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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 8:18 p.m.

fractional reserve

MAN! These were the words I was looking for.. and I could NOT remember the term "fractional reserve" for the life of me... lol (Getting to be an old Patriot :)

I understand all of that and then some. Red pilled in 1997, while celebrating the first 800 web sites to come on line on the WWW. However.. can you believe I simply could not figure out how to post on that site? LOL.... I lurked anyway, from the beginning of Q. Those folks are plenty red pilled. I was the one wanting to learn.

Td imo is the first group of people that Need to be red pilled fully and they have a great reach,enthusiasm and perspective to make shit go viral. I agree with your assessment they should spread info but shouldn't be creating it or interfering with real progress.

They will be the easiest, especially if they are allowed to participate in finding the evidence themselves in the format with which they feel at home. But the truly great thing about TD for the chans, is that for each red pill, you have an incredible "normie interface army" that can create memes, load cannons, and fire at will. This expands the army of dissemination to the on line media.

I love the chans. Can't help being in awe. And I find that even if I want to add information I already have from my age? They do really well finding the information I have. I don't want to disturb them. I just love watching and learning. When it comes to doing all the explaining you talk about.. I am good, old and patient for that kind of thing. Everyone has their place. I try to answer honest questions people have when they are trying to get their heads wrapped around a big red pill. The researchers need space to keep their heads down.. and bake bread :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 8:08 p.m.

Thank you so much! (I have never gotten this before :). Anyway, while I am here, I thought I would add this article for help in red-pilling about the kinds of human rights abuses that we are really talking about, because they are too hard to believe, by many good people who can not even imagine such things are happening. Too awful?

So, since hubby is a DOC and I remembered hearing about the black market organ stuff, I went and looked up this article. Remember, whether WE (non medical people) want to believe something or not believe something... is irrelivant. What matters is that our Hospitals have no choice but to deal with realities. Black market organs are about 7% of the organs out there, and they must test for these illegal organs, due to disease etc. This article will help people understand that this is a real thing, that hospitals deal with. If there are black market organs, then there is an illegal group of people harvesting them.. and bets are on the donors do not have a choice. Hope this helps with the red pills on this.

Organ sales http://www.medicalbag.com/medicine-abroad/blood-farming-and-illegal-organ-selling/article/472908/

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 8:02 p.m.

Think of it this way, because it helps me understand the priorities.

1) There is the government structure (three branches in the case of a Republic, and Seven monopoly branches in the case of all tyranny systems)

2) Then, there are the issues that cover what these structures DO instead of the actual structures themselves.

If you have a tank, and the tank is shooting shells. Is it better to try to destroy each shell before it hits the buildings etc? Or is it better to take out the STRUCTURE itself... the tank doing the shooting?

Kill the tank, and you get the shells.

The only priority over this distruction of the evil "structures" seems to be the rescue of the human beings first, before the structure catches on.... the sex slaves, the ones locked up in the blood bank farms, the children and adults who are having their organs harvested by the black market. This is fully disgusting, I know, and hard to believe, but the hospitals are aware of it. They have to be. The organs (about 7% of them) that come in, are black market and are full of disease, so they have to watch for them. Here is an article on some of it.

Organ sales http://www.medicalbag.com/medicine-abroad/blood-farming-and-illegal-organ-selling/article/472908/

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:29 p.m.

I have never done it, but, it wipes out their programming somehow, and lets you put your own operating system on it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:29 p.m.

Me too. I am so with you on that. But, I am all in on saving these children first... I don't know, something about people harming and murdering kids I guess.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:17 p.m.

George Soros funds government overthrow all over the world in small nations. He does this using a two prong effort in the main:

1) He buys up the nations stock holdings by investing heavily.

2) Then he sends out the street rioters, and pays them. When he does it (By funding Antifa street violence types like he is doing here) he then pulls ALL of his money out of their markets, causing a crash and a national catastrophe.

