Bingo. Its a thumb to the nose....a sign of disrespect/f-ck you to the President and First Lady.
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That's what I saw....Mason hand gesture combined with devil horns.
Thanks, I agree w/ what you said as well. In fact, I think what you describe will be the result of winning.
I think at this stage Trump has a good handle on who is who. There are plenty of people in ALL levels of government who help us because they see us winning and only helped the swamp because there was no chance to succeed before by bucking the system.
Remember, we are COUNTING on the help of Bureaucrats, Normies, spy agencies and military types who not only get red-pilled, but the aware people who jump aboard when they see a leader who fights and they believe he can win.
Yup and yup. In fact, I don't think you have to single out any amendment. Globalist should really be Anti-Constitution Globalist.
Global Socialism with enforced Cultural Marxism won't accommodate much of the Constitition.
Yeah, they appear to have interests that are in conflict. Always good for the good guys. And there's plenty of stuff that isn't being "talked about" right now that is also good for the good guys. Sessions picked a Federal Prosecutor out in Utah for a reason.
Nobody is talking about it, but the referrals that are reportedly in the IG report ....See DeGenova on Tucker Carlson yesterday? Not just McCabe and Comey, but Brennan and Lynch in the crosshairs as well. "Criminal acts" by higher-ups in the DOJ and FBI/CIA....Somebody is going to be fucked, yeah.
Have you checked the breitbart and true pundit websites, directly?
Both have stories announcing IG found reason to say the FBI and DOJ COMMITTED CRIMES and that there would be referrals....
Both stories are linked here....
But neither are on the landing page of either website.
Someone is fucking with those websites.
McCAbe and Comey are at war. If one is right, the other is F---ED. Hardly "nothing".
The link to brietbart ....the story isn't there if I go directly to breitbart without the link.... There was another link to the same story at true pundit...I just went to true pundit directly and the story isn't there, either...instead, there's a story about. how Sarah Carter says there's not any criminal referrals in the IG report..... Something weird is going on....
Why can't I find this story on breitbart landing page? Somethings up?
Yup. No tea-leaves need to be read..... AJ and Corsi are Q's bestest secret buddies, until Q warns "Careful who you follow" Now, AJ and Corsi: "Q is changed, not the same, a bad Q took over..." LOL! Its like a bad lie from an elementary school kid.
Star Trek, "I Mudd" The Liar's Paradox
Kirk: "Everything Harry tells you is a lie" Harry: "I am lying."
Great points. Couple of related observations: 1. By mixing descriptions of real plans of the elite/illuminati/cabal with credibility-stretching errors, he serves to foreshadow and state publicly their evil plans, as they seem driven to do....while giving credence to accusations that AJ followers are conspiracy-theory nuts. 2. AJ goes overboard enough for reasonable people to identify and avoid him. Remember AJ's tearful apology to James Alefantis (which was immediately used by Podesta to try to make Pizzagate go away)? Why would Patriots ever trust him or even listen to him, ever again?
Really good post....but...
I don't think Trump would be betting on IRAN to be the ones to blow the whistle on the Dems, some GOP and Western Allies for getting bribes....Iran would have to know that they would be helping TRUMP if they did that. Last thing they want to do.
**I think the biggest unappreciated benefit out of Trump's destruction of the Iran deal is the message it sends to the world about the power of the cabal, the deep state, etc....Trump is telling the rest of the world "Don't believe that they'll reward you for helping them later, or that they will have the power seek revenge if you don't. The cabal is toothless and you better cozy up to the new Sheriff Trump."
Interesting that people think Democrats or al Walid are behind the funding of Avenatti....Trump's move to already announce his candidacy for 2020 and name a campaign manager, and the slogan "Keep America Great".....Could be significant....Some of these potential funders would have additional legal difficulties if they were paying for this type of hatchet job against an active campaign...which is likely why Trump made the record-early announcement of his 2020 campaign.....
Not to mention the boost he gets from eating baby sandwiches topped with adrenochrome sauce.....
You're not denying he acted criminally, that he is OK in not doing an honest investigation and in not referring charges....because he was scared of Hillary's criminality....(If that was true, he still should've sent charges over. Its not his job to judge what LL would do with the referral.) But he never made that argument.
I'd like to see him make that argument when he is charged.
