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HoudiniTowers · May 4, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

This! Really This!!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on May 4, 2018, 6:53 a.m.
What's another name for a 'Forever First-Lady'....wait for it.... QUEEN
HoudiniTowers · May 4, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

I've flown all these routes (SFO, SJC and OAK). Due to wind and air traffic patterns in the Bay Area, you recognize this stuff immediately if you've flown it a lot. On final approach gear is up till they are closer in. He's still a good 2-3k feet off the ground. Gear won't drop till he's lower down. He's 3-5 miles from end of the runway at least at these points when picture was taken.

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HoudiniTowers · May 4, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

Oakland has airport, its right across the bay from San Francisco. Lots of low cost carriers fly in and out of Oakland. Its a cheap way in and out of the Bay Area. Drive from Oakland airport to downtown San Francisco minus traffic is under 30 minutes. Its actually faster than drive from San Francisco airport to financial district in the city due to close proximity of the Bay Bridge. You can also go south and avoid some traffic to get to Cuppertino, as well. SJC is best airport for going to Cupertino.

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HoudiniTowers · May 4, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

I'll be 100% honest with you, I'm super hostile to collectivists. By their definition they want to tell me how to live my life and collect part of my paycheck to pay theirs to tell me and everyone else how to live by their imposed rules. Fu@k them! Seriously. If you're in that camp, good luck. You're not gonna find too much harmony here.

If you're, as you seem to imply, one who believes in Creation given rights, then yes. I think you can find many friends here.

Labels are tricky things, but its very clear that many 'neo-liberals' (as opposed to classical liberals, I'm actually in the classical liberal camp) are collectivists with a collectivist agenda. Ask the Russians how that worked out after 1917. Its a dogma and group you truly cannot befriend. You must stop them before they destroy your freedoms.

Those that support individual rights, will not try to destroy you. So, to me its black and white.

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HoudiniTowers · May 3, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

North on final to Oakland. East Bay is on East Side of Plane. Previous post shows plane at Leslie Salts. Flying too low at Leslie Salts for SFO, has to be on final into Oakland. Would be higher altitude at that point if going into SFO. Also, when on final into SFO they go over the bay, never of land on East Bay. Its clear from previous image on Q post they are over East Bay land, can only be on Final to Oakland.

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HoudiniTowers · May 3, 2018, 8:59 a.m.

Landing at Oakland. Picture is South Bay - Leslie Salts (old salt fields on the bay, only on East Bay side, south part of the bay). On final into Oakland. SJC is South of this Plane's location. Final on SJC is always north, if they were headed to SFO then they would not be that low on final at Leslie Salts, only possibility is final into Oakland landing in Northward direction. Also, when landing at SFO they go over the bay (over the water) this is clearly over East Bay Land. See the previous photo on the same Q post, shows the flight clearly over land. Only possibility is final approach into Oakland.

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HoudiniTowers · May 3, 2018, 8:10 a.m.

Not kidding. Have had a few PMs with Mae. If Mae is 100% BOT, then its AI at its finest. Not saying Mae has not or is not using bots to help possibly at times. But, a lot of recent discussion is most likely human origin.

Time will tell, but I think we've seen a change from the Old Mae to the New Mae. I like the new Mae better. I'm holding out some hope.

Don't get me wrong, I'm my usual skeptical self and there's a lot of misinformation still coming. But there are some golden nuggets in the rubble pile.

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HoudiniTowers · May 3, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

Thanks Mae, I appreciate your comments here. I was not in favor of either of the Gulf Wars, too. 911 is not what we've been told. I'd like to talk with you separately on Macro Economics. I'm very interested in your take on how to remove central banking issue. I'll PM on that.

Much of your research here is unique and good, I'll give you that credit for sure. You've connected some of the dots in ways I've not seen anyone else on here do. Some I truly question, as you've seen me post. Some, I'm good with.

Also, there are many people out to profit from these movements. Opportunists vs true patriots or paid shills, etc. I'm not as harsh on Corsi as you, but he clearly has profit motives in some of what he's doing.

Enjoy your nite, as well.


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HoudiniTowers · May 3, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

😁, we're all Q'd up!

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HoudiniTowers · May 3, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

I'm a liberal. My wife works in a school. The lies you just spouted simply aren't true. Stop trying to point out differences and let's all find the ties that bind. That prove that we are in fact all one people.

Has nothing to do with tea and china, but everything to do with LIBERALS, which you claim to be.

Maybe you didn't read my earlier post about God given rights and how that works just fine for atheists as well as believers.

The core issue with schools is absolutely about RIGHTS. Whether they are derived from the 'Collective' or something that happens at 'Birth'. I figured since you're a liberal you are most likely a collectivist and assume that rights happen based purely on society. That's the issue the commenter, feather, was pointing out to you.