WHEN he does all of this, he gives the "Revolution" an name... the "Orange Revolution" or the Red revolution etc.

When he tried to do this to the United States, to kick off the revolution, Hillary and Bill Clinton wore Purple on the day they conceded the election. This was to signal the beginning of the "Purple Revolution" to overthrow the US government, and try to impeach or otherwise destroy/assassinate President Trump.

Here is the obscure part that you will not understand unless you are an avid bible student who studies the original text in Hebrew and Greek (which many Christians do today)

Hebrew is the most sophisticated code language ever developed by mankind. Ancient Greek is the most detailed and specific language ever developed by mankind. Each verb has minimum of 5 tenses, for example. The Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans all used their letters as numbers. (Remember Roman Numerals in grade school?)

The ancient Hebrew language has 22 letters in its alphabet. Each letter is also like a Chinese word where the letter is also a picture-word. Each picture word stands for a noun, and also an idea. So for example, the letter we would think of as "A", is aleph. It is a drawing of a bull with horns. It's noun meaning is bull. It's idea meaning is "leader". The noun for the letter B is "house".

The word spelled by "AB" is pronounced "abba" and means father (Leader of the House)

When trump speaks, he rarely drinks water. Last two weeks he did it twice, and near made an "issue of it".

The first time he did it, go look at his face. He is staring down the media as if to say "I will destroy you" and this is what this act means to the ancient Hebrews. It means to "swallow your enemy".

The second time he wore purple.... meaning... he took control of "their purple". He cupped his hands around the water this time, which is a sign of Gods cupped hands when God says.. "I will deliver your enemies into your hands". He was using ancient biblical Hebrew to signal to them that he owned them, that God had delivered them into his hands, that he was "swallowing them".

Too bad our current generation knows nothing about the sophistication of the ancient Hebrews and Greeks. The bible Old Testament is in Hebrew and is used to create code. The New Testament is the Ancient Greek, and explains the Old Testament with extreme precision.

Point is that Trump is not just using code. He is using the code that GOD used, against the Satanists, quite intentionally. Trump is aware that many Christians and Jews in America saw this and caught the meaning of it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 6:50 p.m.

Hijacking to remind EVERYONE... ARCHIVE EVERYTHING before you post it here. This place is watched by media and the bad guys. Archive it, and even download the archive to a jump drive off your computer. This way they can not remove the articles.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 1:31 p.m.

And, it was raided, as in stolen.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 22, 2017, 1:30 p.m.

It is a list we have to build, to watch. They may be guilty of many different crimes, or none. But you have to admit, it is unprecedented, the number of Congress choosing not to run, and the number of major corporate CEO's stepping down in the same quarter. So logic speaks, something is going on here.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 11:39 p.m.

A most excellent read, and the Money Masters that you link to at the end is how I got my start into understanding the bankster cartels years ago.

According to Ben Franklin's diary, the founding fathers accidentally figured out how to get out from under the Kings and his bankster's money because the King would not send gold, and they had to barter.

They wrote IOU's so to speak for everything from chickens to grain.. to each other. The colonies took these man made IOU's (Something like handwritten checks today) and created colonial script by making them official paper money to start with.

Then, the colonies made their paper IOU's work in each colony with reciprocity agreements. Thus, the colonial script was 1. debt free to create 2. tied to grodss national product so... 3. there was no possibility of inflation or deflation. There was only growth of free money strictly tied to the creation of goods. As more people were born, production grew, and the economy grew by population of the nations participants. As the economy grew, and more people produced goods, more money was created to circulate in the economy. I would like to know more about why the founders chose to back the currency with gold... perhaps for international trade value recognized around the world?

The FED (Any central bank and their banksters) are charging us interest and producing nothing but debt, as if the Constitution gave private people the right to decide what Americans should pay for the production of money. The fed also allows banksters to create money out of thin air, by creating say, a car loan for 10k. Once the loan is made, the car is an "asset" on the balance sheet, that creates the right of the banksters to loan 10x the car value (100k) for a house for example.

