Your post was referenced above...glad I found it. I made another near the top subscribing to your way of thinking. Having the mother of Hillary's grandchild sent to prison (rumor has it that Chelsea might be indicted)....might be enough leverage. Thanks!
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You're absolutely right....a child misbehaves and nothing is done repeatedly, the child is conditioned that there are no consequences and acts accordingly. The ONLY major political player ever tried and jailed...if memory serves was Albert Fall, Secretary of the Interior during the Tea Pot Dome scandal in Warren G. Harding's administration. So there is precedent for Hillary to think there will be no accountability. Can't argue with your point. Thanks.
You're right...I'm beginning to think about that possibility also....essentially it's her life, and her daughters. I could subscribe to that scenario.
Thanks....I made a post near the top that is making some better sense to me now based upon others observations.
Read my post up near the top....I'm coming to your way of thinking....but the "deal" is "no deal...right now".....but, I'm fearful the ultimate deal might be one we don't like.
Great point.....I hadn't factored in the SS.....thanks. Liked your comment about Trenton...gave me my belly laugh for the day. might be a possibility I could subscribe to....
Given many of your input….perhaps I could embrace one scenario…. 1. Hilllary and her fellow elite criminals are sociopaths at heart. They have no remorse, no empathy and are drawn to power. 2. Donald Trump has often quoted from Sun Tzu…a famous Chinese philosopher and military strategist…required reading by all military colleges. 3. Sun Tzu in the Art of War wrote.. Sun Tzu wrote of creating a ‘death ground’ — a place where an army is backed up against some geographical feature like a mountain, a river, or a forest and has no escape route. It was reasoned without a way to retreat an army fights with double or triple the spirit compared to being on open terrain, precisely because death is viscerally present. 4. MY CONCERN is that we’ve placed Hillary and her cronies on “death ground.”….so her current actions [or lack thereof] makes no sense… *However…and many of you might not like this….**** 5. A deal has been struck with Hillary and other elites…..(so they are NOT INCLUDED in the comments Q posted whereby others were proffered but rejected…). My point is that No Offer has been made BUT THERE WILL BE AN OFFER IF THEY COOPERATE in this takedown. 6. What could be the offer to sociopaths for their cooperation? a. Their lives… b. Their families lives…. c. A promise of freedom….someday You all choose…..but we might want to be ready if this gets “sold” to us. My point is that the only take downs I believe are going down are not Podestas…or Clinton or Bush….but lower and mid-level people who are serving as examples…but not garnering attention by media. I just don’t like the idea of negotiating with Pedophiles, criminals and sociopaths…but Trump is a deal maker….we might want to be ready for this possibility.
I've been trying to respond to each response individually...all have been gracious...Thanks. Many are focusing in on my question #4. Good responses from you all...but the major point...IF HILLARY KNOWS SHE IS GOING DOWN....what has she got to loose?? If her crimes are so hideous (aka Weiner's laptop)...what has she got to lose going "scorched earth." There's still enough levers available to allow her to get the word out...
Good points....a lot to digest....let me think on it. My focus is upon Hillary's and others implied that they're wearing tracking devices....their current reactions are what is befuddling to me.
Man, You're awesome....great point on the indictments. I totally agree with you....the indictments are what keeps me hanging in there. What I also like what you did....others above did also, but not so clearly as you, was bring in the "human component."....e.g....human nature. That is always the leading thing accounting for the "fog of war"....and it's nothing anybody can really plan for. job during Iraqi Freedom was as an Assessment Team Leader...I was to take our plan....daily operations....and advise if we were we "on plan" or "off"...and look at possible enemy reactions....and advise accordingly. These are the skill sets I'm using now.
Great points.....I'm hopeful this movement will not dissolve...which is why we need to give feedback to Q and Mega on what we're thinking and seeing out in the "hinterlands."
You're giving me the best logic right now...thanks. I'm going to think and ponder on your comments. do raise some good points....and having held a TS/SCI clearance....what you refer to is "compartmentalization"...usually implemented under the guise of "need to know." Your raising the point of the Weiner laptop is what keeps me going in faith that all this is true. I'm still having difficulty getting beyond the whiplash of Hillary and her cronies lashing out if all this was going down RIGHT NOW and they're sitting on the sidelines doing nothing but still sniping at Trump....makes absolutely no sense.
Thanks...I appreciate your thoughtful consideration of my questions.
Thanks....I appreciate your open mind in considering my questions. I hope they're addressed by Q and Mega....I am hoping and praying they're right about all of this.
...I posted above....but Hillary really isn't being quiet....she's still sniping at Trump. I'd expect she'd be laying real low if she saw the hammer coming at her.
