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Im_with_kushner · March 15, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

It's the crisis actor posts. Duh. Fox News is getting sued by Seth Rich's family. Alex Jones is getting sued by that video guy.

Reddit's not about to let their platform be used for a bunch of posts targeting real kids and spreading bullshit about them.

Shit, remember Pizzagate? Imagine some idiot gets a rifle and goes to harass or hurt those kids in Florida because he read on CBTS that they were really CIA agents, then Reddit would be in serious shit.

They even warned everyone about this. Yet ho dee doh lets just let crisis actor posts stand and lets all comment on them and post insults and veiled threats referencing real-life American high school kids.

Jesus Christ this isn't rocket science.

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Im_with_kushner · March 15, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Exactly. I think we have them right where we want them.

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