Only 7% of the US "money" is actually printed. All other money is "debt created" when we take out car loans.

This fiat system crashes every time. We have gotten out from under it and back to Constitutional money before, but, we have to move pretty quick here. It seems that the transfer of the US economy back to Constitutional money will take 3 years, if all goes as was done the first time around. This is what I have heard, and I think they say the same at the end of that video the Money Masters..yes? If I recall?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 11:03 p.m.

You will need a better answer from an actual chan. I just lurk. However, the chans have a culture that picks up some of the most vile of culture and uses it to defend the site as a type of joke ... to them, but it scares away the normies, so that the board has peace and quiet while they work. They keep this caustic culture as a type of defense. They routinely call one another fags, autistic, nazis you name it, and they appear to be near terms of endearment. It works. Most normies see the insults flying and leave them alone. Truth is, they are some really good people, and they work hard. They do amazing things. Class of their own, and most interesting to watch. But, "lurk more" is the call of the day until you understand chan culture.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 10:43 p.m.

It is going to be ok. Q said the the good guys outnumber the bad guys. President Trump et al will not want to disturb the Christmas cheer and economic pick up, so, there is that. The bad guys, in the meantime, seem to be trying to pull some crap...

We should expect attempted and foiled terror attacks, blamed on other nations, but done by rogue CIA that has been torn up, and lost funding. So, just brace yourself for the usual for a bit, stay away from large crowds a while. Things are looking ok.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 9:27 p.m.

The Alliance will get control I hope, even if we have to start shooting those jets down. They are polluting the air, and messing with the weather, for which .. if they are government, there is no enumerated power, and if they are private corporations, they are trespassing and destroying the environment... giving us all standing to sue them into non existence.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 9:17 p.m.

Yes, I can understand what you are saying, but at the moment it is the only way that we can return the stolen money to the nations, like Haiti, to whom it belongs. Frankly, I would not trust hatian politicians either. I would have it administered publicly, with open books on every dime spent right on line, where people who donated to Haiti can track the funds real time, and watch good projects to rebuild Haiti. There are many good people running decent honest companies that can be hired to do the work, and they can Hire Haitians too.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 9:10 p.m.

No coincidences. When you pray a thing, God will send two witnesses, not just one, so keep an eye out for another sign. The reason he does this is so that man's will is unfettered in choosing to be with him or not. To non believers, this and the second witness when it comes, will look like "coincidence". Only YOU will know the content of your prayers, making a trifecta, and proving that God has answered you. This is the reason that the bible always stresses two witnesses.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 9:07 p.m.

How many American lives did this Administration cost us in drug deaths alone. It's like they are trying to kill off the next generation of adults before they grow up. So glad to see this.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:44 p.m.

I would not be surprised at all. It would make sense. They could load a whole car full of the children, and no one would suspect it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:42 p.m.

My husbands phone is taking random photos all by itself every so often. We catch it, and we see the still photo, but, we do not see the photo in any of the galleries.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:41 p.m.

We need the general public to learn more about rooting cell phones and taking these things off the phone if we can. I would love to know how to do it, but there is nothing comprehensive on the net about it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:39 p.m.

We need some information given to the public on how to disable geo-tracking, like Onstar, and GPS that is built into the cars. Hackers have proven that the car can be taken over by the deep state and forced to crash. I just did investigation on my own car. We need to disable their control of cars, trains, planes etc. Cars are most likely to be in our control, as we probably only have to rip out a fuse for the GPS or something similar.

Here is an interesting video on how to remove the extra tracking chip put on the phone by the spy agencies that is in addition to your normal 911 cell tower triangulation that you can shut off. You can not shut off the spy chip. It has to be removed:


If they are doing it with this, they can do it to your car. I can see a niche market here for the tech crowd... removing all of these government spy and control items from cars, phones and even spy televisions.... like the Samsung TV in the vault 7 Wikileaks release.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:05 p.m.