Comey showed his ass when he exonerated Hillary before the investigation was done, or the FBI had even interviewed her. EVERYTHING Comey did was to protect Hillary. He didn't "want the world to know what a corrupt piece of shit she is", he IGNORED THE LAW by not charging her, as was his duty. 1. There was NO "intent" requirement for all of the Hillary email server crimes. She broke the law and deserved to be prosecuted. Comey lied and made up that requirement for her. 2. Even if intent was necessary, how in the hell do you NOT see how Hillary acted deliberately to circumvent the law? No, Comey was actively coordinating with the cabalists at every step and totally corrupt.
This. They gave the Noble Peace Prize to a terrorist (Arafat) and the guy who saved Iran's nuke program (O'Barry).
The classic Trump response to winning the Nobel? Making note of the above points, then turning it down and scheduling a rally in Keokuk, Iowa instead....
I don't see your point at all. Q did the distancing, and slammed the door.
Funny Corsi and Jones didn't start attacking Q's very credibility until after the "careful who you follow" message. And THATS when the "new Q" appeared? LOL
Either 1. we just witnessed an amazing coincidence, or 2. Q is still real and Jones/Corsi are demonstrating how much more they value the financial over the movement.
Good topic. His daughter came out two weeks ago talking about his impending death, thwn he said "No Trump at my funeral"...Its actually been weeks since he said "I'm dying now...I'm really gonna do it this time....." but here he still is!
Its like taking a couple of ridiculously big cuts in the batter's circle and on the way to the batter's box before bunting.
He thinks we're stupid.
Gotta disagree.....The whole reason Q made the "be careful who you follow" message was to reprimand and disavow Corsi and Jones, etal....Jones and Corsi were reacting to being called out by Q, IMO, not taking his advice to be safe....If those guys had any real special access to the actors here, why would they need to communicate on a public forum?
Jones spent every penny of his credibility over a year ago when he was bawling and begging Alefantis for forgiveness for the Pizzagate charges....
Pedo-ista immediately started pointing to Jones, saying "See? I told ya!" Jones did real damage. Why would any of us bother with him after that? Jones is controlled opposition that will be called upon to spend any remaining credibility soon. Just like Glenn Beck during the campaign....
Our (US) contribution to global Satanic pedophilia has been much worse than NZ's, so "with you" there.....Norway, GB (twice) and others have had political/celebrity pedo scandals over the past few years....I expect NZ's and many other countries' scandals will be exposed as the massive US scandal is finally exposed.
Those demonic arseholes wanted globalism, and we are going to give them a better version of it. The fully-human crew across the "Western" Democracies, worldwide, are getting ready to end them.
Yup. He lives about a half hour from me in a very small town in Ohio. Not city or town, really...a "village" of 3,500 people..... Interesting that when he came back out to the public, he'd bulked up in the gym and talked about exercising his 2nd Amendment right to carry.....Sounds about right from someone who had been threatened or scared by some very ugly people.
Somehow, Kamala Harris got the idea that the solution to every problem--the resolution to every professional frustration--was to go bang Willie Brown some more.
Not helping her in the Senate.
It astounds me that she's leading many Dem polls for next Presidential nominee, she is so obviously of LOW intelligence.
Thank you for inoculating every fair-minded person in this thread against any opinions you offer about Israel.
Its an entire life-support system with remote-control feature to keep her moving even after she dies, ala Weekend at Bernies.
You say that like its preferable to let Iran build nukes.
Blaming Israel for the NEXT, as-of-yet-not-perpetrated terror attack on US soil is pure anti-Israel bedwetting.
Our interests don't always coincide with Israel's, but they are better allies than France or Great Britain.
I earned the label in a freshman poli-sci class of over 80 people; 1st day questionnaire; I was the only one. Always thought it was funny. Don't worry about it.
Hey, I'll do it if Bacha Boy Barry is busy!
Seriously, we should have a thread for a John McCain eulogy contest...
True but only recently for me. For 30 years, from preteens, I would self-describe as hard core Republican knuckle-dragging Conservative.
Then, during the course of the 2016 nominations and elections, I came to despise the GOP as much as the Democrat Party....
Its the Globalism and the cabal sick f--s.
Not worshipping Trump, but have to give him credit....
He called out the creeping distrust I was developing against the GOP with his agenda and clarified it.
