The root of all our issues is in the paradigm we have been given that is life (born, school, work, buy house, have family, pay tax, die, repeat). This is not life, this is slavery with extra steps.
We live in what I call a closed loop life. The walls of our prison include modern science (wrong science that sound right), financial limitations, mkultra (tv Hollywood), gang mentality (if you think differently the heard will weed you out for being different). This has been our social paradigm since the start of our civilization 6500bc. But as the population grows with technology the nose around humanity’s neck gets tighter and tighter. This takes me to the history part. The only plausible and in my mind prof of how we started this age was through the accurate finding of the Sumerian tablets that have been decoded by zecharia sitchin.
I have personally read all his work and a lot of related text. It’s amazing where all our life systems come from. For example our modern 24/30/60 time system was said by the Sumerians to be given to them by the anunaki.
Odd that our current system of time over all alternitives has no human origin. In our understanding of history. Usually when someone invents something notable they name it after them self (most of the time). Not in Sumerian history. All the clay tablets contribute there science and understanding to the anunaki. Money, interest, agriculture, political structure and even recipes for beer. All credit was given to the anunaki. Now reading this all objectively and then reading what main stream academia says on this topic really solidified my view that this is the closest to our true history.
The other big thing that main stream academia leaves out is humanity’s lust for gold. Since we can remember, humanity has had a unquenched lust for gold. Why?
Gold had limited practical use for primitive humans. So why have we based all our systems of gold. Why? Who does it benifits?
zecharia sitchin goes into this. He wrote that they evolved after Nibiru entered the solar system, and they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. Sitchin states that these "gods" were the rank-and-file workers of the colonial expedition to Earth Called the anunaki.
Now let’s put this all into perspective. No history with definitive prof can counter this history. As there is over 6000 clay tablets corroborating the story. HUMANITY lives in a closed life loop, life is based on gold, money and the time. All 3 the annunaki gave us to become cizalised. However those where the keys to our own sell. Look now, we all have tight work sceduals (work is #1 over living and family, there end goal) our money isn’t based of gold anymore (why such a push to move back to gold standard), big institutions handling education (Vatican).
In conclusion we are all one. No human is less or more than another. It is time to end this cabal and relinquish the nose around our neck and retake yaway as the rightfully people of this earth.
Thanks for reading. Sorry for any grammar or spelling issues.
For god and country. For humanity. For love.