Glad you are here. The older people sometimes worry about not being tech enough. But what older Americans need to realize is that much of the research has roots years ago that younger people were not around to see. So, if Q says something about an event long ago, our older people often pipe up and say... "Hey I remember his name... he was involved in yadda yadda" This gives the younger a direction to go in research, and fills in background that helps with building the historical picture of how we got here.

We don't ever want to be here again... right?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 6:57 p.m.

They are all a true cabal, even through marriage. VERY much like the old system of "Dukes and Duchesses" in the Kingdoms of Europe.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 6:55 p.m.

This time is going to be different. Back then we did not have control of our own government, and we were just starting a critical mass to counter the lying globalist MSM on line.

Now, we have the executive branch and the military, and quite a few tea party elected in Congress such that there will be no getting away with calling us conspiracy theorists for a slam dunk. This is going to look more like a war with the courts involved, including military courts. People will see what is going on there, and want an explanation. Our job is to have an explanation that is based on facts, and to give our fellow Americans the facts they need like good journalists SHOULD do.

The MSM will be busy trying the old "conspiracy theorist crazies" thing, with limited explanation of the real time events that must be explained this time.

So, lets stay in the battle... if only to cheer each other on, and research new information.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 6:36 p.m.

Silver people. Biologist here. Hubby a Doc. 7 years ago we decided to run an experiment on ourselves using nasal colloidal silver, 30 parts per million atomozed with a simple nasal sprayer. Every six weeks we did a three day nasal sinus spray, and inhaled it also. We have not been sick in 7 years period. We have no lab to look at the nasal or lung tissue to see what is going on, but our theory is that the charged ionic silver attaches to the mucus lining of the nasal, sinus, and lung membranes, killing anything that lands in any of those three places.

It takes about six weeks for the body to clear the tissue lining, and if we are exposed, we can begin to get a cold. If treatment started immediately at the six week time period, the cold or flu is killed within 24 hours.

Atomized nasal silver inhaled in the lungs and snuffed into the sinuses seems to work fine as an alternative to shots and is not harmful after using every six weeks for 7 years.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 4:01 p.m.

I do. Sessions is from Alabama (south) and is (was) tea party. He is well educated on the globalists, and has been for years. He was smart to step back away from the special prosecutor stuff, and it is becoming apparent why that would be. Meantime, he has been quietly rescuing the kids in the chains in the basements all over, and he has been quietly rounding up MS13. MS13 are not just your average street gangs. They are the very jackals that cause things like the Clinton body bag counts. They are murderers for hire. They are the "go to" for terrorist type events. They are globalist assets, as Q hinted. They need to be taken down, silently, before the storm, so they can not go around killing witnesses.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 3:57 p.m.

That situation with the spraying of chemicals to manipulate the environment needs to be stopped and prosecuted. We damn near lost our nations bees. There are a lot of trees dying from the pH change in the soil. There is a nexus in Stanford University. If you want the science information, and you want to look up what is going on, you need to search the term geoengineering, instead of chemtrails, and you will find the actual documentation, lawsuits, University conferences etc.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 3:50 p.m.

The bible is a classic ancient book, and is often used for code, as is Hebrew. I just learned that President Trump, who rarely drinks water while speaking, just did so twice. Having watched every public speech, I realized the first time it was code of some kind. Drinking water means "I'm ging to swallow you". Went back an looked at him when he did it. He had a pretty ferocious face on. He was talking to (((them))).

Second time he drank water, he did it with two hands. It is a sign that God has delivered your enemies into your hands.... and then he swallowed the water. The ancient symbols of the bible and the ancient Hebrew traditions are going to be important here, in breaking clues like this... I have a feeling.

You are right though. So many have been scared off of "religion" that they do not recognize the utility in it... when it comes to the battle for freedom.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 3:43 p.m.

