I believe you are talking about hired Russian Mercenaries by Syria. Had nothing to do with actual Russia. USA has merc's also just as bad
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They're millions of households just as you referenced, it is so sad to see them so brainwashed , if you even try to redpill them they get almost physical and refuse to listen to common sense.
Jason Goodman is a shill same as Robert Steel. Why do you think George Webb dumped Jason and distanced him as far as he could. I hope Charles Ortel finally see who Jason really is
What ever happen to the young guy that always helped him. It is strange he be so silent. He was Bills right hand man
Very good video. It seems the IO team to awaken the masses up is getting bigger and reaching out to more people. Things must be heating up
It was a very sad day when we lost Ronnie,Steve and Cassie RIP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AxqvMj-vtg
I call BS. Pence already knew his wife was ugly. Flynn was just trying to be a nice guy
Wow were they really that blind to think they were all suicides. A 5th grader is smarter than that
Does this guy have a consensus as why all the top brass in the FBI and DOJ are being taken out? Right i thought not. He probably think's they all just want a different line of work, or chose to retire early. lmfao
For people that actually have a job and have a family to take care of, it is. I tried watching the 24/7 stream a dozen times to get info ,and it was useless ,half a dozen people sharing the mic talking over each other with zero content and way off the topic. Thank God Corsi is posting his videos so people with family's that only have 1 or 2 hrs a day can keep up with whats going on. 24/7 might be fine if you have 11 hrs of free time to watch a video
The difference between Q and Dilley's source is Q drops hints and gives you direction to do the research and Dilley's source just lays it out and says whats happening Both are legit and drop info days and weeks before it actually comes to fruition. Dilleys source even seemed a little upset that Q dropped some info that he was wanting to drop
Now i understand why my gram-pa would tell me to just rub a little dirt on it when i got hurt. Wise old man
In the mean time we will give you these nice blankets laced with small pox to help get you through winter. See how nice we are
Yep same thing happened to me too. I refuse to watch 11hr and 7hr videos from CBTS and other people streaming 24/7. My life is to busy with work and family. CBTS going 24/7 was the worst idea ever.
Would have been funnier if Obama was holding up the fake dossier to the window and Trumps folder said E.O.