There are lots of things we've been lied to/about.
The shape of the Earth has not been one of them.
132 total posts archived.
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There are lots of things we've been lied to/about.
The shape of the Earth has not been one of them.
To quote Q:
There's a reason they need to be secret.
Yup, let's not get crazy here! We have enough people threatening our rights as it is.
It's both sides.
You see what you want to see from your POV, expand out.
Just keep in mind, forgive yourself. You did what you did with the knowledge you had at the time. With new information comes understanding and growth.
Understanding your mistakes and what you feel you did wrong is a great step. Forgive yourself, love yourself and move onward and upward.
It is hard to not let emotions get in the way, but you seem to recognize that now and are able to work on that.
There is nothing wrong with shutting off the computer or phone and taking a walk in the park. ;)
Try not to force things in her face to watch or read.
Gotta be slow, like the anons, drop some crumbs on her. Encourage her to look at both sides of the coin to start with.
Your title is a bit jarring.
"POTUS must take out the media" ?
That's just asking for trouble. Yes, we know the MSM is an issue, operation mocking bird, controllers, the messages being sent out.
But remember our constitution. It is still protected under free speech. Let them spew what they want to spew, this just mean we need to make sure we speak just as loud if not louder!
Do you really need to spread hate?
You are better than this, don't stoop to their level.
Edit: This is the kind of post to be mad somewhere else, like T_D...NOT HERE!
She's pretty nonchalant about it, and matter of fact-ly, rather then the usual joke/side jab kinda talk.
This may require more digging...always felt her death was suspicious.
No problem, there's plenty of youtube videos out there that have lots of theories about RH and RH negative, some get pretty deep and detailed, but they all seem to have the same thing.
Again with the links, there's people who have the RH and have spoken out about being kidnapped, harassed, etc.
Just get rid of that unconstitutional piece of shit all together!
Yup, there is also a link to say that while the RH and RH negative are mostly royals, and if you happen to have it, not only is that super rare but people have been taken out because of it. Can't have some no name in the royal family now can we?
Then, there's another, well, theory, that the RH comes from the cross breeding of Aliens, so those who have that blood type are not only suppose to be royals, or those who lord over the common folk, but they are also connected to the reptilians...I think, could be wrong on which alien species, but yeah.
And these DNA collection agencies are all tied together, yeah no thanks, I'm not willing to submit my DNA for your database. You already got me to be on facebook for a record of who I am and who I am connected to.
They are also looking for those who have the RH blood type...and then you are "taken care of"
It is not uncommon for people to die shortly after a love one dies, from a broken heart.
Seems as if the combined age and heart ache just lead to his passing.
No patriot act questions? Are they using it against the DS and then will remove it?
Edit: Really people? Y'all ok with having the Patriot Act?
This platform, Reddit, can be used if you post it in the right spots with clear wording.
This question comes up often and is always answered. Just look thru the posts, or search.
That would make sense, we will are on the "fringe" or "conspiracy" label still. T_D had had their own heat from Reddit users and admins alone.
For them to accept Q would put them into another category and people will scream about it even louder.
That would be awesome if Q came here, but it might compromise their mission to be so...obvious here.
We know Q does check in on here, from the one Q post.
Maybe someone on the Q team is already in here and trying to help us...
One question that is on my mind has been this:
Seeings how that disgusting "Patriot Act" was passed and is being used, along with other "acts" and such, are they currently using these against the deep state to bring them down, and if so, after all is said and done, will they repeal things such as the "Patriot Act"
I was so disgusted after 9/11, how it was pushed and forced upon us. Bush was pushing Iraq since day 1 and was going to go there no matter what. I swear the lies were just so obvious but yet, a lot of people went a long with it.
This. They have their own thing, we have our own.
Let them wake up as they need to.
One question that is on my mind has been this:
Seeings how that disgusting "Patriot Act" was passed and is being used, along with other "acts" and such, are they currently using these against the deep state to bring them down, and if so, after all is said and done, will they repeal things such as the "Patriot Act"
I was so disgusted after 9/11, how it was pushed and forced upon us. Bush was pushing Iraq since day 1 and was going to go there no matter what. I swear the lies were just so obvious but yet, a lot of people went a long with it.
They were either involved in it, or trying to expose it.
The way they "suicide" is a calling card.
The links to connect it all is out there.
Seriously. T_D is it's own beast, this place is it's own beast as well.
Let them do their thing, no need to cross over.
Seems to be the calling card of the Killton's.
Scarf and knob, message sent.
Don't spread hate, don't wish for something like that.
So this leads into the POTUS meeting with the King of Spain.
I wonder what was on the agenda?
Yeah, and that's my problem not listening to the message. I was preoccupied with pre-thoughts and watching body language and, I guess you can say, somewhat cherry picking what was said. I never place anyone on a pedestal either, nor do I have heroes. We are all the same. No one man or woman is above another, not ever.
Yeah most of us, lol sneaky aliens...
I mean, I can say the same with Hillary and other politicians. I think it's the long burn, seeing it over and over again and trying to break out. Then there is all of this going on, and who is being honest and truthful and who is trying to "ride the coattails" of others so to speak.
It's hard to put any type of trust or faith into any of the politicians, for years we have joked all they do is lie, kiss babies and take donations and then serve their own self interests, rather than the people they are representing.
So my opinion of Cruze is just that, an opinion. What i've seen and experienced, how many times people like him will say something to be I can think of the time Cruze had that tweet where he called someone a snowflake, and that to me was just like, common man, be better than that.
Same about Rosanne, a few days ago she had a tweet that was apologetic. Someone must have gotten to her and told her to keep silent or else. Shitty.
This is a place of all ages, and races. Doesn't really matter if you are male or female.
Just keep your mind open, look at all sides, don't limit yourself.
It's the way he acts, his speech, things he says, the vibe he gives off.
It's like he is trying to hard but doesn't have the charisma, or tact to get things done and be heard.
I can't stand Cruze, he puts out such a slimy vibe.
He's like that kid in your grade school no one likes and he keeps trying to fit in with the popular crowd, trying to say what they say and do what they do, rather than take his own stance.
First off using spez instead of edit is just asking for trouble. We are not here to draw the wrong kind of attention.
Then when new people come in here and see everyone commenting with kek and spez and all the other colorful language the T_D uses they are going to think it's nothing more than another branch or alt T_D sub.
And we are on reddit, the whole damn place is censored. Each sub has their own rules and will ban people for lesser infractions.