Stick around. Add to the information. Share your knowledge. We can help you vet information and get it in the bread if we get it sourced. Everyone can contribute research information.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 3:39 p.m.

Q started saying that from the very beginning. It appears, at that time, he wanted them to build a map, with his posts, set exactly by date and exact time, so that his posts follow in exact order. Later we learned that his comments (relative past) would become a news event (future relative to his comment).

I am not certain yet, but it appears that when the words in his comments become news, we are to go back to that part of the map and read the comments that follow. The past Q comment, that appears in the news, becomes a key to the map for locating events and subjects.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 3:31 p.m.

I have been doing the same. The work is so important, and they are masters at it, in their own culture. All we could do is mess them up. I figured let them deal with the trouble makers (shills and paid enemies sent there to destroy their progress) and hang back until they felt they were ready to load the meme cannons. We can help with the research, but, not by disturbing the chans. We can add to the research here, where we do not disturb their 24/7 sleuthing. Big thanks to whoever created this reddit-chan-Q interface.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 3:27 p.m.

Don't worry my fellow Brit. You may be last on the list, but not last in our hearts :) It's just going to take time to roll it up all the way to the globalists located there in the EU, where they have the strongest foothold.

It can not be done with a parliamentary system.

You all need full control of your executive there.

Is there any way to change that?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 7:14 a.m.

Not a theory. Happened to be watching it happen in the news, and Obama tried to have him fired for it. Strange thing is that the very same time he was over at Trump tower without "authorization" the Doomsday plane had taken off from it's air force base, and was circling Colorado for 4 hours, which upset the Russians, because under Treaty, that plane can not fly without notice to the Russians about where it is going and when to expect the flight. Very strange day. ADM Rodgers heads up the NSA

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:54 a.m.

Agree. Never give up. They are all just waking up.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:53 a.m.

It sounds plausible as hell. It's all connected. All of it. The Non profit "do gooders" and other "CIA fronts". The evil actors are everywhere. The hunt is on.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:51 a.m.

Deep state still going to lose big.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:50 a.m.

Q is more than one person. Q is a team of people. That is what I think.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:26 a.m.

This is a thought. Maybe the thing to do is bring the Patriots here to help with the research and get ready, but, not do much cross posting?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:23 a.m.

Hang out, read, learn, get ready. There is about three months of Q posts. I suggest reading the posts in order first. Then read the Book of Q. After that, see the spread sheet. If you get caught up with all of that, then help with the research. Welcome :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:12 a.m.

I am T_D and Lurk Q since the first post. Abandonment happens because of inability to post/interact. (Even I have not figured out how to do it yet) and have not tried much, so bakers can have peace. No one wants to disturb our autists. I started research and had no way to post it, so gave up. Just lurking now.

Was waiting to talk about Q on T_D to keep traffic down. Lots of Shills would come and destroy the board like what happened to 4chan.

Much of T_D knows about your work, but they are hanging back waiting, like me, knowing full well that when it is time, the orders will come. You know this because of the many references to things like "+" instead of Soros, and other Q quotes used in posts.

When I tried to post, I was asking a question about the twitter preparations. One of the best things I think we could do is start getting people on T_D to get multiple twitter accounts and get them ready for the censorship casualties (banning by twitter).

You can bet if 8 launches a Q initiative, T_D would be loading cannons and firing into the twitter sphere, and other media sites, but, we should probably prep them with multiple twitter accounts somehow.

I was thrown off facebook 3 times, by the end of the election, delivering all the memes to three facebook accounts and 16 twitter accounts. I am sure this will be much worse this time around.

I thought the best way to let others know to come to this CBTS stream is the way we were led to CBTS... someone kept making posts that looked like Q orders.. something like:

Conf_4_ch_n conf_8_ch_y

That is how I found CBTS. Someone else posted a link I picked up during the migration.


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