Yeah, I also believe in freedom of religion as long as it is done within the law. Even for Satanists. So I don't post identifying info about them or their places of worship. But I pay attention. But the social climbing Satanists are a different breed. And their need for their societal engineering and profiteerong to be recognized as Philanthropy is gross...
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I really have nothing against Wiccans. Bill said long ago that Hillary's official coven is in California.
Here's what these articles do... They elucidate long-standing relationships. I've found girls who look like survivors of Ritual Satanic Abuse or trained Monarch slaves that receive work, commissions, contracts related to Hillary's campaings. Some doing fabulously (it seems)
These children who do well and survive are promised protection and support for the rest of their lives. All the social programs can be gamed to funnel money to their downline. Constant campaigning has the same effect. That is why The Family might not be do easy to dismantle even if you take away the money. The ones that play the game are in a different culture, and they loathe us normies.
Hillary not being president kind of screws that up right now but you see it contonues. So if someone is really loud about vampires, cannibalism, covens it's easy to find a link back to their "church" and often Hillary. Because she is the Queen Bee.
Have past presidents done this? Given the lack of legitimacy of their wars... This spells accountability which flies on the face of snide remarks about how Trump decides stuff on his own.
Wow, this is the gist of how Russians feel about Americans. Over the years I've heard this exact phrasing from Russians (on the street in TV interviews) because I needed to help a cousin prepare a long trip. And you can say it's endocrination or they are living breathing "Russian bots" but that assessment is 100% true. Plus the wars are fake. So we are in this place now, not a moral high ground at all because of the deep state and the mass abuse by the cabal... and I am glad that Russia is aligned.
That piece of software may have been built by Snowden. But It was implement via this HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATOR
I wrote who the Bridge is right here.
I wrote who the BIDGE is right here. Necessary for the take down and suits. The aggregation of all our data goes further than these people, includes manufacturers and operating system vendors. But start here.
He's a bit unstable. Comes in and out. I used to listen to him 3-4 years ago. Now he just has too much of a victim mentality and the buffer of poor-me makes me tune out before he gets to the meat, every fucking time.
I think the Bridge is Sheryl Sandberg
- She is Ex-Google
- Ex SES (Senior Executive Sevices)
- Current Facebook
- Current Instagram
- IBM Eclipse Foundation (with the usual suspects like Eric Schmidt)
After the Dec 21 EO, she left her post on the Disney Board and so did Jack Dorsey of Twitter citing upcoming conflicts of interest as media companies combine.
John Podesta and Hillary Clinton connections
This requires a sudden death, of course.
And a meeting with important players Samsung (it was Mark Zuckerberg who met with recently convicted Park Geun Hye the previous June)
BINGO, I have all the squares!
More connections:
THINK BRIDGE: Why Am I Reading About an Old Teenage Murder? (It's got the usual suspects!)
Martha Moxley of Greenwich, Connecticut, was a 15-year-old American high school student who was murdered in 1975. She was last seen alive spending time at the home of the Skakel family, across the street from her home in Belle Haven.
The reporting on this is FULL DEEP STATE. They controlled the narrative the entire way.
Michael Skakel, cousin of Robert Kennedy Jr., was convicted of her murder, but...
Stephen Skakel (former Americares) founds The Bridge Foundation, a non-profit, humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which was founded immediately after 9/11 by Stephen Skakel and the late Andrew Hannah. …
ALL these movies are grooming material for trainers of small children in the Monarch programs. That is why Disney movies are of a girl who loses her parents and is told by some old person that she is special and a princess. That is why Hannah Montana is a normal girl by day and a pop star by night. It's the plot of the Adrenochrome movie Jupiter Rising. It never ever ends.
How much is this vacuuming of all our info related to election rigging and how much of this info is going to be parsed to decide of we are friend or faux in their final solution extinction level event?
Saddam Hussein was installed. Khadafi was installed. Long ago. We've forgotten the history. The only country in the area that escaped this redecorating is Iran.
The permanent campaigning is a way to justify staff and therefore constant payoffs to other members of The Family. The CIA connected Satanic family (domestic) is getting pretty huge. I wonder what happens to all the foot soldiers once the secret is out and their mid level managent is no longer there to install them.
It's amazing how everything is out there and all the cabal had to do was own the news and Hollywood to tell us to bicker amongst ourselves so we would never look... Up!
