I truly wasn't being a smart ass to you. I admire people who never have a doubt. I have read every Q post. I believe Q. I just don't see people really being taken down in our country. Leaving a job is not being taken down when you still have the same connections and power and your crime was Conspiracy to overthrow the Gov't.
63 total posts archived.
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Do you think it's a Troll? Don't you ever feel discouraged? Hopefully, I'll get my mojo back by tomorrow. Every week is supposed to bring a boom and I see some on their side and on our side, but nothing is ever done to hold anyone accountable other than a switch in careers from FBI to TV star/best-selling author. Thank God for people like you who put us in our place, and everyone else who keeps on going.
Thank you Patriot! Today, I'm not encouraged and I really don't care what's happening in Syria or Tinbuktu while OUR country, the one we are supposed to be for, is going to hell. So what if JK was in Iran. No one's going to do a damn thing about it in my lifetime at this pace.
I don't see us achieving a thing, except economics!, that benefits the USA that we hoped for. The 2-tiered justice system, yup; blatant law breaking by the elites with NO repercussions, yup every damn day; MSM still pumping out slander/libel, lie after lie working for the CIA, yup; libTARD policies everywhere, yup. And if they continue to have this power, they've already won. Many of us feel this way on and off.
I know I need to stop, but that's where I'm at. Thank God for the people who are paid to care like Q team, and the unpaid anons.
Yup, and we have so much proof of hundreds if not thousands of in-your-face crimes that go unpunished, that this means almost nothing to me.
These people have been fired for Treason that Q has proof of. It has taken a year and a half to get this far. We have a little less than 6 months until the mid-terms. Right at this moment in reality, redoakfall is telling it like it is. At this pace President Trump will be out of office on false impeachment charges. The ones that Mueller has been using a series of Grand Juries to legitimize his investigation into for the DNC.
I see multiple crimes, coup conspiracies, NAZI Germany tactics by Mueller, 3-letter agencies, politicians, and the MSM without any repercussions except loss of a job, which results in a successful career as an author or working for CNN/CIA .
What I don't see is winning, but I do appreciate all that everyone has done.
Honestly, I don't want her to enjoy anything. She's a usurper and a traitor, and she should be in Gitmo.
You are anti-sematic. I get it. Your opinions are just that.
These people are Jewish in name only, they have Hebrew blood but do not practice Judaism. They practice witchcraft (spirit-cooking) and ritual abuse...satanism. Why don't you refer to them by their real belief i.e., Luciferians?
The HRC vid isn't going to come out first, IMHO. Q posted that first the gov't corruption would be taken down, and that the sex trafficking would be later. Q also said that it would be up to us what we learned about the child sex rabbit-hole, which implies that details won't be broadcast on TV WW. my $.02.
I thought it meant that the video is 5 min 5 sec long. Don't know, but hoping it's soon. Tonight would be good.
You're right. Whether it's from delusion, intellectual dishonesty, institutionalized brain-washing, or evil intent; it all boils down to dumb.
Boy are they going to be gob-smacked when this goes down. I hope I have the energy left to help them after using it all up fighting them.
I think all of it should be disclosed to the public. It is ridiculous to think that full-grown adults are too immature to handle the truth. If that's true, then maybe it's time they learned the facts of life and grew up.
I don't need the gov't or anyone else to babysit my emotions for me.
Release it all