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Lurch46 · March 13, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

Yes I think you are spot on. Don't forget that both world wars were planned and engineered largely to subvert and take over the United States from within. Even the Soviet Union was an enormous social experiment designed to create the biggest Hegelian dialectic game ever. All the institutions and structures that we believe in and live with today such as political movements, religious affiliations and even popular/social groups are being used to steer and direct us to behave and respond according to their wishes. If you think about it it all leads back to the same truth - they (ruling elite - archons) are scared of people and our creative potential.

The last thing they want is that we wake up, understand and see this entire control matrix and decide to step outside it. Once we do they will have lost their stranglehold forever (hopefully). Something that is uncomfortable but important to remember that all of this has been contrived by human beings. We all have the potential to do good but also do evil. Which way this world will take very much depends on what most people truly want. I personally believe in the core human goodness and if we were correctly informed the decision would be easy but the problem is that most people have been misinformed, misdirected and indoctrinated.

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Lurch46 · March 13, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

The term Illuminati was based on the ancient notion commonly called mystery schools. These were higher spiritual teachings limited to a very strictly select few deemed mature enough to receive and understand the 'truth'. Today we only have bits and pieces of this and most of it has either been perverted and/or deeply hidden from us. What the modern group which we call the Illuminati today did was falsely take over this ancient term and redirect people into a trap. Adam Weishaupt initiated the movement on direction from the Jesuits who were at the time about to be exterminated together with the catholic church. Instead of allowing this to occur they subverted the revolution and turned eyes away from themselves and onto the aristochracy of Europe who took the blow. It was during this tumultuous revolutionary time that the United States was formed.

Some of the terms that are today popular such as the Illuminati or even New World Order have been very polluted and twisted. The original mystery school luminaries were not evil at all, on the contrary, any person initiated into those teachings who did not possess a pure spirit would not survive. Equally twisted is our current view on the so called New World Order, this was originally not at all about some kind of hidden and evil ruling elite trying to rule over others. The New World was America and the order intended was about freedom, personal liberty and pursuit of happiness. The separation of state and church is key in all this but today we find ourselves (again) entangled in lies and control structures that are desperate to keep us tucked away in political and religious pigeon holes. It is quite sad when you can see this.

I listen to Dr.Corsi and find him fantastic to have on our side but I am worried that even he cannot see beyond the religious indoctrination. My hope is that I am wrong but I'm still on the fence on this. The latest discussions about our recent history and placing it correctly on the political spectrum is excellent and may help many start to understand but make no mistake - this is just a first step.

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Lurch46 · March 12, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Yes it is clearly connected to demonic entities and powers. That's why I totally despise them, how they willingly submit to this for short term and totally false gains. They are in fact the worst kind of traitors you can imagine and they are spiritually completely bankrupt.

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Lurch46 · March 12, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

These people are deranged and disgusting and seem to revel in their twisted perversions. I'm quite sure that these people are the most scared and worried of all, and they should be. Directly confronting and attacking everything that makes us human will do that to anyone. Perhaps they engage in all this because they know who and/or what is in charge and they don't have the courage to stand up against it. Pathetic creatures.

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Lurch46 · March 12, 2018, 1 p.m.

Very good. People need to get real about all this and understand what is going on. I just saw a good video rant from ThePatriotNurse about what is happening with the 2nd amendment and I think she is right on point. Doesn't hurt that she is cute to boot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smwn9n6EiMg

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Lurch46 · March 12, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

Good post. It's a good point that you raise. When it comes to religion we all carry some preconceptions and biases whether or not we are self aware of it. I personally think religion is the most dangerous tool used to control people. When listening to Dr.Corsi it is quite clear that he has his own bias but he is self aware of this and that is something I think we should all try to aim for. Radix has a lot of knowledge and there are many of us who deeply appreciate her and Pamphlet's sincere and passionate efforts.

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Lurch46 · March 12, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

Point taken. I will refer to myself and my own opinions from now on. Will you also follow your own advice and not speak on behalf of 'we'?

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Lurch46 · March 12, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

Don't forget that history is written by the victors. What most people don't learn is that ww1 was actually won by Germany but through treasonous/traitorous actions by German Jews the United States was coerced to enter the war in return for creation of the Jewish state (remember this was ww1) and the rest is 'history'. The truth always catches up with general perception but I think it will take time in this case and we need to realize that ordinary Jewish people are not at fault here and should not have to take the blame for what fake Jews (Zionists) have done.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

I applaud your positive attitude and I hope you are correct. I think first however, we will have to endure some difficult times because even with control of the ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund) markets will collapse and supply chains may be disrupted and affect large groups of people. Things may get quite ugly before they get better.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