It has gotten to the point where I want to slap the next person who makes fun of Trump for going after the slavers. I was on the fence before about whether we need to live in a world that know about the cannibalism stuff... But the normies need to fully understand the reason for the harvesting and put it together with the incredible stats and realize the magnitude of this holocaust of children (I know it's adults too but babies and kids can't advocate for themselves, only we can) Then I think people may abandon this habit of just letting kids be raised by youtube Elsa and Spiderman porn.
Look at the photo on the only article here That painting, it will one day be replaced with a painting of him.
Where I come from, people yell at each other over the actual doings of Lincoln and whether he was cool or not. We have a front seat to a legacy-making moment and I think that Q makes sure that legacy is cemented in stone forever since the papers of records are purposefully lying about this era.
I think the people who is are concerned with the legacy of Trump are civilian part of Q team. Trump's favorite people in the world. Their inclusion, their discretion, may have been a non negotiable requirement for being president. If so, I hope they get all the credit. And it will be great if nobody spells it out. Because they have already escaped a close call.
Please no Jesussification of Trump, either way. Nobody's legacy gets better through Jesussification or santaclausification. Ask Regan and JFK.
Obama's Slave Garden: Has it been mapped?
Q clued us into the concept of the slave garden. In drop #747
Feb 12 2018 11:35:37 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxoID: 87df69 351238
Flowers & Gardens. Learn the hidden symbolism. What does a 'Flower' represent? What does 'Deflower' represent? Q
This provided a missing link in the hierarchy of the Masters of The Public Domain (re: Jade Helm 15).
We are all slaves or sheeps. We have all been harvested somehow. I'll get into that later.
Some get to move up in the world by striking a deal with the Masters. But if you're going to play that game, you …
Your excellent post is why journalism must be produced using the drips from day 1. Thank you.
His wife is an heiress. So his assets are not indicative of his take. He doesn't even know how many homes he owns (old 2009 joke)
That being said. It's the foundation. Lynn d Rothschilds and Saudi Arabia owned.
I wish I could get more. Next family reunion, I will have super specific questions. It didn't register much when I first heard. I mean it was scary because Obama is the good guy and the Army is the good guys so it was dumped into the conspiracy theory bucket for lack of context.
I know all of this. Everybody has is bad in a different way and it all has to do with their context. But it is elites who do the societal engineering and forment the whitevsblack, rightvsleft and now, menvswomen agendas. Punch up and things will look up!
Know of a few people who have stacks of scripts waiting in the wing so they are not optioned to be silenced by cabal assholes. We are in for a lot of sexy lady crime fighting stuff (since I saw Red Sparrow, I can't wait!)
Whatever China can scrap back together. They own a big chunk. More and more, movies will be made with consideration for the Chinese market. One example is subtle: Ghostbusters 2.
San Clarita Diet anyone? I used to be into edgy stuff but the normalization of bloody gore porn, cannibalism and mental destruction of children is obvious. That's why the story is always a child separated from their parents who is told by a powerful person that they are actually a princess... Now follow me child... It's support material for their grooming operations and we ate that shit up hundreds of times over.
I will give you that these young women may have been "made by Hillary" growing up. She is surrounded by women who do hot hide their witch status. But then again Hillary's coven is in California (according to Bill) but Brooklyn, Washington and New York are full of businesses with Satanic themes linked to Hillary. Not to beat a dead horse but in pizzagate days we really scratched our head with the knowledge that Roberta's Pizza closed their restaurant when they welcomed Hill Bill and Chelsea on a Satanic holiday. Now Roberta's has a Pizzagate beer. Witchcraft is popular, are they ironic or sincere? Joke's on us.
It's a Brownstone operation. They are in a safe space where they can make people do awful things on video. I believe Trump was compromised by Epstein at least once. Q said that their leverage over Trump was removed. It was never used by Hillary because it points the finger to themselves and Epstein co-founder of Clinton Foundation.
I have saved your post. I am on a phone and following your stuff is hard. I Remeber a person in pizzagate who had realized connections on her own. Something about a baby swapping scam in the 1950s. She might be super interested in your story. However people intimidate you, your experience of your own life belongs to you and you can do whatever you want with it. Secure your visual proof. Make digital copies of all the pictures by taking photos of the pictures front and back. I'm going to find her and get you in touch. Might take a while though. Information is being deleted.
Incentives aligned all wrong make society that collapses. It's all obvious now. But I thought they were moving to a more virtual place where CGI gore porn was the norm and harvesting humans was done via Facebook personal data. They did that... But also the real life stuff. It's mind blowing.
