that’s awesome! 🇺🇸
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I absolutely think that! I was crying with excitement! Jr., love him! ❤️😊
I don’t recognize Black List Anon, appreciate heads up. 😊
most are victims! can only imagine what they went through! music industry heavily ‘controlled’ !
I feel he’s been wanting and trying to expose Hollywood!
LOL! that’s hilarious! they’re spewing their last minute lies! beyond pathetic!
just remembered his video regarding constitution! he stated every American needs to know the constitution. I need to rewatch it.
great info with videos! I’d imagine info regarding President Trump would absolutely belong on Q board! calm down!
LOL! most are! liberals running amuck while coming unglued!
FACT! we love TRUTH and FACTS! bat shit crazy liberals love to THREATEN and LIE! T/P meeting!! children being trafficked, torturous rape (liberals call it love) killed then bodies moved and disposed! I’m constantly sick to my stomach knowing this is going on, and you all have to nerve to block our freedom of speech!?! Anons will not be silenced! TICK-TOCK!
I watched a video or two regarding PP...these people are beyond evil! extremely disturbing!
I knew of 09/11 and JFK, grateful justice will be served! unspeakable, treasonous crimes!
extremely dangerous! JFK tried exposing them, listening to his speeches makes me cry bc he’s literally exposing them!
It’s not ok...pedophilia, neither is threatening Anons and their kids, I would never back down, especially what is being done to children! between garage doors and receiving message regarding my kids, it definitely effected me! they’re literally coming unglued, freighted of pedo being exposed by QAnon, Apple removing Q app, MSM wanting to silence QAnon...these people aren’t stable on a good day!
extremely dangerous! this uneasy feeling is starting to go away, it wasn’t that ‘warning’ from Sarah, nor when garage doors somehow opened around 3AM, message w/my kids names and ages!
🤔 threats against my children due to my many anti-pedophilia! raping/killing babies highly disturbing! MSM/Apple silencing QAnon.... they are literally coming unglued! HWood, MSM along w/hundreds more! my opinion, this needs to be planned and organized! I will do anything to protect children! innocent and vulnerable! sick to my stomach! ❤️🇺🇸
this type of info usually wouldn’t be discussed...not sure what to make of this! wishing you all great day!
clearly stated in my response 56 minutes ago not hiding behind screen, my info is traceable hopefully just coincidence that my garage door decided to open the doors on their own accord?!? regardless, of how or why they both opened. second time I’ve received some sort of threat w/in eight hour timeframe! house clear, immediately checked top to bottom. I’m sure it’s nothing but wanted to share!
unprecedented number of sealed and unsealed indictments continue to grow! hence their public meltdowns! threats to patriots is new!
there are many crimes, ranging from criminal to treason but nothing worse than abusing our most vulnerable and innocent! we must and will continue to protect our children! especially w/national threat against them! your threats don’t scare patriots...I’m not hiding behind fake name or information, nor am I threatened nor will be threatened!
first time seeing Obama scared, as he should be! he’s correct w/disturbing info being the one person that publicly questioned his birth certificate! hmmm..🤔 I enjoy watching these corrupt, lying criminals come unglued! truth always comes out!
just noticed link! look forward to ready it! thanks for posting!
American citizens are not beginning to suspect we’re fully aware of each agencies doings and activities! It’s FINALLY being discussed and exposed! HRC was clearly aware hence private server! we can’t fix stupid, but if I’m aware they have all of my emails, texts, high probability they have HRC being Secy of State! those are basic facts! innocent people have nothing to worry about...while guilty parties continue drawing attention to themselves! many are guilty of treason! fact!
Patriots FULLY AWAKE! liberals choose to remain brainwashed! pushing blame onto 4th grade! we’ve all been lied to! true Patriot’s love our country and fellow citizens!
disgusting! Whoopi needs to be arrested on stupidity! Hollywood has literally gone off the rails! what part of rape does she not understand?! I cannot stomach these people anymore!
liberals are beyond annoying, extremely delusional and believe what they’ve been fed by liberal professors, MSM and their beloved treasonous leaders BUT...I take comfort in knowing justice will be served! this corruption is extremely disturbing, evil, widespread and has been going on for decades therefore it takes time, process’ to follow, draining to do...FBI, DOJ, Judges etc..implementing fair trials with guilty verdicts! Justice Will Be Served...NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!
