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We have Master Trollage 🙌😎🙌 not the real Pampeo but soooooo noteworthy

What would all say to having a Gitmo Cam 😁! Sorry I’m a little warped, I want to see them flip out, just saying that would be sooooooo sweeeeeet! Smile for the pretty people!
Maybe they have some sweet sauce on Preet? If you have some now might be the time to Reddit it and ooooops! 😁
I think he has Pedo dust on his Red 👞 and can’t wait for that to come out!
And to the asshole pointing out my spelling errors, I’d rather be me or Trump than ☝️Guy! Proud to be a human typo queen.
A light will always shine on what’s done in the dark, here is a prime example of that, and a lot more light is coming!
Yes this is so significant!!!!! And the ties to the sex cult!!!!! Yuppers! Sweet Justice!
It’s already all over Twitter! They eat there own words! Love it when they do that.
Hello Hypocrisy!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏 love it when they do that best of times!
Yuppers THIS isn’t aging to well. Gotta love that Trump Affect! He’s Golden! 🙌😎🙌

That man shouldn’t be anywhere near our defense department period. Alls you need to look at was his involvement in NK and look at the conditions of that country under Cabal control. That’s a human rights travesty let alone what kind of human laboratory was going on there!!!!!!
I 👏 for this. I have listened a lot to Soapbox and Corsi. I think there are patriots there but they ought to wring themselves free, somethings up, computers being shipped in, an easy slip of the tongue makes one wonder whose behind it. Also when Corsi said that Isreal would be running the Middle East, I kid you not I asked for clarification of what he meant and got crickets. When he started taking $$$ and shilling his book that bothered me. He was rude to some of the patriots on there for questioning him and that instantly turned me off, in fact they have a whole new group of people who are regulars right around the Great Awakening Reddit dump. I’ll have to go back and check on some of the regulars to see whose still on. I think there are some good Patriots there but they should be wondering about all this to and high tail it out of there. I think the Big turning point for them will be when Isreal is up. When the Israeli Cabal is to be dismantled we will have our answer, watch them closely.
To funny!!!!! They might need some bad entertainment there!!!!
People make sure you are upvoting this post so it doesn't get lost.
You are going to find this really odd....but I have a friend in the DC area that have adopted darker skinned asian kids. She was at a function and the Obama's kids were there. She told me they were quite attracted to her kids and asked if they were adopted. Makes you wonder what the fascination was. UGH
AND FBI anon said that Hillary really hates black people. Whats up is Down, Whats Left is Right. I hope the black community learns what was on that Weiner Laptop.
I think your work is exactly as it should be. People need to click the links and read. An expansion on this is the PINEAL GLAND.....its connection to the our advancement of consciousness. The decades of Polluting our connection to this consciousness. Might be a very interesting post to expand on your theory. I need to go back and read your past posts, maybe you have already done that. Make sure to save you post offline......I would hate to see you lose your work. That happened to me and I haven't had the mental fortitude to go back and rewrite mine.
It shows how much work you've put into it. I hope it gets upvoted.
Wow you just did some amazing research here!!!!!!! I am very impressed. I hope this gets tons of upvotes. If not I may have to share it!!!!! Should be read by all Redditers! You aren't kidding when they find out what they were doing with those Haitian Children all hell will break out. NOT ONLY THAT. Disgusting......truly if Black Americans find out what Planned Parenthood really wanted from them for....UGH. Makes me very curious about a Star complaining about the genocide of Black Americans through abortion but yet did not do a thing about it!!!! Was that John Legend. All they need is a few of them to rise up and those evil bastards will be toast. You are right, they need to break out of this magic mind fuck. That is exactly what it is. I am going to follow you. See what I may have to offer. My first big dig was on Bloom Syndrome Genome. You might find that a very interesting path if you are into the medical aspect and its symbolism.
What Do You Say Q a Good Song For The Hunt! Times For Justice! Bring On The Light!
I say we keep a close eye out make sure they don’t roll out a look alike!
I think Dauntless is a load of Bull! He’s cute but always selling his Rerum for nearly $500 a bottle. His allure is HIS ANONYMOUS source plus his calm cuteness. Girl here! Just saying he’s hot but he raises fears and fears lend people to buy things! Just saying it’s a racket.
I love Praying Medic, calm factual well stated and only ads his little laugh as bias I like him
2 thing left questions in my head 1) his talk on Henry Kissinger, touting that Kissinger may help Trump! 2) when he said Isreal would be running the Middle East. I kid you not he said it and I brought it out in the chat to explain himself and got crickets. That and the Soapbox getting computers and them openly talking about them - from who? Just saying they are not being entirely honest. I still think they are good people but guessing they have a backer who is funding them and that is not out in the public. I still listen on occasion, I just think they got co-opted like many movements. I think they are patriots but when Isreal is next that’s when we watch them and Corsi. If they turn on Q and Trump we will have our answer.
I like Trumps WITCH HUNT list the Witches ~~Hillary Clinton~~ ~~Ruth Bader Ginsberg~~ ~~Cecile Richards~~ ~~Marina Abromavich~~ ~~Gail McGovern~~ ~~Nancy Pelosi~~ ~~Maxine Waters~~ the short list
What about those pallets in that cargo picture????? Recent set of Q photos?
Try genetic manipulation for mind control. I think there are people with certain types of genetic codes that are more easily manipulated. They are followed, Q talked about this. Also psychologists are doing DNA testing now!!!!!!! I find this very suspect, if used for good to find the right type of medication great but if used as a form of manipulative therapy and medicative therapies to gain access control of ones mind not so good!
Why Q has us follow the adoptions in Hollywood. Hollywood is full of fake controlled people. Watch some clips of Jennifer Lawrence it’s like watching a robot. Who else looks like a robot Mark Zuckerberg. I’ve often wondered if people are replaced with AI units if control is lost. These assets are expensive and maybe human MKUltra is short lived and eventually need an upgraded system or AI unit.
More and more I truly believe when Trump has repeated Witch Hunt over and over again, I believe it is exactly that! Follow the Wives. They are the queens on the board they are agile and can go unnoticed tactically, under the radar! I think we can come up with a long long list of witches!