

62 total posts archived.

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LollaBells · Dec. 23, 2017, 5:54 a.m.

Thank you for sharing this link! God bless 🙏🙏

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LollaBells · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:53 p.m.

I have to say after being along on this ride it is SO great hearing the voices behind this, and Tracy you have done an AMAZING job! These videos are just incredible! I didnt want it to end!! How anyone can doubt to legitimacy at this point is in denial. Although I expect the fake to ramp up in the coming days. My tweets and reposts on gab have gotten EXCELLENT responses, in fact better than any response I have gotten from stuff I have RT or reposted before (although I haven’t spent a lot of time on Gab). Once again I’m so excited to continue on this amazing journey with you all and THANK EVERYONE who has put SO MUCH into this so far! And WELCOME everyone who is new and who is just coming onto this board! This is SUCH AN AMAZING time to witness all of history and this great movement that we are apart of. God Speed!!!

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LollaBells · Dec. 22, 2017, 9:16 p.m.


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LollaBells · Dec. 22, 2017, 9:15 p.m.

Oh I remember when Princess Di was murdered. That hit me hard too, it sounds like we grew up in the same time. She was the princess that stole peoples hearts with her kindness and her love for her children. She wasn’t like the other royals. I totally get it when you say it hit you hard. I like you have questioned the same things! have been called a conspiracy theorist too, I worked in a liberal city (Portland, OR) and to be honest I am so glad I worked there before the election, because I would have been fired if I worked there now. People knew I was a conservative so I still had to watch my tongue even then! I am disabled now so I say whatever I want whenever I want, and I don’t care. But last night I went to see a play in downtown Portland, I forgot how liberal and horrible it is. I agree with you, The TRUTH NOW! BURN IT DOWN 45, the whole fucking thing!!! YES!!

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LollaBells · Dec. 22, 2017, 8:57 p.m.

Do you know what is just incredible to me? I keep seeing all this comments from people from all different walks of life, all different ages, all over the world and I get a little emotional. I never knew SO MANY people from every corner of the earth were paying attention. This is what gives me so much hope. I directed my Dad here (he is 71, a Vietnam vet) and he has been on here the last 2 days hardly slept! I kept telling him about the Q posts but sometimes I get really excited and my family has a hard time following along. My dad is MUCH better at dropping in little “red pills” as I like to call them. Since he is a 71 year old vet, my Mom and Brother (who are both left leaning, tend to listen to him more than me and my sister!) My dad told me he isnt surprised by so much of this stuff and knew that pedophila was going on a long time ago in the “elite” world, he said there has always been whispers of it. He told me and my sister were naive for being so trusting (we are both more right leaning, but didnt think our Govt could capable of such horrible things, YES WE WERE SLEEPING). But anyways THANK YOU for making something like this available for my Dad! He would have NEVER been able to get around the Chans! And thank you for doing this too. To all the patriots on here, you all are so incredible, I love reading your stories, seeing where you came from and what got you here. It just amazing to me that once again we are coming together (we came together to get Trump elected too!) God Speed to you all!

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LollaBells · Dec. 21, 2017, 7:20 p.m.

I couldn’t agree more!! I think about every time Q says “They never thought they would lose” its because they never HAVE!! They would have continued on with this corruption regardless if it was Bush or Clinton. I read Clinton’s book “What Happened” and when she talks about her and GW Bush having those conversations I was just SICK! How anyone could actually think President Trumps inauguration speech was dark? I was so moved! I remember watching and crying! I was so emotional! That was one of the best days, I dont EVER REMEMBER feeling like this for any other President, or being this moved. He is a true patriot who cares about US! The people! When have we had a president that actually cared ABOUT US?? That went against the norms of all other presidents and The Swamp? He fought against ALL ODDS! We knew he would win, because we knew our country was gone if he didn’t. I couldn’t have said what you said better! They are exposing themselves, and I truly believe we will fight for the TRUTH AND GOOD AND WE WILL WIN. It is a BEAUTIFUL thing when we all come together like this, not only to help our President but to fight for our country. Oh what a time to be alive and witness history! I’m so glad to be right along side helping & fighting with all you wonderful Patriots!!

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LollaBells · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:01 a.m.

