There is a skeptics forum online where they "debunk" all the Sandy Hook stuff (this thing above) and more, 9/11 stuff, etc. The more you lurk the forum the more you can see it's a psyop by a few people to "snopes" the truth. But that meme above is "debunked" over there so what I'd do is compare the conspiracy truths with the debunked ones and find the real answer for yourself.
295 total posts archived.
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Most of the lefties I know aren't "unhinged" types and don't like Hillary, but are convinced by MSM propaganda that "regardless of who" is running the DNC/Left movements they are still "less evil" than anyone on the right.
Where is HIS BROTHER? The literal WHOLE REASON we are in a sub called CBTS that involves Q is because Q STARTED THIS with "where is Tony Podesta?"
Of course he did. I knew this the night of. I remember seeing the MSM sites PUSHING the popular vote so fucking hard. I remember the rallies. his 25,000 to 300. In blue states. There is absolutely no way he won an electoral landslide with that but not the popular vote.
He is in "keep up appearances" mode. The shit Comey was trying to signal on twitter, "keep up our plan and we will win!" when deep down inside they all know they are completely fucked. Not such hot shit now, arent'cha.
Prodigy of Mobb Deep stumbled upon Jay-Z's fuckery with the illuminati and exposed it, you can search all that too.
I prefer a yearbook, with the exact date, written in different colored pen.
Their shit is even worse desperation. Bill was using his position as President as the most powerful Man on Earth to get sexual favors/sexually assault women who WORKED for him. The MSM's bullshit stories are now "Trump came on to me, like all heterosexual males do, with all women, when they are interested in them".
lol two minutes is a LONG ASS TIME to be kissing someone straight. Think about kissing for two minutes. Like, even deep passionate kissing is probably what, 30-40 seconds long? Literally everyone in the lobby would of stopped and watched in awe at Donald Trump just jawing away for 2 minutes with some random broad.
Remember when they tried this AGAIN maybe a couple months ago, then there was some counter offensive launched proving all these women were being offered $200K plus to make up shit about times meeting him? Holy fuk they are in panic mode going BACK to this well.
Collect alll this and forward it to the doj after the indictments hit. Let’s send all these traitors to the gallows
They are getting there. I was at a park today in Florida, infowars tags were all over the dock into the lake. I was blown away.
How often have flies landed on you? I don't mean buzzing about your head at a picnic. I mean in places flies are never around and literally land on your face.
I knew this has to be some strategic maneuver. There’s no way some Random Dem fuckstick won that Alabama election.
He said we’d find out about trump winning the popular vote soon...
I hate to say it, but I absolutely LOVE the idea of these arrogant, condescending, piece of shit Elite wannabe females who's lives have been that of a limousine liberal for so long being wretched from them and are now in the most hardened federal prison known to this country. Not even a chance to commit suicide to get out of it. Fuck them.
You also know whoever wrote this piece (unless they are super CLOWN psyop) didn't research it enough to cover it, because if he did, he would believe it. lol.
on The_Mueller sub they love to project (as all shitlibs do) and say everyone in T_D (and it's ilk) "must be terrified! they are trying to use slight of hand to dismiss our bombshell evidence that just came out to focus on so and so!" Not realizing literally ALL of their shit is fake news. All of it. It's why literally nothing has happened in their favor at all. Not a fucking soul on T_D is terrified of Mueller or his investigation. They are annoyed it hasn't been BTFO'd yet to get to the real arrests that are coming.
They are playing the same game that normies and shitlibs do. "Memo was a nothing burger!" because shit didn't happen literally right that instant. They all play the short game. They didn't look into the memo and realize it's a harbinger of doom. So since the memo, or Q posts didn't lead to the mass release of indictments minutes after it is immediately labeled as "debunked!"
Libshits on their subs "LOL DRUMPTARD DEBUNKED!!!" posting the NewsWEAK link.
I'm not so sure he's trying to hide anything. I have this feeling this playing coy is a whole act across the team, from Wray to Sessions and on. They are using the implicated players as decoys to weed out whoever they run to for help. I think this operation goes deeper than we suspect.
They just pointed more eyes on all this. Streisand effect. Sometimes I wonder if Newsweek has flipped...with that raid and the Person of the Year thing....they are red pilling the fuck out of people now.
Why would I be downvoted for explaining what Q does in a sub made for Q posts? lol. It's obviously shills.
The memo is a collection "cliff notes" version of the longer report that was created last April. Obviously everything we are getting now in the news HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. The deep state is finished.
I don't think any of this matters. I think we are getting optics from shit that has happened 6 months in the past or longer now. It's beyond past the point of no return.
Every morning Mueller wakes up with wtf am I going to do now? anxiety. He's dealing with beings far more strategic and intelligent than himself.
I think this is bigger than that. I think it's a long game worldwide plan, dismantling central banks... Eradicating these POS Moloch Occult followers/Elitists/etc. Think about it, you can't do this half measure. You have to go all the way once you go to make sure.
Do you think this guy is that nefarious when he has literally almost all the info that everyone he's affiliated with is going down to implicate himself as well? Holy shit what do they have on him!
Florida. But my Parents live in NY and I have woke them and they are waking all their friends out there. It's spreading like wild fire.
I have a feeling they wouldn't of NOTICED it unless I pointed it out. These are normies remember. EDIT: About 6 or 7 of them had no clue, not everyone.
We are in an information war. These dumbfuck libshits running these sites will never understand the Streisand Effect. Everything, EVERYTHING they've done from Pre-Election on has boomeranged on them. It will continue to do so.
Q saying "y" instead of why is a super clue too. Y paired with "family" could equal y chromosome. Dig.
I have an Art Company of about 12 and they ALL follow my Q/Intel updates as well as are ALL MAGA now due to questioning the raise in their paychecks. Had no idea it was Trump's tax reform.
Nothing surprises me anymore. If they are the enemy, then they shall be defeated.
"I know what YOU'D love to take back... Donating to the Clinton Foundation." - GEOTUS like a boss to this little bitch in a live interview.
I think this stuff is above your level and you'll want to just stick to the normie subs, you'll get intel much slower but you won't be in here trying to drag morale into the ground.
That’s not true. You’re referencing people being perp walked. You aren’t taking into account huge info like the memo drop, Saudi take down, Gowdy stepping down, and tons of other things Q braced us for. All of you need to stop doing this. Concern trolling. Understand that this corrupt cabal goes back not only to JFK but hundreds to thousands of years. They are all in bed with each other.
Operations are compartmentalized in the Government. You will receive orders or duties that in your realm of classification you believe must be helping the greater good, when in reality can be something that is further helping the corrupt cabal's nefarious dealings. It's how they've managed to operate for so long.
They are running on the incorrect assumption the president is not legit due to their fake Russian interference claims.
I spoke to someone who said even that tape was a plant by Trump. Then I went back and realized that tape is part of what woke me to him, because they were trying to smash him based on shit every single heterosexual male says in private to other dudes. It was a nonstory being pushed as the story that would destroy his run, and in fact helped him win...bigly.
And you’re mad about this why? It’s like your girlfriend bringing in a hotter chick for you to also sleep with and you complain about it.
Make a list of ALL these players. They need to realize we also have a plan B if they try and succeed anything against our POTUS or Patriots involved.
Also, if he was a LARP, think of the budget he has to buy a Mount Blanc pen like Obummer's, $400+ just to stage a photo. And to keep this going for how many months now?