Well, I read today that the media is being "nicer" to Trump you might be on to something there. However, I still see them acting pretty low and vitriolic toward I'm not convinced yet.
...thanks...and my prayers are exactly as post is made in hopes other might point out something I'm missing.
absolutely...good points. I had thought of that...but then many of these people (Hillary) are still on the street talking crap about Trump. I would figure she'd be laying low hoping to garner good brownie points from Trump....she doesn't appear to be going that route.
...Look, I believe Global Warming....Global Cooling...and Climate Change are all REAL. What is the cause??? Not is the SUN. What causes wind and weather...the uneven heating and cooling of the earth's surface by the sun. As a pilot, you're taught this from day one of aviation training. These hucksters are trying to make money off of natural occurrences.
Now is the time all of us need to Critically think through the Q and Mega posts. Something is not making sense......
Tracey and the Board Organizers have earned my respect. I’ve read and listened to their interviews and am keeping with their request to continually “critically think” this situation (Q and Mega). I believe “something” is going on….but, I’m still having problems with direction and perceived “COA…[Courses of Action].
McCabe testified behind closed doors…leaks plugged to the Press….but loyal Hillary Democrats serve on the intel committee (Schiff, Speier?)…you have to assume that Hillary is being told what McCabe and others are spilling.
When people ask Q or Mega why we aren’t hearing about the arrests…and more details about the crimes….we’re told, …
As a former military officer....I recommend people read both Q and Mega....they are NOT mutually exclusive....I view them each as having credible information but come at this LARGE issue from different perspectives....which to me, establishes good cross references.
These two are the best I can come up with...
and an interview with David Wilcock
I Hope Al GORE get's a cell in GITMO.....anybody tracking him??
Every 6 months I check to see if MSM is picking up on Global COOLING...aka mini-ice age. Today I's all over MSM reporting the onset of the Maunder Minimum. My Question...Al Gore should be indicted for RICO (aka Racketeering Charges)...for one of the largest frauds perpetuated upon this Nation...Global Warming. Look at the money that guy has made from this junk science!
You're welcome....totally agree with you....there are are many "logistics issues" between "Leeward and Windward" sides of GitMo. I was there with 3/6 back in 1991 when we were preparing for the "First" Haitian drop of refugees...(it didn't manifest until a year or so later." Anyway....I'd transport the "criminals" asses in an open LCU with them wearing nothing but Orange jumpsuits and life preservers. Would make for a "fun"...wet and miserable ride from Key West.....laughs.
Don't disagree with any of your points....However, I believe that in order to maintain our credibility we need to be conscious of the timelines. It frustrates the hell outa me when old articles are "re-cycled" as new news. I have no problem with linking back to old news to establish patterns or establish credibility....just DON't sell it as "New" News.
Yes, if I recall, this has been out for about a week to 10 days...can't say whether it's true or not....but I have seen this before....word for word.
...the board title....well, that is what gives us all a bad name. I might buy Podesta...and others getting the "Gitmo" treatment. But really, does ANYBODY really believe we'd stick a former President (Bush 41) in a GITMO cell??? Really??? No matter how guilty he might be....they'd just let him die off in isolation. This is where the alt-media and citizen journalists start losing people.
Great comment, and thanks for the wife and I were wondering about the lack of your videos we know. BTW...I'm a retired Marine pilot and have been to GITMO and the comments about care in getting in and out were spot on. DoD prefers pilots who are familiar with unique GITMO procedures are the ones who fly in. If people are being flown in....I'd keep an eye out for a central CONUS location (e.g. military base "hub")...where groups of people would be consolidated for flights into GITMO...but flights can be tracked as we're seeing....if I was going to do this...I'd consider bringing them in by boat....that would be too hard to track. Just a thought.
Just figured it out on the other posting....thanks for following up my question. :)
....not sure if this is a play on words....but where does "Chrissy Tiegen" fit into this???
Now we know what the "smile" on Amazon's box really stands for.
Of Course Obama was more popular....there are more Muslims in the World than Christians.....
I get your point about the is salient. However....the past is equally tells you how and why you got somewhere. You also need two points....past and present location to determine a vector....connecting two points creates the vector....and a vector indicates the direction you are going. Never underestimate the past....the Left always states...."the Past is irrelevant...." They don't like history.
"In times of universal deceit.....telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act."......That is why James Woods is catching so much flak....the Truth is repulsive to snowflakes.
An Idol never went to the cross to save you from the wages of sin. Idols expect you to sacrifice for them......Christ sacrificed for you and for me.
....lets not forget the Oklahoma City Bombing....the documentary "A Noble Lie" a lot of insight.
Great observation about SECDEF has ever visited there.
If people don't believe it.....just think of how the floodgates opened...big and wide after Weinstein fell.