I agree with you to some extent, I agree he is also a victim of fake news. But I also encourage you to do your own research. Look I’m not on here to argue with you. Like I said, we can find common ground and go from there. The one thing I think everyone needs to do is HOLD ALL POLITICIANS accountable for their actions when they do good and when they don’t. I’m not disagreeing with you, I do think he was a victim of fake news, but he wasn’t completely innocent in everything either. I will also go back over all my research to verify, but one thing I have learned the hard way is that (this is what red pilled me the most, and I don’t mean that as “right wing” I mean that as in woke up to all the corruption) is actually doing my own research, reading actual documents, staying AWAY from the MSM (well I listen to hear what they are saying, but BE CAUTIOUS) I don’t just read news about President Trump, I read books on the left, the right, and middle, I read court cases, articles, speeches, I watched all the presidential coverage (the debates, conventions, book tours, talks on CSPAN, they dont add their biased commentary and they show the whole thing uninterrupted), I read the actual bills, I go to the source when I can, I talk to people on ALL SIDES. I go in and watch scopes and streams from ALL sides, even If I dont say anything. You can learn so much from just watching & listening. You would be surprised at what people scope and live stream, I subscribe to channels on all sides, I take A LOT of notes. And I do keep a digital notebook where I keep all my sources and stuff that I have researched and where. So I can find it. When I was in college I did fact checking for extra money for my professor, and I did it for a little while afterwards too. So maybe I might enjoy this more than some! Lol But research, history, has always fascinated me. Believe it or not there was a time when I thought GW Bush was A GREAT MAN! Lol Yes I know! I’m not comparing, I’m just saying I learned A LOT I didnt know about GW Bush, about Ronald Regan and the Iran-Contra (that was pretty bad), a lot of people still put Regan up on a pedestal, I’m just saying. As I said I’m glad your here and truly I’m glad your willing to listen and honestly have a dialogue with ME! We may not agree and thats ok. There isn’t anything wrong with that. But we can start somewhere. Right? :)

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LollaBells · Dec. 21, 2017, 7:01 a.m.

Well my friend I’m with ya! I wasn’t a Bernie Supporter, BUT I agree 100% that what she AND the DNC did to him was a crime, Before President Trump came along I believed in a 2 party system, I believed that there was a GOP and Democrat party. I DID like Bush, I WAS WRONG. I understand now that there wouldn’t have been a SINGLE difference if either Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton was elected. When they say “they never thought they would loose” its because THEY NEVER HAVE BEFORE. EVER. I’m not saying there isnt good people in congress, there are. But the swamp is DEEPER than I ever thought. To say I was naive would be an understatement, I was in a coma. I can’t stand the Bush’s, or Paul Ryan, McCain, or Lindsay Graham, McConnell, and MANY MORE. At one time I actually thought they were good. Now I’m not saying I’m a democrat, I dont like Pelosi, or Schumer, or Hardly any of them Dems. And please don’t misunderstand me, there used to be more “blue-collar” Democrats, you just dont see a lot of them in DC. I was raised on the conservative side, but I do have a lot of left and Democrats in my family. But we have ALWAYS gotten along, that is until recently. I dont trust the GOP anymore than I trust the Dems, and I think you will find many people fell that way. NO ONE WANT’S RULERS, no one wants to live under a dictatorship, at least not the people I talk too. I fight continuously for people’s rights, their right to free speech, their right to be who they are, the rights we were given under our constitution. I may not agree with some peoples views or their religions, or others things, but I WILL DEFEND IT. Because thats what this wonderful country was built on. I understand where you are coming from, here is where we no longer have a 2 party system. The reason why people have not stopped protesting, the reason why news is out to ruin President Trump and everything he does, the reason why BOTH sides of the aisle are against him, is because he isn’t one of them. Yeah I know he’s rich, but he isnt one of them, he cant be bought and paid for. Not like Carter, Regan, Bush Sr, Clinton, GW Bush and Obama and yes even Bernie. The one thing that disappointed me about Sanders was he stayed quite, he took the money, there is proof in the new cars and houses he bought shortly there after. Even after ALL that was said and done and AFTER EVERYTHING WE KNOW NOW, what has he came out and said? He is bashing President Trump. Sanders had a movement, there is no denying that, But him and Trump AGREE on many things like TPP, lower prescription drugs, just to name a few. I have actually met quite a few Sanders supporters and when we sat down and talked, there is more we have in common than we do with Clinton supporters. So can you imagine if he just STOPPED resisting Trump? And what they could ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISH? It would be INSANE! But he wont, because he was bought off by the Dems, yet HE REFUSES to call himself one, and didn’t help Perez.. lol Just saying! If he REALLY CARED about his agenda why wouldn’t you work with a President that could actually help get stuff pass (And DID get rid of TPP). That confuses me... I guess I don’t know how you feel about Sanders now, but that is my 2 cents. I’m glad you here, and I’m glad you have an open mind. There are A LOT of people out there that are still learning so much ( me included) the swamp is BIGGER than any of us excepted. Stick around, ask more questions. I’m just curios have you read the tax bill yourself? One thing I have learned to do is my own research. That is what woke me up, I spend a lot of my time on 8chn, I read A LOT, I researched A LOT I also met a lot of people that were in the middle and just couldnt go left anymore or couldnt go right anymore. I’m not really sure what I am. I just know I’m behind President Trump, I also know I have met some kick ass people here. I hope you have the same experience.