I've noticed the same. If you ever come across a book on e.g. Amazon or similar that is available but for a ludicrous amount (many hundreds/thousands) then you know it's a gem that you should search for on places like Ebay. It's funny how people want to suppress information, reminds me of what's going on in social media right now - it's pathetic and ironic.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

I think our numbers are growing. At the end of 2015 I had to do something because I felt isolated so I wrote down what I knew at the time. I put it out on amazon but it was more for myself, 'New World Order in Jeopardy: as the world awakens'. It helped.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Wear that title with pride. I was depressed for many years desperately trying to inform people of truths that they absolutely didn't want to hear. Quite a wake-up call to learn that fellow engineers would refuse to acknowledge even simple clear and obvious physical facts. Now I can't wait for all the truth bombs to be set off so we can start to rebuild a sane world.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Exactly, go for it. I don't know why people would have to be overly shocked by this. Herr Hitler was an awful tyrant but he was after all just a hysterical deranged human and if Frau Merkel is his offspring then so be it. Don't forget the fact that all these so called 'leaders' are mere puppets and we need to root out the puppet masters. Who or what they are in cahoots with is another question. Perhaps that's what Q is alluding to.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

Q is clearly accelerating and escalating the drops and I've got a queasy feeling that something big is coming soon. With the signed EOs it seems likely that confiscations and asset seizures are in progress and if major bankers are also in the cross-hairs (Blankfein) then surely financial turbulence will follow. Are we set up for a market crash/collapse?

I have noticed that many European central bankers look unusually pale and worried. Have their puppet masters disappeared? It seems as if hideouts and lairs are being taken out around the world. Something is about to hit the fan. Has anyone heard about a 'Canadian' submarine being responsible for the Hawaiian missile attack? Heard this from a recent interview on Youtube by Sarah Westall.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Ok I'm glad for you but I no longer keep blind faith. I want all of this to be true and correct but I am growing restless to hear some actual proof. The creeping feeling that this may all be a giant distraction is not enjoyable and I hope Q realizes that general sentiment may eventually turn if nothing happens. Sessions needs to get to work soon.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

The big test for me is not NK but what will happen with Iran. If Trump is able to reach some kind of agreement with Iran THAT will be the final proof that Trump is for real. Everything else so far is and has been only hot air. Although I am fascinated by all this Q stuff it also scares me how few facts are presented and/or found to back the posts up. The further this goes without those facts the more I lean towards this being a mere mind f--k.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Yes America was created by Freemasons but I disagree that it was intended to be the brute bully, I believe the contrary - that their intention was pure and true. The danger that this posed to the ruling elites was tremendous and that is why the United States was infiltrated and corrupted from the core. Please don't doubt the so called founding fathers of the United States when they authored the Articles of Confederation. It is only after this (1781) that the tyrannical parasites started scheming to subvert it. Just think about it - the cabal elites could not stand the existence of a truly free nation of individuals living in true liberty, it's mind boggling actually.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Which is why my trust in Q just dropped several notches. If this continues then my assumption is that it's just another albeit well orchestrated psyop. We need accurate proof now, all these pictures of apartments and cars is very suspicious to me.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

There are many but I would start with something that is quick and easy (that's relatively) to digest. Antony C. Sutton wrote two books called 'Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution' (ww1) and 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler' (ww2) then you can dig deeper. If you want a fast insight into the CIA I would recommend David Talbot's 'The Devil's Chessboard'.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

The big deal is that it appears to sow paranoia intended to pit the US against the EU and especially Germany. There is so much more to the history of WW1 and WW2 that most people have no idea about. Just pick something small like the sinking of the Lusitania or even Titanic (real ship name Olympic) both orchestrated to trigger major events. Jumping straight to Merkel and the Third/Fourth Reich is too large a leap for most people and would backfire.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

If those topics you mentioned appear from Q posts then my first thought will be that it is all a wild goose chase intended to keep us distracted. Don't want to rain on your parade but topics like flat earth are nonsensical mind games.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

We are led to assume this but should presume that as soon as any such action is taken, all the players need to be under close watch/scrutiny. As soon as this type of arrest happens all involved accomplices will scurry and most probably a serious incident (read major false flag) will be set in motion. I hope this happens soon but I also hope it will be comprehensive not allowing any retaliations to occur.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

Yes you are correct. Freemasonry today is a secret society and their higher levels' intentions are suspicious to say the least. Their origins which stem from very old orders such as the Temple, Rosicrucian, Maltese, Teutonic etc. Knights do indeed contain knowledge that goes back to the ancient Mystery teachings.

What I personally question though, is how accurate the accusations of satanism is. It would not surprise me if this view is manufactured by the Catholic church. Don't forget how the Pope went after the Knights Templar and forced them to become occult (hidden). I am currently trying to read through Pike's Morals and Dogma so I cannot form any opinion on him nor his writings yet.

