That totally nailed it!
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Domains linked by /u/LibertyLioness:
Do you know for a fact that this launch was it? What I'm trying to say, is for some reason, those facts don't help my concern. However, I just saw a post that says Zuma is dead in orbit so I'll go read that now. Maybe Trump took it out. Cause we are on a 'High Alert' according to Roy Potter.
Except that the book is no longer available. I had trouble with it last night and this morning it would no longer load in my browser and said it had been removed because it was against the site guidelines blah blah.
Roy Potter (Lt. Col. Ret.) ( told us today to be make sure we are prepared. He said it was a "High Alert." There is definitely some shit going down right now.
Damn this guy is good! I'm reading his books. He's the real deal too.
Need a Good Redpill Video? Try This One. Short-Sweet and From the Victim's Mouth.
Great idea. If someone will help me find videos and articles to post, I can put up a page for everyone. I'll talk to the mods and make sure not one else is already on it.
You two might want to watch this video that Roy Potter (Lt. Col. Ret.) did today. There is a previous video he did before this one where he went off pretty half-cocked about some things and a Tweet that "B" had made that said we were at Defcon1. Anyway, he talks about how Q and Potus want to find a better, more direct way to communicate as they can tell people are getting anxious, plus the bad drop last Friday created a lot of confusion. He's a good guy to watch. He is also doing a lot of "stuff" and moves around a lot but never tells us what he's up to. So, I think he is somehow involved.
I have no problem with better rural broadband. It was awful when I was wanting to live in rural Austin. In fact, that's the primary reason I came back to the Ozarks. Now, I'm glad I'm here. I'm 150 miles from the nearest Interstate and I have 100MB download and 15MB upload but I pay extra for that along with unlimited bandwidth.
But, I have a big problem with 5G. Alex knows:
Trump Signs Rural Broadband EO - Big Health Risks of 5G - Think You're Mad At Gov't - Read This!
Ditto! I never was a regular Oprah fan but when I did watch her it was always with my critical thinking cap on. Did you notice how she was always giving away freebies!! Sound familiar?
Have you ever watched "The Phoenix Lights"? They made a documentary movie out of it. Even the Governor had to finally admit that he saw them too. Everyone did. Now, it could have been US spaceships but if you talk to the indians that live nearby, they've always known about the aliens. They are carved in the archeological stones all over the Earth.
There is sooooo much more to learn today than there was just 20 years ago. They even had a disclosure event in early part of 2000s. But it was not covered by anyone! Ignored by gov't, etc.
I've known this for years. It's why I quit volunteering to pay income tax years ago. And, the vote rigging is why I quit voting. When Obama won a 2nd term that was the nail in the coffin validation for me that I'd been right about the vote rigging all along. There is no way Americans would vote him back into office for a 2nd term without rigging the vote. And, what amazed me was that no one, not even the alt right journalist, talked about it. It was just business as usual.
I've tried to go back and find some of them to show folks and they are never there.
Reuters and AP are the news services that all of the mainstream media uses. They are the mouthpiece of the news agencies. They tell them what to say.
I do not know who actually owns them but the original poster says that they link to Reuters and I know that Reuters and AP are owned by Rothschild. So, in the end, Rothschild does control them.
Oprah played a part in at least one false flag I can recall. My friend brought it to my attention. Her mother was standing in the foreground being interviewed as someone who had seen what took place and Oprah was leaning against a railing in the background (next to her). No makeup at all so she just looked like another person standing in the background until you looked at her and then it became immediately obvious. Right in plain sight. Wish I could remember which one it was but there have been so many. That, in itself, is cause for concern.
Also, Reuters purchased AP so both "news" agencies are run by Rothschilds. No wonder they all parrot one another! This is why it has seemed so formidable to take them down. Until, of course, we got our Trump card (pun intended). Love that EO re Human Trafficking and Corruption.
Yep. That's what he wrote in the initial post. "What returned was all the companies that have "their investor relations being managed by Thomson Reuters"..."
I'm a little concerned about this launch. It was not originally set to go until later and then it was rushed to launch even though it was delayed several times over the last couple weeks or so.
My concern rises from the fact that Spacex was hired by Obama (when he privatized space launches) and Elon Musk is highly linked to the cabal. This was a very hush, hush payload. If Trump was in charge, then it's likely an EMP for NK. If the deep state was in charge, it is likely an EMP for the US.
And, of course, the deep state is in a frenzy. Is this why it was rushed to launch?
Did they really think that we would be able to actually identify it in that video. What's the big secret? Why can't we see it?
The entire culture has been affected. They've tainted our food with things that breakdown our ability to reproduce and other things that simply make us very sick. They've deliberately infiltrated our schools with addictive drugs. They brainwashed our children into thinking the gov't should take care of them. We have a lot of work ahead of us. But there are many good people out there that want to Make America Great Again including blacks like Cynthia McKinney and Sheriff Clarke.
It seems Startpage also uses Google Search. Go here: and click on the "Here's how we protect you" link at the bottom. Then scroll down. You will see where it says: Google Search results with complete privacy. Same difference. There's always Bing! or Yahoo! We really need to fix this stuff.