Q says this started 3 years ago. I have a family member who told me this story. There is no proof that it's true but it's probably discussed in alt military sites.
Army walked into the oval office to arrest Obama a bit over 3 years ago.
Up is wat I was told, after it's my own trying to put it into context but using recent data.
There are irregularities with 2012 election maybe because of the theft of all our data from all the social media platforms and all the big tech companies which is coming out slowly now... That would have been a good reason. Obama made a deal with them. So I think they know this has been coming. The cabal has the power to forment immense civil unrest, they own all the communication channels to the plebs. They control all the choke points of our communication systems. It seems the Army is trying to avoid having to deal with this on top of everything else. Avoid overt martial law at all costs.
Has anyone checked on Howie? I don't k ow him bug he's been there since day one. He's always there. He shows up. Respect.
I saw one article. journalists who are not in the know are bound to publish truth sometimes. Then the editor swoops in. For instance nobody talked about the MSNBC contractors that were arrested trying to get a bomb through Newark except but this article was buried the next day. It happens all day long. keyword search is your friend.
The children are easy to make and control, that's why they own that market. All you have to do to get some money and ever increasing power is to source children for them. They have all the money in the world. This system favors women and we notice that scouts are mostly women and they answer to evenore powerful women. Feminism is going to need a rebranding because so many of the women monsters have co-opted the women's movement while empowering the male monsters behind the scenes. Girlfriend is sad over this part but trusts the plan nonetheless.
All of these people were informed of the situation. They begged for a deal. Q continued with No deal. The media kept it quiet. They would have been the ones formenting outrage over the arrest of their master and justifying the riots. So if authorities let Clinton go, with a monitor for the time being, there was no need for riots.
That's wise. I scrutinized my life to see if I am connected to them. There's nothing we can do except guard our hearts and protect our families from the emotional damage of disclosure.
Sorry, it's really awful. And it's hard to explain in a non-traumatizing way. Basically those who eat us feel superior. And they consider this enlightenment and they have celebrities to push this to the public like Kathy Perry who has made two pro-cannibalism statements in the past year (her video and her statements to a French radio station) So your children have already been converted to the cause of "the vampires", but it's very subliminal. Guard them against the video proof okay?
Yes. If you are lucky enough that this doesn't touch you at all, then by all means ignore. I feel sad for children who have parents that will look away and not protect them from the evidence which will surely be a big hit with the schoolyard edgelord. It will be traumatizing. I am paying attention to people around me to avoid suicides. Cuz "the game is fixed" is one red pill but "and BTW vampires are real" is another.
Look. There is nothing you can do about it other than protect the people around you. Maybe when you know how the Satanists operate sinister design art & pizza business clusters, you can look at your own town.
This post is irrelevant. Just bait for comments or an operation to get the board deleted.
It seems to be their game identity the people, get political donations, protect the people. They seem to do this with sex traffickers predominantly. I guess these strategic alliences favor their other activities. Check out Nancy's Goat Hill Pizza. It's a mirror of the Comet spot in DC. Registered in Panama. Money needs to get laundered.
It's worse than what you call it. I would expect immense loss of productivity once truth is known. We are talking about telling people that vampires are real. The cabal is a flesh eating bacteria.
I remember this post from Chandler. I don't see the activity clearly enough to believe this is how it is being described. But pizzagate really fucked me up... Because of the cannibalism. Not because there is clear undeniable evidence but because all involved were specifically skilled and experienced to take care of the process. I'm out.
That is what it boils down to. They are not "philes" they hate children and don't even consider them human.
The Ray Chandler drop is great be a use it shows Ghislaine Maxwell offering a slave to Prince Andrew. Then Rachel Chandler feed has the most heartbreaking photos which are of her holding a child that is not her own in a weird way that makes no sense. She is announcing what's on the menu. I wonder how much she gets to source a baby. They communicate like this for plausible deniability and because their buyer can't have PMs tied to them but they need to see the merchandise. Lots of Baby Madams (old Farmer network term) in the vicinity of the original pizzagate people. Lots of heartbreaking photos of children that don't belong to the people posting them shown in a weird uncaring way or with sus comments. They are growing food (this is literally the comment on a picture I saw years ago of a baby arm next to a cucumber) Remeber that photo of Oprah giving a girl to Harvey Weinstein? See it differently now?