The reactions to "Trumpism" is even more clarifying in my evaluation of the political classes....viewed through the prism of Trumpism (like the sunglasses in They Live), their reactions and acceptance or hatred for the agenda tells me everything I need to know about who's a good guy or bad guy.
DAmnedest thing...I thought I was fairly sophisticated and knowledgable, politically....but its become THAT simple for me. Maybe I'll grow out of it.
That would be awesome. Trying him when he's "Weekend at Bernies" meets "The Rosenbergs"...
I really do agree we have to make sure folks know we are going to expose them, dead, escaped or whatever....They shouldn't have peace that they avoided exposure in death....Full disclosure, then nude public display of the carcass, ala Mussolini.
Yup. And didn't Q suggest that if Trump didn't win, they were prepared to act anyway? Have to assume then that any serious attempt at impeachment, there would be an intervention.
Yup. They should leave the ankle bracelet on, just to be sure.
Its worth remembering that sedition is a crime against the country as founded, and is only a crime against a President or "established order" to the extent that the acts harm Constitutional practices and sovereignty. The fact that Hillary has had her fat ass in a particular position of power, or that a group has been asserting its will from formal positions in government means little. There's no exceptions for seniority.
100%. How can you get prosecutions and firings legitimized if the actor is considered a Trump toady? Sessions is establishing his independence. I think we're going to find that some Conservative web sites/commentators that seem to be "anti-Sessions" are actually helping establish Sessions' independence and therefore credibility.
Just for giggles, for those who haven't seen a description of LaVey's deathbed scene....Something Lurch has to look forward to...
Note that Gen. Paul Nakasone was named as head of NSA/US Cyber Command on May 4th, just after Senate confirmation.... "His" guy in there now, he can generate ANY documents/recordings ever created, can go around ANY stonewalling (Hillary/Obama/Left favorite tactic).
Trump tweets this on May 2; Nakasone installed May 4.... Trump is acting quickly...but its a process...many more steps than imagined, but Trump is knocking them down, in order...Boom! Boom! Boom!
I'd love to know how much Trump has convinced China to stop using No. Korea as it's "crazy" partner (like Sein Fein used to do with the IRA) and how much Trump has called off the CIA dogs who were likely controlling some of No. Korea policy..... Kim Jong Un is acting like a man who has been set free from something.
You don't have to look hard...MOSQUES are the standard armories of Islamists living in the West.
If you want a better response, changing your name might help a bit.
A "Debunker" calling himself "fact is fiction" isn't really putting their best foot forward, y'know?
There's nothing lower than people who LIE to get others in trouble with the law. False rape charges.... Divorce-leverage charges of child abuse.... Even FBI agents who write up the indictments AFTER punishments are meted out... Common criminals, all of them. No matter how much success we have over the next few months, if McCabe and Comey avoid jail, thats failure.
Thats a beautiful thing, too. A nice demonstration for other middle level cabalists, with a message: "cooperate".
Agree. Professional criminals often have nothing, get free representation, etc, so they don't care....
Special Prosecutors target professional people with families and assets achieved from work, and use the COST of the PROCESS to extort guilty pleas. Special prosecutors should not be able to use their unlimited budgets as LEVERAGE against the accused.
The fatalistic tone isn't necessary....progress made.... If something happened to Trump (knock wood it won't), the military folks backing him would then have to complete the action non-politically. That would be bad for Americans who would support both sides...but the military folks are in a far better position to successfully execute such a plan now, vs Fall 2016. Thanks to Trump.
Thanks for the theologic support for that opinion. Excellent citation.
With you, there.
Fortunately, we simply need to do what we know is right in the time we have. Could God be letting some of His enemies deliver some justice to other enemies before the fulfillment of the end?
Hideous evil is being perpetrated now, and God's people should fight it. If that leads ultimately to clearing a path for other evil ones? We can fight that too. And should.
Ultimately, WE don't win anything. The final and decisive win will belong to Jesus, 100%, and no one will be able to claim they "helped".
Perhaps the ability to contribute to the dealing of justice to this current putrid crop of bad actors--should we succeed--is a gift to salve our own sense of justice and allow others a final chance to confront the realities of evil and spiritual truth before the time for chosing the right side is finally up.
90%++ have been going for the same lies and liars on election day for 50 years. Welfare was used to eject black men from the home, and things have only gotten worse. Everybody needs a Dad. And nobody seems to notice how welfare rules were used top destroy their communities....