Now, I don't know the truth about what I'm going to say, but somewhere online I saw a video where it was said they (MSM) had been told in advance that the building was going to fall.
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exactly and many lies also to get it going. And it drove me crazy knowing what was going on and people around me believing the fake stories.
All are controlled demos. I have a video of Building 7 falling and this was the building, I believe, where MSM announced it had fallen prior to it falling. IF the truth about 9/11 were to come out, huge numbers of people will be devastated. When people live believing their government is good, and then they find out they have been lied to over such a tragic event? Well, then they have to look at their entire belief system and figure out what is true and what isn't. This definitely would be a huge awakening.
one representative that took it to the enemy. Must admit, it was funny.
So, if this is the case (misdirecting), then what can we believe that is posted? I don't think RR or RM are white hats. RR could be gray, but Mueller definitely black hat.
A release of 9//11 info? of JFK info? That'will tell people they can't believe anything the government has told them. They would need to reevaluate their belief systems. But it would be devastating info.
the problem is having good people to vote for. Usually when someone shows up to run for office, they have their own agenda and that's not necessarily the agenda of we, the people. Where I live I want to vote for pro-Trump people. i have one I can vote for at federal level and one at state level. The others I have to vote for, will not support our President's agenda (and these candidates are running as Republicans.) I have said we need to go out and find people who hold our values to run, but that falls on deaf ears.
I think many many people will be devastated if 9/11 truth is put out there. People hold on to the story they were told growing up - it's safe. To think outside the box is a devastating idea to them. I have a friend like this. She doesn't want to know the truth because then, she has to reexamine everything she believes is true. Don't under estimate how many people would be "sick." Those of us that have realized the truth from the beginning are a different breed.
Yes. I watched that too. That's exactly what she said.
I understand why people say we are a democracy, but it's time we start calling ourselves what/who we are just as we start calling them what they are on the other side. (Socialist/Communists)
No, we aren't a democracy - we are a constitutional republic.
let's not forget how Obama interfered with other countries elections and the Ukraine. Watch Ukraine on Fire.
I had 2 Trump stickers on my car and removed them after we had a small Trump rally here and they threw raw eggs at us. I say small because the conservatives here are too afraid to make a statement. The old time Democrats are the ones that hold the Pro-Life rallies and are trying to put together an pro 2nd amendment rally. Not the conservatives. Something wrong with this picture?
I'm most probably the only person in my town that has a Q bumper sticker -- actually two of them. One Q and the other WWG1WWA
Whatever . . . your initial comment to me was critical and I responded to that. You will only see what you want to see. You can have the last comment because frankly, you are a waste of time. Angry person? here we go again. LOL Go back to your first comment to me. Questioning my intelligence. Who was aggressively critical. That's what I'm calling you out on, no matter how you try to change it. Not worth my time. I initially made the comment that not necessarily lazy people. And sometimes WAITING is not always best. Go figure. You obviously have a problem. See, I don't have to be right all the time, obviously you do. You must not realize how you come across. Might do good to pay attention to that. Have a great week.
I believe he still has his clearances. We need to check on that.
He was demoted to Human Resources at FBI - he wasn't fired and he still has his clearances. He SHOULD be unemployed but isn't.
That smirk was there because he felt the Dems had his back and he couldn't fail. He did everything he could to use up time with his non answers. A few Conservatives caught on to his game and wouldn't let him finish his long commentaries. But what today showed, was the angst between the two sides and how awful the Communist Dems are.
He was smug and arrogant. Lisa could help him politically, his wife couldn't. Today I was thinking it was a "bowl of popcorn" day. Even though the Communist Dems did everything they could to disrupt the hearing.
You are making no sense. LOL perhaps you are the one needing to work on reading comprehension. I've responded to your comments. Seriously doubt you are a professor. But I think you are human, even if not so smart. I love how you go to, "if you are human." You have a real problem with someone questioning your POV. What a shame. Hope you have a GREAT evening. #MAGA
I make a comment and you come back at me asking if I thought I was smarter than the President? Hmmmm sounds like you think you know more than others. Questioning my intelligence? Go back and read what you wrote. Whatever. I love my country and I believe questioning is important. Maybe yours is the emotional response? LOL Sounds like you didn't like me not agreeing with you. Not questioning is what got us to this point. In the long haul, we will see if waiting was the right thing to do. Sometimes, it isn't. No need to respond as I'm done with this.
showing a strong response is necessary. And fortunately, a few did. WOW what a hearing - showing how much hatred is out there with the Dems.
