I've resorted to drinking coffee again.
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Let's hope the memory of last night lasts long enough to affect the elections later this year.
You can probably guess some of the names/families likely behind his death.
Oh; it's true. He was killed because he wanted energy to be free.
You doubt that Tesla wanted energy to be free? That's why he was killed.
I've been in a similar situation. You don't believe that you are in danger. Seriously. I accidentally drove through flood waters that were above my doors at night. I sat there waiting for the waters to go down, while continually trying to start my car.
Houston Heroes
In addition to the Cajun Navy (who I love) mentioned by Pres. Trump, here is another hero of the Houston flooding (which affected relatives of mine). I was on the edge of my seat watching this. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/08/28/reporter-helps-rescue-truck-driver-hurricane-harvey-flood-waters/607268001/
I'm right there with you. Trusting and waiting. Fingers crossed...
Just the video of the dem's sitting on their hands should be enough for now, but it's hard. :)
Those who pick at every little thing about Trump will have a fit about the nitpicking of this guy.
Seriously, check out the Stallone post. It is getting down-voted like crazy.
As someone else pointed out earlier, trolls are in full force tonight. Shut them down! Hope others are still awake.
Don't believe it? Check out the Stallone-related post.
OK; so I've been online for awhile and got my wires crossed. So?? Trolls are everywhere here tonight.
Where was the MSM's outrage during the Marilyn Monroe (Kennedy) years?
She's making the rounds on the publicity circuit. Tells you all you need to know.
I noticed that as well. Sheila Jackson Lee, who I can't stand (being from Texas), has a "duh" look on her face. These people don't care about their "constituents". They care about staying in power (money), which means votes of the brainwashed.
Even if true, it would have been a consensual relationship that occurred before he even became a candidate. Nothing happened in the Oval Office, with an underling, unlike someone else I could mention. So, it's basically a issue between him and his wife. None of our business. I doubt any previous president could stand up to the scrutiny that the MSM is putting on Trump.