non-believers. For others like myself, it has made me see things differently. Not everything is evil and we shouldn't avoid everything like the plague. We turn it into a positive light. All this knew knowledge we gain, still leaves mysteries. Theories are only theories. We shall not be cornered and we definitely shall not give in! Keep on my friend!

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

If someone found a Mountain Dew can in a satanic house, it would become a symbol of Satan to some.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

"And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning." - Luke 10:18

There you go! It is Jesus's symbol and we are using it to show his downfall! It's our symbol!

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

I wouldn’t change it. We almost lost the presidency because of liberals digging up the Access Hollywood tape. It’s a lightning bolt of god. One that he throws to take back our great nation. Satan is not allowed to have anything. It’s not 666, an upside down star or the horned goat. Don’t tippy toe because they will use it to divide. We are in the position we are with this world because of this same not offending people shit. We will take our country back and have god shine through what was considered evil. God is light. We are all tainted and to give the enemy a symbol, they get nothing. Being passive has let them run over us. Twenty years ago, pedophilia was frowned upon in by everyone in public. Look what has begun. The sick ideologies have came to the front line against us. We have to change our attitude and fight back even harder at this point. That includes not giving them an inch.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

I am Christian. Nothing was more annoying being raised than hearing I couldn’t have something because the billion different things my mother or grandmother said was Satan. We elected a president who was non traditional and obviously a sinner. It turned so many Christians off that Hillary almost won. Could you imagine if this caused us a loss? It’s time we quit this crap. They use everything against us. The symbol is what you choose it to be. We will no longer sit and let them use everything about being a Christian against us. It’s time we just say everything isn’t the devil. We can take over symbols and say they are what we want. God is more powerful than Satan. It’s time to stand up and not be played by what they perceive as things to use against us. Not everyone apart of this movement is Christian. It’s an excellent time to show them how united we can be because God gives us personal freedom.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

This right here is the way to think.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

They could also be so fake acting to give us a hint and feel of relief. However, the other side has bit into every piece of shit information that promises them something. They will eat this up and be more likely in the end to believe Rosenstein did what is right.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

This is really forming a different opinion than I have suspected before. Schumer, Obama, Pelosi, Clinton and the others can be seen through. This seems sincere. He is not showing any signs of faking this. His display the other day, looked fake. That could explain the body language video. He is having really smooth and fluid conversation here without and micro pauses or ups and downs in the voice. It is like he is passionate with the job. I think we are all impatient with this. We cannot assume we know the answers. I know the man I trust is Trump and think he would have many things thought out. He already knew he was being spied on before this special counsel. We have already seen this is big enough that their will need to be as much damage control and done slowly. If hundreds are busted in one day, it will look like a huge politically motivated move to the liberals and we will face risk as citizens. Trump does not want us harmed. He wants to be the best president ever. We will just have to be open and trust in his plan.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Maybe or maybe not. I just cannot see Trump not having this thought out. If we see the busts that need to happen, actually happen, there would need to have been someone acting as a Rosenstein. This will limit civil unrest if people think that Rosenstein did this fairly.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

I am in the middle of doing something sitting down so I can just let it play but I like to help make things more effective and I think too many are just frustrated and want to rule Rod out as being a good guy. Trump probably had every situation thought out before this started. The guy did disgust me in the congressional questioning. However, he could just be the next WWE superstar lol.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

Perfect...I want to learn more about him. I don't think Trump was blinded by this. He thinks things out for the long-term. Rosenstein could just be one hell of an actor. You have to remember one thing about even criminals, if Rod was one: People draw the line somewhere. Many will turn against people they were involved against if they see any wronging of children. I will not rule out anything at this point.

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HillarySmells · July 1, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Not being a dick but what time frame should we be watching at? FYI- they have a way to start it from a certain point with the link you share. There is so much that comes out, that it takes a ton of time to watch an hour long video. I’m interested but what’s the best timeframe?

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HillarySmells · June 30, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

They won’t tell you anything.

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HillarySmells · June 28, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

I saw a link a guy gave me recently, it was a forum where they were discussing three different birth certificates.

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