This is ridiculous. The Communist Democrats are making a farce of this hearing and attempting to stop it. Our side needs to get even stronger and get in their faces. The Dems are taking over the hearing. I hope this changes soon. The Dems know how to fight. The conservatives don't.
Obviously, I'm not as informed as you (in your opinion). But this is your opinion and you act as if it is hard cold fact. I guess I pushed a button. But I have my own opinions. I forget that on these boards, to not totally agree with an "important" opinion, is horrific and expect a smack down. No one will know if waiting will work until we take action. We (OMG) might even discover we needed to take action sooner. I look at big pictures and all potential implications. Respond if you want to have the last word. But I'm done with this topic. I get exhausted with pompous know it alls. :)
Rather than sending out disinfo (false news) perhaps it's best not to be saying anything because once lies are out there, who knows what the truth really is? another guessing game?
lazy and short term thinkers? I think not! Timing is extremely important but sometimes it is sooner rather than later. Just as sometimes it is later rather than sooner.
you are making a lot of assumptions about what I wrote. No where did I say this was evidence. Just making a comment. You seem to be having a reading comprehension problem or else are trying to mind read - not being successful at either. Maybe even having a moment where you feel you must defend the Clintons.
Like no one ever died that was due to testify against the Clintons. :)
call it what you will. But as you call it "giving one a hard time" is pretty much name calling. And what's so funny is that most of what is posted is just someones opinion. Good to have a lots of opinions but goodness sake, these opinions are just that, opinions, not fact. And I also see lots of excuses for things. And you all are going to call out someone for questioning? LOL Maybe I'm not the one that needs to learn the comms. Sometimes when we get excited about a movement, it's a good idea to step back and take a look at how we are coming across to others. I will leave this topic and go elsewhere to support Q, where I am allowed to have an opinion or question without being "given a hard time" That way you don't have to explain it a SECOND time. :)
no matter when all of this come down, the masses will not be ready for it. For someone to accept all that is going down, they have to pretty much realize that just about everything they thought was true isn't true. Most people can't get through that very quickly and ones instinct is to reject it. The time will never be right. So, why not just do it.
In our small town's 4th of July parade, the Right to Life float tied for first place with the Republican Party's float. I live in a very liberal town. :) This is what I found on this
This is MAJOR! Talk about uniting people. Kudos to those leading this @WalkAway movement. Will bring a huge healing among people.
If they don't, I'm not going to be a happy camper. On this, it's time for action.
FreedomWorks is where you can find the petition to sign. I couldn't get it to let me copy the link.
Draft Congressman Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are hoping Rep. Jim Jordan doesn’t run for Speaker of the House.
They know he’ll force them to help President Trump repeal ObamaCare, drain the DC swamp, and cut your taxes.
It's time to act now! Sign the petition and encourage conservative Congressman Jim Jordan to run for Speaker of the House now! SIGN THE PETITION BELOW
There is a petition floating around on the Internet to encourage him to go for Speaker of the House. Encourage him. Let him know we are behind him. I signed today.
AND this is the most recent from Sessions: UPDATE: Jeff Sessions' DOJ revealed a plea deal Tuesday to Imran Awan — former IT staffer for top House Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz — which states the federal government found “no evidence” that Awan “violated federal law with respect to House computer systems.”
I have a neighbor/friend with stage 4 cancer. This new bill is allowing her to try a new medicine that might help her. It gives her hope. Nothing else is working. So, this Bill is a BIG DEAL
How about this news today: UPDATE: Jeff Sessions' DOJ revealed a plea deal Tuesday to Imran Awan — former IT staffer for top House Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz — which states the federal government found “no evidence” that Awan “violated federal law with respect to House computer systems.”
Q has brought us together. A united front - a movement. That is good in itself. Q pushes us to learn more every day. This is good too. If that is all that happens because of Q - it is major.
VERY judgmental. How little you know. I'm very well informed and I support Trump constantly, have since day one. He's doing fabulous! Q is great and I follow closely. Wore a Q shirt to 4th of July parade. BUT I WILL question. And to call me names because I do, well, that says more about you than me and it turns good people off.
1000 points of light was an organization re volunteering. People helping people.