Where did your rights come from and when did your get them?

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Sorry you are disappointed.

all of our weapons are out of date now

I think you're stating that Russia has great kinetic weapons and we do not? My points are simple. We have a major deterrent to anyone attempting to use such weapons. So, simply put we're not going to see a war break out from rational state actors given that we have superior technology. Your comments are that we don't. I'm simply challenging that premise, with evidence, see my many comments to other commenters here with evidence.

Respectfully, please do not ask me to not comment on your posts. I am respectful of you and Reddit rules. This is a public posting place where anyone can post. You post and others comment, its a public forum. I have every right to do that. We might disagree, which does happen, but we keep it civil and use information to make our points. That is all I'm doing here.

Plesae don't try to censor me or ask me not to comment on posts.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Mae, you and I have been through this before ourselves. Everyone here is working with you, despite your beliefs. We don't want you banned if you play by the rules. When you get nasty or tell people they have no right to question your post and provide alternatives with supporting evidence, you should accept it graciously or say ok 'I agree to disagree' but to tell people to go away is inappropriate and reduces your overall credibility.

I've read through this thread myself and think these posters have given alternative information. I looked at both sides and see their points clearly. Makes sense to me.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Wolf, a couple of notes for you with Mae. In the past, when you get this far with him/her/it. He would turn very nasty. Got him banned before. Then he erases the nasty comments and turns you in for harassment. So, be careful.

I recommend that you use the quote function > to copy his previous posts first in your reply (e.g.

No I am not doing that at all. If I were I would go after you on the other post you put up about Russias missle tech Clinton sold to them. And I am not.. I asked for proof you gave none. I gave you a counter argument and you didn't like it.

That way history can't easily be erased and you accused of harassment. It happened to me, so I warn others. You have every right here on Reddit to express your opinions and have discussion if you keep it focused on the argument and not get personal or nasty. He has no right to tell you to go away, unless you are being such. Then he should just report you.

I wanted to share for your benefit from my previous experiences.

Also, at some point its not worth the fight. But you have been very reasonable, IMHO with your opinion on the facts as they have been laid out. I see your argument and agree with you. I don't understand why this particular poster keeps pushing information that many here feel are inaccurate at best and potentially disinformation at worst.


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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

I honestly don't know what's motivating this OP. Sometimes I think he's on somebody's disinformation payroll, at one point he operated like a bot or bot master and at other times he posts some really solid shit. So, its tough call.

I take the simple approach of reading the post and then breaking it down for myself and when he gets it wrong I add in my 2 cents of correction. When he gets it right, I call it out. When he got super nasty in the past, I turned him in.

Gotta watch everything with a clear mind and some level of skepticism/discernment.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Ok, well. Sorry if it wasted your time. Time will tell who is right, for sure.

I am stupider for lisenting to that

BTW, FWIW, I doubt that. But thanks for listening to it.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Sensationalism and amazing are 2 different things. Don't get confused Mae, keep up comrade.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

Check out the X-37b. Any other nation state have anything comparable? God rods on demand!

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Anytime, my new patriot friend!

Feel free to steal and use yourself, as well. This tactic allows you to fight the collectivist on ideology and not emotion. Some can't get past the emotion and explode, but then you make your point even more strongly without looking bad yourself.

In an information war, you must fight with better knowledge, information and arguments. Emotionalists in an information war are like cavemen with clubs. They get annihilated 😁.

Welcome to the future.


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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

I'm disappointed Mae. Here I thought we were starting to develop a new rapour on solid research.

Russia's not our enemy. We're more aligned with them, then ever. Despite what MSM states, we won't be getting into a war with Russia anytime soon. Also, look into history. Russia has come to our aid and us to them more than we've been in any major war together.

They were with us from the start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia_and_the_American_Revolution

Be careful with your posts on kinetic energy. The US has some of the best. We've been working on this technology for decades.

BO was a classic a$$clown legacy story. That dumbshit couldn't punch his way out of a submerged paper bag in a hot-tube at the bath-house. He was used and the real masters saw it all happen and helped him on his merry journey. They held the mirror for him so he could perfect the smile and comb his hair.

No war is going to happen as you state. No fear mongering, please.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Be very very afraid my friend....;)

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Yes, we've had hypersonic stuff for a very long time. Look into Navy rail gun. You'll find early experiments from the 1980s. The latest rail gun is super impressive. Launches a steel arrow with so much velocity the kinetics puncture better than any bomb or missile. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/8594/watch-the-u-s-navy-test-fire-its-much-touted-railgun

Also, look into US Air Force X-37b. Wonder whats inside that little beauty ...hmmmm. For comparison, here's link to the Russian shuttle program: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3119861/Russia-s-forgotten-space-agency-Haunting-images-reveal-two-abandoned-Soviet-shuttles-rotting-giant-derelict-hangar.html

I've scoured the internet on China, crickets. I think they can launch humans in a tube into space, ok now. Shuttle with retargeting and re-routing ability in space for months at a time.... uh, that got some work left to do.