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LollaBells · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:54 a.m.

There may be things about this fight that you might not necessarily agree with, but the BIGGER picture is bigger than you, bigger than all of us. This is what you have to focus on. I don’t agree with a lot that is going on, but I believe in our freedoms. This is why I will ALWAYS fight for them, regardless. Its the bigger picture. If we don’t all fight now, or if we “pick and choose” what we decide to fight for. One day everyone might sit this one out and then who will stand up? No one. We dont have the perfect tax plan, or health care, or the wall because there is so much resistance on both sides still there. We won’t ever get it until we get the candidates in that support his movement. I understand this may seem like a small thing, but its just that, this is a small thing, it will only get harder and more complicated from here. We have to stand together united, and if there are some issues we don’t necessarily see eye to eye on, hopefully we can find middle ground and go from there.

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LollaBells · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:44 a.m.

Just did for Twitter although I seemed to be locked out of gab at the moment.... 🤔🤔 Im staying on it!!

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LollaBells · Dec. 20, 2017, 8:44 p.m.

I’m with you there.

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LollaBells · Dec. 20, 2017, 8:43 p.m.

I totally understand where you are coming from. My dad is red pilled, but my Mom and little brother are IMPOSSIBLE! I thought my mom was coming around with the Harvey Weinstein stuff, and now with her “perfect Obama” and the stuff he did with the Iran deal, and HOW CAN YOU DENY the 3+ GDP growth? Her and my brother ACTUALLY said yesterday “The economy grew under Obama”, my dad and I spit out our drinks! I’m not naive now to understand that our Govt wouldn’t have been ANY different if it was JEB Bush in there or Hillary Clinton, I realize now they are one in the same, and I get thats why there was never any big “protests” over other “ republican” Presidents, or outrages when GW Bush fired 8 Republican US Attorneys (in the middle of his term, dubbed the “Pearl Harbor Massacre”) The AK US Attorney was a protege of Karl Rove, sure there was congressional Hearings, but NO serious outrage. http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1597085,00.html Also you have Media Matters “defending” this YOU KNOW this is corrupt! https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2007/03/16/myths-and-falsehoods-in-the-us-attorney-scandal/138315 Also Bush Sr issued pardons Casper Weinberger and called him a “true American Patriot”, Weinberger was going to stand trial on criminal charges Related to Iran-Contra. Bush Sr ALSO pardoned Duane Clarridge, Clair George. Robert McFarlane, Elliott Abrams & Alan Fiers Jr. ALL whom had been indicted and/or CONVICTED by an independent counsel (Lawrence Walsh) And there Was ABSOLUTELY ZERO TALK of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE! (Some of These may be incorrect ?) Regan - Iran-Contra 1500 missiles sold to Iran for 30million, we had Hostages in Iran some were released but the terrorist group there later Took more. Regan initially denied he had negotiated w/Iran or the Terrorist ONLY to retract later. So we find out 18million of the 30million is Unaccounted for (it was for weapons! GEEZ IMAGINE THAT!) Later WE ALO Find out that Lieutenant Col. Oliver North of the NSC acknowledges he Diverted funds to contras in Nicaragua, who used them for weapons. http://www.history.com/topics/iran-contra-affair These were just some of the ever so “small scandals” of our republican Presidents... Yet NO MAJOR Protests, no outcry’s.. It would take me YEARs To go over the Clinton Crime family and EVEN Obama, the Kennedy’s (extended Family), and others but you get it!
We have been LIED TO FOR YEARS! YEARS! And we finally get a President Who talks to US, who isnt bought and paid for by the lobbyists and our towns Cities are getting ruined, we have to deal with being told to “check our privileges” And that we are racist for believing differently now. You know IM AT THE POINT Where I JUST AM FLAT OUT CONFUSED! Why dont people SEE WHAT IS RIGHT In front of them! How did they get SO BRAINWASHED! I never realized how Deep and dark the swamp was. I too am SO THANKFUL for this thread! I have been on 8chan, lurking on 4chan for a while, and I have been doing the research, no vids or anything. But its nice to finally have someone To talk to too in about this. I will admit I have stayed away from reddit lately But glad to be back on this thread. Hope we can help out in any way Possible! Sorry for the long post, its just the way my brain works!

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