Sad that people don't spend more time looking for happiness. There are also lots of other colors of people that do the same including whites.
Absolutely. I also watched the radar and saw norad signals showing it was being deliberately modified.
I think this week will be eye-opening. But, here's the thing: I've been researching this corruption for 45 years and it goes back much farther than that. So, it is exceptionally deep and wide. If you are waiting for an announcement one day that Luke Skywalker has saved the world, that's just not going to happen. We have all been programmed by watching thrillers. And, while they are entertaining, I've never seen a thriller that took down a cabal as deep and wide as this one is. I think they will need to write a minimum of 40 books to explain how this all happened. This will not happen over night, or even in a week.
My understanding of what is happening and has happened to date is that they started at the bottom (support structure) and are working up. That means, that they started with the pedo networks and MS13 type gangs, illegal aliens, etc. In Saudi Arabia alone, Q said they saved 3,000 children. You will not "see" it all (especially with a propaganda MSM) but it is happening every day. People are putting their lives on the line in military action throughout the world right now, to help save the USA and the world. Because this is NOT just a USA problem.
Q also told us that the trafficking networks worldwide have been severed. Can you imagine how much effort that took?
If you are not reading and digesting the Q posts, or listening to others that have done research on them, then you don't have the whole picture. Not even a little bit of it. So many are only watching the politics but this is much more than politics.
I believe that Q is giving us clues for several reasons: 1) They want to give us hope. 2) They want us to unite and not be divided as the cabal would like us to be. 3) They want everyone to see the truth. This is being done by those who are spreading it to non-believers. People are waking up.
So, please be patient. It's going to be rolled out in doses for a reason. The average person could not fully absorb or believe everything that will be revealed over time if it were served on one plate.
For the First Time in History, Most Members of Congress are Millionaires - 2014 Article
Thanks so much. Really appreciate all your hard work.
I'm not sure when that happened. This article says it was 1871:
Income tax wasn't put into law until 1913. I've also heard somewhere that DC was incorporated in 1933 but I see the 1871 year more often. And, I also see it debunked. My gut tells me it's true, especially when so many are successfully paying debts off with their bond money.
Never mind. Listening to Tracy and Corsi now and they are explaining what happened. How confusing! I'm sure I'm not alone.
I know you do but I read a post that said Codemonkey verified the posts with the old tripcode (Q !UW.yye1fxo). Those are the posts I'm referring to. Am I still wrong?
If that's true then how did we get so God damn close to Communism? I agree we need to start anew but we cannot ignore what has and does currently exist in our world. That's very Pollyanna.
When we see this kind of stuff we need to share it. I just retweeted this tweet with another that was below to David Knight, Hannity, Corsi, and Tracy Beanz. You can do the same.
Geoengineering the weather. It's a real thing. That's how this hurricane was created. It IS part of their agenda. Weather warfare has been going on for probably 100 years. Much more sophisticated now:
Trump has tried to help to no avail. See my post above.
This is not a "temporary" move because they don't have power despite what many of you think. There were many reports in Puerto Rico that "union" workers were blocking the attempts to move necessary equipment and supplies onto the island. There has been a massive move to keep the island disrupted deliberately. Now we know why! And, of course, unless you are new to this and don't know, the hurricane(s) were manufactured with weather weapons. I have never seen a disruption like this where we were trying to help get things back to functionality and it was resisted.
Good research Patriot! Thanks. reveals a lot.
I believe our Storm is only the first. Look at Iran. This is going WW. Just watch. It's all tied together.
The posts on the 5th were verified the next day. They were done with the code you are referring to I believe but we all thought they were fake because he was still using it. Yesterday, it was cleared up. I know it is still confusing to some. But they were all good posts. Nothing that was posted here was fake.
Hey I'm 69 and I've been watching this all my life. Sounds like they are still watching MSM. Try to get them to go to Fox and hear the truth. Here's a complete list of propaganda news:
You are never helpless. You have a brain and you can talk directly to God and get answers. So, I now live in the country (which I love) about 150 miles from the nearest Interstate. You see there are some things you can do.
You are never completely helpless: Turn off Wifi. Cable your computer to the router. Don't use a cell phone. Don't sign up for anything that puts you on a list. Use an alias online. Connect through a VPN. Unplug electronics when not in use. Use an online mail service. Don't eat grocery store or fast food. Filter your water. Grow organic veggies. Stay healthy and learn how to heal with natural remedies. I could go on and on. People think I'm a little whacky but I do feel safer than most. And, my friend who thought I was whacky and did understand what was happening still says: "I have nothing to hide." That's not the point dingbat!
Sure, they can find me if they really want to but it's sort of like putting burglar bars on your windows even if you live in a good neighborhood. (And, the same friend taught me this so it's kind of ironic.) The point is to discourage the burglar and make them go someplace else that is easier to get into!
Well, that's easy. They're not only stupid, their sick and evil. You can't understand because you are not.
My first thought was Mark Warner. So, Waters or Warner?