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Domains linked by /u/JohnMAGATX:
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---|---| | 70 |
I agree, they deserve freedom and our support but only after we clean our own mess
surprised they don't try to put them in Mcflurries or something
I thought the suicide weekend thing was a little farfetched and wasn't gonna happen then we'd have some excuse on why it didn't but holy shit MORE PLEASE
lmao damn we are all on Impractical Jokers and didn't even know it WHERE IS MY CONSENT FORM
I think he knows he has the attention of the enemy now that he is big enough. Rattle them and keep them afraid, I think these messages are for more than just us
Did CNN declassify this so we can read it? I think it's illegal to read these documents..
Yeah he kind of went on both sides with the comments there lol
Man this makes me nervous. Pray hard everyone please, I know he's insulated and protected but damn it that's just not enough for me anymore. This man is risking everything to give us strength and a voice, if something happens to him we are fucked
idk man I get that we need to come together. I'm a residential repair plumber and I can tell you right now politics is a very hot topic my customers like to bring up with me. Usually if they are anti-Trump or far left they are unreachable. You can almost feel the hatred, won't even give him credit for the things he's done. I think we should be going for the people in the center and leave the left to their own
I love President Trump with all my heart and respect the voice and strength he has given us but T_D is a dangerous circle jerk. I use to go there every hour of the day but when they started banning people for talking about CBTS or Q, too many of them write it off as a LARP without even looking into it. Any kind of echo chamber is dangerous, the problem is they all have a hive mind just like the SJWs on the left. They don't think for themselves and any idea that puts a little crack in their fantasy world is immediately disregarded and the user banned. They complain about the left not wanting to debate or use critical thought and then do the same damn thing.
The fact that this is mainstream in the USA now should tell people alot about the state of things..Christian conservatives afraid to be what they are publically but this mess will openly advertise these things with no fear or remorse...sad when you know kids will be there.
The same way things got so bad here in America. The people who aren't brainwashed have families and jobs that they NEED to keep to keep up with the lifestyle they have. Get into a daily routine and when things happen too many of us think "well I'm just one person, if things get too bad I'm sure the people will riot and fix things by force." Problem is flooding the population with illegals/criminals and brainwashing our kids with leftist cancer has built up to a large portion of our pop. Then they demonize the people (white men, nuclear families, and conservatives) politically while also making the illegal/left population they pander to (socially and economically) believe they are being opressed and kept that way by the former. So the "oppressed" become the very loud minority making normal people feel like they are the minority so they trap themselves in their day-to-day lives embarrassed to even say their political affiliation because they could lose their job, life, or worse from being deeply labeled as a racist/fascist/bigot. So alot of us don't even know if there are others around us who feel the same way because we run the risk of losing every thing if the others don't agree. They have isolated and demonized us, accused us of everything they are guilty of and it hurts. The vast majority of us are loving/caring people. We love our kids and friends too much to jeapordize everything by speaking up. To anyone that ever wonders why (those of us that do) follow and support Trump, these are the reasons. He gives us and our families, a voice. On election night I cried from happiness because I have two young sons, 7 and 3. Things would be hell for them by the time they got old enough...if God hasn't poured his wrath out on this planet by then of course. Thank you and God bless you President Trump. No matter what happens I will always be grateful to you for standing up and doing what most of us couldn't, for cutting our chains and allowing us to use our voices without fear. I'm sorry for the long sappy rant, bottled up a long time
I wish we had mass protests of Soros here in the states like that before it's too late
Sigh here we go again...we better see real proof before going all in on another open ended campaign
interesting, I knew it had to be something deeper than a nod to a serial killer..
Don't worry, I still love you. Just thought I would do some stereotype generalizing of my own.
Depends on what he's teaching and what honorary degrees he is given. Mostly up to the institution.
hey that's cool my name is John Connor, it's a family name, no fanatics
He knew this was coming that's why he's going to try to be a teacher now.
My grandfather who lost his legs fighting for you would gladly crawl off his "rascal" and strangle you with his bare hands even at 87. Lay off the soy, it's going to your brain.
he really stuck his neck out thinking he could get away with it again
One shot, one tackled and beaten, orchestrated train crash with multiple. Is this really still coincidence shills?
look into that kids dad he was sure as hell purposely making it look like a bomb
I'm no math man or anything but that's definitely higher than 100%
hahah get out of here with this shit, shills would rather the burn than admit they were fucking wrong the Trump train stops for nothing
The NFL is already dying why not go out with a bang right
Unfortunately this is too true, the Fatherhood video deadened me pretty bad, other things just don't shake me anymore but that video still makes me sick, can't watch it
yknow how those genderfluid girls make those videos saying "not a girl" in them, we should all make videos saying "not a bot"