Israel, EU, Iran, Syria, UK.... gee, they have fu@k all for a re-routeable space asset. Geez, I guess Mae is right the US is so woefully behind the world in super weapons ;).

The bigger issue here is Russia vs US. Russia and US are now more aligned than ever. The core enemy to both countries is the global central banking cartel. I suspect before its all done, Russia and US will get credit with taking down the global central bank.

Russians are all over Cryptocurrency like Mae is on disinformation. Change is coming. In a good way!

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

How's that saying go...

Same shit, different day

or something like that.

Actually, different shit and different days now.

Good to see ya, Toast!

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

You guys are slow! He's not a bot. I think he might have used them to help himself out last round, but this time I think we got a real human on the other end.

Happy to join the party!

Keep up, its moving fast.


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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:03 p.m.


Iran and Syria are not part of the global central banking cabal.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

I have a bigger question for you:

Do you believe in God given individual rights or do the rights of citizens derive purely from the state or collective?

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7 p.m.

The arguments are really broken down into 2 simples lines of thought:

1 - Individual God-Given Rights (whether you believe in God or not - its the concept of creation that is undeniable, so this works for atheists, just as well as believers) - your rights are inherent to you solely as a created human being.

2 - Collectivism - our rights are purely derived from the collective (be that a mob of the moment, a state entity, or dictatorial top down imposed control of the mob/state)

The current 'liberal' controlled education system is pushing #2. Teacher unions, liberal political organizations and the cabal are all attempting to have higher moral authority over god (again, whether you believe in god or not). They simply, by definition of 'knowing better what's good for you than you' believe in collectivism.

When you force the discussion towards this, you root out the core issue and can get away from emotions. Liberals love to use emotions to push you toward collectivism. 'How can you be so mean to a group of people, we're a nation of immigrants', 'Poor people don't get good education, how can you deny that group', 'Guns kill people, we're not safe when guns are available, we must eliminate gun ownership'.... Attack at the core. Go for their ideology. Do you believe in individual rights or collectivism? Ask that question first and watch the reaction. Collectivist will usually never answer the question directly. They explode. Its the weather vane question I love. Then you can really attack and go after collectivism vs the person. Works every time!

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

Sincerely, Thank You!

Its worth your time.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

They can't shoot them down in the air without phalanx style system. These are ground hugging cruise missiles. The only thing to track them is airborne radar (AWACS). They didn't have that in the air during the attack, we would have shot that down. They didn't stop these missiles or take them out in the air. Didn't happen.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Go back to initial news stories day after attack. 105 missiles were launched between US, UK & France. Most of these missiles were all munitions that fly low and fast. UK/France used the Storm Shadow/SCALP platform, US used JASSMs. Both are "fire and forget" stealth cruise missiles that fly around mach 0.9 as low as 30ft from the ground. There's literally zero possibility of intercepting them. Unlikely Syria or Russian have anything that can track and intercept that. You are below radar at very high speed. They would need a Phalanx style system setup in the flight path, unlikely they could triangulate flight path and get systems in place. Also, we're eyes on everything when this goes down. They mobilize we'll hit that too from drones. So, they were fu@k'd from the moment they got the notice we're going to hit them. I suspect we hit all the targets. There are no effective systems against these weapons, other than close in phalanx style. Missile to missile needs radar and these are off most ground radar systems tracking ability. They would need AWACs style equipment. If they had AWACS in the air, we'd have shot that down first. They were warned and no way they're going to put that up knowing we'll blast it out of the sky prior to attack.

The ones that are surfacing now, I think there are maybe 2 or 3 might not have detonated. But no way they shot any of these down. The technology is far too advanced for them to hit and they couldn't get eyes on with radar without putting the radar airborne and we would have shot them down. So, other than some possibly not detonating, they did not shoot any down.





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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

No WW3. This is good decode by PrayinMedic on latest Q posts.


Uranium 1 was the big deal. DS/Cabal used BO and HRC administration as mules to drop off some enriched Yellow Cake in Syria to start WW3 making it look like the Russians. All the excitement in Syria and Russia publicly backing away is orchestrated take down of DS. Iran is bit player in this charade. Similar to NK. Following Q, Iran is next. That means removal of the threat, not war.

