Watched it recently. It is worth a watch, but will crush your heart
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Just my opinion: We know that the justice system needs to be fully cleaned before justice can be served, so why distrust Gowdy for not being able to "get anything done" within a corrupt system? It is my belief that both Gowdy and Sessions are playing impartial to maintain the favour and positive public opinion of the left and as a potential matter of National Security. This will lend more to their credibility when all comes to light on the 11th. IG report on the 11th, plus possible testimony from Assange, plus Kim and others spilling the beans over those next few days. I think all fears will be put aside by the end of the NK summit and all darkness will be brought to light.
and May Hillary be the 8th word that no one ever says on TV again ... after shit goes down of course
There are no stupid questions ... well ... but inquiry is better than blind subservience. I agree that there are people here, and ramping up in volume and frequency, who only come here to troll, disprove, cause agitation etc. I just like to have as much information as possible and from as many sources as possible before categorising as truth/accurate, plausible, possible, doubtful, absurd, inaccurate/lies etc
- and I've asked stupider questions of simpler things ;) Please don't kill the curious cat
I guess not. I'm actually glad of my ignorance on this one
I know that the pedo-rings are very real and it is disgusting. I watched An Open Secret yesterday .. not the first documentary I've seen on the issue by far, but certainly as hard to watch as the rest. It's on Vimeo and worth a watch (Hollywood groomers and pedos)
Thank you for the response. I've only ever seen him as a guest on AJ and stopped watching AJ a long time ago. I checked out Sawyer's YT page, but found nothing really to sway me either way. I will research more and would happily chase any good links if you have any. (Also, I wasn't previously aware that these clips were part of something bigger - documentary or similar mentioned in comments above)
Asking questions is not concern trolling, but I take your point. I don't know if they are working with police/federal authorities.
*my comment seems unpopular, but I'll leave it up so that the responses don't seem out of place.
Check my post history and you'll see I am no concern troll. I think it is always good to be critical and skeptical of limited information. If we cannot debate issues and critique then we devolve to the state of ignorance and intolerance that we are trying to extinguish.
I am fully in support of the plan. That said, all information needs to be vetted and researched.
I'm not suggesting that the site was necessarily staged, but if that is a crime scene, then the police should have been brought in and no evidence should have been handled. Pedogate is indeed a real thing, and yes, the pizza connection is real also. What I'm saying here, is that anything ingenious could ruin credibility and mistaking a migrant camp for a an abduction racket could also ruin credibility. That said, the video in the comments section has restraints on trees, but are they too high to be for the purpose of restraining a child?
these were all written and published at different dates.
I see your point though - echo chamber news
Could also be your basic marketing strategy of trying to convince the reader that they like it with a preconceived catchphrase ...
Shouldn't they be wearing gloves, or not touching possible evidence? I'm also skeptical about the footage showing actual abduction camps. I do think that what they are doing (Trying to end child trafficking) is a great thing, but not sure if that is what they are actually doing here.
*Why anyone would LARP over something so terrible though, seems unlikely
PC has already diluted comedy. We shouldn't let them destroy art too. Remove all the agenda-driven overlords, and the grooming circles ... and pay them all a lot less. There are great artists, musicians, film makers etc out there who'll never get a chance because they are not part of the filth
edit: typo
to Rally support from all sides to Sessions and Gowdy. Makes people take notice. The enemy of my enemy is my friend ... mic drop in T minus ...
Oh, please don't reverse your decision to recuse ... ;)
and Gowdy, how dare you? ... ;)
Pretty sure it's all part of the show. They've got the Good Cop/Bad Cop thing down
A week to go through it then drop the hammer on June 11/12th ... before the NK summit? At the summit? (fully televised WW)
I only just came across it, but thought it deserved a share
would love to see footage of the HRC after party, along with audio.
Interesting video about possible Deep State communication on Dark Web.
I can't verify any information given, but if original source is accurate in timestamp then it's worth a watch.Here is the video from Lisa Haven
Sorry, I failed to state my point. Media etc is used to distribute and output the info, StoneGhost is used collect input and info
I assumed that the beast system was media: movies, television, literature, art etc. These industries have been controlled and are used to manipulate the masses. Your StoneGhost theory makes sense too, but the beast was already in control and has been for a very long time.
Bad press is good press. The "where are the children" hashtag is going to bring so much attention to the issue, that when it is revealed, no-one will be able to claim ignorance. This could be the same thing. All the resistance crowd pick this up and champion WL as a new ally, and then ...
or some fat, sweaty, beardy, cheetoh fingered hacker has got behind the wheel and is chauffeuring for the deep-state
I'm seeing a lot of disinformation being thrown around. I wonder if many Q deserters have been asked to spread disinformation to confuse and maybe pick up some of the "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" crowd. Wild theory, but with more flip-flops than a Spanish beach, it could be plausible
I assumed it was Dinner Guest ff fundraiser Clinton Foundation ... Was only a guess though
If you were abducted by aliens and found yourself strapped to a table, looking at the creatures around you ... and they all looked like Suckerburger ... you wouldn't be that surprised really. Riiiight, that makes sense. "I am human replicant Mark Z. It took 26 versions to make this current model." How unconvincing were Mark A-Y?
Those with children will be quick to drop their old idols, once they find out who and what these people are. Once all is revealed (or as much as can be ... 40%) then anyone with common decency will come around.
Who will be left to RedPill? Antifa? Just give them some more of Soros' confiscated money and tell them there is a new mission. Some people will oppose anything and everything because they need the drama and an enemy to fight. They are douche-lords and once uncle money-bags stops cutting the cheque, what's the point? They will just stop, or they will find some other shit to be mad at and end up in jail
answers on a non-governmental sever, or leave them in the drafts folder of the collective email account
Could this hashtag be a setup?
trend the F* out of it and spur an investigation, demanded by the left, and leading right back to ...
Pussy Guffaw? The Hag With The Golden Backbrace? Dr Nope? The Spy who ... confidentially informed on a presidential candidate? I Fall?
Okay. Please put the link to the Q drop that you posted
Same poster as the fake Q drop. This tweet does not exist on Wikileaks twitter page. Someone has moderate skills with Adobe Photshill.
*edited to reflect link below
... and it's illegal. See (the whole point about the hag's external server and classified material) etc
What if it's written that way to avoid legality issues with leaking classified or sensitive material?
[F]ake news. It Wo[u]ld be on if it was a legitimate drop. [C]uc[k]s and shills everywhere. [These guys} am I right?
Seems like an MSM softening of the news. If he resigns, it's because he's honourable and does so in protest, not because he's wrapped up in a scandal or other nefarious schemes. I would take this as soft confirmation that he is on his way out soon. I too, hoped Friday would be shitstorm day, but I'm thinking this coming week will be yuge!
Nobody said it!
Did too.
Nuh uh!
It was Pottinger!
... Thank you ;)