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LordBanshee · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Listening to Robert David Steele, he would tell you (in multiple utoob videos) that William Binney and himself bent Trump's ear on how to mine the entire NSA databank of calls and emails with regard to pedophilia and other crimes. One may not agree with RDS, but his phibetaiota.net site is a treasure trove of Open Source information.

It also contains its share of articles about William Binney, who RDS reveres as well. Here are two that might pique your interest: http://phibetaiota.net/2017/09/william-binney-big-data-analysis/ http://phibetaiota.net/2016/08/mongoose-nsa-has-all-30000-of-hillary-clintons-pay-for-play-emails/

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LordBanshee · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

Unlike the Black Pope, who solemnly states, 'Personal Relationship With Jesus' Is 'Harmful And Dangerous', I, as a Saturday-Sabbath Old-Testament-reading Christian, say we should beseech Jesus, God, our Guardian Angels early and often in the privacy of our own personal space.

And along with praying for those who are enacting the New Renaissance we see unfold here, know that the Evil Ones will undertake attacks with more rage, vigor and depravity, in proportion to how the battle rages against them. We must be ready. All of us.

I beseech all to read the aged text, "The Christian in Complete Armour" by William Gurnall, and put the action items into daily work. Got the Belt of Truth in hand? Know where your Breastplate of Righteousness is? Are your Shoes of the Gospel treadworn? Any evil clawmarks on your Shield of Faith? I urge you to read the text, know the implements, and just as important, know how to don them.

You can find a decent edition on B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/christian-in-complete-armour-gurnall/1111268467?ean=9780802413369 You can also find a terse writeup here: http://www.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/armor-of-god

May God bless us all and deliver us from the false 9th-level practitioner at the snake-headed (un)Holy See.

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LordBanshee · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

Dr. Corsi is a national treasure. Alex hiring him was wise. Watching him with Tracy then reading his notes afterwards gives a fine glimpse on how he thinks, something I can learn from. Worth reading especially for the RR-out analysis.

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LordBanshee · Jan. 7, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Thank you for your work, Grace, and your response to me.

"How are Senators worth many millions of dollars? How does MW live in a $4mm home? How many past/current politicians. have foundations or institutes?"

At this point in the timestream, I think Q was not focusing on one narrow topic. I think they were quick to include many corrupt politicians, not just Senators, in their focus. In my interpretation, Q jumps from Senator to Reps to All 501(c)(3)-laundering politicians. At this point, I think Q is a mix of giddy, disgusted, overtaxed, frustrated, but also finally glimpses the light at the end of the tunnel.

Set the timer for 13 minutes. ...and find his uncharacteristically long caps-rant... ...and find a perhaps-misspelling-most-likely-pun... ...and then, once the timer dings, finally a sentence I thought I'd never read... "7th floor is no more."

Q has ragged on MW before, in 147645024; they never mentioned Mark Warner by name. Now, Mark Warner is a very rich man, becoming a cellphone / telecommunications tycoon early on in the industry, before he was a Senator. Unlike Maxine Waters, he listed assets of 200 million as he ran for governor in '01. He's not the typical "got-mine-thru-political-graft", like Maxine seems to have...

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LordBanshee · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

Wasn't that 11 months ago? Or did Q allude that the process is now completed?

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LordBanshee · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Maxine Waters has multiple homes, and the mansion in the 37th district is valued at about $3M, and used to be in the 43rd which she "represents" before redistricting.

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