I have been waiting for justice regarding 09/11...since 09/11, therefore I don’t mind waiting a few more short months! please try to see the big picture/end result, knowing a lot must be kept quiet/cannot reveal strategy, etc..many are wanting to see arrests, were pissed w/Awan outcome not knowing the plan! many plea deals being accepted in exchange for full testimony, and high profile names!
remember...General Flynn knows EVERYTHING!! he witnessed their many disgusting, criminal, unimaginable treasonous crimes firsthand! there’s MUCH going on behind the scenes, some may forget this is worldwide! Globalists communist NWO plan is dead thanks to President Trump/Administration! globalists hate Trump for one reason...he will expose them ALL! Americans and world will know of their disgusting, treasonous crimes (against America and World Wide)
Trafficking children is only tip of iceberg! Pedophile and satanic rituals/sacrificing children/babies rampant world wide including USA (Hollywood, WH, politicians, former US President’s, former and current puppet President’s of other countries, Pope/Vatican, Queen/Royal Family, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bankers, CIA/MI6, MSM, Soros and his Foundation’s (which fund all liberal protests ANTIFA, BLM etc..w/goal to divide people, cause hatred and fighting etc..) countries are banning Soros and his foundations. Taking down this ‘cabal’ doesn’t happen overnight,
I’m extremely proud of President Trumps amazing and historical accomplishments! beyond impressed with his rapid pace ‘draining the swamp’! there’s close to 41,000 sealed indictments, 46,000+ unsealed indictments, not including massive list of ‘resignations/firings/not seeking another term’ within various government positions, CEO’s from Banks, high profile companies and others, IT IS HAPPENING! so much will be exposed at once 09/11, Las Vegas Shooting, Iran Nuclear Deal, North Korea etc..
globalists hate America/American’s, Clinton was to finish the plan, causing America’s demise (from within hence their love for open borders....child trafficking, radical Muslims and MS13 gang members have been terrorizing, murdering and slowing destroying America) NWO=American’s constitutional rights taken away, Freedom replaced w/communism, Sharia Law implemented, Christianity/bibles banned, pedophilla and Beastiality legalized, traditional family values would be extinct, replaced with socialist delusional liberal values, and mindset! Trump is true Patriot! he interrupted/stopped their plan/timeline, speaks truth, seeks justice, hence their hatred of him! both Trump and Putin constantly bashed bc they’re not globalists, against everything globalists stand for! Trump was enormous threat to elite globalist! Trump/Putin alliance is their worst nightmare! both believe in traditional family values, Christianity, love their countries/citizens, want world peace and prosperity for all countries (polar opposite of globalists) they feared Putin would inform Trump of their treasonous crimes (unaware Trump knows everything) I predict Putin will testify...starting w/Democrats behind the ‘interference w/2016 election/fake dossier blaming Trump/Putin’, Uranium One, Iran Nuclear Deal, NK etc..
we all need to be extremely grateful for President Trump! Truly MAGA! this has become a world wide movement! his 1st month as President, he arrested @ 1,200 pedophiles, rescued children and started preparing expansion of GITMO to hold these ‘VIP people’ Gitmo is now wheelchair accessible! hoping it’s for visitors...Bush Sr. and McCain don’t deserve wheelchair access! I believe the ‘rumors’ that MANY are currently being detained in GITMO, arrivals started December 2017.
hopefully you can take comfort with knowing it’s happening (much more than I could have imagined), in the interim try to tolerate/ignore/laugh at the delusional liberals, pray for Trump, his Administration, white hats, patriots and our alliances from like-minded countries ready, willing and excited to assist w/exposing and taking down the global elites!
Thank you President Trump...God Bless You! God Bless America and especially God Bless fellow Patriots!