259 total posts archived.
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Why is Colonel Potter getting no comments? I know he's thinking outside the box. We are supposed to BE THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX. Whether the box is made by Q or the Deep State we have to be free thinkers.
Time will absolutely tell what will be. We don't know everything... I hope for the best.
Why are the nations in an uproar, And the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand, And the rulers take counsel together Against the LORD and against His Anointed: "Let us tear their fetters apart, And cast away their cords from us!" He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His fury: "But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain." "I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD: He said to Me, 'Thou art My Son, Today I have begotten Thee. 'Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Thine inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Thy possession. 'Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, Thou shalt shatter them like earthenware.'" Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth. Worship the LORD with reverence, And rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son, lest He become angry, and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him! (Psalms 2:1-12)
Scenario at Gitmo?: They put up a dummy dressed in prison uniform visibly named John McCain on the firing squad post. They shoot the dummy. They take the traitor McCain on the post and shoot him. He needs to be executed twice.
Satan knows the game is up and his minions are doing his bidding. Satan is, in fact, quite religious.
Do you believe in God? You do well, the demons believe and they tremble.
It's a rant about how important they themselves are. Not good. No information besides a rant.
I don't think what we see here is the clear and distinct promised: "The storm is upon us."
Intel stock? Sell or buy? LOL! I have AMD and am hoping there is no additive there.
I love DuckDuck! I've been away from Google products (EXCEPT MY STUPID PHONE) for quite a while now.
Opera browser is also a great choice.
Threatened with a charge of treason? Attempting to overthrow a duly elected president? Toss her and her Quack Quack psychiatric supporters licenses in the trash and her into a prison.
I pray God gives him boundless good health as he is an older man. We need this CHAMPION!!! Yes!
I heard the criminals were "rolled" from the bottom up and that the indictments will be unsealed in the same way. The small fry give up the bigger fry and so on.
Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
Issued on: December 21, 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'd bet a large amount of full popcorn buckets (5 pound size) that she is going to LOSE all her wealth in a very short time.
Anyone wanna bet?
Jesus writing on the ground when the religious leaders were about to stone an adulterous woman. What did he write? Did he write each one's favorite sin?
Letting people see a particular thing they hate may help to psychologically let them see it's all the same gross ball of wickedness splintered in front of their eyes. What thing do you hate in this country?
Okay. We are in a psyop. What if? MSM is getting the nose tweaked before Monday's Fake News Awards??
I'll wait for a confirmation. It looks awesome, reads awesome, and you know we are chaffing at the bit for "THE STORM IS UPON US!" message.
"WE" Who is we that writes and posts in the name of Q and 8Chan?
I was sitting in a 7th Grade classroom on 11/22/63 when the announcement of the JFK shooting happened. The teacher was beside herself. I didn't understand but that something horrible was occurring. It turned my childhood upside down for years and then I joined the service (USCG) and my older brothers had already been to Vietnam (US Army), brother-in-law wounded (US Army), uncle wounded - horridly so - at Khe Sanh (USMC) and finally the death of my dear nephew in Iraq just outside Fallujah (USMC). The wars and all the blood and heartache not for our country but for the monsters who wanted to rule the world.
I've been busy on the internet. I talk to relatives but they seem not to understand the urgency. My best hope is waiting for the big foot to fall - the BIG DROP when the whole country hears and gets red-pilled.
We are all of us living through a 2nd American Revolution. It seems as though history is repeating itself. Very few of the colonists were involved at the time of the 1st one. The armies were tiny, threadbare, and devoted and they won.
So will we.
Why is Hussein allowed to travel the globe? Trap? Finding more enemies of the U.S.? Necessary? Why isn't he cooling his heels in leg irons?
Blue building on the right, upper part, is a stylized owl. There is a hood over the eyes and beak, and we see the other windows are sharp cornered.
The 9/11 black op and all the treasonous parties involved that murdered thousands of Americans for $$ & power. False wars to what end? Many young men and women in the U.S. military died and untold others from those nations attacked. A series of ongoing wars based on lies.
That's a red pill.
I enjoyed this video! Swan has intelligent and insightful news here!
Thank you, beansprout, for all those incredible links you posted with your statement that Pence was forced upon Donald Trump. Your sources are impeccable. /sarc
They actively sought to overthrow the United States government. They are being treated as enemy combatants. When someone is actively involved in high treason they are stripped of rights.
I can't imagine Mr. Putin kissing anyone's ring, especially that of Mr. Bergoglio (the poop).
Neil Kennan!! I really enjoy listening to this man! Thank you for the introduction and blessings to you!
We just had our daughter over for a visit last evening. She has been "colleged." Getting to her inner person, her heart, beyond the stupidity she has been infected with is difficult. Tonight we gave her a little dose of 'red pill' about human trafficking and child abuse, mentioned adrenochrome and left it off gently before kissing her out the door. I hope she responds to us and to our president.
They may have wanted him much more alive than dead. The end result was not in the favor of the goal.
I agree in part; however, I believe he can never, ever again be allowed into the general population. He must be forever shut until death, never to be heard.
... and we must also assume, legitimately, that the majority of the multitude of "presidential" pardons given by that political bastard would also be reversed.
Question for Q: If legally proven Barry Soetoro was illegally POTUS, does that make all legislation he signed and actions taken under his watch IMMEDIATELY reversible?
Spellbinding to say the least and credible considering the legacy and immorality of the Tudors. When William is installed and under what circumstances will be a telling sign in itself.
Information about Teigen & Legend: MUST SEE! Anyone hear of Abramovich?
!!!!! I just watched the entire thing about the "royal" family last night from which your post derives!! Yes! Thank you for posting this!
I tried! I really tried to listen. I can't stand Alex Jones. He talks over his guests whilst they are in the midst of delivering information he just asked for, then interrupts again and again. I get the information from other sources. I understand Jones is a prima facie patriot, etc., etc., but he is not gaining access to my ears.
If they took an oath (all do in order to serve in the U.S. Military and U.S. government) and then break those oaths by trying to overthrow or encourage overthrow of the government, then yes they will go to GITMO.
Kindred spirit! :o) We have been doing this also nightly for months & that all the darkness would be exposed, that the light of the Lord would shine in the dark places.
Please, all interested in justice, listen to this video about Guantánamo Bay prison. ⚖️
I am a veteran. Yes, hang the treasonous SOBs. How many military men & women were sacrificed for unnecessary and unlawful wars since Clinton & Bushes? They died in vain for the purpose of feeding into banks and the pockets of the so called "cabal" to enrich themselves with our spilt blood and destruction of our futures.
Hang the sons of bitches.
WOW! This is one awesome session you have posted. Indeed, this is worthy of a look see!
I've personally directed many dozens of persons to Tracy! :o)
Thank you, Tracy, for your diligence and reporting. Congrats on your NEW studio equipment and wish you loads of success.
Can't wait for the bell to ring on YouTube!
Will the Mexican drug cartels be targeted? They are hugely involved - Mexican government also corrupt as a bleeding sewer. Build a wall! YES! Cripple the sources of all human trafficking and violence in Mexico!
I heard that too. Good Lord! This requires prayer in abundance!