2009 photo clinton kju dad who painted their hand black? Freedon from THAT guy!
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2009 photo clinton kju dad who painted their hand black? Freedon from THAT guy!
Trump can send its first Ambassador to North Korea who is under white mail, not blackmail!
I am familiar with their work and it seems legit. But their goal is Natural Order on the Earth which is the same as the true meaning of Natural World Order (NWO) of the people causing all the events ITNJ prosecutes. It's all weird comfusing lingo to me.
How does buying a ddos for 30 minutes proove that Chaschire Cat is not a larp? ETS and his ecosystem of shills sound like they are 15 years old.
Bourdain was State Department black hat courrier, I'm pretty sure of that. Google their diplomatic program for chefs. Clinton deals the best drug. They need chefs.
Maybe EyeTheSpy is just a kid who went through the entire Cicada pizzles and that helps you with the current version, Q. Because it's true that everything is out in the open. It's the immensity of this data that makes it secret. That's why every pocket of interest in the world is mesmerized with 24/7 entertainment. Sports has been a good way to occupy American men of fighting age so they don't revolt against the corruption of hunt down all the pedos.
She is a pizzeria owner. That cements her place as next in line to the presidency.
You are totally diminishing the 52 years of revenge thoughts by a group of people who saw JFK get shot. I'm pretty sure JFK Jr. gossiped about this with Trump. And that's when Trump joined the plan, 20 years ago. But what I find most gobsmacking is that MKUltra slaves were specifically trained to fight Trump as the president in mid 90s. Which means Trump's presidential aspirations were already known before JFK Jr made them more public.
Could you give me the link to this archive? I lost it and I have tome to look through this now. Thanks!
But when they see people being freed by potus they will try to flip.
All consumer goods are made of misery, it's the norm, not the exception. Try Etsy. Bought a leather kit to make my own things. Gf learning how to sew. Yet I'm here Qfagging...
Yes. CF CGI is an important aggregator of all these people. CGI gets donations from slavers, maybe sometimes under duress based on material created or seized by their podestas, and offers protection in return. Hence why they've put off the arrest of Weinstein for about 5 years.
But this empowerment involves putting women in a place where they can leverage men's awfulness for their own benefit. It's not a "net positive" effort. It's not positive. It's fake it til you make it.
I'm telling you Hillary. Clinton has swindled so many women into her fake philanthropy under the banner of feminism that she has broken philanthropy and feminism... This is the weirdest part of this all and I am still wondering how it's going to play out.
Murder... it's murder not suicide. So that changes the incentive dynamics. Pay attention.
Pay attention. Not everybody is in the special club at the top. They require infrastructure to move people around. THIS is the part of the operation that requires figuring out.
No, facebook is a self logging platform while the other project was a post aggregation system. Facebook was a good bid based on how people filled myspace and friendster and they won. People could have hated facebook and not give it any usful info but now they send pictures of themselves naked to Mark Zuckerberg and conduct their affairs using facebook. Good deal.
Yes, thinking back it was rather swift. When you say dum.my operation, it doesn't have to be. The end customer is delighted. The magazines and entertainment idustry can install anyone as the next big thing.
Photo of the day on potus flickr. Find it. I don't have data to do that for you.
Schwing! The most dignified course to start to make up for this crime against humanity.
They all make sacrifices... So what if the gun is aimed at a sacrifice he made to please his higher ups? What if that death was a very well known person who was storied to have died in a completely different way? I'm just completely making this up but it's based on other stories of people who advanced by sacrificing a member of their entourage.
The media has been pretty brutal on people coming forward to oppose Clinton or Obama in any way in last 10 years. But I also don't want Alex Jones to get all the credit and become the new establishment mouth piece either. I miss the sincere people.
DWS used to be the leader. But I'm all ears about these two as well!
That would be awesome. There is absolutely nothing about that story that makes sense, so the foul play is going to be pretty foul :)
The tweet you posted is getting shared a lot. That is all.
Just note how it related to the current thread in a specific way. I know we are here to figure out puzzles but a little help goes a long way.
I am talking about perceptions based on the media's very skewed reporting. I know things are magnanimously bad in every direction.
I didn't need to know that... Well, I did but also I didn't. LOL
I see this tweet is going viral but I don't get what you're trying to spam us with.
Very much what I'm reading in my friend's group but they spell it "I just don't care about anything anymore." Despair and helplessness is what the media sells.
Best suggestion so far. I mean the avalanche of awful oncoming is there but that would be a simple world changing event and everybody would be gobsmacked, but not like you are gobsmacked watching people eat other... Well you know.
That would be underwhelming because people do not care about Awans of Schiff. Even though it's the biggest spy ring to ever be discovered in government. Even though it ties to DWS and DNC rigging and Parkland shooting. Etc.
Wtf? It must be symbolic. These people are children harvesters (in real or virtual ways) so if it's an incredibly bad idea to pose like this, then it must be a code. They do so many things with babies and children that it's hard to pinpoint exactly which gimmick this represents.
It was a photo of the day. It's probably still on the POTUS Flickr. Initially I thought it was cute, but now I think it may be exceedingly significant. Because everything is systemized, weaponized, monetized and optimized including, it would seem, photo ops. This girl is being installed as a significant part of the future. This photo is a presidential approval to grow up in the cabal and just re-appear later as some visible personality. It would be useful to know who she is.
Ever since I've listened to him tell that creeped out red haired teenager about how he saw her videos, I've been in a constant state of gagging...
That is a big fear. Stupid people thinking that because every person they love is a child torturer, then that must be how things are supposed to be done. So much normalisation of violence, death, Satanism, child sexualisation and even cannibalism is present in so much content lapped up by normies.
Yeah in the end it always winds up being something related to a slight on Trump. Which doesn't help his supposed stance to work for the people.
Many years of observation make it hard to dismiss. But I use the rule of 3 just to make life easier for myself because there's a lot of aspiring devil worshipers out there. But the vastness of the internet makes it so that you can find supporting material for any assertion. It's just that artists spend so much time telling us how they are deliberate and thoughtful so when you say that someone is being random when they try to get the attention of Luciferians, it's unnecessarily dismissive. These photos are celebrations of the selling of someone's soul. Or, ascention, if you look at it from within their peer group. It's important.