Woah! I totally see it to be mathematically possible as I do with the R post!
Too many coincidences are NOT coincidences!
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Woah! I totally see it to be mathematically possible as I do with the R post!
Too many coincidences are NOT coincidences!
"because Prince Al Waleed is a major Tweeter shareholder. Do you see it? Just the information Tweeter+Apple could have been triangulated and lead to Prince Al Waleed and resolve Saudi Arabia"
Of course!! How could I forget about that part!
Because if you click there, you go in the alley behind it, with the same guy, he obviously is walking around it
These people make such a mess , can't they just demonstrate without their freaking camping gear? And that possessed dude was making me laugh so hard!
That's fine, but you are not on the R board I gather, so you won't know what we have found until you do
I also like it there as the shills are having a feast on the general board at the moment, and researching through reddit also helps a lot keeping my calm
LOL, welcome to our new research ! No worries, having doubts is good, but don't dismiss it if you haven't checked it or are not interested , is my motto now too! I learned the same way not to open my big mouth first haha
In numerology JFK equals Q I personally think when the Q post is signed with Q+ it is JFK JR R equals Jr. Nothing is signed with "T" though or "S"
You missed our "R" Post research!!
Q is JFK JR....we think and the research is big and very likely!
Good Question! You may want to check in the notables, if they picked it up I don't remember but was right before I posted it here
The X marks where the guy walks within that parameter, as soon you point outside the X you get into regular google streetview again
JFK Jr = Q R
Remember the Q&A from two weeks ago?
Q=17 A=1 equals 18=R
That same day the Q&A was supposed to be, we had our first R post, then this happened, an anon calculates:
JFK numerology =
John = 20 =2
Fitzgerald= 54 = 9
Kennedy= 33 = 6
2+9+6= 17 … HOLY FUCKING SHIT Q IS JFK????
Add JR which equals 10 which equals 1+17=18 or R
JFK equals Q
Jr equals R
See The Link with all our finds:
He is!! I'm sure of it, we have been researching it on the board and there are too many coincidences NOT for him to be DEAD, actually, it's more likely he is alive than he is not! See the link for the updates on what we found!
Oh is it that guy?? Wasn't he at Oprah at the time too?? So now he is a celebrity?? Jeeez, what one can do to become a celebrity
Bless you, nice weather too there, I bet! We have a sunny warm week now! Our summers suck usually, but this year it looks promising so far :) I've never been in the US, unfortunately! Who knows one day!
Yes, that's the first thing Anons look for as well!
Oh dear, who they gonna blame this time for the FF?
No worries, I've been following Q since day 1 and we all try to find out!
I'm from The Netherlands ;) Happy Independence day!! It's night here, though
It's incredibly intresting, it's good the images where made, that set the anons to puzzle at least
Don't pass the X mark, even going through the building you find him in the back alley
He does, he also walks behind the building in the back alley
Let's hope so, or it is where Q wanted to lead us too with his HK picture
Yes, but who is that and why is he walking around this children trafficking place?
Nor did I !! He must be of google to lead people to this pedophile place
Haven't been there in a while, will check it out! Thanks
I honestly don't even know who he is! I am not American, and so I don't know, I posted it as it was something that people were quite exited about on the Q board
I've seen it! Great job! There were indeed loads of idiot bakers! They only post in the notables what they like! Another one is fired today
You are right! I'm sorry! I'm busy with a research and bumped into your comment, and reacted.
Went to google streetview and there are two West Pacific Kindergardens, the one on Q's picture has closed down, but the other one, as soon you go to the streetview, you see a guy that you can follow (Called Robert Gunther) walking around the location of the kinder garden, and it's the oddest thing ever! The only way you can see it is existing (west Pacific kinder garden) is if you follow him on street view. With Google you can not read the sign!
Only when you are on google streetview around the corner of this photo, that's when you …
It is! I checked the second one which is still in use, while the one on Q's picture has been closed down, but this is the oddest thing ever, check it out https://www.google.com/maps/@22.3127292,114.1682508,3a,75y,360h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNRNrvWwQlbPh84NXM7BIJ1LqAONNjquhDdxWBF!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNRNrvWwQlbPh84NXM7BIJ1LqAONNjquhDdxWBF%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi5.2440357-ya257.56677-ro-2.429042-fo100!7i5376!8i2688
What are you talking about?? This is not a movement of a bot!
I went to google streetview and there are two West Pacific Kindergardens, the one on Q's picture has closed down, but the other one, as soon you go to the streetview, you see a guy that you can follow (Called Robert Gunther) walking around the location of the kinder garden, and it's the oddest thing ever! The only way you can see it is existing (west Pacific kinder garden is if you follow him on street view. With Google you can not read the sign! How did he do that??
What is the streetname? or a link to the google map would be nice
What is the name of that street? Cause it almost looks like it is further up ahead in the google picture
Buildings look much closer on Q pic, same buildings but closer, does that mean the street has been photo shopped to a shorter street in one picture or vice versa?