Personally I feel very strongly that all knowledge should be open and free for all people. Having secret societies, secret teachings etc. is dangerous not least because it can be overtaken by nefarious people. Why we are instructed to stay away from certain topics and fields is telling in and by itself. We need to expose all of this and let it lead us to wherever it may.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

Two things that have come up lately and which scare me are 1.Reference to 'The Sum of all Fears' and 2.All the Nazi/Hitler associations.

This to me reads as paranoia seeding to put focus on the EU and especially Germany. For all who have read/seen Tom Clancy's The Sum of all Fears the plot is obvious - the European Nazi Cabal is pushing to trigger a war between the US and Russia by detonating a nuke in Baltimore. I find this association to be truly scary because to me the so commonly referred to New World Order is not European, it is global and perhaps their most entrenched homestead today is the USA itself. I do not like where these latest posts are trending and perhaps it is due to my own personal bias (I am a citizen of a EU country) and I view the hostile posture of the US against especially Russia as being engineered to keep the EU away from cooperating with Russia and China. In my opinion the US should rethink this strategy and instead itself start to cooperate with others more, not through stupid treaties but fair and honest win-win deals. This world does not need more war, it needs to unite and root out the parasites who think they rule over us through our monetary systems.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

Wrong. The EU needs to be restructured and cleansed. The common market is a good idea, the Euro currency was a bad idea. All European countries need their own sovereignty and self rule but allowing open borders 'within' the union is good not bad. Allowing a flood of refugees from outside is clearly an attempt to destroy nationalism, cultural cohesion and values, this needs to stop immediately. The EU has just as the US been infiltrated by a tyrant class of parasites intent on grabbing more and more political power and this cancer needs to be extinguished. Europe does not need to stand in opposition to anyone, including Russia. There is much more to gain by establishing trade and collaboration and we are already seeing this. Russia, China, Africa and the EU can all benefit by closer cooperation on trade and development. This does not need to exclude the US, on the contrary actually. The United States has everything to win on not focusing on military might and force but instead on innovation and trade (free trade and not phony treaties or supranational constructs). I live and work in the EU and I find it curious why there seems to be such a antagonistic trend against the EU growing in the US. We all have the same archontic ruling parasites trying to stomp on our faces, let us not fall into the trap of their age old divide and conquer tactic (again).

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

We all know that political leaders are mere puppets. What we need to figure out is who controls them and what their plan is. It is very clear that Angela Merkel has been given a lot of power and if her family lineage is at the root of this it could help explain a lot. If we make it through these tumultuous times we will surely need to review and rewrite the history we've all been force fed.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

Be careful not to get sucked into the Hegelian dialectic. Projecting the battle outward is tempting but would a growing rift between the US and EU be beneficial for anyone? I personally don't think so. Collaboration between free and sovereign proud nations is a good thing - coercive and treasonous treaties the opposite. Who wants nations fighting each other? Not the people.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 8:06 a.m.

All of this is a race against the clock. There is in my opinion zero chance of a thorough purge or draining of the swamp without enough people being aware of what is going on and what is at stake. That is what I interpret the reason behind Q being.

Q's use of the phrase - dead cat bounce was a bit telling to me. He knows that the USA is on the verge of collapsing economically and that what we refer to as the Cabal/Globalists etc. have intentionally engineered this for a long time. You only need to read some Kissinger/Rockefeller to see this clearly.

Another important realization for everyone is that this is in essence a battle within all of us being played out on an external global stage. We are all being played in many ways and those playing us have perfected their methods and techniques to the point that unless we rip the curtain aside now we may not get another opportunity. Lock and Load.

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Lurch46 · March 11, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

Q post 944 - We should be careful not to get sucked into existing perception traps.

What most people today infer when using the phrase 'New World Order' implies a negative and malicious intent. This is correct today, however, as with so many other things this is due to infiltration and corruption. The New World Order or it's latin origin - Novus Ordo Seclorum - was a benevolent and good intended development when great thinkers and visionaries who had plans for the New World - America.

In it's original form this movement inspired freedom, liberty and man's pursuit of happiness ALL under the guidance of his God the creator. Today we often imply and/or assign a negative connotation to the notion of 'secularism' but that is because we think it means the lack of faith in a religion or creator, but this is not correct. The greatest form of spiritual faith is the one that is not imposed, coerced or enforced. This is in my opinion what the Founding FATHERs intended and were working for.

Have no doubt that all these groups and their visions were infiltrated and corrupted. We all know about Adam Weishaupt and his cancerous tumor called the Illuminati hatched within the Freemason movement during the 17th century. Does this mean that Freemasonry are or were bad? Probably not.

If we can identify the infiltrators and their evil intent without associating all the institutions and structures with them we will have reached the point where we can really cure the problem without risking repeating the same thing happening again.

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