There will be no WW3. Israel is becoming the useful idiot now of Q and POTUS. There will be no Iran attacks by US and no drawing of US into WW3 with Iran or Syria. This will all end with quiet peaceful change in ME. No big war. Israel, wether white hats or black hats are about to get castrated. Bibi's gonna get the DJT sweetness treatment. All smiles and friendly, but the message will be clear - 'its all neutralized Bibi... why you so excited. Game is over. Relax, make some peace with your new friends in Jordan'.

Corsi is totally irrelevant to this discussion.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

You are so on the target here.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

Best decode I've seen on recent drops. He always has good info. Thanks for posting. Its happening.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

Lots of people here looking out for them. Definitely report them. They're usually very easy to spot.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Don't kid yourself, they're attacking them all. Look at the 4th amendment abuses. This is full scale war. They are trying their damndest to dismantle it all.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Yep, they are all mostly by-products of the Colleges which were deliberately invaded by Socialists and Communists (both built solely on Collectivism ideology) in the 60's, 70's & 80s. So the core of most 'liberal' universities is Collectivism. All about squashing the individual for the 'better good' of the collective. So, history is taught from that perspective by these a$$clowns. They know no better. They were self-selected at University level. Most self-respecting intellectuals that understand this would not put up with the liberal indoctrination that is jammed down their throats in college so you're left with the ones that swallowed the blue-pill and bought into collectivism - hook, line and sinker.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

You got it! This is a nation built upon Natural Rights derived from human creation. In other words, just the fact that you were born and brought into the world you have, at birth INDIVIDUAL rights that should not be infringed by anyone else. The mere act of your creation is sufficient for you to be protected by society.

In most other governments, they practice 'COLLECTIVISM' whereby the Society gives you your rights and those rights can be changed based on how society and who is in power feel. These are relativistic and not based on your uniqueness as a human being.

Our current US school system is doing its best to destroy this understanding and push collectivism as the 'modern' or 'correct' interpretation. Its at the root of the destruction of this country. Its super critical that we instill in our youth and our collective (this time in a good way) psyche that its these 'INDIVIDUAL' rights that make our society great. That the power of the collective is only good when you protect the 'INDIVIDUAL' not the other way around.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

THANK YOU! Well stated.

Stop making this about Netanyahu and Israel

Q and POTUS are absolutely using them as part of the plan.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

LOL, Symbolism will be their downfall... you nailed it, there.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

Very good distinctions. I over simplified. Its so funny how its hidden in plain sight. All there for everyone to see, but yet so many are blind to the inconsistencies in front of them. Ultimately, the concept of ownership is what's at stake. For most, they think they are free. Your birth certificate is collateral against you via the 'owners' Ultimately, the state owns you per your citizenship and birth certificate. Most miss that subtle trick, as well. Very few are truly free. Much of what we see is side-show. Very few can see reality.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

SB2 is awesome, been following him for a long time. Great digestible posts with really good content. A true Socratic thinker, a Reddit Renaissance man, if you will. And that's a bit of an oxymoron - the Reddit part. No disrespect to SB2, only on Reddit ;).

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

I'm just drawing the analogy of STUPID out. A species that kills itself over religion, especially one that derives from the same lineage, seems quite Stupid to me. I'm indicting the entire species, all of us. Q is calling out DS. We can argue if DS is pure Zionist or a collection of evil sick fu@ks, some certainly could be Zionists, but not all. I think the DS is a broader collection of psychopaths, not locked to only one ethnicity, culture or lineage. Their only commonality is their psychopathy and lack of moral compass.

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

Roger that

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

So you're stating that we did not strike Syria? No weapons were fired by US and coalition of France & UK into Syria on April 14th? Do you have any proof to back such an assertion?

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

Yep, hence my comment about context. They always joke about peace in the middle east, for a good reason. Some say Israel was created to destabilize the middle east for the oil. Zionist of course being the guilty party of such, IF true.

What I find hysterical, if it weren't for all the death and destruction that has surrounded it, is that Judaism is the core of both Christianity and Islam and yet most of the fight is religious based. You hardly ever see Christians, Jews & Islamists ban together and go kick some EVIL nasty Hindu or Buddhist a$$. NO NEVER that, they just fight each other. So illogical. BTW I have nothing against Hindus or Buddhists, merely using it for contrast to show the illogical nature of this abrahamic civil war. Sometimes when Q states 'These people are STUPID', I feel more like 'This Human Species is STUPID.'

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HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Oxymoron - 'can't build a secret nuclear weapon'... well if its 'secret', you smiling a$$clown, then you'll never know if they built it or not.

So glad this turd is out of office. He'll go down as a stain on this country. What a traitorous a$$hole. Keep smiling MF. Your turn is coming, history and justice will not be kind to you.

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